is a tool to query the
OpenDNS Investigate API using a list of domains,
outputting the results to a flat Tab-Separated Value (TSV) file.
It is fully configurable with a TOML file;
anything and everything that one can query the Investigate API for can be fetched
and written out to a flat TSV file. It also takes full advantage of Go's
concurrency mechanisms, so requests are paralellized.
Install & Setup
To install, simply download the correct binary from the Releases page.
Once you have it installed, generate a default config file:
$ ./domainstats -setup <Your API Key>
Config file generated in ~/.domainstats/default.toml
where you should replace <Your API Key>
with your
Investigate API key.
Build from source
To build from the source, first, make sure your
is set.
This project uses Godep to manage dependencies.
If you don't already have it installed, go get
$ go get github.com/tools/godep
Then, you can download and build/install domainstats
$ go get -d github.com/dead10ck/domainstats
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/dead10ck/domainstats
$ godep go install
TOML Configuration
The default config file has all options set to true.
APIKey = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
Status = true
Labels = true
SecurityCategories = true
ContentCategories = true
Domain = true
Score = true
Domain = true
Score = true
DGAScore = true
Perplexity = true
Entropy = true
SecureRank2 = true
PageRank = true
ASNScore = true
PrefixScore = true
RIPScore = true
Popularity = true
Fastflux = true
Geodiversity = true
GeodiversityNormalized = true
TLDGeodiversity = true
Geoscore = true
KSTest = true
Attack = true
ThreatType = true
Begin = true
End = true
Category = true
Url = true
FirstSeen = true
LastSeen = true
Name = true
TTL = true
Class = true
Type = true
RR = true
Age = true
TTLsMin = true
TTLsMax = true
TTLsMean = true
TTLsMedian = true
TTLsStdDev = true
CountryCodes = true
ASNs = true
Prefixes = true
RIPSCount = true
RIPSDiversity = true
Locations = true
GeoDistanceSum = true
GeoDistanceMean = true
NonRoutable = true
MailExchanger = true
CName = true
FFCandidate = true
RIPSStability = true
Each top-level table corresponds to a single endpoint of the Investigate API. The
more endpoints you make it query, the longer it will take to complete the queries.
You'll likely want to turn some of the flags off. To do so, you can either change
the values to false
, or delete the line entirely.
I recommend you copy the default config file, instead of editing it directly.
$ cp ~/.domainstats/default.toml ~/.domainstats/myconfig.toml
If you only want, e.g., status, cooccurrences, RIP scores, and threat type, you can use
a config file like so:
APIKey = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
Status = true
Domain = true
Score = true
RIPScore = true
ThreatType = true
takes a file that contains a list of domains; e.g., say you have a
file named bad_domains.txt
You can query these domains like so:
$ ./domainstats -c ~/.domainstats/myconfig.toml -out domains.tsv bad_domains.txt
This will output a TSV file with all the requested information in a file named
, which you can then import in a spreadsheet application, or open with
a simple text editor.
Without the -c
option to specify a config, it uses the default config
(i.e., it queries and outputs everything):
$ ./domainstats -out domains.tsv bad_domains.txt