
v1.0.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Apr 15, 2021 License: ISC Imports: 0 Imported by: 0



Package ticketvote provides a plugin for running votes that require decred tickets to participate.



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const (
	// PluginID is the unique identifier for this plugin.
	PluginID = "ticketvote"

	// Plugin commands
	CmdAuthorize   = "authorize"   // Authorize a vote
	CmdStart       = "start"       // Start a vote
	CmdCastBallot  = "castballot"  // Cast a ballot of votes
	CmdDetails     = "details"     // Get vote details
	CmdResults     = "results"     // Get vote results
	CmdSummary     = "summary"     // Get vote summary
	CmdSubmissions = "submissions" // Get runoff vote submissions
	CmdInventory   = "inventory"   // Get inventory by vote status
	CmdTimestamps  = "timestamps"  // Get vote timestamps
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const (
	// SettingKeyLinkByPeriodMin is the plugin setting key for the
	// SettingLinkByPeriodMin plugin setting.
	SettingKeyLinkByPeriodMin = "linkbyperiodmin"

	// SettingKeyLinkByPeriodMax is the plugin setting key for the
	// SettingLinkByPeriodMax plugin setting.
	SettingKeyLinkByPeriodMax = "linkbyperiodmax"

	// SettingKeyVoteDurationMin is the plugin setting key for the
	// SettingVoteDurationMin plugin setting.
	SettingKeyVoteDurationMin = "votedurationmin"

	// SettingKeyVoteDurationMax is the plugin setting key for the
	// SettingVoteDurationMax plugin setting.
	SettingKeyVoteDurationMax = "votedurationmax"

Plugin setting keys can be used to specify custom plugin settings. Default plugin setting values can be overridden by providing a plugin setting key and value to the plugin on startup.

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const (
	// SettingMainNetLinkByPeriodMin is the default minimum amount of
	// time, in seconds, that the link by period can be set to. This
	// value of 2 weeks was chosen assuming a 1 week voting period on
	// mainnet.
	SettingMainNetLinkByPeriodMin int64 = 1209600

	// SettingMainNetLinkByPeriodMax is the default maximum amount of
	// time, in seconds, that the link by period can be set to. This
	// value of 3 months was chosen arbitrarily.
	SettingMainNetLinkByPeriodMax int64 = 7776000

	// SettingTestNeLinkByPeriodMin is the default minimum amount of
	// time, in seconds, that the link by period can be set to. This
	// value of 1 second was chosen because this is the testnet
	// default and a 1 second miniumum makes testing various scenarios
	// easier.
	SettingTestNetLinkByPeriodMin int64 = 1

	// SettingTestNetLinkByPeriodMax is the default maximum amount of
	// time, in seconds, that the link by period can be set to. This
	// value of 3 months was chosen arbitrarily.
	SettingTestNetLinkByPeriodMax int64 = 7776000

	// SettingMainNetVoteDurationMin is the default minimum vote
	// duration on mainnet in blocks.
	SettingMainNetVoteDurationMin uint32 = 2016

	// SettingMainNetVoteDurationMax is the default maximum vote
	// duration on mainnet in blocks.
	SettingMainNetVoteDurationMax uint32 = 4032

	// SettingTestNetVoteDurationMin is the default minimum vote
	// duration on testnet in blocks.
	SettingTestNetVoteDurationMin uint32 = 1

	// SettingTestNetVoteDurationMax is the default maximum vote
	// duration on testnet in blocks.
	SettingTestNetVoteDurationMax uint32 = 4032

Plugin setting default values. These can be overridden by providing a plugin setting key and value to the plugin on startup.

