Documentation ¶
Overview ¶
Copyright 2017 The go-github AUTHORS. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. Code generated by gen-accessors; DO NOT EDIT.
Index ¶
- Constants
- type AcceptedError
- type Artifact
- type ArtifactFileLinks
- type Artifacts
- type BMBranch
- type BMBranchType
- type BMBranchUpdateOpts
- type BMLinks
- type BMRequest
- type BRLinks
- type BRRequest
- type Branch
- type BranchRestriction
- func (b *BranchRestriction) GetBranchMatchKind() string
- func (b *BranchRestriction) GetID() int64
- func (b *BranchRestriction) GetKind() string
- func (b *BranchRestriction) GetLinks() *BRLinks
- func (b *BranchRestriction) GetPattern() string
- func (b *BranchRestriction) GetType() string
- func (b *BranchRestriction) GetValue() int64
- func (b *BranchRestriction) HasUsers() bool
- type BranchRestrictionListOpts
- type BranchRestrictions
- type BranchRestrictionsService
- func (br *BranchRestrictionsService) Create(owner, repoSlug string, bo *BRRequest) (*BranchRestriction, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (br *BranchRestrictionsService) Delete(owner, repoSlug string, brID int64) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (br *BranchRestrictionsService) Get(owner, repoSlug, id string, opts ...interface{}) (*BranchRestriction, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (br *BranchRestrictionsService) List(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*BranchRestrictions, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (br *BranchRestrictionsService) Update(owner, repoSlug string, brID int64, bo *BRRequest) (*BranchRestriction, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- type BranchingModel
- type BranchingModelService
- func (bm *BranchingModelService) Get(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*BranchingModel, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (bm *BranchingModelService) GetRaw(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*BranchingModel, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (bm *BranchingModelService) Update(owner, repoSlug string, bo *BMRequest) (*BranchingModel, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- type CCLinks
- type CSLinks
- type Client
- type CodeFile
- type CodeSearchQueryParams
- type Comment
- type CommentLinks
- type Commit
- func (c *Commit) GetAuthor() *User
- func (c *Commit) GetDate() time.Time
- func (c *Commit) GetHash() string
- func (c *Commit) GetLinks() *CommitLinks
- func (c *Commit) GetMessage() string
- func (c *Commit) GetRendered() *CommitMessageContent
- func (c *Commit) GetRepository() *Repository
- func (c *Commit) GetSummary() *Content
- func (c *Commit) GetType() string
- func (c *Commit) HasParents() bool
- func (c *Commit) HasParticipants() bool
- type CommitComment
- func (c *CommitComment) GetCommit() *Commit
- func (c *CommitComment) GetContent() *Content
- func (c *CommitComment) GetCreatedOn() time.Time
- func (c *CommitComment) GetDeleted() bool
- func (c *CommitComment) GetID() int64
- func (c *CommitComment) GetLinks() *CCLinks
- func (c *CommitComment) GetParent() *CommitComment
- func (c *CommitComment) GetType() string
- func (c *CommitComment) GetUpdatedOn() time.Time
- func (c *CommitComment) GetUser() *User
- type CommitCommentRequest
- type CommitComments
- type CommitLinks
- type CommitMessageContent
- type CommitService
- func (c *CommitService) Approve(owner, repoSlug, sha string) (*Participant, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (c *CommitService) CreateComment(owner, repoSlug, sha string, co *CommitCommentRequest) (*CommitComment, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (c *CommitService) CreateStatus(owner, repoSlug, sha string, co *CommitStatusRequest) (*CommitStatus, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (c *CommitService) Get(owner, repoSlug, sha string, opts ...interface{}) (*Commit, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (c *CommitService) GetComment(owner, repoSlug, sha string, cID int64, opts ...interface{}) (*CommitComment, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (c *CommitService) GetStatusByBuild(owner, repoSlug, sha, key string, opts ...interface{}) (*CommitStatus, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (c *CommitService) ListComments(owner, repoSlug, sha string, opts ...interface{}) (*CommitComments, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (c *CommitService) ListStatuses(owner, repoSlug, sha string, opts ...interface{}) (*CommitStatuses, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (c *CommitService) UnApprove(owner, repoSlug, sha string) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (c *CommitService) UpdateStatus(owner, repoSlug, sha, key string, co *CommitStatusRequest) (*CommitStatus, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- type CommitStatus
