Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddHostEntry(name string, ip string) error
- func AvailablePHPDocrootLocations() []string
- func CheckForConf(confPath string) (string, error)
- func CheckForMissingProjectFiles(project *DdevApp) error
- func CheckMutagenVolumeSyncCompatibility(app *DdevApp) (ok bool, volumeExists bool, info string)
- func CheckRouterPorts() error
- func Cleanup(app *DdevApp) error
- func CreateAppTable(out *bytes.Buffer, wrapTableText bool) table.Writer
- func CreateGitIgnore(targetDir string, ignores ...string) error
- func CreateOrResumeMutagenSync(app *DdevApp) error
- func DiscoverDefaultDocroot(app *DdevApp) string
- func DownloadMutagen() error
- func DownloadMutagenIfNeeded() error
- func DownloadMutagenIfNeededAndEnabled(app *DdevApp) error
- func EnvToUniqueEnv(inSlice *[]string) []string
- func ExtractProjectNames(apps []*DdevApp) []string
- func FindDdevRouter() (*docker.APIContainers, error)
- func FormatSiteStatus(status string) string
- func FullRenderedRouterComposeYAMLPath() string
- func FullRenderedSSHAuthComposeYAMLPath() string
- func GenerateRouterDockerfile() error
- func GetActiveAppRoot(siteName string) (string, error)
- func GetContainer(app *DdevApp, service string) (*docker.APIContainers, error)
- func GetContainerName(app *DdevApp, service string) string
- func GetDefaultMutagenVolumeSignature(_ *DdevApp) string
- func GetErrLogsFromApp(app *DdevApp, errorReceived error) (string, string, error)
- func GetExposedPort(app *DdevApp, service string) string
- func GetInstrumentationUser() string
- func GetMutagenConfigFile(app *DdevApp) string
- func GetMutagenConfigFileHash(app *DdevApp) (string, error)
- func GetMutagenConfigFileHashLabel(app *DdevApp) (string, error)
- func GetMutagenConfigFilePath(app *DdevApp) string
- func GetMutagenSyncLabel(app *DdevApp) (string, error)
- func GetMutagenVolumeLabel(app *DdevApp) (string, error)
- func GetMutagenVolumeName(app *DdevApp) string
- func GetRouterStatus() (string, string)
- func GetSSHAuthStatus() string
- func GetSnapshotFileFromName(name string, app *DdevApp) (string, error)
- func GetValidAppTypes() []string
- func IsBundledCustomCommand(globalCommand bool, service, command string) bool
- func IsHostnameInHostsFile(hostname string) (bool, error)
- func IsMutagenVolumeMounted(app *DdevApp) (bool, error)
- func IsRouterDisabled(app *DdevApp) bool
- func IsValidAppType(apptype string) bool
- func IsWindowsDdevExeAvailable() bool
- func List(settings ListCommandSettings)
- func MutagenMonitor(app *DdevApp)
- func MutagenReset(app *DdevApp) error
- func MutagenSyncExists(app *DdevApp) bool
- func MutagenSyncName(name string) string
- func PauseMutagenSync(app *DdevApp) error
- func PopulateCustomCommandFiles(app *DdevApp) error
- func PopulateExamplesCommandsHomeadditions(appName string) error
- func PowerOff()
- func PrepDdevDirectory(app *DdevApp) error
- func PullBaseContainerImages() error
- func ReadProjectEnvFile(envFilePath string) (envMap map[string]string, envText string, err error)
- func RemoveHostEntry(name string, ip string) error
- func RemoveSSHAgentContainer() error
- func RenderAppRow(t table.Writer, row map[string]interface{})
- func RenderHomeRootedDir(path string) string
- func RenderRouterStatus() string
- func RenderSSHAuthStatus() string
- func ResumeMutagenSync(app *DdevApp) error
- func RouterComposeYAMLPath() string
- func SSHAuthComposeYAMLPath() string
- func SegmentEvent(client analytics.Client, hashedID string, event string) error
- func SegmentUser(client analytics.Client, hashedID string) error
- func SendInstrumentationEvents(event string)
- func SetInstrumentationBaseTags()
- func SetMutagenVolumeOwnership(app *DdevApp) error
- func StartDdevRouter() error
- func StartMutagenDaemon()
- func StopMutagenDaemon()
- func StopRouterIfNoContainers() error
- func SyncAndPauseMutagenSession(app *DdevApp) error
- func TerminateAllMutagenSync()
- func TerminateMutagenSync(app *DdevApp) error
- func ValidateProjectName(name string) error
- func WriteBuildDockerfile(fullpath string, userDockerfilePath string, extraPackages []string, ...) error
- func WriteDrushrc(app *DdevApp, filePath string) error
- func WriteImageDockerfile(fullpath string, contents []byte) error
- func WriteProjectEnvFile(envFilePath string, envMap map[string]string, envText string) error
- type BackdropSettings
- type ComposerTask
- type DatabaseDesc
- type DdevApp
- func (app *DdevApp) AddHostsEntriesIfNeeded() error
- func (app *DdevApp) AppConfDir() string
- func (app *DdevApp) AppTypePrompt() error
- func (app *DdevApp) CaptureLogs(service string, timestamps bool, tailLines string) (string, error)
- func (app *DdevApp) CheckAddonIncompatibilities() error
- func (app *DdevApp) CheckCustomConfig()
- func (app *DdevApp) CheckDeprecations()
- func (app *DdevApp) CheckExistingAppInApproot() error
- func (app *DdevApp) ComposeFiles() ([]string, error)
- func (app *DdevApp) Composer(args []string) (string, string, error)
- func (app *DdevApp) ConfigExists() bool
- func (app *DdevApp) ConfigFileOverrideAction() error
- func (app *DdevApp) CreateSSHAuthComposeFile() (string, error)
- func (app *DdevApp) CreateSettingsFile() (string, error)
- func (app *DdevApp) CreateUploadDirsIfNecessary()
- func (app *DdevApp) DefaultWorkingDirMap() map[string]string
- func (app *DdevApp) DeleteSnapshot(snapshotName string) error
- func (app *DdevApp) Describe(short bool) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (app *DdevApp) DetectAppType() string
- func (app *DdevApp) DetermineSettingsPathLocation() (string, error)
- func (app *DdevApp) DockerComposeFullRenderedYAMLPath() string
- func (app *DdevApp) DockerComposeYAMLPath() string
- func (app *DdevApp) DockerEnv()
- func (app *DdevApp) EnsureSSHAgentContainer() error
- func (app *DdevApp) Exec(opts *ExecOpts) (string, string, error)
- func (app *DdevApp) ExecOnHostOrService(service string, cmd string) error
- func (app *DdevApp) ExecWithTty(opts *ExecOpts) error
- func (app *DdevApp) ExportDB(dumpFile string, compressionType string, targetDB string) error
- func (app *DdevApp) FindAllImages() ([]string, error)
- func (app *DdevApp) FindContainerByType(containerType string) (*docker.APIContainers, error)
- func (app *DdevApp) FindMaxTimeout() int
- func (app *DdevApp) FixObsolete()
- func (app *DdevApp) GenerateMutagenYml() error
- func (app *DdevApp) GeneratePostgresConfig() error
- func (app *DdevApp) GenerateWebserverConfig() error
- func (app DdevApp) GetAbsAppRoot(inContainer bool) string
- func (app DdevApp) GetAbsDocroot(inContainer bool) string
- func (app *DdevApp) GetAllURLs() (httpURLs []string, httpsURLs []string, allURLs []string)
- func (app *DdevApp) GetAppRoot() string
- func (app *DdevApp) GetComposerRoot(inContainer, showWarning bool) string
- func (app *DdevApp) GetConfigPath(filename string) string
- func (app *DdevApp) GetDBImage() string
- func (app DdevApp) GetDocroot() string
- func (app *DdevApp) GetExistingDBType() (string, error)
