Using either Markdown or Programmatically to generate directory trees๐ณ and directories๐, and to verify directories๐.
Provide CLI, Golang library and Web.
Table of Contents
Thanks for providing very useful CLI for cloud storage tree output๐คฉ๐
Everyone is encouraged to use them!
CLI for Amazon S3 tree output.
aws s3 command does not do what tree
command does, but stree command can display tree!
CLI for Google Cloud Storage tree output.
gcloud storage command does not do what tree
command does, but gcstree command can display tree!
I hope you will use these tools as well!
This page is that converts from Markdown to tree!
This page calls a function that outputs tree. This function is a Go package compiled as WebAssembly.
The symbols that can be used in Markdown are *
, -
, +
, and #
Indentation represents hierarchy. The indentation can be whatever you specify, but use the same pattern.
You can change the branches like in the image below.
Also, once loaded, you can enjoy offline!
You can open it in your browser with
$ gtree web
source code
Go (requires 1.18 or later)
$ go install github.com/ddddddO/gtree/cmd/gtree@latest
$ brew install ddddddO/tap/gtree
$ scoop bucket add ddddddO https://github.com/ddddddO/scoop-bucket.git
$ scoop install ddddddO/gtree
$ curl -o gtree.deb -L https://github.com/ddddddO/gtree/releases/download/v$GTREE_VERSION/gtree_$GTREE_VERSION-1_amd64.deb
$ dpkg -i gtree.deb
$ yum install https://github.com/ddddddO/gtree/releases/download/v$GTREE_VERSION/gtree_$GTREE_VERSION-1_amd64.rpm
$ curl -o gtree.apk -L https://github.com/ddddddO/gtree/releases/download/v$GTREE_VERSION/gtree_$GTREE_VERSION-1_amd64.apk
$ apk add --allow-untrusted gtree.apk
$ wip...
$ nix-env -i gtree
$ nix-shell -p gtree
$ port install gtree
$ aqua g -i ddddddO/gtree
$ docker pull ghcr.io/ddddddo/gtree:latest
$ docker run ghcr.io/ddddddo/gtree:latest template | docker run -i ghcr.io/ddddddo/gtree:latest output
โโโ cmd
โ โโโ gtree
โ โโโ main.go
โโโ testdata
โ โโโ sample1.md
โ โโโ sample2.md
โโโ Makefile
โโโ tree.go
download binary from here.
$ gtree --help
gtree - This CLI uses Markdown to generate directory trees and directories itself, and also verifies directories.
The symbols that can be used in Markdown are '-', '+', '*', and '#'.
Within Markdown, indentation represents hierarchy. The indentation can be whatever you specify, but use the same pattern.
gtree [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
1.10.2 / revision 85520a1
output, o, out Outputs tree from markdown.
Let's try 'gtree template | gtree output'.
mkdir, m Makes directories and files from markdown. It is possible to dry run.
Let's try 'gtree template | gtree mkdir -e .go -e .md -e Makefile'.
verify, vf Verifies tree structure represented in markdown by comparing it with existing directories.
Let's try 'gtree template | gtree verify'.
template, t, tmpl Outputs markdown template. Use it to try out gtree CLI.
web, w, www Opens "Tree Maker" in your browser and shows the URL in terminal.
version, v Prints the version.
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
Output subcommand
$ gtree output --help
gtree output - Outputs tree from markdown.
Let's try 'gtree template | gtree output'.
gtree output [command options] [arguments...]
--file value, -f value specify the path to markdown file. (default: stdin)
--massive, -m set this option when there are very many blocks of markdown. (default: false)
--massive-timeout value, --mt value set this option if you want to set a timeout. (default: 0s)
--format value set this option when specifying output format. "json", "yaml", "toml"
--watch, -w follow changes in markdown file. (default: false)
--help, -h show help
Try it!