- func (c *CommitStatus) GetCreatedOn() time.Time
- func (c *CommitStatus) GetDescription() string
- func (c *CommitStatus) GetKey() string
- func (c *CommitStatus) GetLinks() *CSLinks
- func (c *CommitStatus) GetName() string
- func (c *CommitStatus) GetRefname() string
- func (c *CommitStatus) GetState() string
- func (c *CommitStatus) GetURL() string
- func (c *CommitStatus) GetUUID() string
- func (c *CommitStatus) GetUpdatedOn() time.Time
- type CommitStatusRequest
- type CommitStatuses
- type Commits
- type CommitsService
- func (c *CommitsService) GetRevision(owner, repoSlug, revision string, opts ...interface{}) (*Commits, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (c *CommitsService) List(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*Commits, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (c *CommitsService) ListSafe(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*Commits, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- type Component
- type ComponentLinks
- type ComponentRequest
- type Components
- type ComponentsService
- type Content
- type DefaultReviewersService
- func (dr *DefaultReviewersService) Add(owner, repoSlug, userID string) (*User, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (dr *DefaultReviewersService) Get(owner, repoSlug, userID string, opts ...interface{}) (*User, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (dr *DefaultReviewersService) List(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*Users, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (dr *DefaultReviewersService) Remove(owner, repoSlug, userID string) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
- type DeployKey
- func (d *DeployKey) GetAddedOn() time.Time
- func (d *DeployKey) GetComment() string
- func (d *DeployKey) GetCreatedOn() time.Time
- func (d *DeployKey) GetID() int64
- func (d *DeployKey) GetKey() string
- func (d *DeployKey) GetLabel() string
- func (d *DeployKey) GetLastUsed() time.Time
- func (d *DeployKey) GetLinks() *DeployKeyLinks
- func (d *DeployKey) GetRepository() *Repository
- func (d *DeployKey) GetType() string
- type DeployKeyLinks
- type DeployKeyRequest
- type DeployKeys
- type DeployKeysService
- func (dk *DeployKeysService) Add(owner, repoSlug string, do *DeployKeyRequest) (*DeployKey, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (dk *DeployKeysService) Get(owner, repoSlug string, keyID int64, opts ...interface{}) (*DeployKey, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (dk *DeployKeysService) List(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*DeployKeys, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (dk *DeployKeysService) Remove(owner, repoSlug string, keyID int64) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (dk *DeployKeysService) Update(owner, repoSlug string, keyID int64, do *DeployKeyRequest) (*DeployKey, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- type Diff
- type DiffGetOpts
- type DiffService
- type Diffs
- type DownloadsService
- type FileHistory
- type FileHistoryLinks
- type FileHistoryListOpts
- type FileHistoryService
- type FilterSortOpts
- type ForkRequest
- func (f *ForkRequest) GetDescription() string
- func (f *ForkRequest) GetForkPolicy() string
- func (f *ForkRequest) GetHasIssues() string
- func (f *ForkRequest) GetHasWiki() bool
- func (f *ForkRequest) GetIsPrivate() bool
- func (f *ForkRequest) GetLanguage() string
- func (f *ForkRequest) GetMainBranch() *RepositoryMainBranch
- func (f *ForkRequest) GetName() string
- func (f *ForkRequest) GetOwner() *User
- func (f *ForkRequest) GetParent() *Repository
- func (f *ForkRequest) GetSCM() string
- type ForksService
- type GenericOpts
- type HookEvent
- type HookEventTypes
- type HookEventTypesLinks
- type HookEvents
- type HookEventsService
- type Issue
- func (i *Issue) GetAssignee() *User
- func (i *Issue) GetComponent() *Component
- func (i *Issue) GetContent() *IssueContent
- func (i *Issue) GetCreatedOn() time.Time
- func (i *Issue) GetEditedOn() time.Time