- func (app *DdevApp) GetHTTPSURL() string
- func (app *DdevApp) GetHTTPURL() string
- func (app *DdevApp) GetHookDefaultComments() []byte
- func (app *DdevApp) GetHostUploadDirFullPath() string
- func (app *DdevApp) GetHostname() string
- func (app *DdevApp) GetHostnames() []string
- func (app *DdevApp) GetLatestSnapshot() (string, error)
- func (app *DdevApp) GetMariaDBVolumeName() string
- func (app *DdevApp) GetMutagenSyncID() (id string, err error)
- func (app *DdevApp) GetNFSMountVolumeName() string
- func (app *DdevApp) GetName() string
- func (app *DdevApp) GetOmittedContainers() []string
- func (app *DdevApp) GetPerformanceMode() types.PerformanceMode
- func (app *DdevApp) GetPhpVersion() string
- func (app *DdevApp) GetPostgresVolumeName() string
- func (app *DdevApp) GetPrimaryURL() string
- func (app *DdevApp) GetProvider(providerName string) (*Provider, error)
- func (app *DdevApp) GetPublishedPort(serviceName string) (int, error)
- func (app *DdevApp) GetRelativeWorkingDirectory() string
- func (app *DdevApp) GetRouterHTTPPort() string
- func (app *DdevApp) GetRouterHTTPSPort() string
- func (app *DdevApp) GetType() string
- func (app *DdevApp) GetUploadDir() string
- func (app *DdevApp) GetUploadDirs() []string
- func (app *DdevApp) GetValidProviders() ([]string, error)
- func (app *DdevApp) GetWebContainerDirectHTTPSURL() string
- func (app *DdevApp) GetWebContainerDirectHTTPURL() string
- func (app *DdevApp) GetWebContainerHTTPSPublicPort() (int, error)
- func (app *DdevApp) GetWebContainerPublicPort() (int, error)
- func (app *DdevApp) GetWebserverType() string
- func (app *DdevApp) GetWorkingDir(service string, dir string) string
- func (app *DdevApp) HostName() string
- func (app *DdevApp) ImportDB(dumpFile string, extractPath string, progress bool, noDrop bool, ...) error
- func (app *DdevApp) ImportFiles(uploadDir, importPath, extractPath string) error
- func (app *DdevApp) Init(basePath string) error
- func (app *DdevApp) IsMutagenEnabled() bool
- func (app *DdevApp) IsNFSMountEnabled() bool
- func (app *DdevApp) IsUploadDirsWarningDisabled() bool
- func (app *DdevApp) IsValidProvider(provider string) (bool, error)
- func (app *DdevApp) ListSnapshots() ([]string, error)
- func (app *DdevApp) LoadConfigYamlFile(filePath string) error
- func (app *DdevApp) Logs(service string, follow bool, timestamps bool, tailLines string) error
- func (app *DdevApp) MutagenStatus() (status string, shortResult string, mapResult map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (app *DdevApp) MutagenSyncFlush() error
- func (app *DdevApp) Pause() error
- func (app *DdevApp) PostConfigAction() error
- func (app *DdevApp) PostImportDBAction() error
- func (app *DdevApp) PostStartAction() error
- func (app *DdevApp) ProcessHooks(hookName string) error
- func (app *DdevApp) PromptForConfig() error
- func (app *DdevApp) ProtectedID() string
- func (app *DdevApp) Pull(provider *Provider, skipDbArg bool, skipFilesArg bool, skipImportArg bool) error
- func (app *DdevApp) PullContainerImages() error
- func (app *DdevApp) Push(provider *Provider, skipDbArg bool, skipFilesArg bool) error
- func (app *DdevApp) ReadConfig(includeOverrides bool) ([]string, error)
- func (app *DdevApp) RemoveGlobalProjectInfo()
- func (app *DdevApp) RemoveHostsEntriesIfNeeded() error
- func (app *DdevApp) RenderComposeYAML() (string, error)
- func (app *DdevApp) Restart() error
- func (app *DdevApp) RestoreSnapshot(snapshotName string) error
- func (app *DdevApp) SetApptypeSettingsPaths()
- func (app *DdevApp) SetInstrumentationAppTags()
- func (app *DdevApp) SetPerformanceMode(performanceMode string) *DdevApp
- func (app *DdevApp) SiteStatus() (string, string)
- func (app *DdevApp) Snapshot(snapshotName string) (string, error)
- func (app *DdevApp) Start() error
- func (app *DdevApp) StartAndWait(extraSleep int) error
- func (app *DdevApp) StartAppIfNotRunning() error
- func (app *DdevApp) Stop(removeData bool, createSnapshot bool) error
- func (app *DdevApp) TrackProject()
- func (app *DdevApp) UpdateComposeYaml(content string) error
- func (app *DdevApp) UpdateGlobalProjectList() error
- func (app *DdevApp) ValidateConfig() error
- func (app *DdevApp) Wait(requiredContainers []string) error
- func (app *DdevApp) WaitByLabels(labels map[string]string) error
- func (app *DdevApp) WaitForServices() error
- func (app *DdevApp) WarnIfConfigReplace()
- func (app *DdevApp) WriteConfig() error
- func (app *DdevApp) WriteDockerComposeYAML() error
- type DrupalSettings
- type ExecHostTask
- type ExecOpts
- type ExecTask
- type InvalidOmitContainers
- type ListCommandSettings
- type Provider
- type ProviderCommand
- type ProviderInfo
- type SegmentNoopLogger
- type Task
- type TraefikRouting
- type WebExposedPort
- type WebExtraDaemon
- type WordpressConfig
- type YAMLTask
Constants ¶
const ( // SiteRunning defines the string used to denote running sites. SiteRunning = "running" SiteStarting = "starting" // SiteStopped means a site where the containers were not found/do not exist, but the project is there. SiteStopped = "stopped" // SiteDirMissing defines the string used to denote when a site is missing its application directory. SiteDirMissing = "project directory missing" // SiteConfigMissing defines the string used to denote when a site is missing its .ddev/config.yml file. SiteConfigMissing = ".ddev/config.yaml missing" // SitePaused defines the string used to denote when a site is in the paused (docker stopped) state. SitePaused = "paused" // SiteUnhealthy is the status for a project whose services are not all reporting healthy yet SiteUnhealthy = "unhealthy" )
const ( // WarnTypeAbsent warns if type is absent WarnTypeAbsent = iota // WarnTypeNotConfigured warns if type not configured WarnTypeNotConfigured = iota )
const ConfigInstructions = `` /* 10111-byte string literal not displayed */
ConfigInstructions is used to add example hooks usage
const Drupal7Hooks = `# post-import-db:
# - exec: drush cc all
Drupal7Hooks adds a d7-specific hooks example for post-import-db
const Drupal8Hooks = `# post-import-db:
# - exec: drush cr
# - exec: drush updb
Drupal8Hooks adds a d8-specific hooks example for post-import-db
const RouterProjectName = "ddev-router"
RouterProjectName is the "machine name" of the router docker-compose
const SSHAuthName = "ddev-ssh-agent"
SSHAuthName is the "machine name" of the ddev-ssh-agent docker-compose service
const Typo3Hooks = `# post-start:
# - exec: composer install -d /var/www/html
Typo3Hooks adds a TYPO3-specific hooks example for post-import-db
Variables ¶
var DatabaseDefault = DatabaseDesc{nodeps.MariaDB, nodeps.MariaDBDefaultVersion}
DatabaseDefault is the default database/version
var ReportableEvents = map[string]bool{"start": true}
ReportableEvents is the list of events that we choose to report specifically. Excludes non-ddev custom commands.
var SequelproTemplate = `` /* 1773-byte string literal not displayed */
SequelproTemplate is the template for Sequelpro config.
