Slice Exercises
Exercises Level I - Basics — Warm-Up
Let's reinforce your basic knowledge of slices.
Declare nil slices
Assign empty slices
Assign slice literals
Declare the arrays as slices
Fix the Problems
Compare the slices
Exercises Level II - Appending
Discover the power of the append function.
Append #1 — Append and compare byte slices
Append #2 — Append to a nil slice
Append #3 — Fix the problems
Append and Sort Numbers
Housing Prices
Housing Prices and Averages
Exercises Level III - Slicing
Discover the power of slicing.
Slice the numbers
Slicing by arguments
Slicing the Housing Prices
Exercises Level IV - Internals
Peek into the internals of the slices and gain more insight. This is necessary for complete command of the slices.
Fix the backing array problems
Sort the backing array
Observe the memory allocations
Observe the length and capacity
Observe the capacity growth
Correct the lyric
Exercises Level V - Advanced Operations
Commonly used and more advanced operations are available to slices. Now, it's time to test yourself and fix some common problems.
Please update your local copy of the prettyslice package for some examples to work. Please find the intructions how to do so here.
Practice Advanced Slice Operations
Let's warm you up for the advanced slice operations, and reinforce your neurons.
Limit the backing array sharing
Your package needs to control the slices that it shares with the outside world.
Fix the Memory Leak
A slice retrieved from a package causes a memory leak in your program. You need to fix it.
Add a newline after each sentence
Use the power of the copy()
function and add newlines into a new buffer from a string slice. This exercise is more tricky than you might think.
Print Daily Requests
Group the web request logs into a multi-dimensional slice. Allocate a slice with the exact size needed by doing some wizardary calculations. And lastly, pretty print the result.