- func (i *Issue) GetID() int64
- func (i *Issue) GetKind() string
- func (i *Issue) GetLinks() *IssueLinks
- func (i *Issue) GetMilestone() *Milestone
- func (i *Issue) GetPriority() string
- func (i *Issue) GetReporter() *User
- func (i *Issue) GetRepository() *Repository
- func (i *Issue) GetState() string
- func (i *Issue) GetTitle() string
- func (i *Issue) GetType() string
- func (i *Issue) GetUpdatedOn() time.Time
- func (i *Issue) GetVersion() *Version
- func (i *Issue) GetVotes() int
- func (i *Issue) GetWatches() int
- type IssueChange
- func (i *IssueChange) GetChanges() map[string]map[string]string
- func (i *IssueChange) GetCreatedOn() time.Time
- func (i *IssueChange) GetID() int64
- func (i *IssueChange) GetIssue() *Issue
- func (i *IssueChange) GetLinks() *IssueChangeLinks
- func (i *IssueChange) GetMessage() *Content
- func (i *IssueChange) GetType() string
- func (i *IssueChange) GetUser() *User
- type IssueChangeLinks
- type IssueChangeRequest
- func (i *IssueChangeRequest) GetAssigneeAccountID() string
- func (i *IssueChangeRequest) GetComponent() string
- func (i *IssueChangeRequest) GetContent() string
- func (i *IssueChangeRequest) GetKind() string
- func (i *IssueChangeRequest) GetMessage() string
- func (i *IssueChangeRequest) GetMilestone() string
- func (i *IssueChangeRequest) GetPriority() string
- func (i *IssueChangeRequest) GetVersion() string
- type IssueChanges
- type IssueComment
- func (i *IssueComment) GetContent() *Content
- func (i *IssueComment) GetCreatedOn() time.Time
- func (i *IssueComment) GetID() int64
- func (i *IssueComment) GetIssue() *Issue
- func (i *IssueComment) GetLinks() *IssueCommentLinks
- func (i *IssueComment) GetType() string
- func (i *IssueComment) GetUpdatedOn() time.Time
- func (i *IssueComment) GetUser() *User
- type IssueCommentLinks
- type IssueCommentRequest
- type IssueComments
- type IssueContent
- type IssueLinks
- type IssueRequest
- func (i *IssueRequest) GetAssignee() *IssueRequestAssigneeOpts
- func (i *IssueRequest) GetComponent() *ComponentRequest
- func (i *IssueRequest) GetContent() *IssueRequestContentOpts
- func (i *IssueRequest) GetKind() string
- func (i *IssueRequest) GetMilestone() *MilestoneRequest
- func (i *IssueRequest) GetPriority() string
- func (i *IssueRequest) GetTitle() string
- func (i *IssueRequest) GetVersion() *VersionRequest
- type IssueRequestAssigneeOpts
- type IssueRequestContentOpts
- type Issues
- type IssuesService
- func (i *IssuesService) Create(owner, repoSlug string, io *IssueRequest) (*Issue, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (i *IssuesService) CreateChange(owner, repoSlug string, id int64, io *IssueChangeRequest) (*IssueChange, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (i *IssuesService) CreateComment(owner, repoSlug string, id int64, io *IssueCommentRequest) (*IssueComment, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (i *IssuesService) Delete(owner, repoSlug string, issueID int64) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (i *IssuesService) DeleteAttachment(owner, repoSlug string, id int64, filePath string) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (i *IssuesService) DeleteComment(owner, repoSlug string, id, commentID int64) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (i *IssuesService) Get(owner, repoSlug string, issueID int64, opts ...interface{}) (*Issue, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (i *IssuesService) GetChange(owner, repoSlug string, id, changeID int64, opts ...interface{}) (*IssueChange, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (i *IssuesService) GetComment(owner, repoSlug string, id, commentID int64, opts ...interface{}) (*IssueComment, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (i *IssuesService) HasCurrentUserVoted(owner, repoSlug string, id int64) (bool, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (i *IssuesService) IsAuthUserWatching(owner, repoSlug string, id int64) (bool, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (i *IssuesService) List(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*Issues, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (i *IssuesService) ListAttachments(owner, repoSlug string, id int64, opts ...interface{}) (*Artifacts, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (i *IssuesService) ListChanges(owner, repoSlug string, id int64, opts ...interface{}) (*IssueChanges, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (i *IssuesService) ListComments(owner, repoSlug string, id int64, opts ...interface{}) (*IssueComments, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (i *IssuesService) RemoveVote(owner, repoSlug string, id int64) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (i *IssuesService) StopWatchingIssue(owner, repoSlug string, id int64) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (i *IssuesService) Update(owner, repoSlug string, issueID int64, io *IssueRequest) (*Issue, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (i *IssuesService) UpdateComment(owner, repoSlug string, id, commentID int64, io *IssueCommentRequest) (*IssueComment, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (i *IssuesService) Vote(owner, repoSlug string, id int64) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (i *IssuesService) WatchIssue(owner, repoSlug string, id int64) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
- type Link
- type ListOpts
- type MergePrRequest
- type Milestone
- type MilestoneLinks
- type MilestoneRequest
- type Milestones
- type MilestonesService
- type Option
- func BaseURL(baseURL string) Option
- func CustomHTTPHeaders(headers map[string]string) Option
- func HTTP(http *simpleresty.Client) Option
- func OAuth(clientID, clientSecret string) Option
- func OAuthBearerToken(t string) Option
- func OAuthClientCredentials(clientID, clientSecret string) Option
- func OAuthToken(ot oauth2.Token) Option
- func OAuthWithCode(clientID, clientSecret, code string) Option
- func UserAgent(userAgent string) Option
- type PRActivities
- type PRActivity
- type PRApprovalActivity
- type PRComment
- type PRCommentRequest
- type PRComments
- type PRRequest
- type PRRequestDestinationOpts
- type PRRequestReviewerOpts
- type PRRequestSourceOpts
- type PRUpdateActivity
- func (p *PRUpdateActivity) GetAuthor() *User
- func (p *PRUpdateActivity) GetDate() time.Time
- func (p *PRUpdateActivity) GetDescription() string
- func (p *PRUpdateActivity) GetDestination() *PullRequestBranch
- func (p *PRUpdateActivity) GetReason() string
- func (p *PRUpdateActivity) GetSource() *PullRequestBranch
- func (p *PRUpdateActivity) GetState() string
- func (p *PRUpdateActivity) GetTitle() string
- type PaginationInfo
- type PartialRespOpts
- type Participant
- type PatchService
- type PullRequest
- func (p *PullRequest) GetAuthor() *User
- func (p *PullRequest) GetBody() *PullRequestBody
- func (p *PullRequest) GetCloseSourceBranch() bool
- func (p *PullRequest) GetClosedBy() *User
- func (p *PullRequest) GetCommentCount() int64
- func (p *PullRequest) GetCreatedOn() time.Time
- func (p *PullRequest) GetDescription() string
- func (p *PullRequest) GetDestination() *PullRequestBranch
- func (p *PullRequest) GetID() int64
- func (p *PullRequest) GetLinks() *PullRequestLinks
- func (p *PullRequest) GetMergeCommit() *PullRequestMergeCommit
- func (p *PullRequest) GetReason() string
- func (p *PullRequest) GetSource() *PullRequestBranch
- func (p *PullRequest) GetState() string
- func (p *PullRequest) GetSummary() *Content
- func (p *PullRequest) GetTaskCount() int64
- func (p *PullRequest) GetTitle() string
- func (p *PullRequest) GetType() string
- func (p *PullRequest) GetUpdatedOn() string
- func (p *PullRequest) HasParticipants() bool
- func (p *PullRequest) HasReviewers() bool
- type PullRequestBody
- type PullRequestBranch
- type PullRequestLinks
- func (p *PullRequestLinks) GetActivity() *Link
- func (p *PullRequestLinks) GetApprove() *Link
- func (p *PullRequestLinks) GetComments() *Link
- func (p *PullRequestLinks) GetCommits() *Link
- func (p *PullRequestLinks) GetDecline() *Link
- func (p *PullRequestLinks) GetDiff() *Link
- func (p *PullRequestLinks) GetHTML() *Link
- func (p *PullRequestLinks) GetMerge() *Link
- func (p *PullRequestLinks) GetSelf() *Link
- func (p *PullRequestLinks) GetStatuses() *Link
- type PullRequestListOpts
- type PullRequestMergeCommit
- type PullRequests
- type PullRequestsService