Functions ¶
func AddHostEntry ¶ added in v1.21.5
AddHostEntry adds an entry to default hosts file This is only used by `ddev hostname` and only used with admin privs
func AvailablePHPDocrootLocations ¶ added in v1.22.0
func AvailablePHPDocrootLocations() []string
AvailablePHPDocrootLocations returns an of default docroot locations to look for.
func CheckForConf ¶ added in v0.11.0
CheckForConf checks for a config.yaml at the cwd or parent dirs.
func CheckForMissingProjectFiles ¶ added in v1.21.5
CheckForMissingProjectFiles returns an error if the project's configuration or project root cannot be found
func CheckMutagenVolumeSyncCompatibility ¶ added in v1.21.5
CheckMutagenVolumeSyncCompatibility checks to see if the mutagen label and volume label are the same. Compatible if:
- No volume (or no volume and no mutagen sync session)
- Volume and mutagen sync exist and Volume label matches mutagen label
Not compatible if
- Volume and mutagen sync exist and have different labels
- Volume exists (with label) but there's no mutagen sync session matching it. In this case we'd want to start from scratch with a new volume and sync, so we get authoritative files from alpha (host)
- Volume has a label that is not based on this docker context.
Return ok, info, where ok true if compatible, info gives reasoning
func CheckRouterPorts ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CheckRouterPorts() error
CheckRouterPorts tries to connect to the ports the router will use as a heuristic to find out if they're available for docker to bind to. Returns an error if either one results in a successful connection.
func Cleanup ¶ added in v0.11.0
Cleanup will remove ddev containers and volumes even if docker-compose.yml has been deleted.
func CreateAppTable ¶ added in v0.11.0
CreateAppTable will create a new app table for describe and list output
func CreateGitIgnore ¶ added in v1.1.0
CreateGitIgnore will create a .gitignore file in the target directory if one does not exist. Each value in ignores will be added as a new line to the .gitignore.
func CreateOrResumeMutagenSync ¶ added in v1.21.5
CreateOrResumeMutagenSync creates or resumes a sync session It detects problems with the sync and errors if there are problems
func DiscoverDefaultDocroot ¶ added in v0.15.0
DiscoverDefaultDocroot returns the default docroot directory.
func DownloadMutagen ¶ added in v1.21.5
func DownloadMutagen() error
DownloadMutagen gets the mutagen binary and related and puts it into ~/.ddev/.bin
func DownloadMutagenIfNeeded ¶ added in v1.21.5
func DownloadMutagenIfNeeded() error
DownloadMutagenIfNeeded downloads mutagen if we don't have it or there's an update
func DownloadMutagenIfNeededAndEnabled ¶ added in v1.22.0
DownloadMutagenIfNeededAndEnabled downloads the proper version of mutagen if it's enabled and if it's either not yet installed or has the wrong version.
func EnvToUniqueEnv ¶ added in v1.21.5
EnvToUniqueEnv() makes sure that only the last occurrence of an env (NAME=val) slice is actually retained.
func ExtractProjectNames ¶ added in v1.21.5
ExtractProjectNames returns a list of names by a bunch of projects
func FindDdevRouter ¶ added in v1.21.5
func FindDdevRouter() (*docker.APIContainers, error)
FindDdevRouter uses FindContainerByLabels to get our router container and return it.
func FormatSiteStatus ¶ added in v1.21.5
FormatSiteStatus formats "paused" or "running" with color
func FullRenderedRouterComposeYAMLPath ¶ added in v1.21.5
func FullRenderedRouterComposeYAMLPath() string
FullRenderedRouterComposeYAMLPath returns the path of the full rendered .router-compose-full.yaml
func FullRenderedSSHAuthComposeYAMLPath ¶ added in v1.21.5
func FullRenderedSSHAuthComposeYAMLPath() string
FullRenderedSSHAuthComposeYAMLPath returns the filepath to the rendered .ssh-auth-compose-full.yaml file.
func GenerateRouterDockerfile ¶ added in v1.21.5
func GenerateRouterDockerfile() error
func GetActiveAppRoot ¶ added in v0.11.0
GetActiveAppRoot returns the fully rooted directory of the active app, or an error
func GetContainer ¶ added in v1.21.5
func GetContainer(app *DdevApp, service string) (*docker.APIContainers, error)
GetContainer returns the container struct of the app service name provided.
func GetContainerName ¶ added in v1.21.5
GetContainerName returns the contructed container name of the service provided.
func GetDefaultMutagenVolumeSignature ¶ added in v1.21.5
GetDefaultMutagenVolumeSignature gets a new volume signature to be applied to mutagen volume
func GetErrLogsFromApp ¶ added in v1.21.5
GetErrLogsFromApp is used to do app.Logs on an app after an error has been received, especially on app.Start. This is really for testing only returns logs, healthcheck history, error
func GetExposedPort ¶ added in v1.21.5
GetExposedPort returns the internal exposed port (as a string) for the given service. This can be used to find a given port for docker-compose manifests, or for automated testing.
func GetInstrumentationUser ¶ added in v1.21.5
func GetInstrumentationUser() string
GetInstrumentationUser normally gets just the hashed hostID but if an explicit user is provided in global_config.yaml that will be prepended.
func GetMutagenConfigFile ¶ added in v1.21.5
GetMutagenConfigFile looks to see if there's a project .mutagen.yml If nothing is found, returns empty
func GetMutagenConfigFileHash ¶ added in v1.22.0
GetMutagenConfigFileHash returns the SHA1 hash of the mutagen.yml
func GetMutagenConfigFileHashLabel ¶ added in v1.22.0
GetMutagenConfigFileHashLabel gets the com.ddev.hash- label from an existing sync session
func GetMutagenConfigFilePath ¶ added in v1.21.5
GetMutagenConfigFilePath returns the canonical location where the mutagen.yml lives
func GetMutagenSyncLabel ¶ added in v1.21.5
GetMutagenSyncLabel gets the com.ddev.volume-signature label from an existing sync session
func GetMutagenVolumeLabel ¶ added in v1.21.5
GetMutagenVolumeLabel returns the com.ddev.volume-signature on the project_mutagen docker volume
func GetMutagenVolumeName ¶ added in v1.21.5
GetMutagenVolumeName returns the name for the mutagen docker volume
func GetRouterStatus ¶ added in v0.11.0
GetRouterStatus returns router status and warning if not running or healthy, as applicable. return status and most recent log
func GetSSHAuthStatus ¶ added in v1.4.0
func GetSSHAuthStatus() string
GetSSHAuthStatus outputs sshAuth status and warning if not running or healthy, as applicable.
func GetSnapshotFileFromName ¶ added in v1.21.5
GetSnapshotFileFromName returns the filename corresponding to the snapshot name
func GetValidAppTypes ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetValidAppTypes() []string
GetValidAppTypes returns the valid apptype keys from the appTypeMatrix
func IsBundledCustomCommand ¶ added in v1.22.0
func IsHostnameInHostsFile ¶ added in v1.21.5
IsHostnameInHostsFile checks to see if the hostname already exists On WSL2 it normally assumes that the hosts file is in WSL2WindowsHostsFile Otherwise it lets goodhosts decide where the hosts file is.
func IsMutagenVolumeMounted ¶ added in v1.21.5
IsMutagenVolumeMounted checks to see if the mutagen volume is mounted
func IsRouterDisabled ¶ added in v1.21.5
IsRouterDisabled returns true if the router is disabled
func IsValidAppType ¶ added in v0.11.0
IsValidAppType is a helper function to determine if an app type is valid, returning true if the given app type is valid and configured and false otherwise.
