NOTE: This is an exercise for the students of NSWI106.
Twitter is not doing great, so it's time to look for replacements. So, I wrote
Twytter. It didn't even cost 43 billion, more like 43 minutes. You get what you
pay for.
What is this?
This is a rather trivial Go application: a simple HTTP API which allows you to
read and write twytts (think tweets).
Building and running
To build the app, you need Go 1.19 or later installed. Then, you can simply run:
% go build .
This will create an executable in the working directory. You can run that (but
audit the code first!):
% ( . ./ && ./twytter )
The application is configured through environment variables, see
file contains some default values for the variables which I used
while testing the app on my machine. The app won't run on your machine,
unless you set up your database server first.
Please note that the application doesn't create a database schema for itself.
You need to create it manually. The required schema is contained in schema.sql
It's just a single table. You can use psql
to connect to the database server
and run the commands from schema.sql
The application provides two API endpoints:
GET /twytts
: returns all twytts for all users.
% curl -s localhost:8080/twytts | jq .
"ID": 1,
"Name": "dcepelik",
"Twytt": "Foobar 1"
"ID": 2,
"Name": "dcepelik",
"Twytt": "Foobar 2"
POST /twytts
: creates a new twytt.
~/mff/linux-adm/cont/twytter% curl -s --json '{"Name": "dcepelik", "Twytt": "Foobar 3"}' localhost:8080/twytts | jq .
"ID": 3,
"Name": "dcepelik",
"Twytt": "Foobar 3"
Bonus assignment
For 30 bonus points, you can add two new API endpoints:
DELETE /twytts/<id>
, which deletes a twytt with the given ID.
PUT /twytts/<id>
, which edits a twytt.
The DB boilerplate code is generated with sqlc, and you'll need to regenerate
it while making the changes. A simple way to do it is
% podman run --rm -v $(pwd):/src -w /src kjconroy/sqlc generate
(in the root of the repo).