quick and dirty script that detects duplicate image files and generates an html report with a list of duplicates.
I built this for my wife who wanted a way to easily identify duplicate images on our growing collection of pictures. Plus, it was an excuse to write something new in Go. =)
how it works
Running this utility on a directory of images will do the following:
- Recursively scan the directory looking for image files (currently only jpegs)
- Add each image file path to a map of slices with the filesize as the key looking for potential duplicates
- MD5 hash all files that have the same filesize looking for true duplicates
- Generate thumbnails of all found duplicates
- Generate an HTML report allowing for filtering on particular folder
- Other than scanning for files and generating a report this command line app DOES NOT attempt to delete, rename or move files around. It is purely designed to yield a report for further analysis currently.
future improvements
- Enhance to run in parallell with Go's awesome goroutine/channels
- Enhance to work on additional image types or even any file type
- Modify to use Go's template library (should have started with this, but was lazy)
- Enhance with command line options as necessary
- Add unit-tests
//To install
go get
//Then open up a command line and run the following:
go run gotdoops.go [folder/with/images]
Are absolutely welcome and encouraged!