A terraform provider for Bitly, this is a example terraform provider to show case the creation of Terraform provider.
How to Run the example
Prep work
Install Azure CLI
- Ubuntu:
sudo apt install azure-cli
- OS X:
brew install azure-cli
Azure login
Get the bitly token
- Login to bitly, top right cornor "${Username}" -> "Profile Settings" -> "Generate Access Token"
- Set the token in shell:
export BITLY_TOKEN=xxxxxxxx
Now, run the usual terraform command to provision
cd example
terraform init
# [Optional] Plan to see what will be created
terraform plan
terraform apply
Implementation Notes
This provider uses the high level Terraform provider SDK, a.k.a the"Schema" API.
The bitly golang client is github.com/retgits/bitly, which is a thin wrapper around Bitly v4 API.
For other useful info, read more at the offcial HashiCorp Tutorial.
Directory Structure
├── bitly
│ ├── provider.go
│ └── resource_link.go
├── example
│ ├── azure.tf
│ ├── crash.log
│ ├── main.tf
│ ├── terraform.tfstate
│ └── terraform.tfstate.backup
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── main.go
├── README.md
└── terraform-provider-bitly