Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- type AbridgedCMSUser
- type ActiveVote
- type ActiveVoteReply
- type AdminUserInvoices
- type AdminUserInvoicesReply
- type AvailableDomain
- type AvailableLineItemType
- type CMSManageUser
- type CMSManageUserReply
- type CMSUsers
- type CMSUsersReply
- type CastVote
- type CastVoteReply
- type CodeStats
- type ContractorTypeT
- type DCCDetails
- type DCCDetailsReply
- type DCCInput
- type DCCRecord
- type DCCStatusT
- type DCCTypeT
- type DCCVoteStatusT
- type DCCWeight
- type DomainTypeT
- type EditInvoice
- type EditInvoiceReply
- type EditUser
- type EditUserReply
- type ErrorStatusT
- type GeneratePayouts
- type GeneratePayoutsReply
- type GetDCCs
- type GetDCCsReply
- type InviteNewUser
- type InviteNewUserReply
- type InvoiceDetails
- type InvoiceDetailsReply
- type InvoiceExchangeRate
- type InvoiceExchangeRateReply
- type InvoiceInput
- type InvoicePayouts
- type InvoicePayoutsReply
- type InvoiceRecord
- type InvoiceStatusT
- type Invoices
- type InvoicesReply
- type LineItemTypeT
- type LineItemsInput
- type NewDCC
- type NewDCCReply
- type NewInvoice
- type NewInvoiceReply
- type PayInvoices
- type PayInvoicesReply
- type PaymentInformation
- type PaymentStatusT
- type Payout
- type PolicyReply
- type ProposalBilling
- type ProposalBillingDetails
- type ProposalBillingDetailsReply
- type ProposalBillingReply
- type ProposalBillingSummary
- type ProposalBillingSummaryReply
- type ProposalLineItems
- type ProposalOwner
- type ProposalOwnerReply
- type ProposalSpending
- type RegisterUser
- type RegisterUserReply
- type SetDCCStatus
- type SetDCCStatusReply
- type SetInvoiceStatus
- type SetInvoiceStatusReply
- type StartVote
- type StartVoteReply
- type SupportOpposeDCC
- type SupportOpposeDCCReply
- type User
- type UserCodeStats
- type UserCodeStatsReply
- type UserDetails
- type UserDetailsReply
- type UserInvoices
- type UserInvoicesReply
- type UserSubContractors
- type UserSubContractorsReply
- type Vote
- type VoteDetails
- type VoteDetailsReply
- type VoteOption
- type VoteOptionResult
- type VoteResults
- type VoteResultsReply
- type VoteSummary
- type VoteTuple
Constants ¶
const ( APIVersion = 1 // Contractor Management Routes RouteInviteNewUser = "/invite" RouteRegisterUser = "/register" RouteCMSUsers = "/cmsusers" RouteNewInvoice = "/invoices/new" RouteEditInvoice = "/invoices/edit" RouteInvoiceDetails = "/invoices/{token:[A-z0-9]{64}}" RouteSetInvoiceStatus = "/invoices/{token:[A-z0-9]{64}}/status" RouteUserInvoices = "/user/invoices" RouteUserSubContractors = "/user/subcontractors" RouteNewDCC = "/dcc/new" RouteDCCDetails = "/dcc/{token:[A-z0-9]{64}}" RouteGetDCCs = "/dcc" RouteSupportOpposeDCC = "/dcc/supportoppose" RouteNewCommentDCC = "/dcc/newcomment" RouteDCCComments = "/dcc/{token:[A-z0-9]{64}}/comments" RouteSetDCCStatus = "/dcc/{token:[A-z0-9]{64}}/status" RouteCastVoteDCC = "/dcc/vote" RouteVoteDetailsDCC = "/dcc/votedetails" RouteActiveVotesDCC = "/dcc/activevotes" RouteStartVoteDCC = "/dcc/startvote" RouteInvoices = "/invoices" RouteManageCMSUser = "/admin/managecms" RouteAdminUserInvoices = "/admin/userinvoices" RouteGeneratePayouts = "/admin/generatepayouts" RouteInvoicePayouts = "/admin/invoicepayouts" RoutePayInvoices = "/admin/payinvoices" RouteInvoiceComments = "/invoices/{token:[A-z0-9]{64}}/comments" RouteInvoiceExchangeRate = "/invoices/exchangerate" RouteProposalOwner = "/proposals/owner" RouteProposalBilling = "/proposals/billing" RouteProposalBillingSummary = "/proposals/spendingsummary" RouteProposalBillingDetails = "/proposals/spendingdetails" RouteUserCodeStats = "/user/codestats" // Invoice status codes InvoiceStatusInvalid InvoiceStatusT = 0 // Invalid status InvoiceStatusNotFound InvoiceStatusT = 1 // Invoice not found InvoiceStatusNew InvoiceStatusT = 2 // Invoice has not been reviewed InvoiceStatusUpdated InvoiceStatusT = 3 // Invoice has unreviewed changes InvoiceStatusDisputed InvoiceStatusT = 4 // Invoice has been disputed for some reason InvoiceStatusRejected InvoiceStatusT = 5 // Invoice fully rejected and closed InvoiceStatusApproved InvoiceStatusT = 6 // Invoice has been approved InvoiceStatusPaid InvoiceStatusT = 7 // Invoice has been paid // Line item types LineItemTypeInvalid LineItemTypeT = 0 // Invalid type LineItemTypeLabor LineItemTypeT = 1 // Labor line items LineItemTypeExpense LineItemTypeT = 2 // Expenses incurred line items LineItemTypeMisc LineItemTypeT = 3 // Catch all for anything else LineItemTypeSubHours LineItemTypeT = 4 // Line items for subcontractor billing // Domain types DomainTypeInvalid DomainTypeT = 0 // Invalid Domain type DomainTypeDeveloper DomainTypeT = 1 // Developer domain DomainTypeMarketing DomainTypeT = 2 // Marketing domain DomainTypeResearch DomainTypeT = 4 // Research domain DomainTypeDesign DomainTypeT = 5 // Design domain DomainTypeDocumentation DomainTypeT = 6 // Documentation domain // Contractor types ContractorTypeInvalid ContractorTypeT = 0 // Invalid contractor type ContractorTypeDirect ContractorTypeT = 1 // Direct contractor ContractorTypeSupervisor ContractorTypeT = 2 // Supervisor contractor ContractorTypeSubContractor ContractorTypeT = 3 // SubContractor ContractorTypeNominee ContractorTypeT = 4 // Nominated DCC user ContractorTypeRevoked ContractorTypeT = 5 // Revoked CMS User ContractorTypeTemp ContractorTypeT = 6 // Temporary Contractor (only allowed 1 invoice) ContractorTypeTempDeactivated ContractorTypeT = 7 // Temporary Contractor that has been deactivated ContractorTypeProposal ContractorTypeT = 8 // Contractor appproved by proposal, but not DCC // Payment information status types PaymentStatusInvalid PaymentStatusT = 0 // Invalid status