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const (
	// VoteOptionIDApprove is the vote option ID that indicates the vote
	// should be approved. Votes that are an approve/reject vote are
	// required to use this vote option ID.
	VoteOptionIDApprove = "yes"

	// VoteOptionIDReject is the vote option ID that indicates the vote
	// should be not be approved. Votes that are an approve/reject vote
	// are required to use this vote option ID.
	VoteOptionIDReject = "no"
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const (
	// FileNameVoteMetadata is the filename of the VoteMetadata file
	// that is saved to politeiad. VoteMetadata is saved to politeiad
	// as a file, not as a metadata stream, since it contains user
	// provided metadata and needs to be included in the merkle root
	// that politeiad signs.
	FileNameVoteMetadata = "votemetadata.json"
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const (
	// InventoryPageSize is the maximum number of tokens that will be
	// returned for any single status in an InventoryReply.
	InventoryPageSize uint32 = 20
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const (
	// VoteTimetsampsPageSize is the maximum number of vote timestamps
	// that will be returned for any single request. A vote timestamp
	// is ~2000 bytes so a page of 100 votes will only be 0.2MB, but
	// the bottleneck on this call is performance, not size. Its
	// expensive to retrieve a large number of inclusion proofs from
	// trillian. A 100 timestamps request will take ~1 second to
	// complete.
	VoteTimestampsPageSize uint32 = 100


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var (
	// ErrorCodes contains the human readable error messages.
	ErrorCodes = map[ErrorCodeT]string{
		ErrorCodeInvalid:              "error code invalid",
		ErrorCodeTokenInvalid:         "token invalid",
		ErrorCodePublicKeyInvalid:     "public key invalid",
		ErrorCodeSignatureInvalid:     "signature invalid",
		ErrorCodeRecordVersionInvalid: "record version invalid",
		ErrorCodeAuthorizationInvalid: "authorization invalid",
		ErrorCodeStartDetailsMissing:  "start details missing",
		ErrorCodeStartDetailsInvalid:  "start details invalid",
		ErrorCodeVoteTypeInvalid:      "vote type invalid",
		ErrorCodeVoteDurationInvalid:  "vote duration invalid",
		ErrorCodeVoteQuorumInvalid:    "quorum percentage invalid",
		ErrorCodeVotePassRateInvalid:  "pass rate invalid",
		ErrorCodeVoteOptionsInvalid:   "vote options invalid",
		ErrorCodeVoteBitsInvalid:      "vote bits invalid",
		ErrorCodeVoteParentInvalid:    "vote parent invalid",
		ErrorCodeVoteStatusInvalid:    "vote status invalid",
		ErrorCodeVoteMetadataInvalid:  "vote metadata invalid",
		ErrorCodeLinkByInvalid:        "linkby invalid",
		ErrorCodeLinkToInvalid:        "linkto invalid",
		ErrorCodeLinkByNotExpired:     "linkby not exipred",
		ErrorCodeRecordStatusInvalid:  "record status invalid",
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var (
	// VoteErrors contains the human readable error messages for the
	// vote errors.
	VoteErrors = map[VoteErrorT]string{
		VoteErrorInvalid:             "vote error invalid",
		VoteErrorInternalError:       "internal server error",
		VoteErrorTokenInvalid:        "token invalid",
		VoteErrorRecordNotFound:      "record not found",
		VoteErrorMultipleRecordVotes: "attempting to vote on multiple records",
		VoteErrorVoteStatusInvalid:   "record vote status invalid",
		VoteErrorVoteBitInvalid:      "vote bit invalid",
		VoteErrorSignatureInvalid:    "signature invalid",
		VoteErrorTicketNotEligible:   "ticket not eligible",
		VoteErrorTicketAlreadyVoted:  "ticket already voted",
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var (
	// VoteStatuses contains the human readable vote statuses.
	VoteStatuses = map[VoteStatusT]string{
		VoteStatusInvalid:      "invalid",
		VoteStatusUnauthorized: "unauthorized",
		VoteStatusAuthorized:   "authorized",
		VoteStatusStarted:      "started",
		VoteStatusFinished:     "finished",
		VoteStatusApproved:     "approved",
		VoteStatusRejected:     "rejected",
		VoteStatusIneligible:   "ineligible",


This section is empty.


type AuthActionT

type AuthActionT string

AuthActionT represents the ticket vote authorization actions.

const (
	// AuthActionAuthorize is used to authorize a ticket vote.
	AuthActionAuthorize AuthActionT = "authorize"

