
v1.5.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Jun 29, 2024 License: ISC Imports: 51 Imported by: 0



Installing and running

Install dependencies
Go 1.19 or 1.20

Installation instructions can be at https://golang.org/doc/install. Ensure Go was installed properly and is a supported version:

$ go version

NOTE: GOROOT and GOPATH must not be on the same path. Since Go 1.8 (2016), GOROOT and GOPATH are set automatically, and you do not need to change them. However, you still need to add $GOPATH/bin to your PATH in order to run binaries installed by go get and go install (On Windows, this happens automatically).

Unix example -- add these lines to .profile:

PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin"  # main Go binaries ($GOROOT/bin)
PATH="$PATH:$HOME/go/bin"       # installed Go projects ($GOPATH/bin)

Installation instructions can be found at https://git-scm.com or https://gitforwindows.org.

$ git version

Installation instructions can be found at the links below.
MySQL: https://www.mysql.com
MariaDB: https://mariadb.com

Unix example:

$ sudo apt install mariadb-server

Run the security script to configure MariaDB. You MUST set a password for the root user. The politeiad scripts will not run properly if the root user does not have a password.

$ sudo mysql_secure_installation

Update the max connections setting. This is required for politeiad to run properly. You will be prompted for the MySQL root user's password when running these commands.

# Update max connections    
$ mysql -u root -p -e "SET GLOBAL max_connections = 2000;"

# Verify the setting
$ mysql -u root -p -e "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'max_connections';"

You can also update the config file so you don't need to set it manually in the future. Make sure to restart MySQL once you update the config file.

MariaDB config file: /etc/mysql/mariadb.cnf
MySQL config file: /etc/mysql/my.cnf

max_connections = 2000
Trillian 1.4.1

Installation instructions can be found at https://github.com/google/trillian.

Unix example:

$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/google/
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/google/
$ git clone git@github.com:google/trillian.git
$ cd trillian
$ git checkout tags/v1.4.1 -b v1.4.1
$ go install -v ./...
Install politeia

This step downloads and installs the politeiad and politeiawww binaries.

You must have all dependencies installed before continuing. The MySQL/MariaDB root user must have a password and the max connections setting must be updated. See the MySQL/MariaDB installation section for more details.

$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/decred
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/decred
$ git clone git@github.com:decred/politeia.git
$ cd politeia
$ go install -v ./...
Setup and run politeiad
  1. Run the politeiad mysql setup scripts.

    This will create the politeiad and trillian users as well as creating the politeiad databases. Password authentication is used for all database connections.

    The password that you set for the politeiad MySQL user will be used to derive an encryption key that is used to encrypt non-public data at rest. Make sure to setup a strong password when running in production. Once set, the politeiad user password cannot change.

    The setup script assumes MySQL is running on localhost:3306 and the users will be accessing the databse from localhost. See the setup script comments for more complex setups.

    Run the following commands. You will need to replace rootpass with the existing password of your root user. The politeiadpass and trillianpass are the password that will be set for the politeiad and trillian users when the script creates them.

    $ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/decred/politeia/politeiad/scripts
    $ env \
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=rootpass \
      MYSQL_POLITEIAD_PASSWORD=politeiadpass \
      MYSQL_TRILLIAN_PASSWORD=trillianpass \
  2. Run the trillian mysql setup scripts.

    These can only be run once the trillian MySQL user has been created in the previous step.

    The trillianpass and rootpass will need to be updated to the passwords for your trillian and root users.

    If setting up a mainnet instance, change the MYSQL_DATABASE env variable to mainnet_trillian.

    $ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/google/trillian/scripts
    # Testnet setup
    $ env \
      MYSQL_USER=trillian \
      MYSQL_PASSWORD=trillianpass \
      MYSQL_DATABASE=testnet3_trillian \
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=rootpass \
  3. Start up trillian.

    Running trillian requires running a trillian log server and a trillian log signer. These are seperate processes that will be started in this step.

    You will need to replace the trillianpass with the trillian user's password that you setup in previous steps. The commands below for testnet and mainnet run the trillian instances on the same ports so you can only run one set of commands, testnet or mainnet. Run the testnet commands if you're setting up a development environment.

    If setting up a mainnet instance, change the MYSQL_DATABASE env variable to mainnet_trillian for both the log server and log signer.

    Start testnet log server

    $ export MYSQL_USER=trillian && \
      export MYSQL_PASSWORD=trillianpass && \
      export MYSQL_DATABASE=testnet3_trillian && \
    $ trillian_log_server \
      --mysql_uri=${MYSQL_URI} \
      --mysql_max_conns=2000 \
      --rpc_endpoint localhost:8090 \
      --http_endpoint localhost:8091 \
      --logtostderr ...