func IsWindowsDdevExeAvailable ¶ added in v1.21.5
func IsWindowsDdevExeAvailable() bool
IsWindowsDdevExeAvailable checks to see if we can use ddev.exe on Windows side
func List ¶ added in v1.21.5
func List(settings ListCommandSettings)
List provides the functionality for `ddev list` activeOnly if true only shows projects that are currently docker containers continuous if true keeps requesting and outputting continuously wrapTableText if true the text is wrapped instead of truncated to fit the row length continuousSleepTime is the time between reports
func MutagenMonitor ¶ added in v1.21.5
func MutagenMonitor(app *DdevApp)
MutagenMonitor shows the output of `mutagen sync monitor <syncName>`
func MutagenReset ¶ added in v1.21.5
MutagenReset stops (with flush), removes the docker volume, starts again (with flush)
func MutagenSyncExists ¶ added in v1.21.5
MutagenSyncExists detects whether the named sync exists
func MutagenSyncName ¶ added in v1.21.5
MutagenSyncName transforms a projectname string into an acceptable mutagen sync "name" See restrictions on sync name at The input must be a valid DNS name (valid ddev project name)
func PauseMutagenSync ¶ added in v1.21.5
PauseMutagenSync pauses a mutagen sync session
func PopulateCustomCommandFiles ¶ added in v1.21.5
PopulateCustomCommandFiles sets up the custom command files in the project directories where they need to go.
func PopulateExamplesCommandsHomeadditions ¶ added in v1.21.5
PopulateExamplesCommandsHomeadditions grabs embedded assets and installs them into the named directory Note that running this with no appName (very common) can result in updating a *different* projects assets. So `ddev start something` will first update the current directory's assets (if it's a project) and then later (when called with appName) update the actual project's assets.
func PrepDdevDirectory ¶
PrepDdevDirectory creates a .ddev directory in the current working directory
func PullBaseContainerImages ¶ added in v1.22.0
func PullBaseContainerImages() error
PullBaseontainerImages pulls only the fundamentally needed images so they can be available early We always need web image and busybox just for housekeeping.
func ReadProjectEnvFile ¶ added in v1.21.5
ReadProjectEnvFile reads the .env in the project root into a envText and envMap The map has the envFile content, but without comments
func RemoveHostEntry ¶ added in v1.21.5
RemoveHostEntry removes named /etc/hosts entry if it exists This should be run with administrative privileges only and used by ddev hostname only
func RemoveSSHAgentContainer ¶ added in v1.4.0
func RemoveSSHAgentContainer() error
RemoveSSHAgentContainer brings down the ddev-ssh-agent if it's running.
func RenderAppRow ¶ added in v0.11.0
RenderAppRow will add an application row to an existing table for describe and list output.
func RenderHomeRootedDir ¶ added in v0.11.0
RenderHomeRootedDir shortens a directory name to replace homedir with ~
func RenderRouterStatus ¶ added in v0.11.0
func RenderRouterStatus() string
RenderRouterStatus returns a user-friendly string showing router-status
func RenderSSHAuthStatus ¶ added in v1.4.0
func RenderSSHAuthStatus() string
RenderSSHAuthStatus returns a user-friendly string showing sshAuth-status
func ResumeMutagenSync ¶ added in v1.21.5
func RouterComposeYAMLPath ¶ added in v0.11.0
func RouterComposeYAMLPath() string
RouterComposeYAMLPath returns the full filepath to the routers docker-compose yaml file.
func SSHAuthComposeYAMLPath ¶ added in v1.4.0
func SSHAuthComposeYAMLPath() string
SSHAuthComposeYAMLPath returns the filepath to the base .ssh-auth-compose yaml file.
func SegmentEvent ¶ added in v1.21.5
SegmentEvent provides the event and traits that go with it.
func SegmentUser ¶ added in v1.21.5
SegmentUser does the enqueue of the Identify action, identifying the user Here we just use the hashed hostid as the user id
func SendInstrumentationEvents ¶ added in v1.21.5
func SendInstrumentationEvents(event string)
SendInstrumentationEvents does the actual send to segment
func SetInstrumentationBaseTags ¶ added in v1.21.5
func SetInstrumentationBaseTags()
SetInstrumentationBaseTags sets the basic always-used tags for Segment
func SetMutagenVolumeOwnership ¶ added in v1.21.5
SetMutagenVolumeOwnership chowns the volume in use to the current user. The mutagen volume is mounted both in /var/www (where it gets used) and also on /tmp/project_mutagen (where it can be chowned without accidentally hitting lots of bind-mounted files).
func StartDdevRouter ¶ added in v0.11.0
func StartDdevRouter() error
StartDdevRouter ensures the router is running.
func StartMutagenDaemon ¶ added in v1.21.5
func StartMutagenDaemon()
StartMutagenDaemon will make sure the daemon is running
func StopMutagenDaemon ¶ added in v1.21.5
func StopMutagenDaemon()
StopMutagenDaemon will try to stop a running mutagen daemon But no problem if there wasn't one
func StopRouterIfNoContainers ¶ added in v0.12.0
func StopRouterIfNoContainers() error
StopRouterIfNoContainers stops the router if there are no ddev containers running.
func SyncAndPauseMutagenSession ¶ added in v1.21.5
SyncAndPauseMutagenSession syncs and pauses a mutagen sync session
func TerminateAllMutagenSync ¶ added in v1.21.5
func TerminateAllMutagenSync()
TerminateAllMutagenSync terminates all sync sessions
func TerminateMutagenSync ¶ added in v1.21.5
TerminateMutagenSync destroys a mutagen sync session It is not an error if the sync session does not exist
func ValidateProjectName ¶ added in v1.21.5
ValidateProjectName checks to see if the project name works for a proper hostname
func WriteBuildDockerfile ¶ added in v1.21.5
func WriteBuildDockerfile(fullpath string, userDockerfilePath string, extraPackages []string, composerVersion string, extraContent string) error
WriteBuildDockerfile writes a Dockerfile to be used in the docker-compose 'build' It may include the contents of .ddev/<container>-build
func WriteDrushrc ¶ added in v1.21.5
WriteDrushrc writes out drushrc.php based on passed-in values. This works on Drupal 6 and Drupal 7 or with drush8 and older
func WriteImageDockerfile ¶ added in v1.21.5
WriteImageDockerfile writes a dockerfile at the fullpath (including the filename)
Types ¶
type BackdropSettings ¶ added in v0.13.0
type BackdropSettings struct { DatabaseName string DatabaseUsername string DatabasePassword string DatabaseHost string DatabaseDriver string DatabasePort string HashSalt string Signature string SiteSettings string SiteSettingsDdev string DockerIP string DBPublishedPort int }
BackdropSettings holds database connection details for Backdrop.
func NewBackdropSettings ¶ added in v0.13.0
func NewBackdropSettings(app *DdevApp) *BackdropSettings
NewBackdropSettings produces a BackdropSettings object with default values.
type ComposerTask ¶ added in v1.21.5
type ComposerTask struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ComposerTask is the struct that defines "composer" tasks for hooks, commands to be run in containers.