	// AuthActionRevoke is used to revoke a previous ticket vote
	// authorization.
	AuthActionRevoke AuthActionT = "revoke"

type AuthDetails

type AuthDetails struct {
	// Data generated by client
	Token     string `json:"token"`     // Record token
	Version   uint32 `json:"version"`   // Record version
	Action    string `json:"action"`    // Authorize or revoke
	PublicKey string `json:"publickey"` // Public key used for signature
	Signature string `json:"signature"` // Signature of token+version+action

	// Metadata generated by server
	Timestamp int64  `json:"timestamp"` // Received UNIX timestamp
	Receipt   string `json:"receipt"`   // Server signature of client signature

AuthDetails is the structure that is saved to disk when a vote is authorized or a previous authorization is revoked. It contains all the fields from a Authorize and a AuthorizeReply.

type Authorize

type Authorize struct {
	Token     string      `json:"token"`     // Record token
	Version   uint32      `json:"version"`   // Record version
	Action    AuthActionT `json:"action"`    // Authorize or revoke
	PublicKey string      `json:"publickey"` // Public key used for signature
	Signature string      `json:"signature"` // Client signature

Authorize authorizes a ticket vote or revokes a previous authorization.

Signature contains the client signature of the Token+Version+Action.

type AuthorizeReply

type AuthorizeReply struct {
	Timestamp int64  `json:"timestamp"` // Received UNIX timestamp
	Receipt   string `json:"receipt"`   // Server signature of client signature

AuthorizeReply is the reply to the Authorize command.

type CastBallot

type CastBallot struct {
	Ballot []CastVote `json:"ballot"`

CastBallot casts a ballot of votes. A ballot can only contain votes for a single record.

type CastBallotReply

type CastBallotReply struct {
	Receipts []CastVoteReply `json:"receipts"`

CastBallotReply is a reply to a batched list of votes.

type CastVote

type CastVote struct {
	Token     string `json:"token"`     // Record token
	Ticket    string `json:"ticket"`    // Ticket ID
	VoteBit   string `json:"votebit"`   // Selected vote bit, hex encoded
	Signature string `json:"signature"` // Signature of Token+Ticket+VoteBit

CastVote is a signed ticket vote. This structure gets saved to disk when a vote is cast.

type CastVoteDetails

type CastVoteDetails struct {
	// Data generated by client
	Token     string `json:"token"`     // Record token
	Ticket    string `json:"ticket"`    // Ticket hash
	VoteBit   string `json:"votebit"`   // Vote bit, hex encoded
	Signature string `json:"signature"` // Client signature

	// Metdata generated by server
	Address   string `json:"address"`   // Largest commitment address
	Receipt   string `json:"receipt"`   // Server signature
	Timestamp int64  `json:"timestamp"` // Unix timestamp

CastVoteDetails contains the details of a cast vote.

Signature is the client signature of the Token+Ticket+VoteBit. The client uses the ticket's largest commitment address to create the signature. The receipt is the server signature of the client signature.

type CastVoteReply

type CastVoteReply struct {
	Ticket  string `json:"ticket"`  // Ticket ID
	Receipt string `json:"receipt"` // Server signature of client signature

	// The follwing fields will only be present if an error occurred
	// while attempting to cast the vote.
	ErrorCode    VoteErrorT `json:"errorcode,omitempty"`
	ErrorContext string     `json:"errorcontext,omitempty"`

CastVoteReply contains the receipt for the cast vote.

type Details

type Details struct{}

Details returns the vote details for a record.

type DetailsReply

type DetailsReply struct {
	Auths []AuthDetails `json:"auths"`
	Vote  *VoteDetails  `json:"vote,omitempty"`

DetailsReply is the reply to the Details command.

type ErrorCodeT

type ErrorCodeT uint32

ErrorCodeT represents and error that is caused by the user.

const (
	// ErrorCodeInvalid is an invalid error code.
	ErrorCodeInvalid ErrorCodeT = 0

	// ErrorCodeTokenInvalid is returned when a record token is
	// provided as part of a plugin command payload and is not a valid
	// token or the payload token does not match the token that was
	// used in the API request.
	ErrorCodeTokenInvalid ErrorCodeT = 1

