Example golang run to use the netlink library to add an ip address
Similar to the commands ip addr add ...
following this source
package main
import (
func main() {
eth, _ := netlink.LinkByName("wlan0")
addr, _ := netlink.ParseAddr("")
netlink.AddrAdd(eth, addr)
multiple ip addresses for one device using ip commands
If you need an additional IP address just for the moment you can
add it to any interface on your machine with
sudo ip address add <ip-address>/<netmask> dev <interface>
for instance
sudo ip address add dev eth0
would add using a 24bit netmask to the list of addresses
configured for your eth0.
You can check the result with
ip address show eth0
and you can delete this address again with
sudo ip address del dev eth0
Of course these changes are lost when you reboot your machine.
To make the additional addresses permanent you can edit the file
/etc/network/interfaces by adding as many stanzas of the form
iface eth0 static
so that it looks like
iface eth0 inet dhcp
iface eth0 inet static
iface eth0 inet static
You can even keep the dhcp for the primary address.
To activate these settings without a reboot use ifdown/ifup like
sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0
It is essential to put those two commands into one line if you are
remoting into the server because the first one will drop your
connection! Given in this way the ssh-session will survive.