Index ¶
- func FsCreateFolder(ctx *gin.Context)
- func FsDeleteFile(ctx *gin.Context)
- func FsDownloadFile(ctx *gin.Context)
- func FsFindInFiles(ctx *gin.Context)
- func FsGetFileDetails(ctx *gin.Context)
- func FsListFiles(ctx *gin.Context)
- func FsMoveFile(ctx *gin.Context)
- func FsReplaceInFiles(ctx *gin.Context)
- func FsSearchFiles(ctx *gin.Context)
- func FsSetFilePermissions(ctx *gin.Context)
- func FsUploadFile(ctx *gin.Context)
- func GetProjectDir(ctx *gin.Context)
- func GitAddFiles(ctx *gin.Context)
- func GitBranchList(ctx *gin.Context)
- func GitCloneRepository(ctx *gin.Context)
- func GitCommitChanges(ctx *gin.Context)
- func GitCommitHistory(ctx *gin.Context)
- func GitCreateBranch(ctx *gin.Context)
- func GitPullChanges(ctx *gin.Context)
- func GitPushChanges(ctx *gin.Context)
- func GitStatus(ctx *gin.Context)
- func LspCompletions(ctx *gin.Context)
- func LspDidClose(ctx *gin.Context)
- func LspDidOpen(ctx *gin.Context)
- func LspDocumentSymbols(ctx *gin.Context)
- func LspStart(ctx *gin.Context)
- func LspStop(ctx *gin.Context)
- func LspWorkspaceSymbols(ctx *gin.Context)
- func ProcessExecuteCommand(ctx *gin.Context)
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func FsCreateFolder ¶
FsCreateFolder godoc
@Tags workspace toolbox @Summary Create folder @Description Create folder inside workspace project @Produce json @Param workspaceId path string true "Workspace ID or Name" @Param projectId path string true "Project ID" @Param path query string true "Path" @Param mode query string true "Mode" @Success 201 @Router /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/files/folder [post] @id FsCreateFolder
func FsDeleteFile ¶
FsDeleteFile godoc
@Tags workspace toolbox @Summary Delete file @Description Delete file inside workspace project @Produce json @Param workspaceId path string true "Workspace ID or Name" @Param projectId path string true "Project ID" @Param path query string true "Path" @Success 204 @Router /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/files [delete] @id FsDeleteFile
func FsDownloadFile ¶
FsDownloadFile godoc
@Tags workspace toolbox @Summary Download file @Description Download file from workspace project @Produce json @Param workspaceId path string true "Workspace ID or Name" @Param projectId path string true "Project ID" @Param path query string true "Path" @Success 200 {file} file "response contains the file" @Router /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/files/download [get] @id FsDownloadFile
func FsFindInFiles ¶
FsFindInFiles godoc
@Tags workspace toolbox @Summary Search for text/pattern in files @Description Search for text/pattern inside workspace project files @Produce json @Param workspaceId path string true "Workspace ID or Name" @Param projectId path string true "Project ID" @Param path query string true "Path" @Param pattern query string true "Pattern" @Success 200 {array} Match @Router /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/files/find [get] @id FsFindInFiles
func FsGetFileDetails ¶
FsGetFileDetails godoc
@Tags workspace toolbox @Summary Get file info @Description Get file info inside workspace project @Produce json @Param workspaceId path string true "Workspace ID or Name" @Param projectId path string true "Project ID" @Param path query string true "Path" @Success 200 {object} FileInfo @Router /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/files/info [get] @id FsGetFileDetails
func FsListFiles ¶
FsListFiles godoc
@Tags workspace toolbox @Summary List files @Description List files inside workspace project @Produce json @Param workspaceId path string true "Workspace ID or Name" @Param projectId path string true "Project ID" @Param path query string false "Path" @Success 200 {array} FileInfo @Router /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/files [get] @id FsListFiles
func FsMoveFile ¶
FsMoveFile godoc
@Tags workspace toolbox @Summary Create folder @Description Create folder inside workspace project @Produce json @Param workspaceId path string true "Workspace ID or Name" @Param projectId path string true "Project ID" @Param source query string true "Source path" @Param destination query string true "Destination path" @Success 200 @Router /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/files/move [post] @id FsMoveFile
func FsReplaceInFiles ¶
FsReplaceInFiles godoc
@Tags workspace toolbox @Summary Repleace text/pattern in files @Description Repleace text/pattern in mutilple files inside workspace project @Produce json @Param workspaceId path string true "Workspace ID or Name" @Param projectId path string true "Project ID" @Param replace body ReplaceRequest true "ReplaceParams" @Success 200 {array} ReplaceResult @Router /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/files/replace [post] @id FsReplaceInFiles
func FsSearchFiles ¶
FsSearchFiles godoc