	// ErrorCodePublicKeyInvalid is returned when a public key is not
	// a valid hex encoded, Ed25519 public key.
	ErrorCodePublicKeyInvalid ErrorCodeT = 2

	// ErrorCodeSignatureInvalid is returned when a signature is not
	// a valid hex encoded, Ed25519 signature or when the signature is
	// wrong.
	ErrorCodeSignatureInvalid ErrorCodeT = 3

	// ErrorCodeRecordVersionInvalid is returned when the record
	// version used in a plugin command is not the most recent record
	// version.
	ErrorCodeRecordVersionInvalid ErrorCodeT = 4

	// ErrorCodeAuthorizationInvalid is returned when a vote
	// authorization is invalid.
	ErrorCodeAuthorizationInvalid ErrorCodeT = 5

	// ErrorCodeStartDetailsMissing is returned when a start command
	// is missing one or more of the start details that it expects to
	// be present.
	ErrorCodeStartDetailsMissing ErrorCodeT = 6

	// ErrorCodeStartDetailsInvalid is returned when a start command
	// contains a start details that is not suppose to be included.
	ErrorCodeStartDetailsInvalid ErrorCodeT = 7

	// ErrorCodeVoteTypeInvalid is returned when a start details vote
	// type is invalid.
	ErrorCodeVoteTypeInvalid ErrorCodeT = 8

	// ErrorCodeVoteDurationInvalid is returned when a start details
	// vote duration is invalid.
	ErrorCodeVoteDurationInvalid ErrorCodeT = 9

	// ErrorCodeVoteQuorumInvalid is returned when a start details
	// quorum percentage is invalid.
	ErrorCodeVoteQuorumInvalid ErrorCodeT = 10

	// ErrorCodeVotePassRateInvalid is returned when a start details
	// pass percentage is invalid.
	ErrorCodeVotePassRateInvalid ErrorCodeT = 11

	// ErrorCodeVoteOptionsInvalid is returned when a start details
	// vote options are invalid.
	ErrorCodeVoteOptionsInvalid ErrorCodeT = 12

	// ErrorCodeVoteBitsInvalid is returned when a vote bit or the mask
	// of a start details is invalid.
	ErrorCodeVoteBitsInvalid ErrorCodeT = 13

	// ErrorCodeVoteParentInvalid is returned when a parent record
	// of a runoff submission's start details is invalid.
	ErrorCodeVoteParentInvalid ErrorCodeT = 14

	// ErrorCodeVoteStatusInvalid is returned when the record's vote
	// status does not allow for the command to be executed.
	ErrorCodeVoteStatusInvalid ErrorCodeT = 15

	// ErrorCodeVoteMetadataInvalid is returned when vote metadata
	// attached to a record is invalid.
	ErrorCodeVoteMetadataInvalid ErrorCodeT = 16

	// ErrorCodeLinkByInvalid is returned when a vote metadata link by
	// is invalid.
	ErrorCodeLinkByInvalid ErrorCodeT = 17

	// ErrorCodeLinkToInvalid is returned when a vote metadata link to
	// is invalid.
	ErrorCodeLinkToInvalid ErrorCodeT = 18

	// ErrorCodeLinkByNotExpired is returned when a runoff vote is
	// attempted to be started before the link by deadline has expired.
	ErrorCodeLinkByNotExpired ErrorCodeT = 19

	// ErrorCodeRecordStateInvalid is returned when a ticketvote write
	// command is executed on a record that is not public.
	ErrorCodeRecordStatusInvalid ErrorCodeT = 20

	// ErrorCodeLast unit test only
	ErrorCodeLast ErrorCodeT = 21

type Inventory

type Inventory struct {
	Status VoteStatusT `json:"status,omitempty"`
	Page   uint32      `json:"page,omitempty"`

Inventory requests the tokens of public records in the inventory categorized by vote status.

The status and page arguments can be provided to request a specific page of record tokens.