PaymentStatusWatching PaymentStatusT = 1 // Payment currently watching PaymentStatusPaid PaymentStatusT = 2 // Payment fully paid // DCC types DCCTypeInvalid DCCTypeT = 0 // Invalid DCC type DCCTypeIssuance DCCTypeT = 1 // Issuance DCC type DCCTypeRevocation DCCTypeT = 2 // Revocation DCC type // DCC status types DCCStatusInvalid DCCStatusT = 0 // Invalid issuance/revocation status DCCStatusActive DCCStatusT = 1 // Currently active issuance/revocation (awaiting sponsors) DCCStatusApproved DCCStatusT = 2 // Fully approved DCC proposal DCCStatusRejected DCCStatusT = 3 // Rejected DCC proposal // DCC vote status codes DCCVoteStatusInvalid DCCVoteStatusT = 0 DCCVoteStatusNotStarted DCCVoteStatusT = 1 DCCVoteStatusStarted DCCVoteStatusT = 2 DCCVoteStatusFinished DCCVoteStatusT = 3 InvoiceInputVersion = 1 // PolicyMaxImages is the maximum number of images accepted // when creating a new invoice PolicyMaxImages = 20 // PolicyMaxImageSize is the maximum image file size (in bytes) // accepted when creating a new invoice PolicyMaxImageSize = 512 * 1024 // PolicyMaxMDs is the maximum number of markdown files accepted // when creating a new invoice PolicyMaxMDs = 1 // PolicyMaxMDSize is the maximum markdown file size (in bytes) // accepted when creating a new invoice PolicyMaxMDSize = 512 * 1024 // PolicyMaxNameLength is the max length of a contractor name PolicyMaxNameLength = 50 // PolicyMinNameLength is the min length of a contractor name PolicyMinNameLength = 3 // PolicyMaxLocationLength is the max length of a contractor location PolicyMaxLocationLength = 100 // PolicyMinLocationLength is the min length of a contractor location PolicyMinLocationLength = 0 // PolicyMaxContactLength is the max length of a contractor contact PolicyMaxContactLength = 100 // PolicyMinContactLength is the min length of a contractor contact PolicyMinContactLength = 3 // PolicyInvoiceCommentChar is the character which, when used as the first // character of a line, denotes that entire line as a comment. PolicyInvoiceCommentChar rune = '#' // PolicyInvoiceFieldDelimiterChar is the character that delimits field // values for each line item in the CSV. PolicyInvoiceFieldDelimiterChar rune = ',' // PolicyInvoiceLineItemCount is the number of expected fields in the raw // csv line items PolicyInvoiceLineItemCount = 9 // PolicyMinLineItemColLength is the minimun length for the strings in // each column field of the lineItem structure. PolicyMinLineItemColLength = 3 // PolicyMaxLineItemColLength is the maximum length for the strings in // each column field of the lineItem structure. PolicyMaxLineItemColLength = 500 // PolicyMinSponsorStatementLength is the minimum length for the sponsor // statement contained within a DCC PolicyMinSponsorStatementLength = 0 // PolicyMaxSponsorStatementLength is the maximum length for the sponsor // statement contained within a DCC PolicyMaxSponsorStatementLength = 5000 // ProposalBillingListPageSize is the maximum number of proposal billing // summaries returned for the routes that return lists of proposal billing // summaries. ProposalBillingListPageSize = 50 // InvoiceListPageSize is the maximum number of invoices returned by the // Invoices request, the date range should just be updated to return them // all. InvoiceListPageSize = 50 ErrorStatusMalformedName www.ErrorStatusT = 1001 ErrorStatusMalformedLocation www.ErrorStatusT = 1002 ErrorStatusInvoiceNotFound www.ErrorStatusT = 1003 ErrorStatusInvalidMonthYearRequest www.ErrorStatusT = 1004 ErrorStatusMalformedInvoiceFile www.ErrorStatusT = 1005 ErrorStatusInvalidInvoiceStatusTransition www.ErrorStatusT = 1006 ErrorStatusReasonNotProvided www.ErrorStatusT = 1007 ErrorStatusInvoiceDuplicate www.ErrorStatusT = 1008 ErrorStatusInvalidPaymentAddress www.ErrorStatusT = 1009 ErrorStatusMalformedLineItem www.ErrorStatusT = 1010 ErrorStatusInvoiceMissingName www.ErrorStatusT = 1011 ErrorStatusInvoiceMissingContact www.ErrorStatusT = 1013 ErrorStatusInvoiceMissingRate www.ErrorStatusT = 1014 ErrorStatusInvoiceInvalidRate www.ErrorStatusT = 1015 ErrorStatusInvoiceMalformedContact www.ErrorStatusT = 1016 ErrorStatusMalformedProposalToken www.ErrorStatusT = 1017 ErrorStatusMalformedDomain www.ErrorStatusT = 1018 ErrorStatusMalformedSubdomain www.ErrorStatusT = 1019 ErrorStatusMalformedDescription www.ErrorStatusT = 1020 ErrorStatusWrongInvoiceStatus www.ErrorStatusT = 1021 ErrorStatusInvoiceRequireLineItems www.ErrorStatusT = 1022 ErrorStatusInvalidInvoiceMonthYear www.ErrorStatusT = 1024 ErrorStatusInvalidExchangeRate www.ErrorStatusT = 1025 ErrorStatusInvalidLineItemType www.ErrorStatusT = 1026 ErrorStatusInvalidLaborExpense www.ErrorStatusT = 1027 ErrorStatusDuplicatePaymentAddress www.ErrorStatusT = 1028 ErrorStatusInvalidDatesRequested www.ErrorStatusT = 1029 ErrorStatusInvalidInvoiceEditMonthYear www.ErrorStatusT = 1030 ErrorStatusInvalidDCCType www.ErrorStatusT = 1031 ErrorStatusInvalidNominatingDomain www.ErrorStatusT = 1032 ErrorStatusMalformedSponsorStatement www.ErrorStatusT = 1033 ErrorStatusMalformedDCCFile www.ErrorStatusT = 1034 ErrorStatusInvalidDCCComment www.ErrorStatusT = 1035 ErrorStatusInvalidDCCStatusTransition www.ErrorStatusT = 1036 ErrorStatusDuplicateEmail www.ErrorStatusT = 1037 ErrorStatusInvalidUserNewInvoice www.ErrorStatusT = 1038 ErrorStatusInvalidDCCNominee www.ErrorStatusT = 1039 ErrorStatusDCCNotFound www.ErrorStatusT = 1040 ErrorStatusWrongDCCStatus www.ErrorStatusT = 1041 ErrorStatusInvalidSupportOppose www.ErrorStatusT = 1042 ErrorStatusDuplicateSupportOppose www.ErrorStatusT = 1043 ErrorStatusUserIsAuthor www.ErrorStatusT = 1044 ErrorStatusInvalidUserDCC www.ErrorStatusT = 1045 ErrorStatusInvalidDCCContractorType www.ErrorStatusT = 1046 ErrorStatusInvalidTypeSubHoursLineItem www.ErrorStatusT = 1047 ErrorStatusMissingSubUserIDLineItem www.ErrorStatusT = 1048 ErrorStatusInvalidSubUserIDLineItem www.ErrorStatusT = 1049 ErrorStatusInvalidSupervisorUser www.ErrorStatusT = 1050 ErrorStatusMalformedDCC www.ErrorStatusT = 1051 ErrorStatusInvalidDCCVoteStatus www.ErrorStatusT = 1052 ErrorStatusInvalidDCCAllVoteUserWeight www.ErrorStatusT = 1053 ErrorStatusDCCVoteEnded www.ErrorStatusT = 1054 ErrorStatusDCCVoteStillLive www.ErrorStatusT = 1055 ErrorStatusDCCDuplicateVote www.ErrorStatusT = 1056 ErrorStatusMissingCodeStatsUsername www.ErrorStatusT = 1057 ErrorStatusTrackerNotStarted www.ErrorStatusT = 1058 ProposalsMainnet = "" ProposalsTestnet = "" )
