A 2FA desktop application.
There is a systems tray and a main window.
The system tray is a way to keep the App running in the backgorund. Only Mac for now with Winodws and Linux soon. Jump in if oyu wanrt to help or test.
Currently works on Mac, with Windows to come.
All OS's need golang installed, we are at go version 1.21.5.
Also some tools that we install require:
- Mac needs brew installed, so that any brew based tools can be installed.
- Windows needs ? installed.
- Linux needed ? installed.
The Makefile is used for local and Github workflow builds so that we have a single source of truth.
All builds are automatically versioned using semver
based on the git hash or tag tag or a combination of gthe two.
Currently the following is built:
- Mac amd64 and arm64 ( DMG with app inside)
- Windows amd64 and arm64 ( only exe )
- Linus amd64 and arm64 ( not sure...)
# Does everything to buld and package the app.
make all
# To setup your fork.
# Run this after you have done a git clone of your remote fork to your local laptop.
make git-fork-init
# To fetch and rebase upstream to your local fork.
# Run this before you push, so that you have everyones else changes rebased onto your repoö
make git-fork-merge-upstream
# To commit and force push your local fork to your remote github fork.
# Run this when your want test your changes in CI, and then PR ( usinfg the wbe gui ) to the remote Upstream repo.
make GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE='git-test' git-fork-commit-push
# Get the gio sub module.
make dep-sub
# Install all tooling need for your OS
make dep-tools
# Bulld for your OS.
make buuld
# Package for your OS.
make pack
# Called by Github action to build for all Os's.
# Run this to do locally what will happen in Github CI.
make ci-build
make ci-release
There is no automated releases yet.
There is no automatic updating yet.