If no status is provided then a page of tokens for all statuses will be returned. The page argument will be ignored.

type InventoryReply

type InventoryReply struct {
	Tokens map[string][]string `json:"tokens"`

	// BestBlock is the best block value that was used to prepare the
	// inventory.
	BestBlock uint32 `json:"bestblock"`

InventoryReply is the reply to the Inventory command. The returned map is a map[votestatus][]token where the votestatus key is the human readable vote status defined by the VoteStatuses array in this package.

Sorted by timestamp in descending order: Unauthorized, Authorized

Sorted by vote start block height in descending order: Started

Sorted by vote end block height in descending order: Finished, Approved, Rejected

type Proof

type Proof struct {
	Type       string   `json:"type"`
	Digest     string   `json:"digest"`
	MerkleRoot string   `json:"merkleroot"`
	MerklePath []string `json:"merklepath"`
	ExtraData  string   `json:"extradata"` // JSON encoded

Proof contains an inclusion proof for the digest in the merkle root. The ExtraData field is used by certain types of proofs to include additional data that is required to validate the proof.

type Results

type Results struct{}

Results requests the results of a vote.

type ResultsReply

type ResultsReply struct {
	Votes []CastVoteDetails `json:"votes"`

ResultsReply is the rely to the Results command.

type Start

type Start struct {
	Starts []StartDetails `json:"starts"`

Start starts a ticket vote.

type StartDetails

type StartDetails struct {
	Params    VoteParams `json:"params"`
	PublicKey string     `json:"publickey"` // Public key used for signature
	Signature string     `json:"signature"` // Client signature

StartDetails is the structure that is provided when starting a ticket vote.

Signature is the signature of a SHA256 digest of the JSON encoded VoteParams structure.

type StartReply

type StartReply struct {
	Receipt          string   `json:"receipt"`
	StartBlockHeight uint32   `json:"startblockheight"`
	StartBlockHash   string   `json:"startblockhash"`
	EndBlockHeight   uint32   `json:"endblockheight"`
	EligibleTickets  []string `json:"eligibletickets"`

StartReply is the reply to the Start command.

The Receipt is the server signature of ClientSignature+StartBlockHash.

type Submissions

type Submissions struct {
	Token string `json:"token"`

Submissions requests the submissions of a runoff vote. The only records that will have a submissions list are the parent records in a runoff vote. The list will contain all public runoff vote submissions, i.e. records that have linked to the parent record using the VoteMetadata.LinkTo field.

type SubmissionsReply

type SubmissionsReply struct {
	Submissions []string `json:"submissions"`

SubmissionsReply is the reply to the Submissions command.

type Summary

type Summary struct{}

Summary requests the vote summary for a record.

type SummaryReply

type SummaryReply struct {
	Status           VoteStatusT        `json:"status"`
	Type             VoteT              `json:"type,omitempty"`
	Duration         uint32             `json:"duration,omitempty"`
	StartBlockHeight uint32             `json:"startblockheight,omitempty"`
	StartBlockHash   string             `json:"startblockhash,omitempty"`
	EndBlockHeight   uint32             `json:"endblockheight,omitempty"`
	EligibleTickets  uint32             `json:"eligibletickets,omitempty"`
	QuorumPercentage uint32             `json:"quorumpercentage,omitempty"`
	PassPercentage   uint32             `json:"passpercentage,omitempty"`
	Results          []VoteOptionResult `json:"results,omitempty"`

	// BestBlock is the best block value that was used to prepare this
	// summary.
	BestBlock uint32 `json:"bestblock"`

SummaryReply is the reply to the Summary command.

type Timestamp

type Timestamp struct {
	Data       string  `json:"data"` // JSON encoded
	Digest     string  `json:"digest"`
	TxID       string  `json:"txid"`
	MerkleRoot string  `json:"merkleroot"`
	Proofs     []Proof `json:"proofs"`

Timestamp contains all of the data required to verify that a piece of data was timestamped onto the decred blockchain.

All digests are hex encoded SHA256 digests. The merkle root can be found in the OP_RETURN of the specified DCR transaction.