func (ComposerTask) Execute ¶ added in v1.21.5
func (c ComposerTask) Execute() error
Execute (ComposerTask) runs a composer command in the web container and returns stdout, stderr, err
func (ComposerTask) GetDescription ¶ added in v1.21.5
func (c ComposerTask) GetDescription() string
GetDescription returns a human-readable description of the task
type DatabaseDesc ¶ added in v1.21.5
type DdevApp ¶ added in v0.11.0
type DdevApp struct { Name string `yaml:"name"` Type string `yaml:"type"` Docroot string `yaml:"docroot"` PHPVersion string `yaml:"php_version"` WebserverType string `yaml:"webserver_type"` WebImage string `yaml:"webimage,omitempty"` DBImage string `yaml:"dbimage,omitempty"` DBAImage string `yaml:"dbaimage,omitempty"` RouterHTTPPort string `yaml:"router_http_port,omitempty"` RouterHTTPSPort string `yaml:"router_https_port,omitempty"` XdebugEnabled bool `yaml:"xdebug_enabled"` NoProjectMount bool `yaml:"no_project_mount,omitempty"` AdditionalHostnames []string `yaml:"additional_hostnames"` AdditionalFQDNs []string `yaml:"additional_fqdns"` MariaDBVersion string `yaml:"mariadb_version,omitempty"` MySQLVersion string `yaml:"mysql_version,omitempty"` Database DatabaseDesc `yaml:"database"` PerformanceMode types.PerformanceMode `yaml:"performance_mode,omitempty"` FailOnHookFail bool `yaml:"fail_on_hook_fail,omitempty"` BindAllInterfaces bool `yaml:"bind_all_interfaces,omitempty"` FailOnHookFailGlobal bool `yaml:"-"` ConfigPath string `yaml:"-"` AppRoot string `yaml:"-"` DataDir string `yaml:"-"` SiteSettingsPath string `yaml:"-"` SiteDdevSettingsFile string `yaml:"-"` ProviderInstance *Provider `yaml:"-"` Hooks map[string][]YAMLTask `yaml:"hooks,omitempty"` UploadDirDeprecated string `yaml:"upload_dir,omitempty"` UploadDirs []string `yaml:"upload_dirs,omitempty"` WorkingDir map[string]string `yaml:"working_dir,omitempty"` OmitContainers []string `yaml:"omit_containers,omitempty,flow"` OmitContainersGlobal []string `yaml:"-"` HostDBPort string `yaml:"host_db_port,omitempty"` HostWebserverPort string `yaml:"host_webserver_port,omitempty"` HostHTTPSPort string `yaml:"host_https_port,omitempty"` MailhogPort string `yaml:"mailhog_port,omitempty"` MailhogHTTPSPort string `yaml:"mailhog_https_port,omitempty"` HostMailhogPort string `yaml:"host_mailhog_port,omitempty"` WebImageExtraPackages []string `yaml:"webimage_extra_packages,omitempty,flow"` DBImageExtraPackages []string `yaml:"dbimage_extra_packages,omitempty,flow"` ProjectTLD string `yaml:"project_tld,omitempty"` UseDNSWhenPossible bool `yaml:"use_dns_when_possible"` MkcertEnabled bool `yaml:"-"` NgrokArgs string `yaml:"ngrok_args,omitempty"` Timezone string `yaml:"timezone,omitempty"` ComposerRoot string `yaml:"composer_root,omitempty"` ComposerVersion string `yaml:"composer_version"` DisableSettingsManagement bool `yaml:"disable_settings_management,omitempty"` WebEnvironment []string `yaml:"web_environment"` NodeJSVersion string `yaml:"nodejs_version"` DefaultContainerTimeout string `yaml:"default_container_timeout,omitempty"` WebExtraExposedPorts []WebExposedPort `yaml:"web_extra_exposed_ports,omitempty"` WebExtraDaemons []WebExtraDaemon `yaml:"web_extra_daemons,omitempty"` OverrideConfig bool `yaml:"override_config,omitempty"` DisableUploadDirsWarning bool `yaml:"disable_upload_dirs_warning,omitempty"` ComposeYaml map[string]interface{} `yaml:"-"` }
DdevApp is the struct that represents a ddev app, mostly its config from config.yaml.
func GetActiveApp ¶ added in v0.11.0
GetActiveApp returns the active App based on the current working directory or running siteName provided. To use the current working directory, siteName should be ""
func GetActiveProjects ¶ added in v1.21.5
func GetActiveProjects() []*DdevApp
GetActiveProjects returns an array of ddev projects that are currently live in docker.
func GetInactiveProjects ¶ added in v1.21.5
GetInactiveProjects returns projects that are currently running
func GetProjects ¶ added in v1.21.5
GetProjects returns projects that are listed in globalconfig projectlist (or in docker container labels, or both) if activeOnly is true, only show projects that aren't stopped (or broken, missing config, missing files)
func NewApp ¶ added in v0.11.0
NewApp creates a new DdevApp struct with defaults set and overridden by any existing config.yml.
func (*DdevApp) AddHostsEntriesIfNeeded ¶ added in v1.21.5
AddHostsEntriesIfNeeded will run sudo ddev hostname to the site URL to the host's /etc/hosts. This should be run without admin privs; the ddev hostname command will handle escalation.
func (*DdevApp) AppConfDir ¶ added in v0.11.0
AppConfDir returns the full path to the app's .ddev configuration directory
func (*DdevApp) AppTypePrompt ¶ added in v1.0.0
AppTypePrompt handles the Type workflow.
func (*DdevApp) CaptureLogs ¶ added in v1.4.0
CaptureLogs returns logs for a site's given container. See docker.LogsOptions for more information about valid tailLines values.
func (*DdevApp) CheckAddonIncompatibilities ¶ added in v1.21.5
CheckAddonIncompatibilities looks for problems with docker-compose.*.yaml 3rd-party services
func (*DdevApp) CheckCustomConfig ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (app *DdevApp) CheckCustomConfig()
CheckCustomConfig warns the user if any custom configuration files are in use.
func (*DdevApp) CheckDeprecations ¶ added in v1.21.5
func (app *DdevApp) CheckDeprecations()
CheckDeprecations warns the user if anything in use is deprecated.
func (*DdevApp) CheckExistingAppInApproot ¶ added in v1.21.5
CheckExistingAppInApproot looks to see if we already have a project in this approot with different name
func (*DdevApp) ComposeFiles ¶ added in v0.11.0
ComposeFiles returns a list of compose files for a project. It has to put the .ddev/docker-compose.*.y*ml first It has to put the docker-compose.override.y*l last
func (*DdevApp) Composer ¶ added in v1.21.5
Composer runs composer commands in the web container, managing pre- and post- hooks returns stdout, stderr, error
func (*DdevApp) ConfigExists ¶ added in v0.11.0
ConfigExists determines if a ddev config file exists for this application.
func (*DdevApp) ConfigFileOverrideAction ¶ added in v0.12.0
ConfigFileOverrideAction gives a chance for an apptype to override any element of config.yaml that it needs to (on initial creation, but not after that)
func (*DdevApp) CreateSSHAuthComposeFile ¶ added in v1.21.5
CreateSSHAuthComposeFile creates the docker-compose file for the ddev-ssh-agent
func (*DdevApp) CreateSettingsFile ¶ added in v0.11.0
CreateSettingsFile creates the settings file (like settings.php) for the provided app is the apptype has a settingsCreator function. It also preps the ddev directory, including setting up the .ddev gitignore
func (*DdevApp) CreateUploadDirsIfNecessary ¶ added in v1.22.0
func (app *DdevApp) CreateUploadDirsIfNecessary()
CreateUploadDirsIfNecessary creates the upload dirs if it doesn't exist, so we can properly set up bind-mounts when doing mutagen. There is no need to do it if mutagen is not enabled, and we'll just respect a symlink if it exists, and the user has to figure out the right thing to do with mutagen.
func (*DdevApp) DefaultWorkingDirMap ¶ added in v1.4.0
DefaultWorkingDirMap returns the app type's default working directory map.
func (*DdevApp) DeleteSnapshot ¶ added in v1.21.5
DeleteSnapshot removes the snapshot tarball or directory inside a project
func (*DdevApp) Describe ¶ added in v0.11.0
Describe returns a map which provides detailed information on services associated with the running site.