$ gtree template
- gtree
- cmd
- gtree
- main.go
- testdata
- sample1.md
- sample2.md
- Makefile
- tree.go
$ gtree template | gtree output
โโโ cmd
โ โโโ gtree
โ โโโ main.go
โโโ testdata
โ โโโ sample1.md
โ โโโ sample2.md
โโโ Makefile
โโโ tree.go
Other pattern.
โโโ gtree output -f testdata/sample1.md
โโโ cat testdata/sample1.md | gtree output -f -
โโโ cat testdata/sample1.md | gtree output
Usage other than representing a directory.
$ cat testdata/sample2.md | gtree output
โโโ (Tier3)
โ โโโ (Tier2)
โ โโโ (Tier1)
โ โโโ (Tier0)
โโโ Deployment
โ โโโ ReplicaSet
โ โโโ Pod
โ โโโ container(s)
โโโ CronJob
โ โโโ Job
โ โโโ Pod
โ โโโ container(s)
โโโ (empty)
โโโ DaemonSet
โ โโโ Pod
โ โโโ container(s)
โโโ StatefulSet
โโโ Pod
โโโ container(s)
Multiple roots
$ cat testdata/sample6.md | gtree output
โโโ Artiofabula
โ โโโ Cetruminantia
โ โ โโโ Whippomorpha
โ โ โ โโโ Hippopotamidae
โ โ โ โโโ Cetacea
โ โ โโโ Ruminantia
โ โโโ Suina
โโโ Tylopoda
โโโ Feliformia
โโโ Caniformia
โโโ Canidae
โโโ Arctoidea
โโโ Ursidae
โโโ x
โโโ Pinnipedia
โโโ Musteloidea
โโโ Ailuridae
โโโ x
โโโ Mephitidae
โโโ x
โโโ Procyonidae
โโโ Mustelidae
Output JSON
$ cat testdata/sample5.md | gtree output --format json | jq
"value": "a",
"children": [
"value": "i",
"children": [
"value": "u",
"children": [
"value": "k",
"children": null
"value": "kk",
"children": null
"value": "t",
"children": null
"value": "e",
"children": [
"value": "o",
"children": null
"value": "g",
"children": null
Output YAML
$ cat testdata/sample5.md | gtree output --format yaml
value: a
- value: i
- value: u
- value: k
children: []
- value: kk
children: []
- value: t
children: []
- value: e
- value: o
children: []
- value: g
children: []
Output TOML
$ cat testdata/sample5.md | gtree output --format toml
value = 'a'
value = 'i'
value = 'u'
value = 'k'
children = []
value = 'kk'
children = []
value = 't'
children = []
value = 'e'
value = 'o'
children = []
value = 'g'
children = []
Mkdir subcommand
$ gtree mkdir --help
gtree mkdir - Makes directories and files from markdown. It is possible to dry run.
Let's try 'gtree template | gtree mkdir -e .go -e .md -e Makefile'.
gtree mkdir [command options] [arguments...]
--file value, -f value specify the path to markdown file. (default: stdin)
--dry-run, -d dry run. detects node that is invalid for directory generation. the order of the output and made directories does not always match. (default: false)
--extension value, -e value [ --extension value, -e value ] set this option if you want to create file instead of directory. for example, if you want to generate files with ".go" extension: "-e .go"
--target-dir value set this option if you want to specify the directory you want to make directory. (default: current directory)
--help, -h show help
Try it!
$ gtree template
- gtree
- cmd
- gtree
- main.go
- testdata
- sample1.md
- sample2.md
- Makefile
- tree.go
$ gtree template | gtree mkdir
$ tree gtree/
โโโ cmd
โ โโโ gtree
โ โโโ main.go
โโโ Makefile
โโโ testdata
โ โโโ sample1.md
โ โโโ sample2.md
โโโ tree.go
8 directories, 0 files
make directories and files
$ gtree template
- gtree
- cmd
- gtree
- main.go
- testdata
- sample1.md
- sample2.md
- Makefile
- tree.go
$ gtree template | gtree mkdir -e .go -e .md -e Makefile
$ tree gtree/
โโโ cmd
โ โโโ gtree
โ โโโ main.go
โโโ Makefile
โโโ testdata
โ โโโ sample1.md
โ โโโ sample2.md
โโโ tree.go
3 directories, 5 files
dry run
Does not create a file and directory.
