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Published: Dec 6, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 12 Imported by: 0



Package site handles a GNSS site with its antenna, receiver etc. including the history.



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func EncodeSitelog

func EncodeSitelog(w io.Writer, s *Site) error

EncodeSitelog writes the Site s to the writer w in IGS sitelog format.

func IDByFilename

func IDByFilename(filename string) string

IDByFilename extracts the siteID (usually nineCharID) from a IGS sitelog filename. The returned value is upper case. On failure an empty string is returned. The filename must comply to the IGS conventions, that means e.g. "wtzr00deu_20231030.log" or the deprecated short name "wtzr_20231030.log".


type Address

type Address struct {
	PostalCode         string   `json:"postalCode"`
	City               string   `json:"city"`
	Country            string   `json:"country"`
	AdministrativeArea string   `json:"administrativeArea"` // Bundesland
	DeliveryPoints     []string `json:"deliveryPoints"`     // Postfach?
	EmailAddresses     []string `json:"electronicMailAddresses" validate:"dive,email"`
	Standard           Standard `json:"standard"`   // ?
	Modifiable         bool     `json:"modifiable"` // ?
	Interface          string   `json:"interface"`  // "org.opengis.metadata.citation.ResponsibleParty"

Address stores an address. It's not possible to parse that information from a sitelog.

type ApproximatePosition

type ApproximatePosition struct {
	CartesianPosition CartesianPosition `json:"cartesianPosition"`
	GeodeticPosition  GeodeticPosition  `json:"geodeticPosition"`

ApproximatePosition stores the approximate position of the site.

type CartesianPosition

type CartesianPosition struct {
	Type        string     `json:"type"`        // "Point"
	Coordinates [3]float64 `json:"coordinates"` // The XYZ-coordinates.

CartesianPosition is a point specified by its XYZ-coordinates.

func NewCartesianPosition

func NewCartesianPosition() CartesianPosition

NewCartesianPosition inits a Cartesian Point Position.

type Collocation

type Collocation struct {
	InstrumentType string         `json:"instrumentType"` // GPS/GLONASS/DORIS/PRARE/SLR/VLBI/TIME/etc
	Status         string         `json:"status"`         // PERMANENT/MOBILE
	EffectiveDates EffectiveDates `json:"effectiveDates"`
	Notes          string         `json:"notes"`

Collocation describes collocation instruments.

type Contact

type Contact struct {
	ContactTypeID int   `json:"contactTypeId"`
	Party         Party `json:"party"`

Contact is the on-site point of contact.

type ContactInfo

type ContactInfo struct {
	ContactInstructions interface{} `json:"contactInstructions"`
	HoursOfService      interface{} `json:"hoursOfService"`
	OnLineResource      interface{} `json:"onLineResource"`
	Address             Address     `json:"address"`
	Phone               Phone       `json:"phone"`
	Standard            Standard    `json:"standard"`
	Modifiable          bool        `json:"modifiable"`
	Interface           string      `json:"interface"` // "org.opengis.metadata.citation.Contact"

ContactInfo stores the address, phones etc. of an party/organisation.

type DeltaXYZ

type DeltaXYZ struct {
	Dx float64 `json:"dx"`
	Dy float64 `json:"dy"`
	Dz float64 `json:"dz"`

DeltaXYZ stores deltas to a cartesian coordinate.

type EffectiveDates

type EffectiveDates struct {
	From time.Time `json:"from"`
	To   time.Time `json:"to"`

EffectiveDates holds a start- and enddate.

type FormInformation

type FormInformation struct {
	PreparedBy   string    `json:"preparedBy"`
	DatePrepared time.Time `json:"datePrepared" validate:"required"`
	ReportType   string    `json:"reportType"` // NEW/UPDATE


FormInformation stores sitelog metdadata.

type FrequencyStandard

type FrequencyStandard struct {
	Type           string         `json:"type"`           // INTERNAL or EXTERNAL H-MASER/CESIUM/etc.
	InputFrequency string         `json:"inputFrequency"` // if external
	EffectiveDates EffectiveDates `json:"effectiveDates"`
	Notes          string         `json:"notes"`

FrequencyStandard describes the internal or external frequency input.

type GeodeticPosition

type GeodeticPosition struct {
	Type        string     `json:"type"` // "Point"
	Coordinates [3]float64 `json:"coordinates"`

GeodeticPosition is a point specified by lat,lon and ellipsoid height.

func NewGeodeticPosition

func NewGeodeticPosition() GeodeticPosition

NewGeodeticPosition inits a Geodetic Point Position.

