Spyre - a simple, self-contained modular host-based IOC scanner
Spyre is a simple host-based IOC scanner built around the
YARA pattern matching engine and
other scan modules. The main goal of this project is easy
operationalization of YARA rules and other indicators of compromise.
Comprehensive rule sets are not included.
Spyre is intended to be used as an investigation tool by incident
responders with an appropriate skill level. It is not meant to be
evolve into any kind of endpoint protection service.
Using Spyre is easy:
- Add YARA signatures. Per default, filenames matching *.yr, *.yar,
*.yara are recognized, see below how to change that. There are two
options for doing this:
- Put the rule files into the same directory as the binary
- Add the rule files to ZIP file and append that file to the
- Deploy, run the scanner
- Collect report
Run-time options can be either passed via command line parameters or
via file that params.txt
. Empty lines and lines starting with the
character are ignored. Every line is interpreted as a single
command line argument.
If a ZIP file has been appended to the Spyre binary, configuration
and other files such as YARA rules are only read from this ZIP file.
Otherwise, they are read from the directory into which the binary has
been placed.
Some options allow specifying a list of items. This can be done by
separating the items using a semicolon (;
Normally (unless this switch is enabled), Spyre instructs the OS
scheduler to lower the priorities of CPU time and I/O operations, in
order to avoid disruption of normal system operation.
Explicitly set the hostname that will be used in the log file and in
the report. This is usually not needed.
Set the log level. Valid: trace, debug, info, notice, warn, error,
Set one or more report targets, separated by a semicolon (;
Default: spyre.log
in the current working directory, using the plain
A different output format can be specified by appending
. The following formats are currently supported:
, the default, a simple human-readable text format
, a JSON document that can be imported into
Set one or more specific filesystem paths to scan. Default: /
or all fixed drives (Windows).
Set explicit list of YARA rule files. Default: Use *.yr
, *.yar
*.yara` files from current working directory or appended ZIP file.
Set maximum size for files to be scanned using YARA. Default: 32MB
Notes about YARA rules
YARA is configured with default settings, plus the following explicit
switches (cf. 3rdparty.mk
Spyre can be built on a Debian/stretch system (or a chroot) in
which the following packages have been installed:
- make
- gcc
- gcc-multilib
- gcc-mingw-w64
- autoconf
- automake
- libtool
- pkg-config
- wget
- sed
- golang-$VERSION-go, e.g. golang-1.8-go. The Makefile will
automatically select the newest version unless
has been
- git-core
- ca-certificates
- zip
Also, go-dep from https://github.com/golang/dep is needed. go install github.com/golang/dep
should be sufficiant.
Once everything has been installed, just type make
. This should
download archives for musl-libc, openssl, yara, build those and
then build spyre.
The bare spyre binaries are created in _build/<triplet>/
Running make release
creates a ZIP file that contains those binaries
for all supported architectures.
Starting with version 1.1.0, there is a module system that can be used
to add file and system scanners. File scanners, such as the YARA
module, act on every file. System scanners are run on program start
and usually consist of checks that should not be computationally or
I/O intensive.
File and system scanners need to be implemented as objects adhering to
the FileScanner
and SystemScanner
interfaces, respectively, and
have to be registered on startup. Packages containing those
implementations should be imported via module_config/*.go
. See
for details and scanner/yara
, scanner/registry
for concrete implementations.
Potentially interesting sub-packages
- appendedzip, code that tries to find a zip file appended to
another file such as the main executable
- zipfs, a read-only filesystem provider for
spf13/afero, see also
afero PR #146
Hilko Bengen hilko.bengen@dcso.de
Copyright 2018 Deutsche Cyber-Sicherheitsorganisation GmbH
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
See the LICENSE file for the full license text.