$ gtree template | gtree mkdir --dry-run -e .go -e .md -e Makefile
โโโ cmd
โ โโโ gtree
โ โโโ main.go
โโโ testdata
โ โโโ sample1.md
โ โโโ sample2.md
โโโ Makefile
โโโ tree.go
4 directories, 5 files
Any invalid file or directory name will result in an error.
$ gtree mkdir --dry-run <<EOS
- root
- aa
- bb
- b/b
invalid node name: b/b
$ gtree mkdir --dry-run <<EOS
- /root
- aa
- bb
- bb
invalid node name: /root
Verify subcommand
$ gtree verify --help
gtree verify - Verifies tree structure represented in markdown by comparing it with existing directories.
Let's try 'gtree template | gtree verify'.
gtree verify [command options] [arguments...]
--file value, -f value specify the path to markdown file. (default: stdin)
--target-dir value set this option if you want to specify the directory you want to verify. (default: current directory)
--strict set this option if you want strict directory match validation. (default: non strict)
--help, -h show help
Try it!
$ tree example
โโโ README.md
โโโ find_pipe_programmable-gtree
โย ย โโโ README.md
โย ย โโโ go.mod
โย ย โโโ go.sum
โย ย โโโ main.go
โโโ go-list_pipe_programmable-gtree
โย ย โโโ README.md
โย ย โโโ go.mod
โย ย โโโ go.sum
โย ย โโโ main.go
โโโ like_cli
โย ย โโโ adapter
โย ย โย ย โโโ executor.go
โย ย โย ย โโโ indentation.go
โย ย โโโ main.go
โโโ noexist
โย ย โโโ xxx
โโโ programmable
โโโ main.go
6 directories, 14 files
$ cat testdata/sample9.md
- example
- find_pipe_programmable-gtree
- go.mod
- go.sum
- main.go
- go-list_pipe_programmable-gtree
- go.mod
- go.sum
- main.go
- like_cli
- adapter
- executor.go
- indentation.go
- main.go
- kkk
- programmable
- main.go
$ cat testdata/sample9.md | gtree verify --strict
Extra paths exist:
Required paths does not exist:
inspired by mactat/framed !
Library - Markdown to tree structure
Go version requires 1.18 or later.
$ go get github.com/ddddddO/gtree
The symbols that can be used in Markdown are *
, -
, +
, and #
Function |
Description |
Available optional functions |
Output |
can output trees |
WithBranchFormatIntermedialNode WithBranchFormatLastNode WithEncodeJSON WithEncodeTOML WithEncodeYAML WithMassive |
Mkdir |
can create directories |
WithTargetDir WithFileExtensions WithDryRun WithMassive |
Verify |
can output the difference between markdown and directories |
WithTargetDir WithStrictVerify WithMassive |
Walk |
can execute user-defined function while traversing tree structure recursively |
WithBranchFormatIntermedialNode WithBranchFormatLastNode WithMassive |
Output func
package main
import (
func main() {
r1 := bytes.NewBufferString(strings.TrimSpace(`
- root
- dddd
- kkkkkkk
- lllll
- ffff
- ppppp
- 1111111
- eee`))
if err := gtree.Output(os.Stdout, r1); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
// Output:
// root
// โโโ dddd
// โ โโโ kkkkkkk
// โ โโโ lllll
// โ โโโ ffff
// โ โโโ LLL
// โ โ โโโ WWWWW
// โ โ โโโ ZZZZZ
// โ โโโ ppppp
// โ โโโ KKK
// โ โโโ 1111111
// โ โโโ AAAAAAA
// โโโ eee
r2 := bytes.NewBufferString(strings.TrimSpace(`
- a
- i
- u
- k
- kk
- t
- e
- o
- g`))
// You can customize branch format.
if err := gtree.Output(os.Stdout, r2,
gtree.WithBranchFormatIntermedialNode("+->", ": "),
gtree.WithBranchFormatLastNode("+->", " "),
); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
// Output:
// a
// +-> i
// : +-> u
// : : +-> k
// : : +-> kk
// : +-> t
// +-> e
// : +-> o
// +-> g
You can also output JSON/YAML/TOML.