Variables ¶
var ( // APIRoute is the route prefix for the cms v1 API APIRoute = fmt.Sprintf("/v%v", APIVersion) // PolicyValidMimeTypes is the accepted mime types of attachments // in invoices PolicyValidMimeTypes = []string{ "image/png", } // PolicyInvoiceFieldSupportedChars is the regular expression of a valid // invoice fields. PolicyInvoiceFieldSupportedChars = []string{ "A-z", "0-9", "&", ".", ",", ":", ";", "-", " ", "@", "+", "#", "/", "(", ")", "!", "?", "\"", "'"} // PolicyCMSNameLocationSupportedChars is the regular expression of a valid // name or location for registering users on cms. PolicyCMSNameLocationSupportedChars = []string{ "A-z", "0-9", ".", "-", " ", ","} // PolicyCMSContactSupportedChars is the regular expression of a valid // contact for registering users on cms. PolicyCMSContactSupportedChars = []string{ "A-z", "0-9", "&", ".", ":", "-", "_", "@", "+", ",", " "} // PolicySponsorStatementSupportedChars is the regular expression of a valid // sponsor statement for DCC in cms. PolicySponsorStatementSupportedChars = []string{ "A-z", "0-9", "&", ".", ",", ":", ";", "-", " ", "@", "+", "#", "/", "(", ")", "!", "?", "\"", "'", "\n"} // PolicySupportedCMSDomains supplies the currently available domain types // and descriptions of them. PolicySupportedCMSDomains = []AvailableDomain{ { Description: "development", Type: DomainTypeDeveloper, }, { Description: "marketing", Type: DomainTypeMarketing, }, { Description: "research", Type: DomainTypeResearch, }, { Description: "design", Type: DomainTypeDesign, }, { Description: "documentation", Type: DomainTypeDocumentation, }, } // PolicyCMSSupportedLineItemTypes supplies the currently available invoice types // and descriptions of them. PolicyCMSSupportedLineItemTypes = []AvailableLineItemType{ { Description: "labor", Type: LineItemTypeLabor, }, { Description: "expense", Type: LineItemTypeExpense, }, { Description: "misc", Type: LineItemTypeMisc, }, { Description: "subhours", Type: LineItemTypeSubHours, }, } // ErrorStatus converts error status codes to human readable text. ErrorStatus = map[www.ErrorStatusT]string{ ErrorStatusMalformedName: "malformed name", ErrorStatusMalformedLocation: "malformed location", ErrorStatusInvoiceNotFound: "invoice cannot be found", ErrorStatusInvalidMonthYearRequest: "month or year was set, while the other was not", ErrorStatusInvalidInvoiceStatusTransition: "invalid invoice status transition", ErrorStatusReasonNotProvided: "reason for action not provided", ErrorStatusMalformedInvoiceFile: "submitted invoice file is malformed", ErrorStatusInvoiceDuplicate: "submitted invoice is a duplicate of an existing invoice", ErrorStatusInvalidPaymentAddress: "invalid payment address", ErrorStatusMalformedLineItem: "malformed line item submitted", ErrorStatusInvoiceMissingName: "invoice missing contractor name", ErrorStatusInvoiceMissingContact: "invoice missing contractor contact", ErrorStatusInvoiceMalformedContact: "invoice has malformed contractor contact", ErrorStatusInvoiceMissingRate: "invoice missing contractor rate", ErrorStatusInvoiceInvalidRate: "invoice has invalid contractor rate", ErrorStatusMalformedProposalToken: "line item has malformed proposal token", ErrorStatusMalformedDomain: "line item has malformed domain", ErrorStatusMalformedSubdomain: "line item has malformed subdomain", ErrorStatusMalformedDescription: "line item has malformed description", ErrorStatusWrongInvoiceStatus: "invoice is an wrong status to be editted (approved, rejected or paid)", ErrorStatusInvoiceRequireLineItems: "invoices require at least 1 line item", ErrorStatusInvalidInvoiceMonthYear: "an invalid month/year was submitted on an invoice", ErrorStatusInvalidExchangeRate: "exchange rate was invalid or didn't match expected result", ErrorStatusInvalidLineItemType: "line item has an invalid type", ErrorStatusInvalidLaborExpense: "line item has an invalid labor or expense field", ErrorStatusDuplicatePaymentAddress: "a duplicate payment address was used", ErrorStatusInvalidDatesRequested: "invalid dates were requested", ErrorStatusInvalidInvoiceEditMonthYear: "invalid attempt to edit invoice month/year", ErrorStatusInvalidDCCType: "invalid DCC type was included", ErrorStatusInvalidNominatingDomain: "non-matching domain was attempt", ErrorStatusMalformedSponsorStatement: "DCC sponsor statement was malformed", ErrorStatusMalformedDCCFile: "submitted DCC file was malformed according to standards", ErrorStatusInvalidDCCComment: "submitted DCC comment must either be aye or nay", ErrorStatusInvalidDCCStatusTransition: "invalid status transition for a DCC", ErrorStatusDuplicateEmail: "another user already has that email registered", ErrorStatusInvalidUserNewInvoice: "current contractor status does not allow new invoices to be created", ErrorStatusInvalidDCCNominee: "invalid nominee user was submitted for a DCC", ErrorStatusDCCNotFound: "a requested dcc was not found", ErrorStatusWrongDCCStatus: "cannot comment/approve/oppose DCC if it's not