type HumiditySensor

type HumiditySensor struct {
	Type                 string         `json:"type"` // Humidity Sensor Model
	Manufacturer         string         `json:"manufacturer"`
	SerialNumber         string         `json:"serialNumber"`
	DataSamplingInterval float64        `json:"dataSamplingInterval"`            // in secs
	Accuracy             float64        `json:"accuracyPercentRelativeHumidity"` // in % relative humidity
	Aspiration           string         `json:"aspiration"`                      // UNASPIRATED, NATURAL, FAN etc.
	HeightDiffToAntenna  float64        `json:"heightDiffToAntenna"`             // in meter
	CalibrationDate      time.Time      `json:"calibrationDate"`
	EffectiveDates       EffectiveDates `json:"effectiveDates"`
	Notes                string         `json:"notes"`

HumiditySensor specifies a humidity sensor.

type Identification

type Identification struct {
	Name                   string    `json:"siteName" validate:"required"`                        // City or nearest town
	FourCharacterID        string    `json:"fourCharacterId"`                                     // Deprecated: use NineCharacterID
	NineCharacterID        string    `json:"nineCharacterId" validate:"omitempty,alphanum,len=9"` // or store singel fields? ID
	MonumentInscription    string    `json:"monumentInscription"`                                 //
	DOMESNumber            string    `json:"iersDOMESNumber"`                                     // IERS Domes number, A9
	CDPNumber              string    `json:"cdpNumber"`                                           // whats that? A4
	MonumentDescription    string    `json:"monumentDescription"`                                 // PILLAR/BRASS PLATE/STEEL MAST/etc
	HeightOfMonument       float64   `json:"heightOfMonument"`                                    // in meter?
	MonumentFoundation     string    `json:"monumentFoundation"`                                  // STEEL RODS, CONCRETE BLOCK, ROOF, etc
	FoundationDepth        float64   `json:"foundationDepth"`                                     // in meter
	MarkerDescription      string    `json:"markerDescription"`                                   // CHISELLED CROSS/DIVOT/BRASS NAIL/etc
	DateInstalled          time.Time `json:"dateInstalled"`                                       //
	GeologicCharacteristic string    `json:"geologicCharacteristic"`                              // BEDROCK/CLAY/CONGLOMERATE/GRAVEL/SAND/etc
	BedrockType            string    `json:"bedrockType"`                                         // IGNEOUS/METAMORPHIC/SEDIMENTARY  -> new type BedrockType
	BedrockCondition       string    `json:"bedrockCondition"`                                    // FRESH/JOINTED/WEATHERED
	FractureSpacing        string    `json:"fractureSpacing"`                                     // 1-10 cm/11-50 cm/51-200 cm/over 200 cm
	FaultZonesNearby       string    `json:"faultZonesNearby"`                                    // YES/NO/Name of the zone
	DistanceActivity       string    `json:"distanceActivity"`
	Notes                  string    `json:"notes"`

Identification holds common fields about this site.

type Links struct {
	Self    Self    `json:"self"`
	SiteLog SiteLog `json:"siteLog"`

type LocalEpisodicEffect

type LocalEpisodicEffect struct {
	EffectiveDates EffectiveDates `json:"effectiveDates"`
	Event          string         `json:"event"` // TREE CLEARING/CONSTRUCTION/etc

LocalEpisodicEffect is a local episodic effect that possibly affects data quality, defined in 10.

type LocalTies

type LocalTies struct {
	MarkerName             string    `json:"tiedMarkerName"`
	MarkerUsage            string    `json:"tiedMarkerUsage"`        // SLR/VLBI/LOCAL CONTROL/FOOTPRINT/etc
	MarkerCDPNumber        string    `json:"tiedMarkerCdpNumber"`    // A4
	MarkerDomesNumber      string    `json:"tiedMarkerDomesNumber"`  // A9
	DifferentialFromMarker DeltaXYZ  `json:"differentialFromMarker"` // in meter
	Accuracy               float64   `json:"localSiteTieAccuracy"`   // in mm
	SurveyMethod           string    `json:"surveyMethod"`           // GPS CAMPAIGN/TRILATERATION/TRIANGULATION/etc
	DateMeasured           time.Time `json:"dateMeasured"`
	Notes                  string    `json:"notes"`

LocalTies stores the surveyed local ties from one measurement.