Mkdir func
func makes directories.
You can use gtree.WithFileExtensions
func to make specified extensions as file.
Verify func
func verifies directories.
You can use gtree.WithTargetDir
func / gtree.WithStrictVerify
Walk func
See sample program
package main
import (
func main() {
src := strings.TrimSpace(`
- a
- i
- u
- k
- kk
- t
- e
- o
- g`)
callback := func(wn *gtree.WalkerNode) error {
return nil
if err := gtree.Walk(strings.NewReader(src), callback); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
// Output:
// a
// โโโ i
// โ โโโ u
// โ โโโ k
// โโโ kk
// โโโ t
// e
// โโโ o
// โโโ g
callback2 := func(wn *gtree.WalkerNode) error {
fmt.Println("WalkerNode's methods called...")
fmt.Printf("\tName : %s\n", wn.Name())
fmt.Printf("\tBranch : %s\n", wn.Branch())
fmt.Printf("\tRow : %s\n", wn.Row())
fmt.Printf("\tLevel : %d\n", wn.Level())
fmt.Printf("\tPath : %s\n", wn.Path())
fmt.Printf("\tHasChild : %t\n", wn.HasChild())
return nil
if err := gtree.Walk(strings.NewReader(src), callback2); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
// Output:
// WalkerNode's methods called...
// Name : a
// Branch :
// Row : a
// Level : 1
// Path : a
// HasChild : true
// WalkerNode's methods called...
// Name : i
// Branch : โโโ
// Row : โโโ i
// Level : 2
// Path : a/i
// HasChild : true
// WalkerNode's methods called...
// Name : u
// Branch : โ โโโ
// Row : โ โโโ u
// Level : 3
// Path : a/i/u
// HasChild : true
// WalkerNode's methods called...
// Name : k
// Branch : โ โโโ
// Row : โ โโโ k
// Level : 4
// Path : a/i/u/k
// HasChild : false
// WalkerNode's methods called...
// Name : kk
// Branch : โโโ
// Row : โโโ kk
// Level : 2
// Path : a/kk
// HasChild : true
// WalkerNode's methods called...
// Name : t
// Branch : โโโ
// Row : โโโ t
// Level : 3
// Path : a/kk/t
// HasChild : false
// WalkerNode's methods called...
// Name : e
// Branch :
// Row : e
// Level : 1
// Path : e
// HasChild : true
// WalkerNode's methods called...
// Name : o
// Branch : โโโ
// Row : โโโ o
// Level : 2
// Path : e/o
// HasChild : true
// WalkerNode's methods called...
// Name : g
// Branch : โโโ
// Row : โโโ g
// Level : 3
// Path : e/o/g
// HasChild : false
inspired by xlab/treeprint !
Library - Programmable tree structure
The gonew
command can be used to set up sample project using gtree library.
See here for details.
Go version requires 1.18 or later.
$ go get github.com/ddddddO/gtree
Function |
Description |
Available optional functions |
OutputProgrammably |
can output tree |
WithBranchFormatIntermedialNode WithBranchFormatLastNode WithEncodeJSON WithEncodeTOML WithEncodeYAML |
MkdirProgrammably |
can create directories |
WithTargetDir WithFileExtensions WithDryRun |
VerifyProgrammably |
can output the difference between tree you composed and directories |
WithTargetDir WithStrictVerify |
WalkProgrammably |
can execute user-defined function while traversing tree structure recursively |
WithBranchFormatIntermedialNode WithBranchFormatLastNode |
OutputProgrammably func
package main
import (
func main() {
var root *gtree.Node = gtree.NewRoot("root")
root.Add("child 1").Add("child 2").Add("child 3")
var child4 *gtree.Node = root.Add("child 1").Add("child 2").Add("child 4")
child4.Add("child 5")
child4.Add("child 6").Add("child 7")
root.Add("child 8")
// you can customize branch format.