active state", ErrorStatusInvalidSupportOppose: "invalid support or opposition vote was included in the request, must be aye or nay", ErrorStatusDuplicateSupportOppose: "user has already supported or opposed the given DCC", ErrorStatusUserIsAuthor: "user cannot support or oppose their own sponsored DCC", ErrorStatusInvalidUserDCC: "user is not authorized to complete the DCC request", ErrorStatusInvalidDCCContractorType: "DCC must have a valid contractor type", ErrorStatusInvalidTypeSubHoursLineItem: "must be a Supervisor Contractor to submit a subcontractor hours line item", ErrorStatusMissingSubUserIDLineItem: "must supply a userid for a subcontractor hours line item", ErrorStatusInvalidSubUserIDLineItem: "the userid supplied for the subcontractor hours line item is invalid", ErrorStatusInvalidSupervisorUser: "attempted input of an invalid supervisor user id", ErrorStatusMalformedDCC: "malformed dcc detected", ErrorStatusInvalidDCCVoteStatus: "the DCC to be voted isn't currently up for an all user vote", ErrorStatusInvalidDCCAllVoteUserWeight: "the user does not have a corresponding user weight for this vote", ErrorStatusDCCVoteEnded: "the all contractor voting period has ended", ErrorStatusDCCVoteStillLive: "cannot update status of a DCC while a vote is still live", ErrorStatusDCCDuplicateVote: "user has already submitted a vote for the given dcc", ErrorStatusMissingCodeStatsUsername: "codestats site username is required to receive code stats", ErrorStatusTrackerNotStarted: "code tracker required for attempted request, check token setting in config", } )
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AbridgedCMSUser ¶
type AbridgedCMSUser struct { ID string `json:"id"` Domain DomainTypeT `json:"domain"` ContractorType ContractorTypeT `json:"contractortype"` Username string `json:"username"` }
AbridgedCMSUser is a shortened version of CMS User that's used for the CMSUsers reply.
type ActiveVote ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ActiveVote struct{}
ActiveVote obtains all dccs that have active votes.
type ActiveVoteReply ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ActiveVoteReply struct {
Votes []VoteTuple `json:"votes"` // Active votes
ActiveVoteReply returns all proposals that have active votes.
type AdminUserInvoices ¶
type AdminUserInvoices struct {
UserID string `json:"userid"` // Invoices from a given user
AdminUserInvoices is used to get all invoices from a given user
type AdminUserInvoicesReply ¶
type AdminUserInvoicesReply struct {
Invoices []InvoiceRecord `json:"invoices"`
AdminUserInvoicesReply is used to reply to a user invoices commands.
type AvailableDomain ¶
type AvailableDomain struct { Description string `json:"description"` Type DomainTypeT `json:"type"` }
AvailableDomain contains a domain type and it's corresponding description.
type AvailableLineItemType ¶
type AvailableLineItemType struct { Description string `json:"description"` Type LineItemTypeT `json:"type"` }
AvailableLineItemType contains a line item type and it's description
type CMSManageUser ¶
type CMSManageUser struct { UserID string `json:"userid"` Domain DomainTypeT `json:"domain,omitempty"` ContractorType ContractorTypeT `json:"contractortype,omitempty"` SupervisorUserIDs []string `json:"supervisoruserids,omitempty"` ProposalsOwned []string `json:"proposalsowned,omitempty"` }
CMSManageUser updates the various fields for a given user.
type CMSManageUserReply ¶
type CMSManageUserReply struct{}
CMSManageUserReply is the reply for the CMSManageUserReply command.
type CMSUsers ¶
type CMSUsers struct { Domain DomainTypeT `json:"domain"` ContractorType ContractorTypeT `json:"contractortype"` }
CMSUsers is used to request a list of CMS users given a filter.
type CMSUsersReply ¶
type CMSUsersReply struct {
Users []AbridgedCMSUser `json:"users"`
CMSUsersReply returns a list of Users that are currently
type CastVote ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CastVote struct { VoteBit string `json:"votebit"` // Vote bit that was selected, this is encode in hex Token string `json:"token"` // The censorship token of the given DCC issuance or revocation. UserID string `json:"userid"` // UserID of the submitting user PublicKey string `json:"publickey"` // Pubkey of the submitting user Signature string `json:"signature"` // Signature of the Token+VoteBit+UserID by the submitting user. }
CastVote is a signed vote.
type CastVoteReply ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CastVoteReply struct { ClientSignature string `json:"clientsignature"` // Signature that was sent in Signature string `json:"signature"` // Signature of the ClientSignature Error string `json:"error"` // Error status message ErrorStatus cmsplugin.ErrorStatusT `json:"errorstatus,omitempty"` // Error status code }
CastVoteReply is the answer to the CastVote command. The Error and ErrorStatus fields will only be populated if something went wrong while attempting to cast the vote.
type CodeStats ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CodeStats struct { Month int `json:"month"` Year int `json:"year"` Repository string `json:"repository"` MergedAdditions int64 `json:"mergedadditions"` MergedDeletions int64 `json:"mergeddeletions"` UpdatedAdditions int64 `json:"updatedadditions"` UpdatedDeletions int64 `json:"updateddeletions"` ReviewAdditions int64 `json:"reviewadditions"` ReviewDeletions int64 `json:"reviewdeletions"` CommitAdditions int64 `json:"commitadditions"` CommitDeletions int64 `json:"commitdeletions"` PRs []string `json:"prs"` Reviews []string `json:"reviews"` Commits []string `json:"commits"` }
CodeStats contains various pieces of information for user's code contributions per repo over a period of time.