@Tags workspace toolbox @Summary Search for files @Description Search for files inside workspace project @Produce json @Param workspaceId path string true "Workspace ID or Name" @Param projectId path string true "Project ID" @Param path query string true "Path" @Param pattern query string true "Pattern" @Success 200 {object} SearchFilesResponse @Router /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/files/search [get] @id FsSearchFiles
func FsSetFilePermissions ¶
FsSetFilePermissions godoc
@Tags workspace toolbox @Summary Set file owner/group/permissions @Description Set file owner/group/permissions inside workspace project @Produce json @Param workspaceId path string true "Workspace ID or Name" @Param projectId path string true "Project ID" @Param path query string true "Path" @Param owner query string false "Owner" @Param group query string false "Group" @Param mode query string false "Mode" @Success 200 @Router /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/files/permissions [post] @id FsSetFilePermissions
func FsUploadFile ¶
FsUploadFile godoc
@Tags workspace toolbox @Summary Upload file @Description Upload file inside workspace project @Produce json @Param workspaceId path string true "Workspace ID or Name" @Param projectId path string true "Project ID" @Param path query string true "Path" @Param file formData file true "File" @Success 200 @Router /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/files/upload [post] @id FsUploadFile
func GetProjectDir ¶
GetProjectDir godoc
@Tags workspace toolbox @Summary Get project dir @Description Get project directory @Produce json @Param workspaceId path string true "Workspace ID or Name" @Param projectId path string true "Project ID" @Success 200 {object} ProjectDirResponse @Router /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/project-dir [get] @id GetProjectDir
func GitAddFiles ¶
GitAddFiles godoc
@Tags workspace toolbox @Summary Add files @Description Add files to git commit @Produce json @Param workspaceId path string true "Workspace ID or Name" @Param projectId path string true "Project ID" @Param params body GitAddRequest true "GitAddRequest" @Success 200 @Router /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/git/add [post] @id GitAddFiles
func GitBranchList ¶
GitBranchList godoc
@Tags workspace toolbox @Summary Get branch list @Description Get branch list from git repository inside workspace project @Produce json @Param workspaceId path string true "Workspace ID or Name" @Param projectId path string true "Project ID" @Param path query string true "Path to git repository" @Success 200 {object} ListBranchResponse @Router /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/git/branches [get] @id GitBranchList
func GitCloneRepository ¶
GitCloneRepository godoc
@Tags workspace toolbox @Summary Clone git repository @Description Clone git repository inside workspace project @Produce json @Param workspaceId path string true "Workspace ID or Name" @Param projectId path string true "Project ID" @Param params body GitCloneRequest true "GitCloneRequest" @Success 200 @Router /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/git/clone [post] @id GitCloneRepository
func GitCommitChanges ¶
GitCommitChanges godoc
@Tags workspace toolbox @Summary Commit changes @Description Commit changes to git repository inside workspace project @Produce json @Param workspaceId path string true "Workspace ID or Name" @Param projectId path string true "Project ID" @Param params body GitCommitRequest true "GitCommitRequest" @Success 200 {object} GitCommitResponse @Router /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/git/commit [post] @id GitCommitChanges
func GitCommitHistory ¶
GitCommitHistory godoc
@Tags workspace toolbox @Summary Get commit history @Description Get commit history from git repository inside workspace project @Produce json @Param workspaceId path string true "Workspace ID or Name" @Param projectId path string true "Project ID" @Param path query string true "Path to git repository" @Success 200 {array} GitCommitInfo @Router /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/git/history [get] @id GitCommitHistory
func GitCreateBranch ¶
GitCreateBranch godoc
@Tags workspace toolbox @Summary Create branch @Description Create branch on git repository inside workspace project @Produce json @Param workspaceId path string true "Workspace ID or Name" @Param projectId path string true "Project ID" @Param params body GitBranchRequest true "GitBranchRequest" @Success 201 @Router /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/git/branches [post] @id GitCreateBranch
func GitPullChanges ¶
GitPullChanges godoc
@Tags workspace toolbox @Summary Pull changes @Description Pull changes from remote to git repository inside workspace project @Produce json @Param workspaceId path string true "Workspace ID or Name" @Param projectId path string true "Project ID" @Param params body GitRepoRequest true "Git pull request" @Success 200 @Router /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/git/pull [post] @id GitPullChanges
func GitPushChanges ¶
GitPushChanges godoc