if err := gtree.OutputProgrammably(os.Stdout, root,
gtree.WithBranchFormatIntermedialNode("+--", ": "),
gtree.WithBranchFormatLastNode("+--", " "),
); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
// Output:
// root
// +-- child 1
// : +-- child 2
// : +-- child 3
// : +-- child 4
// : +-- child 5
// : +-- child 6
// : +-- child 7
// +-- child 8
primate := preparePrimate()
// default branch format.
if err := gtree.OutputProgrammably(os.Stdout, primate); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
// Output:
// Primate
// โโโ Strepsirrhini
// โ โโโ Lemuriformes
// โ โ โโโ Lemuroidea
// โ โ โ โโโ Cheirogaleidae
// โ โ โ โโโ Indriidae
// โ โ โ โโโ Lemuridae
// โ โ โ โโโ Lepilemuridae
// โ โ โโโ Daubentonioidea
// โ โ โโโ Daubentoniidae
// โ โโโ Lorisiformes
// โ โโโ Galagidae
// โ โโโ Lorisidae
// โโโ Haplorrhini
// โโโ Tarsiiformes
// โ โโโ Tarsiidae
// โโโ Simiiformes
// โโโ Platyrrhini
// โ โโโ Ceboidea
// โ โ โโโ Atelidae
// โ โ โโโ Cebidae
// โ โโโ Pithecioidea
// โ โโโ Pitheciidae
// โโโ Catarrhini
// โโโ Cercopithecoidea
// โ โโโ Cercopithecidae
// โโโ Hominoidea
// โโโ Hylobatidae
// โโโ Hominidae
func preparePrimate() *gtree.Node {
primate := gtree.NewRoot("Primate")
strepsirrhini := primate.Add("Strepsirrhini")
haplorrhini := primate.Add("Haplorrhini")
lemuriformes := strepsirrhini.Add("Lemuriformes")
lorisiformes := strepsirrhini.Add("Lorisiformes")
lemuroidea := lemuriformes.Add("Lemuroidea")
simiiformes := haplorrhini.Add("Simiiformes")
platyrrhini := haplorrhini.Add("Platyrrhini")
ceboidea := platyrrhini.Add("Ceboidea")
catarrhini := simiiformes.Add("Catarrhini")
hominoidea := catarrhini.Add("Hominoidea")
return primate
The program below converts the result of find
into a tree.
package main
import (
// Example:
// $ cd github.com/ddddddO/gtree
// $ find . -type d -name .git -prune -o -type f -print
// ./config.go
// ./node_generator_test.go
// ./example/like_cli/adapter/indentation.go
// ./example/like_cli/adapter/executor.go
// ./example/like_cli/main.go
// ./example/find_pipe_programmable-gtree/main.go
// ...
// $ find . -type d -name .git -prune -o -type f -print | go run example/find_pipe_programmable-gtree/main.go
// << See "Output:" below. >>
func main() {
var (
root *gtree.Node
node *gtree.Node
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text() // e.g.) "./example/find_pipe_programmable-gtree/main.go"
splited := strings.Split(line, "/") // e.g.) [. example find_pipe_programmable-gtree main.go]
for i, s := range splited {
if root == nil {
root = gtree.NewRoot(s) // s := "."
node = root
if i == 0 {
tmp := node.Add(s)
node = tmp
node = root
if err := gtree.OutputProgrammably(os.Stdout, root); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
// Output:
// .