type Location

type Location struct {
	City                string              `json:"city"`
	State               string              `json:"state"`
	Country             string              `json:"country"` // The 3-char country code is prefered.
	TectonicPlate       string              `json:"tectonicPlate"`
	ApproximatePosition ApproximatePosition `json:"approximatePosition" validate:"required"` // ITRF
	Notes               string              `json:"notes"`

Location holds information about the location.

type MetadataCustodian

type MetadataCustodian struct {
	ContactTypeID int   `json:"contactTypeId"`
	Party         Party `json:"party"`

The MetadataCustodian is responsible for the sites' metadata.

type MoreInformation

type MoreInformation struct {
	PrimaryDataCenter             string `json:"primaryDataCenter"`
	SecondaryDataCenter           string `json:"secondaryDataCenter"`
	URLForMoreInformation         string `json:"urlForMoreInformation"`
	SiteMap                       string `json:"siteMap"`
	SiteDiagram                   string `json:"siteDiagram"`
	HorizonMask                   string `json:"horizonMask"`
	MonumentDescription           string `json:"monumentDescription"`
	SitePictures                  string `json:"sitePictures"`
	Notes                         string `json:"notes"`
	AntennaGraphicsWithDimensions string `json:"antennaGraphicsWithDimensions"`
	InsertTextGraphicFromAntenna  string `json:"insertTextGraphicFromAntenna"`
	Doi                           string `json:"doi"`

MoreInformation about data centers, pictures etc., sitelog block 13

type Party

type Party struct {
	IndividualName   string      `json:"individualName"`
	OrganisationName string      `json:"organisationName"` // abbreviation
	Abbreviation     string      `json:"abbreviation"`     // additional field added by wiese
	PositionName     string      `json:"positionName"`     // ?
	ContactInfo      ContactInfo `json:"contactInfo"`
	Role             Role        `json:"role"`
	Standard         Standard    `json:"standard"`
	Modifiable       bool        `json:"modifiable"`
	Interface        string      `json:"interface"`

Party describes an organisation with contacts, addresses included.

type Phone

type Phone struct {
	Voices     []string `json:"voices"`
	Facsimiles []string `json:"facsimiles"`

Phone stores phone and facsimile numbers of a contact.

type PressureSensor

type PressureSensor struct {
	Type                 string         `json:"type"` // Pressure Sensor Model
	Manufacturer         string         `json:"manufacturer"`
	SerialNumber         string         `json:"serialNumber"`
	DataSamplingInterval float64        `json:"dataSamplingInterval"` // in secs
	Accuracy             float64        `json:"accuracyHPa"`          // in hPa
	HeightDiffToAntenna  float64        `json:"heightDiffToAntenna"`  // in meter
	CalibrationDate      time.Time      `json:"calibrationDate"`
	EffectiveDates       EffectiveDates `json:"effectiveDates"`
	Notes                string         `json:"notes"`

PressureSensor specifies a pressure sensor.

type ResponsibleAgency

type ResponsibleAgency struct {
	ContactTypeID int   `json:"contactTypeId"`
	Party         Party `json:"party"`

ResponsibleAgency is the responsible agency.

type Role

type Role struct {

type Self

type Self struct {
	Href string `json:"href"`

type Site

type Site struct {
	ID               int       `json:"id"`
	EntryDate        time.Time `json:"entryDate"`
	LastModifiedDate time.Time `json:"lastModifiedDate"`
	//SiteLogText                 time.Time                `json:"siteLogText"`
	FormInfo FormInformation `json:"formInformation"`
	Ident    Identification  `json:"siteIdentification"`
	Location Location        `json:"siteLocation"`

	Receivers []*gnss.Receiver `json:"gnssReceivers" validate:"required,min=1,dive,required"`
	Antennas  []*gnss.Antenna  `json:"gnssAntennas" validate:"required,min=1,dive,required"`

	LocalTies                   []LocalTies           `json:"surveyedLocalTies"`
	FrequencyStandards          []FrequencyStandard   `json:"frequencyStandards"`
	Collocations                []Collocation         `json:"collocationInformation"`
	HumiditySensors             []HumiditySensor      `json:"humiditySensors"`
	PressureSensors             []PressureSensor      `json:"pressureSensors"`
	TemperatureSensors          []TemperatureSensor   `json:"temperatureSensors"`
	WaterVaporSensors           []WaterVaporSensor    `json:"waterVaporSensors"`
	OtherInstrumentationLogItem []interface{}         `json:"otherInstrumentationLogItem"` // 8.5 Other Instrumentation
	RadioInterferences          []interface{}         `json:"radioInterferences"`          // 9.1
	MultipathSourceLogItems     []interface{}         `json:"multipathSourceLogItems"`     // 9.2
	SignalObstructionLogItems   []interface{}         `json:"signalObstructionLogItems"`   // 9.3
	LocalEpisodicEffectLogItems []LocalEpisodicEffect `json:"localEpisodicEffectLogItems"` // 10
	Contacts                    []Contact             `json:"siteContacts"`                // 11. On-Site, Point of Contact Agency Information
	ResponsibleAgencies         []ResponsibleAgency   `json:"responsibleParties"`          // 12. Responsible Agency
	MoreInformation             MoreInformation       `json:"moreInformation"`             // 13
	MetadataCustodians          []MetadataCustodian   `json:"siteMetadataCustodians"`