type ContractorTypeT ¶
type ContractorTypeT int
type DCCDetails ¶
type DCCDetails struct {
Token string `json:"token"` // Token of requested DCC
DCCDetails request finds a DCC with a matching token.
type DCCDetailsReply ¶
type DCCDetailsReply struct { DCC DCCRecord `json:"dcc"` // DCCRecord of requested token VoteSummary VoteSummary `json:"votesummary"` // Vote summary of the DCC }
DCCDetailsReply returns the DCC details if found.
type DCCInput ¶
type DCCInput struct { Type DCCTypeT `json:"type"` // Type of DCC object NomineeUserID string `json:"nomineeuserid"` // UserID of the DCC nominee (issuance or revocation) SponsorStatement string `json:"statement"` // Statement from sponsoring user about why DCC should be approved Domain DomainTypeT `json:"domain"` // Domain of proposed contractor issuance ContractorType ContractorTypeT `json:"contractortype"` // The Contractor Type of the nominee for when they are approved }
DCCInput contains all of the information concerning a DCC object that will be submitted as a Record to the politeiad backend.
type DCCRecord ¶
type DCCRecord struct { Status DCCStatusT `json:"status"` // Current status of the DCC StatusChangeReason string `json:"statuschangereason"` // The reason for changing the DCC status. Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"` // Last update of dcc TimeSubmitted int64 `json:"timesubmitted"` // Submission time stamp TimeReviewed int64 `json:"timereviewed"` // Approval/Rejection time stamp DCC DCCInput `json:"dccpayload"` // DCC payload for the given object File www.File `json:"file"` // Actual DCC file (dcc.json, etc) PublicKey string `json:"publickey"` // Sponsoring user's public key, used to verify signature. Signature string `json:"signature"` // Signature of file digest NomineeUsername string `json:"nomineeusername"` // The username of the nominated user. SponsorUserID string `json:"sponsoruserid"` // The userid of the sponsoring user. SponsorUsername string `json:"sponsorusername"` // The username of the sponsoring user. SupportUserIDs []string `json:"supportuserids"` // List of UserIDs for those that have shown support of the DCC. OppositionUserIDs []string `json:"againstuserids"` // List of UserIDs for those that have shown opposition of the DCC. SupportUsernames []string `json:"supportusernames"` // List of Usernames for those that have shown support of the DCC. OppositionUsernames []string `json:"againstusernames"` // List of Usernames for those that have shown opposition of the DCC. CensorshipRecord www.CensorshipRecord `json:"censorshiprecord"` }
DCCRecord is what will be decoded from a Record for a DCC object to the politeiad backend.
type DCCStatusT ¶
type DCCStatusT int
type DCCVoteStatusT ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DCCVoteStatusT int
type DCCWeight ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DCCWeight struct { UserID string // User ID Weight int64 // User Weight of the vote (as calculated at the start of the vote). }
DCCWeight contains a user id and their assigned weight for a given DCC all contractor vote.
type DomainTypeT ¶
type DomainTypeT int
type EditInvoice ¶
type EditInvoice struct { Token string `json:"token"` Files []www.File `json:"files"` PublicKey string `json:"publickey"` Signature string `json:"signature"` }
EditInvoice attempts to edit a proposal
type EditInvoiceReply ¶
type EditInvoiceReply struct {
Invoice InvoiceRecord `json:"invoice"`
EditInvoiceReply is used to reply to the EditInvoice command
type EditUser ¶
type EditUser struct { GitHubName string `json:"githubname,omitempty"` MatrixName string `json:"matrixname,omitempty"` ContractorName string `json:"contractorname,omitempty"` ContractorLocation string `json:"contractorlocation,omitempty"` ContractorContact string `json:"contractorcontact,omitempty"` }
EditUser edits a user's CMS information.
type EditUserReply ¶
type EditUserReply struct{}
EditUserReply is the reply for the EditUser command.
type ErrorStatusT ¶
type ErrorStatusT int
type GeneratePayouts ¶
type GeneratePayouts struct { }
GeneratePayouts is used to generate a list of addresses and amounts of approved invoices that need to be paid.
type GeneratePayoutsReply ¶
type GeneratePayoutsReply struct {
Payouts []Payout `json:"payouts"`
GeneratePayoutsReply is used to replay to a GeneratePayouts command.
type GetDCCs ¶
type GetDCCs struct {
Status DCCStatusT `json:"status"` // Return all DCCs of this status
GetDCCs request finds all DCCs that have matching status (if used).
type GetDCCsReply ¶
type GetDCCsReply struct {
DCCs []DCCRecord `json:"dccs"` // DCCRecords of matching status
GetDCCsReply returns the DCCs if found.
type InviteNewUser ¶
type InviteNewUser struct { Email string `json:"email"` Temporary bool `json:"temp"` // This denotes if the user is a temporary user (only allowed to submit 1 invoice). }
InviteNewUser is used to request that a new user invitation be sent via email. If successful, the user will require verification before being able to login.
type InviteNewUserReply ¶
type InviteNewUserReply struct {
VerificationToken string `json:"verificationtoken"`
InviteNewUserReply responds with the verification token for the user (if an email server is not set up).
type InvoiceDetails ¶
type InvoiceDetails struct { Token string `json:"token"` // Censorship token Version string `json:"version,omitempty"` // Invoice version }
InvoiceDetails is used to retrieve a invoice by it's token.
type InvoiceDetailsReply ¶
type InvoiceDetailsReply struct { Invoice InvoiceRecord `json:"invoice"` Payout Payout `json:"payout"` // Calculated payout from the InvoiceRecord }
InvoiceDetailsReply is used to reply to a invoice details command.
type InvoiceExchangeRate ¶
InvoiceExchangeRate contains the request to receive a monthly exchange rate
type InvoiceExchangeRateReply ¶
type InvoiceExchangeRateReply struct {
ExchangeRate uint `json:"exchangerate"` // in USD cents
InvoiceExchangeRateReply returns the calculated monthly exchange rate
type InvoiceInput ¶
type InvoiceInput struct { Version uint `json:"version"` // Version of the invoice input Month uint `json:"month"` // Month of Invoice Year uint `json:"year"` // Year of Invoice ExchangeRate uint `json:"exchangerate"` // Exchange rate of a given month/year in USD cents ContractorName string `json:"contractorname"` // IRL name of contractor ContractorLocation string `json:"contractorlocation"` // IRL location of contractor ContractorContact string `json:"contractorcontact"` // Contractor email or other contact ContractorRate uint `json:"contractorrate"` // Contractor Pay Rate in USD cents PaymentAddress string `json:"paymentaddress"` // DCR payment address LineItems []LineItemsInput `json:"lineitems"` }
InvoiceInput is the expected structure of the invoice.json file being added to InvoiceRecords. Users' raw csv will be inputted and parsed to help in their creation.
type InvoicePayouts ¶
type InvoicePayouts struct { StartTime int64 `json:"starttime"` // Start time for range (in unix seconds) EndTime int64 `json:"endtime"` // End time for range (in unix seconds) }
InvoicePayouts contains the request to receive invoices that have been paid within a start and end date.
type InvoicePayoutsReply ¶
type InvoicePayoutsReply struct {
Invoices []InvoiceRecord `json:"invoices"` // Invoices within the requested date range.