// โโโ config.go
// โโโ node_generator_test.go
// โโโ example
// โ โโโ like_cli
// โ โ โโโ adapter
// โ โ โ โโโ indentation.go
// โ โ โ โโโ executor.go
// โ โ โโโ main.go
// โ โโโ find_pipe_programmable-gtree
// โ โ โโโ main.go
// โ โโโ go-list_pipe_programmable-gtree
// โ โ โโโ main.go
// โ โโโ programmable
// โ โโโ main.go
// โโโ file_considerer.go
// โโโ node.go
// โโโ node_generator.go
// โโโ .gitignore
// ...
MkdirProgrammably func
package main
import (
func main() {
primate := preparePrimate()
if err := gtree.MkdirProgrammably(primate); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
// Output(using Linux 'tree' command):
// 22:20:43 > tree Primate/
// Primate/
// โโโ Haplorrhini
// โ โโโ Simiiformes
// โ โ โโโ Catarrhini
// โ โ โ โโโ Cercopithecoidea
// โ โ โ โ โโโ Cercopithecidae
// โ โ โ โโโ Hominoidea
// โ โ โ โโโ Hominidae
// โ โ โ โโโ Hylobatidae
// โ โ โโโ Platyrrhini
// โ โ โโโ Ceboidea
// โ โ โ โโโ Atelidae
// โ โ โ โโโ Cebidae
// โ โ โโโ Pithecioidea
// โ โ โโโ Pitheciidae
// โ โโโ Tarsiiformes
// โ โโโ Tarsiidae
// โโโ Strepsirrhini
// โโโ Lemuriformes
// โ โโโ Daubentonioidea
// โ โ โโโ Daubentoniidae
// โ โโโ Lemuroidea
// โ โโโ Cheirogaleidae
// โ โโโ Indriidae
// โ โโโ Lemuridae
// โ โโโ Lepilemuridae
// โโโ Lorisiformes
// โโโ Galagidae
// โโโ Lorisidae
// 28 directories, 0 files
Make directories and files with specific extensions.
package main
import (
func main() {
gtreeDir := gtree.NewRoot("gtree")
testdataDir := gtreeDir.Add("testdata")
// make directories and files with specific extensions.
if err := gtree.MkdirProgrammably(
gtree.WithFileExtensions([]string{".go", ".md", "Makefile"}),
); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
// Output(using Linux 'tree' command):
// 09:44:50 > tree gtree/
// gtree/
// โโโ cmd
// โ โโโ gtree
// โ โโโ main.go
// โโโ Makefile
// โโโ testdata
// โ โโโ sample1.md
// โ โโโ sample2.md
// โโโ tree.go
// 3 directories, 5 files
VerifyProgrammably func
You can use gtree.WithTargetDir
func / gtree.WithStrictVerify
WalkProgrammably func
package main
import (
func main() {
root := gtree.NewRoot("root")
root.Add("child 1").Add("child 2").Add("child 3")
root.Add("child 5")
root.Add("child 1").Add("child 2").Add("child 4")
callback := func(wn *gtree.WalkerNode) error {
return nil
if err := gtree.WalkProgrammably(root, callback); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
// Output:
// root
// โโโ child 1
// โ โโโ child 2
// โ โโโ child 3
// โ โโโ child 4
// โโโ child 5
callback2 := func(wn *gtree.WalkerNode) error {
fmt.Println("WalkerNode's methods called...")
fmt.Printf("\tName : %s\n", wn.Name())
fmt.Printf("\tBranch : %s\n", wn.Branch())
fmt.Printf("\tRow : %s\n", wn.Row())
fmt.Printf("\tLevel : %d\n", wn.Level())
fmt.Printf("\tPath : %s\n", wn.Path())
fmt.Printf("\tHasChild : %t\n", wn.HasChild())
return nil
if err := gtree.WalkProgrammably(root, callback2); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
// Output:
// WalkerNode's methods called...
// Name : root
// Branch :
// Row : root
// Level : 1
// Path : root
// HasChild : true
// WalkerNode's methods called...
// Name : child 1
// Branch : โโโ
// Row : โโโ child 1
// Level : 2
// Path : root/child 1
// HasChild : true
// WalkerNode's methods called...
