Is a OSI layer 2 attack to take down a switch by filling the MAC-Address table.
This software only runs on linux operating systems and requires minimum version of go1.12
With an properly configured Go toolchain execute the following.
# on linux only
go get github.com/davidkroell/mac-flooding
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/davidkroell/mac-flooding
go build -o flood main.go
Usage of flood:
-i string
Interface to send
-n int
Amount of frames send (default 1)
-s int
Seed for source MAC address
-t int
Number of threads to use (default 12)
-v Print version
This software is provided for educational use only.
The authors are not responsible for any misuse of the software.
Performing an attack without permission from the owner of the network is illegal.
Use at your own risk.