func (*DdevApp) DetectAppType ¶ added in v0.11.0
DetectAppType calls each apptype's detector until it finds a match, or returns 'php' as a last resort.
func (*DdevApp) DetermineSettingsPathLocation ¶ added in v0.11.0
DetermineSettingsPathLocation figures out the path to the settings file for an app based on the contents/existence of app.SiteSettingsPath and app.SiteDdevSettingsFile.
func (*DdevApp) DockerComposeFullRenderedYAMLPath ¶ added in v1.21.5
DockerComposeFullRenderedYAMLPath returns the absolute path to where the the complete generated yaml file should exist for this project.
func (*DdevApp) DockerComposeYAMLPath ¶ added in v0.11.0
DockerComposeYAMLPath returns the absolute path to where the base generated yaml file should exist for this project.
func (*DdevApp) DockerEnv ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (app *DdevApp) DockerEnv()
DockerEnv sets environment variables for a docker-compose run.
func (*DdevApp) EnsureSSHAgentContainer ¶ added in v1.4.0
EnsureSSHAgentContainer ensures the ssh-auth container is running.
func (*DdevApp) Exec ¶ added in v0.11.0
Exec executes a given command in the container of given type without allocating a pty Returns ComposeCmd results of stdout, stderr, err If Nocapture arg is true, stdout/stderr will be empty and output directly to stdout/stderr
func (*DdevApp) ExecOnHostOrService ¶ added in v1.21.5
func (*DdevApp) ExecWithTty ¶ added in v0.11.0
ExecWithTty executes a given command in the container of given type. It allocates a pty for interactive work.
func (*DdevApp) ExportDB ¶ added in v1.4.0
ExportDB exports the db, with optional output to a file, default gzip targetDB is the db name if not default "db"
func (*DdevApp) FindAllImages ¶ added in v1.21.5
FindAllImages returns an array of image tags for all containers in the compose file
func (*DdevApp) FindContainerByType ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (app *DdevApp) FindContainerByType(containerType string) (*docker.APIContainers, error)
FindContainerByType will find a container for this site denoted by the containerType if it is available.
func (*DdevApp) FindMaxTimeout ¶ added in v1.21.5
FindMaxTimeout looks through all services and returns the max timeout found Defaults to 120
func (*DdevApp) FixObsolete ¶ added in v1.21.5
func (app *DdevApp) FixObsolete()
FixObsolete removes files that may be obsolete, etc.
func (*DdevApp) GenerateMutagenYml ¶ added in v1.21.5
GenerateMutagenYml generates the .ddev/mutagen.yml
func (*DdevApp) GeneratePostgresConfig ¶ added in v1.21.5
func (*DdevApp) GenerateWebserverConfig ¶ added in v1.21.5
GenerateWebserverConfig generates the default nginx and apache config files
func (DdevApp) GetAbsAppRoot ¶ added in v1.22.0
GetAbsAppRoot returns the absolute path to the project root on the host or if inContainer is set to true in the container.
func (DdevApp) GetAbsDocroot ¶ added in v1.22.0
GetAbsDocroot returns the absolute path to the docroot on the host or if inContainer is set to true in the container.
func (*DdevApp) GetAllURLs ¶ added in v0.17.0
GetAllURLs returns an array of all the URLs for the project
func (*DdevApp) GetAppRoot ¶ added in v0.11.0
GetAppRoot return the full path from root to the app directory
func (*DdevApp) GetComposerRoot ¶ added in v1.21.5
GetComposerRoot will determine the absolute composer root directory where all Composer related commands will be executed. If inContainer set to true, the absolute path in the container will be returned, else the absolute path on the host. If showWarning set to true, a warning containing the composer root will be shown to the user to avoid confusion.
func (*DdevApp) GetConfigPath ¶ added in v0.11.0
GetConfigPath returns the path to an application config file specified by filename.
func (*DdevApp) GetDBImage ¶ added in v1.21.5
GetDBImage uses the available version info
func (DdevApp) GetDocroot ¶ added in v0.11.0
GetDocroot returns the docroot path for ddev app
func (*DdevApp) GetExistingDBType ¶ added in v1.21.5
GetExistingDBType returns type/version like mariadb:10.4 or postgres:13 or "" if no existing volume This has to make a docker container run so is fairly costly.
func (*DdevApp) GetHTTPSURL ¶ added in v0.12.0
GetHTTPSURL returns the HTTPS URL for an app.
func (*DdevApp) GetHTTPURL ¶ added in v0.12.0
GetHTTPURL returns the HTTP URL for an app.
func (*DdevApp) GetHookDefaultComments ¶ added in v0.11.0
GetHookDefaultComments gets the actual text of the config.yaml hook suggestions for a given apptype
func (*DdevApp) GetHostUploadDirFullPath ¶ added in v1.21.5
GetHostUploadDirFullPath returns the full path to the first upload directory on the host or "" if there is none.
func (*DdevApp) GetHostname ¶ added in v0.11.0
GetHostname returns the primary hostname of the app.
func (*DdevApp) GetHostnames ¶ added in v0.17.0
GetHostnames returns a slice of all the configured hostnames.
func (*DdevApp) GetLatestSnapshot ¶ added in v1.21.5
GetLatestSnapshot returns the latest created snapshot of a project
func (*DdevApp) GetMariaDBVolumeName ¶ added in v1.21.5
GetMariaDBVolumeName returns the docker volume name of the mariadb/database volume For historical reasons this isn't lowercased.
func (*DdevApp) GetMutagenSyncID ¶ added in v1.22.0
GetMutagenSyncID() returns the project sync ID
func (*DdevApp) GetNFSMountVolumeName ¶ added in v1.21.5
GetNFSMountVolumeName returns the docker volume name of the nfs mount volume
func (*DdevApp) GetOmittedContainers ¶ added in v1.21.5
GetOmittedContainers returns full list of global and local omitted containers
func (*DdevApp) GetPerformanceMode ¶ added in v1.22.0
func (app *DdevApp) GetPerformanceMode() types.PerformanceMode
GetPerformanceMode returns performance mode config respecting defaults.
func (*DdevApp) GetPhpVersion ¶ added in v0.12.0
GetPhpVersion returns the app's php version
func (*DdevApp) GetPostgresVolumeName ¶ added in v1.21.5
GetPostgresVolumeName returns the docker volume name of the Postgres/database volume For historical reasons this isn't lowercased.
func (*DdevApp) GetPrimaryURL ¶ added in v1.21.5
GetPrimaryURL returns the primary URL that can be used, https or http
func (*DdevApp) GetProvider ¶ added in v0.11.0
GetProvider returns a pointer to the provider instance interface.
func (*DdevApp) GetPublishedPort ¶ added in v1.1.0
GetPublishedPort returns the host-exposed public port of a container.
func (*DdevApp) GetRelativeWorkingDirectory ¶ added in v1.21.5
GetRelativeWorkingDirectory returns the relative working directory relative to project root Note that the relative dir is returned as unix-style forward-slashes
func (*DdevApp) GetRouterHTTPPort ¶ added in v1.22.0
GetRouterHTTPPort returns app's router http port Start with global config and then override with project config
func (*DdevApp) GetRouterHTTPSPort ¶ added in v1.22.0
GetRouterHTTPSPort returns app's router https port Start with global config and then override with project config
func (*DdevApp) GetType ¶ added in v0.11.0
GetType returns the application type as a (lowercase) string
func (*DdevApp) GetUploadDir ¶ added in v0.11.0
GetUploadDir returns the first upload (public files) directory. This value is relative to the docroot
func (*DdevApp) GetUploadDirs ¶ added in v1.22.0
GetUploadDirs returns the upload (public files) directories. These are gathered from the per-CMS configurations and the value of upload_dirs. upload_dirs overrides the per-CMS configuration
func (*DdevApp) GetValidProviders ¶ added in v1.21.5
GetValidProviders is a helper function that returns a list of valid providers.