// Name : child 2
// Branch : โ โโโ
// Row : โ โโโ child 2
// Level : 3
// Path : root/child 1/child 2
// HasChild : true
// WalkerNode's methods called...
// Name : child 3
// Branch : โ โโโ
// Row : โ โโโ child 3
// Level : 4
// Path : root/child 1/child 2/child 3
// HasChild : false
// WalkerNode's methods called...
// Name : child 4
// Branch : โ โโโ
// Row : โ โโโ child 4
// Level : 4
// Path : root/child 1/child 2/child 4
// HasChild : false
// WalkerNode's methods called...
// Name : child 5
// Branch : โโโ
// Row : โโโ child 5
// Level : 2
// Path : root/child 5
// HasChild : false
This process is for the Massive Roots mode.
Depends on the environment.
- Comparison simple implementation and pipeline implementation.
- In the case of few Roots, simple implementation is faster in execution!
- However, for multiple Roots, pipeline implementation execution speed tends to be faster๐ชโจ
- In the CLI, it is available by specifying
- In the Go program, it is available by specifying
Benchmark log
Simple implementation
11:19:22 > go test -benchmem -bench Benchmark -benchtime 100x benchmark_simple_test.go
goos: linux
goarch: amd64
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz
BenchmarkOutput_singleRoot-4 100 35375 ns/op 13856 B/op 171 allocs/op
BenchmarkOutput_tenRoots-4 100 200540 ns/op 72920 B/op 1597 allocs/op
BenchmarkOutput_fiftyRoots-4 100 730156 ns/op 569851 B/op 7919 allocs/op
BenchmarkOutput_hundredRoots-4 100 1706493 ns/op 1714260 B/op 15820 allocs/op
BenchmarkOutput_fiveHundredsRoots-4 100 16412090 ns/op 32245140 B/op 79022 allocs/op
BenchmarkOutput_thousandRoots-4 100 55142492 ns/op 120929674 B/op 158025 allocs/op
BenchmarkOutput_3000Roots-4 100 489121246 ns/op 1035617527 B/op 474029 allocs/op
BenchmarkOutput_6000Roots-4 100 1613641261 ns/op 4087694372 B/op 948033 allocs/op
BenchmarkOutput_10000Roots-4 100 3913090646 ns/op 11293191221 B/op 1580035 allocs/op
ok command-line-arguments 614.944s
Pipeline implementation
11:29:43 > go test -benchmem -bench Benchmark -benchtime 100x benchmark_pipeline_test.go
goos: linux
goarch: amd64
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz
BenchmarkOutput_pipeline_singleRoot-4 100 188706 ns/op 24236 B/op 300 allocs/op
BenchmarkOutput_pipeline_tenRoots-4 100 367758 ns/op 115970 B/op 2186 allocs/op
BenchmarkOutput_pipeline_fiftyRoots-4 100 947879 ns/op 542188 B/op 10592 allocs/op
BenchmarkOutput_pipeline_hundredRoots-4 100 1711537 ns/op 1099636 B/op 21094 allocs/op
BenchmarkOutput_pipeline_fiveHundredsRoots-4 100 6892261 ns/op 5524905 B/op 105107 allocs/op
BenchmarkOutput_pipeline_thousandRoots-4 100 13100335 ns/op 11225942 B/op 210115 allocs/op
BenchmarkOutput_pipeline_3000Roots-4 100 40694497 ns/op 33399766 B/op 630142 allocs/op
BenchmarkOutput_pipeline_6000Roots-4 100 85807944 ns/op 66974524 B/op 1260171 allocs/op
BenchmarkOutput_pipeline_10000Roots-4 100 151486713 ns/op 113908462 B/op 2100208 allocs/op
ok command-line-arguments 30.670s
Test coverage
...generated by nikolaydubina/go-cover-treemap !
Stargazers over time
[^1]: Gopher retrieved from egonelbre/gophers !