InvoicePayoutsReply returns an array of invoices within the requested date range.
type InvoiceRecord ¶
type InvoiceRecord struct { Status InvoiceStatusT `json:"status"` // Current status of invoice StatusChangeReason string `json:"statuschangereason,omitempty"` // Reason (if any) for the current status Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"` // Last update of invoice UserID string `json:"userid"` // ID of user who submitted invoice Username string `json:"username"` // Username of user who submitted invoice PublicKey string `json:"publickey"` // User's public key, used to verify signature. Signature string `json:"signature"` // Signature of file digest Files []www.File `json:"file"` // Actual invoice file Version string `json:"version"` // Record version Input InvoiceInput `json:"input"` // Decoded invoice from invoice.json file Payment PaymentInformation `json:"payment"` // Payment information for the Invoice Total int64 `json:"total"` // Total amount that the invoice is billing CensorshipRecord www.CensorshipRecord `json:"censorshiprecord"` }
InvoiceRecord is an entire invoice and its content.
type InvoiceStatusT ¶
type InvoiceStatusT int
type Invoices ¶ added in v0.2.0
type Invoices struct { Month uint16 `json:"month"` // Month of Invoice Year uint16 `json:"year"` // Year of Invoice Status InvoiceStatusT `json:"status"` // Current status of invoice UserID string `json:"userid"` // User ID for invoices to return StartTime int64 `json:"start"` // Start time for range of invoice submission EndTime int64 `json:"end"` // End time for range of invoice submission }
Invoices is used to get all invoices from all users (if no userid is given).
type InvoicesReply ¶ added in v0.2.0
type InvoicesReply struct {
Invoices []InvoiceRecord `json:"invoices"`
InvoicesReply is used to reply to an admin invoices command.
type LineItemTypeT ¶
type LineItemTypeT int
type LineItemsInput ¶
type LineItemsInput struct { Type LineItemTypeT `json:"type"` // Type of work performed Domain string `json:"domain"` // Domain of work performed Subdomain string `json:"subdomain"` // Subdomain of work performed Description string `json:"description"` // Description of work performed ProposalToken string `json:"proposaltoken"` // Link to politeia proposal that work is associated with SubUserID string `json:"subuserid"` // UserID of the associated Subcontractor SubRate uint `json:"subrate"` // The payrate of the subcontractor Labor uint `json:"labor"` // Number of minutes (if labor) Expenses uint `json:"expenses"` // Total cost (in USD cents) of line item (if expense or misc) }
LineItemsInput is the expected struct of line items contained within an users' invoice input.
type NewDCC ¶
type NewDCC struct { File www.File `json:"file"` // Issuance/Revocation file (i.e DCCInput) PublicKey string `json:"publickey"` // Pubkey of the sponsoring user Signature string `json:"signature"` // Signature of the issuance struct by the sponsoring user. }
NewDCC is a request for submitting a new DCC proposal.
type NewDCCReply ¶
type NewDCCReply struct {
CensorshipRecord www.CensorshipRecord `json:"censorshiprecord"`
NewDCCReply returns the censorship record when the DCC is successfully submitted to the backend.
type NewInvoice ¶
type NewInvoice struct { Month uint `json:"month"` Year uint `json:"year"` Files []www.File `json:"files"` // Invoice file and any attachments along with it PublicKey string `json:"publickey"` // Key used to verify signature Signature string `json:"signature"` // Signature of file hash }
NewInvoice attempts to submit a new invoice.
type NewInvoiceReply ¶
type NewInvoiceReply struct {
CensorshipRecord www.CensorshipRecord `json:"censorshiprecord"`
NewInvoiceReply is used to reply to the NewInvoiceReply command.
type PayInvoices ¶
type PayInvoices struct{}
PayInvoices temporarily allows the administrator to set all approved invoices to paid status.
type PayInvoicesReply ¶
type PayInvoicesReply struct{}
PayInvoicesReply will be empty if no errors have occurred.
type PaymentInformation ¶
type PaymentInformation struct { Token string `json:"token"` Address string `json:"address"` TxIDs []string `json:"txids"` TimeStarted int64 `json:"timestarted"` TimeLastUpdated int64 `json:"timelastupdated"` AmountNeeded dcrutil.Amount `json:"amountneeded"` AmountReceived dcrutil.Amount `json:"amountreceived"` Status PaymentStatusT `json:"status"` }
PaymentInformation contains information for each invoice's payout. A payout might be a single transaction or it might include multiple transactions.