TxID, MerkleRoot, and Proofs will only be populated once the merkle root has been included in a DCR tx and the tx has 6 confirmations. The Data field will not be populated if the data has been censored.

type Timestamps

type Timestamps struct {
	VotesPage uint32 `json:"votespage,omitempty"`

Timestamps requests the timestamps for a ticket vote.

If no votes page number is provided then the vote authorization and vote details timestamps will be returned. If a votes page number is provided then the specified page of votes will be returned.

type TimestampsReply

type TimestampsReply struct {
	Auths   []Timestamp `json:"auths"`
	Details *Timestamp  `json:"details,omitempty"`
	Votes   []Timestamp `json:"votes"`

TimestampsReply is the reply to the Timestamps command.

type VoteDetails

type VoteDetails struct {
	// Data generated by client
	Params    VoteParams `json:"params"`
	PublicKey string     `json:"publickey"`
	Signature string     `json:"signature"`

	// Metadata generated by server
	Receipt          string   `json:"receipt"`
	StartBlockHeight uint32   `json:"startblockheight"`
	StartBlockHash   string   `json:"startblockhash"`
	EndBlockHeight   uint32   `json:"endblockheight"`
	EligibleTickets  []string `json:"eligibletickets"` // Ticket hashes

VoteDetails is the structure that is saved to disk when a vote is started. It contains all of the fields from a Start and a StartReply. A vote details with the eligible tickets snapshot will be ~0.35MB.

Signature is the client signature of the SHA256 digest of the JSON encoded Vote struct.

Receipt is the server signature of ClientSignature+StartBlockHash.

type VoteErrorT

type VoteErrorT uint32

VoteErrorT represents errors that can occur while attempting to cast ticket votes.

const (
	// VoteErrorInvalid is an invalid vote error.
	VoteErrorInvalid VoteErrorT = 0

	// VoteErrorInternalError is returned when an internal server error
	// occurred.
	VoteErrorInternalError VoteErrorT = 1

	// VoteErrorTokenInvalid is returned when the record censorship
	// token is invalid.
	VoteErrorTokenInvalid VoteErrorT = 2

	// VoteErrorRecordNotFound is returned when the specified record
	// does not exist.
	VoteErrorRecordNotFound VoteErrorT = 3

	// VoteErrorMultipleRecordVotes is returned when votes are casts
	// for multiple records in a single ballot.
	VoteErrorMultipleRecordVotes VoteErrorT = 4

	// VoteErrorVoteStatusInvalid is returned when the ticket vote
	// status does not allow for votes to be cast, such as when a vote
	// has already finished.
	VoteErrorVoteStatusInvalid VoteErrorT = 5

	// VoteErrorVoteBitInvalid is returned when the vote being cast
	// uses invalid vote bits.
	VoteErrorVoteBitInvalid VoteErrorT = 6

	// VoteErrorSignatureInvalid is returned when the vote being cast
	// has an invalid signature.
	VoteErrorSignatureInvalid VoteErrorT = 7

	// VoteErrorTicketNotEligible is returned when a vote is being cast
	// using a ticket that is not part of the vote.
	VoteErrorTicketNotEligible VoteErrorT = 8

	// VoteErrorTicketAlreadyVoted is returned when a vote is cast
	// using a ticket that has already voted.
	VoteErrorTicketAlreadyVoted VoteErrorT = 9

	// VoteErrorLast unit test only.
	VoteErrorLast VoteErrorT = 10

type VoteMetadata

type VoteMetadata struct {
	// LinkBy is set when the user intends for the record to be the
	// parent record in a runoff vote. It is a UNIX timestamp that
	// serves as the deadline for other records to declare their intent
	// to participate in the runoff vote.
	LinkBy int64 `json:"linkby,omitempty"`

	// LinkTo is the censorship token of a runoff vote parent record.
	// It is set when a record is being submitted as a vote options in
	// the runoff vote.
	LinkTo string `json:"linkto,omitempty"`

VoteMetadata is metadata that is specified by the user and attached to a record on submission. This metadata is required for certain types of votes.

type VoteOption

type VoteOption struct {
	ID          string `json:"id"`          // Single, unique word (e.g. yes)
	Description string `json:"description"` // Longer description of the vote
	Bit         uint64 `json:"bit"`         // Bit used for this option