func (*DdevApp) GetWebContainerDirectHTTPSURL ¶ added in v1.21.5
GetWebContainerDirectHTTPSURL returns the URL that can be used without the router to get to web container via https.
func (*DdevApp) GetWebContainerDirectHTTPURL ¶ added in v1.21.5
GetWebContainerDirectHTTPURL returns the URL that can be used without the router to get to web container.
func (*DdevApp) GetWebContainerHTTPSPublicPort ¶ added in v1.21.5
GetWebContainerHTTPSPublicPort returns the direct-access public tcp port for https
func (*DdevApp) GetWebContainerPublicPort ¶ added in v1.3.0
GetWebContainerPublicPort returns the direct-access public tcp port for http
func (*DdevApp) GetWebserverType ¶ added in v1.2.0
GetWebserverType returns the app's webserver type (nginx-fpm/apache-fpm)
func (*DdevApp) GetWorkingDir ¶ added in v1.21.5
GetWorkingDir will determine the appropriate working directory for an Exec/ExecWithTty command by consulting with the project configuration. If no dir is specified for the service, an empty string will be returned.
func (*DdevApp) ImportDB ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (app *DdevApp) ImportDB(dumpFile string, extractPath string, progress bool, noDrop bool, targetDB string) error
ImportDB takes a source sql dump and imports it to an active site's database container.
func (*DdevApp) ImportFiles ¶ added in v0.11.0
ImportFiles takes a source directory or archive and copies to the uploaded files directory of a given app.
func (*DdevApp) Init ¶ added in v0.11.0
Init populates DdevApp config based on the current working directory. It does not start the containers.
func (*DdevApp) IsMutagenEnabled ¶ added in v1.21.5
IsMutagenEnabled returns true if mutagen is enabled locally or globally It's also required and set if NoBindMounts is set, since we have to have a way to get code on there.
func (*DdevApp) IsNFSMountEnabled ¶ added in v1.21.5
IsNFSMountEnabled determines whether NFS is enabled.
func (*DdevApp) IsUploadDirsWarningDisabled ¶ added in v1.22.0
IsUploadDirsWarningDisabled returns true if UploadDirs is disabled by the user.
func (*DdevApp) IsValidProvider ¶ added in v1.21.5
IsValidProvider is a helper function to determine if a provider value is valid, returning true if the supplied provider is valid and false otherwise.
func (*DdevApp) ListSnapshots ¶ added in v1.21.5
ListSnapshots returns a list of the names of all project snapshots
func (*DdevApp) LoadConfigYamlFile ¶ added in v1.21.5
LoadConfigYamlFile loads one config.yaml into app, overriding what might be there.
func (*DdevApp) Logs ¶ added in v0.11.0
Logs returns logs for a site's given container. See docker.LogsOptions for more information about valid tailLines values.
func (*DdevApp) MutagenStatus ¶ added in v1.21.5
func (app *DdevApp) MutagenStatus() (status string, shortResult string, mapResult map[string]interface{}, err error)
MutagenStatus checks to see if there is an error case in mutagen We don't want to do a flush yet in that case. Note that the available statuses are at in func (s Status) Description() Can return any of those or "nosession" (with more info) if we didn't find a session at all
func (*DdevApp) MutagenSyncFlush ¶ added in v1.21.5
MutagenSyncFlush performs a mutagen sync flush, waits for result, and checks for errors
func (*DdevApp) PostConfigAction ¶ added in v0.12.0
PostConfigAction gives a chance for an apptype to override do something at the end of ddev config.
func (*DdevApp) PostImportDBAction ¶ added in v0.11.0
PostImportDBAction calls each apptype's detector until it finds a match, or returns 'php' as a last resort.
func (*DdevApp) PostStartAction ¶ added in v0.20.0
PostStartAction gives a chance for an apptype to do something after the app has been started.
func (*DdevApp) ProcessHooks ¶ added in v0.11.0
ProcessHooks executes Tasks defined in Hooks
func (*DdevApp) PromptForConfig ¶ added in v0.11.0
PromptForConfig goes through a set of prompts to receive user input and generate an Config struct.
func (*DdevApp) ProtectedID ¶ added in v1.22.0
ProtectedID returns the unique hash value for the project.
func (*DdevApp) Pull ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (app *DdevApp) Pull(provider *Provider, skipDbArg bool, skipFilesArg bool, skipImportArg bool) error
Pull performs an import of db and files
func (*DdevApp) PullContainerImages ¶ added in v1.21.5
PullContainerImages configured docker images with full output, since docker-compose up doesn't have nice output
func (*DdevApp) ReadConfig ¶ added in v0.11.0
ReadConfig reads project configuration from the config.yaml file It does not attempt to set default values; that's NewApp's job.
func (*DdevApp) RemoveGlobalProjectInfo ¶ added in v1.21.5
func (app *DdevApp) RemoveGlobalProjectInfo()
RemoveGlobalProjectInfo deletes the project from ProjectList
func (*DdevApp) RemoveHostsEntriesIfNeeded ¶ added in v1.21.5
RemoveHostsEntriesIfNeeded will remove the site URL from the host's /etc/hosts. This should be run without administrative privileges and will escalate where needed.
func (*DdevApp) RenderComposeYAML ¶ added in v0.11.0
RenderComposeYAML renders the contents of .ddev/.ddev-docker-compose*.
func (*DdevApp) RestoreSnapshot ¶ added in v1.1.0
RestoreSnapshot restores a mariadb snapshot of the db to be loaded The project must be stopped and docker volume removed and recreated for this to work.
func (*DdevApp) SetApptypeSettingsPaths ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (app *DdevApp) SetApptypeSettingsPaths()
SetApptypeSettingsPaths chooses and sets the settings.php/settings.local.php and related paths for a given app.
func (*DdevApp) SetInstrumentationAppTags ¶ added in v1.21.5
func (app *DdevApp) SetInstrumentationAppTags()
SetInstrumentationAppTags creates app-specific tags for Segment
func (*DdevApp) SetPerformanceMode ¶ added in v1.22.0
SetPerformanceMode sets the performance mode config.
func (*DdevApp) SiteStatus ¶ added in v0.11.0
SiteStatus returns the current status of a project determined from web and db service health. returns status, statusDescription Can return SiteConfigMissing, SiteDirMissing, SiteStopped, SiteStarting, SiteRunning, SitePaused, or another status returned from dockerutil.GetContainerHealth(), including "exited", "restarting", "healthy"
func (*DdevApp) Snapshot ¶ added in v1.21.5
Snapshot causes a snapshot of the db to be written into the snapshots volume Returns the name of the snapshot and err
func (*DdevApp) StartAndWait ¶ added in v1.21.5
StartAndWait is primarily for use in tests. It does app.Start() but then waits for extra seconds before returning. extraSleep arg in seconds is the time to wait if > 0
func (*DdevApp) StartAppIfNotRunning ¶ added in v1.21.5
StartAppIfNotRunning is intended to replace much-duplicated code in the commands.
func (*DdevApp) Stop ¶ added in v0.11.0
Stop stops and Removes the docker containers for the project in current directory.
func (*DdevApp) TrackProject ¶ added in v1.22.0
func (app *DdevApp) TrackProject()
TrackProject collects and tracks information about the project for instrumentation.