type PaymentStatusT ¶
type PaymentStatusT int
type Payout ¶
type Payout struct { ContractorName string `json:"contractorname"` ContractorRate uint `json:"contractorrate"` // in USD cents Username string `json:"username"` Month uint `json:"month"` // Invoice month Year uint `json:"year"` // Invoice year Token string `json:"token"` // Invoice token Address string `json:"address"` // User provided payment address LaborTotal uint `json:"labortotal"` // in USD cents ExpenseTotal uint `json:"expensetotal"` // in USD cents Total uint `json:"total"` // in USD cents DCRTotal dcrutil.Amount `json:"dcrtotal"` // in DCR atoms ExchangeRate uint `json:"exchangerate"` // in USD cents ApprovedTime int64 `json:"approvedtime"` // Time of invoice approval (in Unix seconds) }
Payout contains an address and an amount to be paid
type PolicyReply ¶
type PolicyReply struct { MinPasswordLength uint `json:"minpasswordlength"` MinUsernameLength uint `json:"minusernamelength"` MaxUsernameLength uint `json:"maxusernamelength"` MaxImages uint `json:"maximages"` MaxImageSize uint `json:"maximagesize"` MaxMDs uint `json:"maxmds"` MaxMDSize uint `json:"maxmdsize"` ValidMIMETypes []string `json:"validmimetypes"` MaxNameLength uint `json:"maxnamelength"` MinNameLength uint `json:"minnamelength"` MaxLocationLength uint `json:"maxlocationlength"` MinLocationLength uint `json:"minlocationlength"` MaxContactLength uint `json:"maxcontactlength"` MinContactLength uint `json:"mincontactlength"` MaxLineItemColLength uint `json:"maxlineitemcollength"` MinLineItemColLength uint `json:"minlineitemcollength"` InvoiceCommentChar rune `json:"invoicecommentchar"` InvoiceFieldDelimiterChar rune `json:"invoicefielddelimiterchar"` InvoiceLineItemCount uint `json:"invoicelineitemcount"` InvoiceFieldSupportedChars []string `json:"invoicefieldsupportedchars"` UsernameSupportedChars []string `json:"usernamesupportedchars"` CMSNameLocationSupportedChars []string `json:"cmsnamelocationsupportedchars"` CMSContactSupportedChars []string `json:"cmscontactsupportedchars"` CMSStatementSupportedChars []string `json:"cmsstatementsupportedchars"` CMSSupportedLineItemTypes []AvailableLineItemType `json:"supportedlineitemtypes"` CMSSupportedDomains []AvailableDomain `json:"supporteddomains"` }
PolicyReply returns the various policy information while in CMS mode.
type ProposalBilling ¶
type ProposalBilling struct {
Token string `json:"token"`
ProposalBilling collects information for administrators or proposal owners for a given proposal.
type ProposalBillingDetails ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ProposalBillingDetails struct {
Token string `json:"token"`
ProposalBillingDetails returns all the information about the given proposal's spending.
type ProposalBillingDetailsReply ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ProposalBillingDetailsReply struct {
Details ProposalSpending `json:"details"`
ProposalBillingDetailsReply returns the spending information about the requested proposal.
type ProposalBillingReply ¶
type ProposalBillingReply struct {
BilledLineItems []ProposalLineItems `json:"lineitems"`
ProposalBillingReply returns all line items that have been billed to the proposal token.
type ProposalBillingSummary ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ProposalBillingSummary struct { Offset int `json:"offset"` // Amount to offset for pagination Count int `json:"count"` // Size of page for pagination }
ProposalBillingSummary allows for all proposal spending to be returned for an admin to review.
type ProposalBillingSummaryReply ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ProposalBillingSummaryReply struct {
Proposals []ProposalSpending `json:"proposals"`
ProposalBillingSummaryReply returns an array of proposal spending based on the list of approved invoices returned from the respective proposals site.
type ProposalLineItems ¶
type ProposalLineItems struct { // User information UserID string `json:"userid"` Username string `json:"username"` // Invoice Information Month int `json:"month"` Year int `json:"year"` // Contractor rate ContractorRate uint `json:"contractorrate"` // Line Item Information LineItem LineItemsInput `json:"lineitem"` }
ProposalLineItems includes all information required for a proper billing history of line items from a given proposal token.
type ProposalOwner ¶
type ProposalOwner struct {
ProposalToken string `json:"proposaltoken"`
ProposalOwner is a request for determining the current owners of a given proposal.
type ProposalOwnerReply ¶
type ProposalOwnerReply struct {
Users []AbridgedCMSUser `json:"users"`
ProposalOwnerReply returns the users that are currently associated with the requested proposal token.
type ProposalSpending ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ProposalSpending struct { Token string `json:"token"` Title string `json:"title"` TotalBilled int64 `json:"totalbilled"` Invoices []InvoiceRecord `json:"invoices"` }
ProposalSpending contains all the information about a given proposal's spending.
type RegisterUser ¶
type RegisterUser struct { Email string `json:"email"` Username string `json:"username"` Password string `json:"password"` VerificationToken string `json:"verificationtoken"` PublicKey string `json:"publickey"` }
RegisterUser is used by an contractor that has been invited to join the Contractor Management System
type RegisterUserReply ¶
type RegisterUserReply struct{}
RegisterUserReply replies to Register with no properties, if successful.
type SetDCCStatus ¶
type SetDCCStatus struct { Token string `json:"token"` // Token of the DCC iss/rev Reason string `json:"reason"` // Reason for approval Status DCCStatusT `json:"status"` // New status Signature string `json:"signature"` // Client Signature of Token+Status+Reason PublicKey string `json:"publickey"` // Pubkey used for Signature }
SetDCCStatus is an admin request that updates the status of a DCC
type SetDCCStatusReply ¶
type SetDCCStatusReply struct{}
SetDCCStatusReply returns an empty response when successful.
type SetInvoiceStatus ¶
type SetInvoiceStatus struct { Token string `json:"token"` Status InvoiceStatusT `json:"status"` Reason string `json:"reason"` Signature string `json:"signature"` // Signature of Token+Version+Reason(InvoiceStatus) PublicKey string `json:"publickey"` // Public key of admin }
SetInvoiceStatus is used to approve or reject an unreviewed invoice.
type SetInvoiceStatusReply ¶
type SetInvoiceStatusReply struct {
Invoice InvoiceRecord `json:"invoice"`
SetInvoiceStatusReply is used to reply to a SetInvoiceStatus command.
type StartVoteReply ¶ added in v0.2.0
type StartVoteReply struct { StartBlockHeight uint32 `json:"startblockheight"` // Block height of vote start StartBlockHash string `json:"startblockhash"` // Block hash of vote start EndBlockHeight uint32 `json:"endblockheight"` // Block height of vote end UserWeights []string `json:"userweights"` // Snapshot of users and their given weights }
StartVoteReply is the reply to the StartVote command.
type SupportOpposeDCC ¶
type SupportOpposeDCC struct { Vote string `json:"vote"` // Vote must be "aye" or "nay" Token string `json:"token"` // The censorship token of the given DCC issuance or revocation. PublicKey string `json:"publickey"` // Pubkey of the submitting user Signature string `json:"signature"` // Signature of the Token+Vote by the submitting user. }
SupportOpposeDCC request allows a user to support a given DCC issuance or revocation.
type SupportOpposeDCCReply ¶
type SupportOpposeDCCReply struct{}
SupportOpposeDCCReply returns an empty response when successful.