VoteOption describes a single vote option.

type VoteOptionResult

type VoteOptionResult struct {
	ID          string `json:"id"`          // Single unique word (e.g. yes)
	Description string `json:"description"` // Longer description of the vote
	VoteBit     uint64 `json:"votebit"`     // Bits used for this option
	Votes       uint64 `json:"votes"`       // Votes cast for this option

VoteOptionResult describes a vote option and the total number of votes that have been cast for this option.

type VoteParams

type VoteParams struct {
	Token    string `json:"token"`    // Record token
	Version  uint32 `json:"version"`  // Record version
	Type     VoteT  `json:"type"`     // Vote type
	Mask     uint64 `json:"mask"`     // Valid vote bits
	Duration uint32 `json:"duration"` // Duration in blocks

	// QuorumPercentage is the percent of elligible votes required for
	// the vote to meet a quorum.
	QuorumPercentage uint32 `json:"quorumpercentage"`

	// PassPercentage is the percent of total votes that are required
	// to consider a vote option as passed.
	PassPercentage uint32 `json:"passpercentage"`

	Options []VoteOption `json:"options"`

	// Parent is the token of the parent record. This field will only
	// be populated for runoff votes.
	Parent string `json:"parent,omitempty"`

VoteParams describes the options and parameters of a ticket vote.

type VoteStatusT

type VoteStatusT uint32

VoteStatusT represents the status of a ticket vote.

const (
	// VoteStatusInvalid is an invalid vote status.
	VoteStatusInvalid VoteStatusT = 0

	// VoteStatusUnauthorized indicates the ticket vote has not been
	// authorized yet.
	VoteStatusUnauthorized VoteStatusT = 1

	// VoteStatusAuthorized indicates the ticket vote has been
	// authorized.
	VoteStatusAuthorized VoteStatusT = 2

	// VoteStatusStarted indicates the ticket vote has been started.
	VoteStatusStarted VoteStatusT = 3

	// VoteStatusFinished indicates the ticket vote has finished. This
	// vote status is used for vote types that do not have a clear
	// approved or rejected outcome, such as multiple choice votes.
	VoteStatusFinished VoteStatusT = 4

	// VoteStatusApproved indicates that a vote has finished and the
	// vote has met the criteria for being approved. This vote status
	// is only used when the vote type allows for a clear approved or
	// rejected outcome.
	VoteStatusApproved VoteStatusT = 5

	// VoteStatusRejected indicates that a vote has finished and the
	// vote did NOT the criteria for being approved. This vote status
	// is only used when the vote type allows for a clear approved or
	// rejected outcome.
	VoteStatusRejected VoteStatusT = 6

	// VoteStatusIneligible indicates that a record is not eligible to
	// be voted on. This happens when a record is censored or archived.
	VoteStatusIneligible VoteStatusT = 7

	// VoteStatusLast unit test only.
	VoteStatusLast VoteStatusT = 8

type VoteT

type VoteT uint32

VoteT represents the different types of ticket votes that are available.

const (
	// VoteTypeInvalid is an invalid vote type.
	VoteTypeInvalid VoteT = 0

	// VoteTypeStandard is used to indicate a simple approve or reject
	// vote where the winner is the voting option that has met the
	// specified quorum and pass requirements. Standard votes must be
	// authorized before the vote can be started.
	VoteTypeStandard VoteT = 1

	// VoteTypeRunoff specifies a runoff vote that multiple records
	// compete in. All records are voted on like normal, but there can
	// only be one winner in a runoff vote. The winner is the record
	// that meets the quorum requirement, meets the pass requirement,
	// and that has the most net yes votes. The winning record is
	// considered approved and all other records are considered to be
	// rejected. If no records meet the quorum and pass requirements
	// then all records are considered rejected. Note, in a runoff vote
	// it's possible for a record to meet both the quorum and pass
	// requirements but still be rejected if it does not have the most
	// net yes votes. Runoff vote participants are not required to have
	// the voting period authorized prior to the vote starting.
	VoteTypeRunoff VoteT = 2

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