	Warnings []error `json:"-"`

Site specifies a GNSS site.

func DecodeSitelog

func DecodeSitelog(r io.Reader) (*Site, error)

DecodeSitelog reads and parses the sitelog input stream and returns it as a site.

func (*Site) GetResponsibleAgency

func (s *Site) GetResponsibleAgency() (Party, error)

GetResponsibleAgency returns the responsible agency for questions about the operation of the site, regarding site log or RINEX errors etc. In the sitelog this is section "12. Responsible Agency" if available. If not available, return the "11. On-Site Point of Contact".

func (*Site) StationInfo

func (s *Site) StationInfo() ([]StationInfo, error)

StationInfo returns the station information with all receiver and antenna changes since the installation of the site, as it is used for the bernese Station Information (STA file).

func (*Site) ValidateAndClean

func (s *Site) ValidateAndClean(force bool) error

ValidateAndClean validates and cleans the site data. With input data often being lousy, the values are cleaned as much as possible before, missing fields e.g. dates are set if possible. With force being true, corrupt data will be cleaned with extra force as much as possible, e.g. adjust overlapping sensor dates, where it would otherwise return with an error.

type SiteLog

type SiteLog struct {
	Href      string `json:"href"`
	Templated bool   `json:"templated"`

type Sites

type Sites []*Site

Sites constains a slice of type Site.

func (*Sites) WriteBerneseSTA

func (sites *Sites) WriteBerneseSTA(w io.Writer, fmtVers string) error

Write sites to w in Bernese STA file format, with the given format version.

type Standard

type Standard struct {

Standard is a no idea what.

type StationInfo

type StationInfo struct {
	Name        string // The 9-char or 4-char station name.
	Description string // usually the city or town
	DOMESNumber string
	Flag        string //  "001"
	From, To    time.Time
	Recv        *gnss.Receiver
	Ant         *gnss.Antenna
	Remark      string // could be the Recv.Firmware if not otherwise used

StationInfo represents the receiver and antenna state for a time range.

func (*StationInfo) FourCharacterID

func (sta *StationInfo) FourCharacterID() string

Returns the (old) short 4-char station name.

func (*StationInfo) MarshalBerneseSTA

func (sta *StationInfo) MarshalBerneseSTA(fmtVers string) string

MarshalBerneseSTA returns the station info as it is used in Bernese STA files.

type TemperatureSensor

type TemperatureSensor struct {
	Type                 string         `json:"type"` // Pressure Sensor Model
	Manufacturer         string         `json:"manufacturer"`
	SerialNumber         string         `json:"serialNumber"`
	DataSamplingInterval float64        `json:"dataSamplingInterval"`   // in secs
	Accuracy             float64        `json:"accuracyDegreesCelcius"` // in degrees
	Aspiration           string         `json:"aspiration"`             // UNASPIRATED, NATURAL, FAN etc.
	HeightDiffToAntenna  float64        `json:"heightDiffToAntenna"`    // in meter
	CalibrationDate      time.Time      `json:"calibrationDate"`
	EffectiveDates       EffectiveDates `json:"effectiveDates"`
	Notes                string         `json:"notes"`

TemperatureSensor specifies a temperature sensor.

type WaterVaporSensor

type WaterVaporSensor struct {
	Type                string         `json:"type"`
	Manufacturer        string         `json:"manufacturer"`
	SerialNumber        string         `json:"serialNumber"`
	DistanceToAntenna   float64        `json:"distanceToAntenna"`
	HeightDiffToAntenna float64        `json:"heightDiffToAntenna"`
	CalibrationDate     time.Time      `json:"calibrationDate"`
	EffectiveDates      EffectiveDates `json:"effectiveDates"`
	Notes               string         `json:"notes"`

WaterVaporSensor specifies a water-vapor sensor.

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL