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Installation Guide with Docker
Pull the latest 9tac tag from the docker hub
docker pull dazorni/9tac
Pull the latest mongo database and set the same to mongo so we can link the environment later
docker pull mongo
Start the mongo database with a mounted folder
docker run --name mongo -v /home/data/db:/data/db -d mongo
Start the application and link to the mongo container
docker run -it -e "PORT=5000" -p 80:5000 --rm --link mongo:mongo dazorni/9tac
# or detached
docker run -e "PORT=5000" -p 80:5000 -d --link mongo:mongo dazorni/9tac
Now you can access the game on your docker ip at port 80
Developer Installation Guide
Checkout the repository and start with those steps:
Install all node dependencies
npm install
Get all golang dependencies
go get -t -d -v ./...
Install ginkgo for testing
go get github.com/onsi/ginkgo/ginkgo
Start tests
ginkgo -r
Prepare public files
npm run build
npm run build:watch
Start the application
go run main.go