    Start testnet log signer

    $ export MYSQL_USER=trillian && \
      export MYSQL_PASSWORD=trillianpass && \
      export MYSQL_DATABASE=testnet3_trillian && \
    $ trillian_log_signer --logtostderr --force_master \
      --batch_size=1000 \
      --sequencer_guard_window=0 \
      --sequencer_interval=200ms \
      --mysql_uri=${MYSQL_URI} \
      --rpc_endpoint localhost:8092 \
  4. Setup the politeiad configuration file.


    Copy the sample configuration file to the politeiad app data directory. The app data directory will depend on your OS.

    • macOS

      /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Politeiad/politeiad.conf

    • Windows


    • Unix


    $ mkdir -p ${HOME}/.politeiad/
    $ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/decred/politeia/politeiad
    $ cp ./sample-politeiad.conf ${HOME}/.politeiad/politeiad.conf

    Use the following config settings to spin up a development politeiad instance.


    ; politeiad settings
    ; tstore settings

    Pi configuration

    Pi, Decred's proposal system, requires adding the following additional settings to your configuration file.

    ; Pi plugin configuration
  5. Start up politeiad.

    The password for the politeiad MySQL user must be provided in the DBPASS env variable. The encryption key used to encrypt non-public data at rest will be derived from the DBPASS. The DBPASS cannot change.

    $ env DBPASS=politeiadpass politeiad

Politeiad API

The politeiad APIs and libraries should be treated as unstable and subject to breaking changes.


The basic politeiad API allows users to submit and edit records, where a record is an arbitrary set of files. A Decred proposal is an example of a record.

politeiad uses a plugin architecture to extend records with additional functionality. For example, the comments plugin extends a record with comment functionality. It provides an API for creating, editing, deleting, and retrieving comments.

The plugins and their APIs can be found here.

Plugins can be specified using the --plugin flag or a plugin config file entry.

Plugins have default settings that can be overridden using the --pluginsetting flag or a pluginsetting config file entry. Plugin settings are key-value settings that must use the format:


The list of settings for each plugin can be found in the plugin APIs.

The following example shows what an entry in the politeiad config file would look like if the user wanted to override the default comments plugin setting for a maximum comment length. This would set the max comment length to 2500 characters.


Some plugin settings require multiple values to be provided. One such example is when a list of supported characters is required. You can provide multiple values for a single plugin setting by passing the values in an array. The array must be a valid JSON encoded []string.

# Easiest method

# Or you can manually escape the quotes

Tools and reference clients

  • politeia - Reference client for politeiad.


Reset databases

You can remove all records from politeiad using the following commands.

These commands will not delete any politeiawww user data. This lets you reset the politeiad data to clear out all existing records while still keeping all of your politeiawww user accounts intact so that you can have a fresh development enviroment without needing to re-setup the user accounts.

# Reset politeiad database
$ cd ${HOME}/go/src/github.com/decred/politeia/
$ env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD="rootpass" \

# Reset trillian database
$ cd ${HOME}/go/src/github.com/google/trillian/
$ export MYSQL_USER=trillian && \
  export MYSQL_PASSWORD=trillianpass && \
  export MYSQL_DATABASE=testnet3_trillian && \
  export MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=rootpass && \

# Reset cached data. The location of this directory will depend on your
# operating system.
rm -rf ~/.politeiad/data/testnet3



Copyright (c) 2021 The Decred developers Use of this source code is governed by an ISC license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

Copyright (c) 2020-2021 The Decred developers Use of this source code is governed by an ISC license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

Copyright (c) 2020-2021 The Decred developers Use of this source code is governed by an ISC license that can be found in the LICENSE file.


Path Synopsis
zkidentity package manages public and private identities.
zkidentity package manages public and private identities.
Package gitbe contains the git backend types and filenames that are required by the legacypoliteia tool.
Package gitbe contains the git backend types and filenames that are required by the legacypoliteia tool.
Package comments provides a plugin for extending a record with comment functionality.
Package comments provides a plugin for extending a record with comment functionality.
Package dcrdata provides a plugin for querying the dcrdata block explorer.
Package dcrdata provides a plugin for querying the dcrdata block explorer.
Package pi provides a plugin that extends records with functionality for decred's proposal system.
Package pi provides a plugin that extends records with functionality for decred's proposal system.
Package ticketvote provides a plugin for running votes that require decred tickets to participate.
Package ticketvote provides a plugin for running votes that require decred tickets to participate.
Package usermd provides a politeiad plugin that extends records with user metadata and provides an API for retrieving records by user metadata.
Package usermd provides a politeiad plugin that extends records with user metadata and provides an API for retrieving records by user metadata.

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