func (*DdevApp) UpdateComposeYaml ¶ added in v1.21.5
UpdateComposeYaml updates app.ComposeYaml from available content
func (*DdevApp) UpdateGlobalProjectList ¶ added in v1.21.5
UpdateGlobalProjectList updates any information about project that is tracked in global project list: - approot - configured host ports checks that configured host ports are not already reserved by another project
func (*DdevApp) ValidateConfig ¶ added in v0.11.0
ValidateConfig ensures the configuration meets ddev's requirements.
func (*DdevApp) WaitByLabels ¶ added in v1.21.5
WaitByLabels waits for containers found by list of labels to be ready
func (*DdevApp) WaitForServices ¶ added in v1.21.5
WaitForServices waits for all the services in docker-compose to come up
func (*DdevApp) WarnIfConfigReplace ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (app *DdevApp) WarnIfConfigReplace()
WarnIfConfigReplace just messages user about whether config is being replaced or created
func (*DdevApp) WriteConfig ¶ added in v0.11.0
WriteConfig writes the app configuration into the .ddev folder.
func (*DdevApp) WriteDockerComposeYAML ¶ added in v1.21.5
WriteDockerComposeYAML writes a .ddev-docker-compose-base.yaml and related to the .ddev directory. It then uses `docker-compose convert` to get a canonical version of the full compose file. It then makes a couple of fixups to the canonical version (networks and approot bind points) by marshalling the canonical version to YAML and then unmarshalling it back into a canonical version.
type DrupalSettings ¶ added in v0.11.0
type DrupalSettings struct { DeployName string DeployURL string DatabaseName string DatabaseUsername string DatabasePassword string DatabaseHost string DatabaseDriver string DatabasePort string HashSalt string Signature string SitePath string SiteSettings string SiteSettingsDdev string SyncDir string DockerIP string DBPublishedPort int }
DrupalSettings encapsulates all the configurations for a Drupal site.
func NewDrupalSettings ¶ added in v0.11.0
func NewDrupalSettings(app *DdevApp) *DrupalSettings
NewDrupalSettings produces a DrupalSettings object with default.
type ExecHostTask ¶ added in v1.21.5
type ExecHostTask struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ExecHostTask is the struct that defines "exec-host" tasks for hooks, commands that get run on the host.
func (ExecHostTask) Execute ¶ added in v1.21.5
func (c ExecHostTask) Execute() error
Execute (HostTask) executes a command in a container, by default the web container, and returns stdout, stderr, err
func (ExecHostTask) GetDescription ¶ added in v1.21.5
func (c ExecHostTask) GetDescription() string
GetDescription returns a human-readable description of the task
type ExecOpts ¶ added in v1.4.0
type ExecOpts struct { // Service is the service, as in 'web', 'db' Service string // Dir is the full path to the working directory inside the container Dir string // Cmd is the string to execute via bash/sh Cmd string // RawCmd is the array to execute if not using RawCmd []string // Nocapture if true causes use of ComposeNoCapture, so the stdout and stderr go right to stdout/stderr NoCapture bool // Tty if true causes a tty to be allocated Tty bool // Stdout can be overridden with a File Stdout *os.File // Stderr can be overridden with a File Stderr *os.File // Detach does docker-compose detach Detach bool }
ExecOpts contains options for running a command inside a container
type ExecTask ¶ added in v1.21.5
type ExecTask struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ExecTask is the struct that defines "exec" tasks for hooks, commands to be run in containers.
func (ExecTask) GetDescription ¶ added in v1.21.5
GetDescription returns a human-readable description of the task
type InvalidOmitContainers ¶ added in v1.21.5
type InvalidOmitContainers error
type ListCommandSettings ¶ added in v1.22.0
type ListCommandSettings struct { // ActiveOnly, if set, shows only running projects ActiveOnly bool // Continuous, if set, makes list continuously output Continuous bool // WrapListTable allow that the text in the table of ddev list wraps instead of cutting it to fit the terminal width WrapTableText bool // ContinuousSleepTime is time to sleep between reads with --continuous ContinuousSleepTime int // TypeFilter contains the project type which is then used to filter the project list TypeFilter string }
ListCommandSettings conains all filters and settings of the `ddev list` command
type Provider ¶
type Provider struct { ProviderType string `yaml:"provider"` ProviderInfo `yaml:"providers"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Provider provides generic-specific import functionality.
func (*Provider) GetBackup ¶
GetBackup will create and download a set of backups Valid values for backupType are "database" or "files". returns []fileURL, []importPath, error
func (*Provider) UploadDB ¶ added in v1.21.5
UploadDB is used by Push to push the database to hosting provider
func (*Provider) UploadFiles ¶ added in v1.21.5
UploadFiles is used by Push to push the user-generated files to the hosting provider
type ProviderCommand ¶ added in v1.21.5
type ProviderCommand struct { Command string `yaml:"command"` Service string `yaml:"service,omitempty"` }
ProviderCommand defines the shell command to be run for one of the commands (db pull, etc.)
type ProviderInfo ¶ added in v1.21.5
type ProviderInfo struct { EnvironmentVariables map[string]string `yaml:"environment_variables"` AuthCommand ProviderCommand `yaml:"auth_command"` DBPullCommand ProviderCommand `yaml:"db_pull_command"` DBImportCommand ProviderCommand `yaml:"db_import_command"` FilesPullCommand ProviderCommand `yaml:"files_pull_command"` FilesImportCommand ProviderCommand `yaml:"files_import_command"` CodePullCommand ProviderCommand `yaml:"code_pull_command,omitempty"` DBPushCommand ProviderCommand `yaml:"db_push_command"` FilesPushCommand ProviderCommand `yaml:"files_push_command"` }
ProviderInfo defines the provider
type SegmentNoopLogger ¶ added in v1.21.5
type SegmentNoopLogger struct{}
SegmentNoopLogger defines a no-op logger to prevent Segment log messages from being emitted
func (*SegmentNoopLogger) Errorf ¶ added in v1.21.5
func (n *SegmentNoopLogger) Errorf(_ string, _ ...interface{})
func (*SegmentNoopLogger) Logf ¶ added in v1.21.5
func (n *SegmentNoopLogger) Logf(_ string, _ ...interface{})
type TraefikRouting ¶ added in v1.21.5
type WebExposedPort ¶ added in v1.21.5
type WebExtraDaemon ¶ added in v1.21.5
type WordpressConfig ¶ added in v0.11.0
type WordpressConfig struct { WPGeneric bool DeployName string DeployURL string DatabaseName string DatabaseUsername string DatabasePassword string DatabaseHost string AuthKey string SecureAuthKey string LoggedInKey string NonceKey string AuthSalt string SecureAuthSalt string LoggedInSalt string NonceSalt string Docroot string TablePrefix string Signature string SiteSettings string SiteSettingsDdev string AbsPath string DbCharset string DbCollate string }
WordpressConfig encapsulates all the configurations for a WordPress site.
func NewWordpressConfig ¶ added in v0.11.0
func NewWordpressConfig(app *DdevApp, absPath string) *WordpressConfig
NewWordpressConfig produces a WordpressConfig object with defaults.
Source Files ¶
- amplitude_project.go
- apptypes.go
- assets.go
- backdrop.go
- commands.go
- compose_yaml.go
- composer.go
- config.go
- config_merge.go
- craftcms.go
- db.go
- ddevapp.go
- django.go
- drupal.go
- envfile.go
- errors.go
- hostname_mgt.go
- instrumentation.go
- laravel.go
- list.go
- magento.go
- mutagen.go
- performance_mode.go
- php.go
- ports.go
- poweroff.go
- project.go
- provider.go
- providers.go
- python.go
- router.go
- shopware6.go
- snapshot.go
- ssh_auth.go
- task.go
- templates.go
- traefik.go
- typo3.go
- upload_dirs.go
- utils.go
- wordpress.go