@Tags workspace toolbox @Summary Push changes @Description Push changes to remote from git repository inside workspace project @Produce json @Param workspaceId path string true "Workspace ID or Name" @Param projectId path string true "Project ID" @Param params body GitRepoRequest true "Git push request" @Success 200 @Router /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/git/push [post] @id GitPushChanges
func GitStatus ¶
GitStatus godoc
@Tags workspace toolbox @Summary Get git status @Description Get status from git repository inside workspace project @Produce json @Param workspaceId path string true "Workspace ID or Name" @Param projectId path string true "Project ID" @Param path query string true "Path to git repository" @Success 200 {object} GitStatus @Router /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/git/status [get] @id GitGitStatus
func LspCompletions ¶
LspCompletions godoc
@Tags workspace toolbox @Summary Get Lsp Completions @Description The Completion request is sent from the client to the server to compute completion items at a given cursor position. @Produce json @Param workspaceId path string true "Workspace ID or Name" @Param projectId path string true "Project ID" @Param params body LspCompletionParams true "LspCompletionParams" @Success 200 {object} CompletionList @Router /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/lsp/completions [post] @id LspCompletions
func LspDidClose ¶
LspDidClose godoc
@Tags workspace toolbox @Summary Call Lsp DidClose @Description The document close notification is sent from the client to the server when the document got closed in the client. @Produce json @Param workspaceId path string true "Workspace ID or Name" @Param projectId path string true "Project ID" @Param params body LspDocumentRequest true "LspDocumentRequest" @Success 200 @Router /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/lsp/did-close [post] @id LspDidClose
func LspDidOpen ¶
LspDidOpen godoc
@Tags workspace toolbox @Summary Call Lsp DidOpen @Description The document open notification is sent from the client to the server to signal newly opened text documents. @Produce json @Param workspaceId path string true "Workspace ID or Name" @Param projectId path string true "Project ID" @Param params body LspDocumentRequest true "LspDocumentRequest" @Success 200 @Router /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/lsp/did-open [post] @id LspDidOpen
func LspDocumentSymbols ¶
LspDocumentSymbols godoc
@Tags workspace toolbox @Summary Call Lsp DocumentSymbols @Description The document symbol request is sent from the client to the server. @Produce json @Param workspaceId path string true "Workspace ID or Name" @Param projectId path string true "Project ID" @Param languageId query string true "Language ID" @Param pathToProject query string true "Path to project" @Param uri query string true "Document Uri" @Success 200 {array} LspSymbol @Router /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/lsp/document-symbols [get] @id LspDocumentSymbols
func LspStart ¶
LspStart godoc
@Tags workspace toolbox @Summary Start Lsp server @Description Start Lsp server process inside workspace project @Produce json @Param workspaceId path string true "Workspace ID or Name" @Param projectId path string true "Project ID" @Param params body LspServerRequest true "LspServerRequest" @Success 200 @Router /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/lsp/start [post] @id LspStart
func LspStop ¶
LspStop godoc
@Tags workspace toolbox @Summary Stop Lsp server @Description Stop Lsp server process inside workspace project @Produce json @Param workspaceId path string true "Workspace ID or Name" @Param projectId path string true "Project ID" @Param params body LspServerRequest true "LspServerRequest" @Success 200 @Router /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/lsp/stop [post] @id LspStop
func LspWorkspaceSymbols ¶
LspWorkspaceSymbols godoc
@Tags workspace toolbox @Summary Call Lsp WorkspaceSymbols @Description The workspace symbol request is sent from the client to the server to list project-wide symbols matching the query string. @Produce json @Param workspaceId path string true "Workspace ID or Name" @Param projectId path string true "Project ID" @Param languageId query string true "Language ID" @Param pathToProject query string true "Path to project" @Param query query string true "Symbol Query" @Success 200 {array} LspSymbol @Router /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/lsp/workspace-symbols [get] @id LspWorkspaceSymbols
func ProcessExecuteCommand ¶
ProcessExecuteCommand godoc
@Tags workspace toolbox @Summary Execute command @Description Execute command synchronously inside workspace project @Produce json @Param workspaceId path string true "Workspace ID or Name" @Param projectId path string true "Project ID" @Param params body ExecuteRequest true "Execute command request" @Success 200 {object} ExecuteResponse @Router /workspace/{workspaceId}/{projectId}/toolbox/process/execute [post] @id ProcessExecuteCommand
Types ¶
This section is empty.