type User ¶
type User struct { ID string `json:"id"` Email string `json:"email"` Username string `json:"username"` Admin bool `json:"isadmin"` Identities []www.UserIdentity `json:"identities"` LastLoginTime int64 `json:"lastlogintime"` FailedLoginAttempts uint64 `json:"failedloginattempts"` Deactivated bool `json:"isdeactivated"` Locked bool `json:"islocked"` EmailNotifications uint64 `json:"emailnotifications"` // Notify the user via emails NewUserVerificationToken []byte `json:"newuserverificationtoken"` NewUserVerificationExpiry int64 `json:"newuserverificationexpiry"` UpdateKeyVerificationToken []byte `json:"updatekeyverificationtoken"` UpdateKeyVerificationExpiry int64 `json:"updatekeyverificationexpiry"` ResetPasswordVerificationToken []byte `json:"resetpasswordverificationtoken"` ResetPasswordVerificationExpiry int64 `json:"resetpasswordverificationexpiry"` // CMS Information Domain DomainTypeT `json:"domain"` // Contractor domain GitHubName string `json:"githubname"` MatrixName string `json:"matrixname"` ContractorType ContractorTypeT `json:"contractortype"` ContractorName string `json:"contractorname"` ContractorLocation string `json:"contractorlocation"` ContractorContact string `json:"contractorcontact"` SupervisorUserIDs []string `json:"supervisoruserids"` ProposalsOwned []string `json:"proposalsowned"` }
User represents a CMS user. It contains the standard politeiawww user fields as well as CMS specific user fields.
type UserCodeStats ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UserCodeStats struct { UserID string `json:"userid"` StartTime int64 `json:"starttime"` EndTime int64 `json:"endtime"` }
UserCodeStats is a request that other members of the requested user's domain may attempt to view the given month/year of code changes
type UserCodeStatsReply ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UserCodeStatsReply struct {
RepoStats []CodeStats `json:"repostats"`
UserCodeStatsReply responds with an array of code stats per repo for the given user, month and year.
type UserDetails ¶
type UserDetails struct {
UserID string `json:"userid"` // User id
UserDetails fetches a cms user's details by their id.
type UserDetailsReply ¶
type UserDetailsReply struct {
User User `json:"user"`
UserDetailsReply returns a cms user's details.
type UserInvoices ¶
type UserInvoices struct{}
UserInvoices is used to get all of the invoices by userID.
type UserInvoicesReply ¶
type UserInvoicesReply struct {
Invoices []InvoiceRecord `json:"invoices"`
UserInvoicesReply is used to reply to a user invoices commands.
type UserSubContractors ¶
type UserSubContractors struct{}
UserSubContractors is a request for a logged in Supervisor to return a list of UserIDs/Usernames
type UserSubContractorsReply ¶
type UserSubContractorsReply struct {
Users []User `json:"users"`
UserSubContractorsReply returns a list of Users that are considered sub contractors of the logged in user making the request.
type Vote ¶ added in v0.2.0
type Vote struct { Token string `json:"token"` // Token that identifies vote Mask uint64 `json:"mask"` // Valid votebits Duration uint32 `json:"duration"` // Duration in blocks QuorumPercentage uint32 `json:"quorumpercentage"` // Percent of eligible votes required for quorum PassPercentage uint32 `json:"passpercentage"` // Percent of total votes required to pass Options []VoteOption `json:"options"` // Vote options }
Vote represents the vote options for vote that is identified by its token.
type VoteDetails ¶ added in v0.2.0
type VoteDetails struct {
Token string `json:"token"` // Proposal token
VoteDetails returns the votes details for the specified proposal.
type VoteDetailsReply ¶ added in v0.2.0
type VoteDetailsReply struct { Version uint32 `json:"version"` // StartVote version Vote string `json:"vote"` // JSON encoded Vote struct PublicKey string `json:"publickey"` // Key used for signature Signature string `json:"signature"` // Start vote signature StartBlockHeight uint32 `json:"startblockheight"` // Block height StartBlockHash string `json:"startblockhash"` // Block hash EndBlockHeight uint32 `json:"endblockheight"` // Height of vote end UserWeights []string `json:"userweights"` // Snapshot of users and their given weights }
VoteDetailsReply is the reply to the VoteDetails command. It contains all of the information from a StartVote and StartVoteReply
Vote contains a JSON encoded Vote and needs to be decoded according to the Version.
type VoteOption ¶ added in v0.2.0
type VoteOption struct { Id string `json:"id"` // Single unique word identifying vote (e.g. yes) Description string `json:"description"` // Longer description of the vote. Bits uint64 `json:"bits"` // Bits used for this option }
VoteOption describes a single vote option.
type VoteOptionResult ¶ added in v0.2.0
type VoteOptionResult struct { Option VoteOption `json:"option"` // Vote Option VotesReceived uint64 `json:"votesreceived"` // Number of votes received by the option }
VoteOptionResult is a structure that describes a VotingOption along with the number of votes it has received
type VoteResults ¶ added in v0.2.0
type VoteResults struct{}
VoteResults retrieves a single proposal vote results from the server. If the voting period has not yet started for the given proposal a reply is returned with all fields set to their zero value.
type VoteResultsReply ¶ added in v0.2.0
type VoteResultsReply struct { StartVote StartVote `json:"startvote"` // Original vote CastVotes []CastVote `json:"castvotes"` // Vote results StartVoteReply StartVoteReply `json:"startvotereply"` // Eligible tickets and other details }
VoteResultsReply returns the original proposal vote and the associated cast votes.
type VoteSummary ¶ added in v0.2.0
type VoteSummary struct { Status DCCStatusT `json:"status"` // Vote status UserWeights []DCCWeight `json:"userweights"` // User weights that is populated for all contractor votes. Duration uint32 `json:"duration,omitempty"` // Duration of vote EndHeight uint32 `json:"endheight,omitempty"` // Vote end height QuorumPercentage uint32 `json:"quorumpercentage,omitempty"` // Percent of eligible votes required for quorum PassPercentage uint32 `json:"passpercentage,omitempty"` // Percent of total votes required to pass Results []VoteOptionResult `json:"results,omitempty"` // Vote results }
VoteSummary contains a summary of the vote information for a specific dcc.
type VoteTuple ¶ added in v0.2.0
type VoteTuple struct { DCC DCCRecord `json:"dcc"` // DCC StartVote StartVote `json:"startvote"` // Vote bits and mask StartVoteReply StartVoteReply `json:"startvotereply"` // Eligible user weights and other details }
VoteTuple is the proposal, vote and vote details.