This project is a terraform provider for OVM
You should have a working Go environment setup. If not check out the Go getting started guide.
This relies on the go-ovm-helper library. To
get that: go get
You'll also need the libraries from terraform. Check out those docs under plugin basics
Run go install
Add the following to $HOME/.terraformrc
providers {
ovm = "$GOPATH/bin/terraform-provider-ovm"
provider.ovm: new or changed plugin executable
Configure the Provider
Configure in TF configuration
provider "ovm" {
user = "${var.ovm_username}"
password = "${var.ovm_password}"
entrypoint = "${var.ovm_endpoint}"
Configure in environment
Set username(OVM_USERNAME
) and password(OVM_PASSWORD
) and endpoint(OVM_ENDPOINT
) in environment
provider "ovm" {}
Basic vm provision
Create one vm and create two virtual disks and mapp them to the vm
resource "ovm_vm" "vm1" {
name = "vm1"
repositoryid = "${var.vm_repositoryid}"
serverpoolid = "${var.serverpoolid}"
vmdomaintype = "XEN_HVM"
cpucount = 2
cpucountlimit = 2
memory = 512 //MB
resource "ovm_vd" "vm1_virtualdisk" {
count = 2
name = "vm1_vd${count.index}"
sparse = true
shareable = false
repositoryid = "${var.vd_repositoryid}"
size = 104857600 //bytes
resource "ovm_vdm" "vm1_vdm" {
count = 2
vmid = "${}"
vdid = "${element(ovm_vd.vm1.*.id, count.index)}"
name = "vm1_vdm_2${count.index}"
slot = "${count.index}"
description = "Virtual disk mapping for vm1 and vm1_vdm_2${count.index}"
Create VM from a Template
//Creating VmCloneCustomizer
resource "ovm_vmcd" "oe7_tmpl_cst" {
vmid = "0004fb000014000014feb8708c34fc0f"
name = "oe7_tmpl_cst"
description = "Desc oel7 cust"
//Defining Vm Clone Storage Mapping
resource "ovm_vmcsm" "oel7_vmclonestoragemapping" {
vmdiskmappingid = "0004fb0000130000f8e1fa844def645e"
vmclonedefinitionid = "${}"
repositoryid = "0004fb00000300003a68daf22a32ebc5"
name = "oel_cust_storage"
clonetype = "SPARSE_COPY"
//Defining Vm Clone Network Mappings.
resource "ovm_vmcnm" "oel7_vmclonenetworkmapping" {
networkid = "${var.networkid}"
vmclonedefinitionid = "${}"
virtualnicid = "${var.virtualnicid}"
name = "oel_cust_network"
resource "ovm_vm" "cloneoel7" {
name = "cloneoel7Vm"
repositoryid = "${var.vm_repositoryid}" //Where vm.cfg should be stored
serverpoolid = "${var.serverpoolid}"
vmdomaintype = "XEN_HVM"
clonevmid = "${var.template_vmid}"
vmclonedefinitionid = "${}"
sendmessages {
"" = "cloneoel7vm"
"" = "eth0"
"" = "dhcp"
"" = "yes"
"" = "Welcome!"
depends_on = ["ovm_vmcnm.oel7_cust_vmcnm", "ovm_vmcsm.oel7_cust_vmcsm"]
resource "ovm_vd" "clonevmvd" {
count = 2 //nr of vritual disk to create
name = "clonedvm${count.index}"
sparse = true
shareable = false
repositoryid = "${var.vd_repositoryid}"
size = 104857600 //bytes
//Mapping the Virtual Disk to the vm
resource "ovm_vdm" "clonevmvdm" {
count = 2
vmid = "${}"
vdid = "${element(ovm_vd.clonevmvd.*.id, count.index)}"
name = "clonevmvdm${count.index +1}"
slot = "${count.index + 1}" //The template has one disk that already attached to slot 0
description = "Extra disk that get attached to the vm"