- func (p *PullRequestsService) Approve(owner, repoSlug string, pullRequestID int64) (*Participant, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (p *PullRequestsService) Create(owner, repoSlug string, po *PRRequest) (*PullRequest, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (p *PullRequestsService) CreateComment(owner, repoSlug string, pullRequestID int64, po *PRCommentRequest) (*PRComment, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (p *PullRequestsService) DeclinePR(owner, repoSlug string, pullRequestID int64) (*PullRequest, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (p *PullRequestsService) DeleteComment(owner, repoSlug string, prID, cID int64) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (p *PullRequestsService) Get(owner, repoSlug string, pullRequestID int64, opts ...interface{}) (*PullRequest, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (p *PullRequestsService) GetActivity(owner, repoSlug string, pullRequestID int64, opts ...interface{}) (*PRActivities, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (p *PullRequestsService) GetComment(owner, repoSlug string, prID, cID int64, opts ...interface{}) (*PRComment, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (p *PullRequestsService) GetDiff(owner, repoSlug string, pid int64, opts ...interface{}) (*Diffs, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (p *PullRequestsService) GetDiffRaw(owner, repoSlug string, pid int64) (*bytes.Buffer, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (p *PullRequestsService) GetPatchRaw(owner, repoSlug string, pid int64) (*bytes.Buffer, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (p *PullRequestsService) List(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*PullRequests, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (p *PullRequestsService) ListActivity(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*PRActivities, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (p *PullRequestsService) ListByUser(targetUser string, opts ...interface{}) (*PullRequests, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (p *PullRequestsService) ListComments(owner, repoSlug string, pullRequestID int64, opts ...interface{}) (*PRComments, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (p *PullRequestsService) ListCommits(owner, repoSlug string, pullRequestID int64, opts ...interface{}) (*Commits, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (p *PullRequestsService) ListStatuses(owner, repoSlug string, pid int64, opts ...interface{}) (*CommitStatuses, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (p *PullRequestsService) MergePR(workspace, repoSlug string, pullRequestID int64, opts *MergePrRequest) (*PullRequest, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (p *PullRequestsService) RemoveApproval(owner, repoSlug string, pullRequestID int64) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (p *PullRequestsService) Update(owner, repoSlug string, pullRequestID int64, po *PRRequest) (*PullRequest, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (p *PullRequestsService) UpdateComment(owner, repoSlug string, prID, cID int64, po *PRCommentRequest) (*PRComment, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- type Ref
- func (r *Ref) GetDate() time.Time
- func (r *Ref) GetDefaultMergeStrategy() string
- func (r *Ref) GetLinks() *RefLinks
- func (r *Ref) GetMessage() string
- func (r *Ref) GetName() string
- func (r *Ref) GetTarget() *Commit
- func (r *Ref) GetType() string
- func (r *Ref) HasHeads() bool
- func (r *Ref) HasMergeStrategies() bool
- type RefLinks
- type RefRequest
- type Refs
- type RefsService
- func (r *RefsService) CreateBranch(owner, repoSlug string, ro *RefRequest) (*Ref, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (r *RefsService) CreateTag(owner, repoSlug string, ro *RefRequest) (*Ref, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (r *RefsService) DeleteBranch(owner, repoSlug, name string) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (r *RefsService) DeleteTag(owner, repoSlug, name string) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (r *RefsService) GetBranch(owner, repoSlug, name string, opts ...interface{}) (*Ref, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (r *RefsService) GetTag(owner, repoSlug, name string, opts ...interface{}) (*Ref, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (r *RefsService) ListAll(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*Refs, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (r *RefsService) ListBranches(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*Refs, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (r *RefsService) ListTags(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*Refs, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- type Repositories
- type RepositoriesService
- func (r *RepositoriesService) Create(owner string, rr *RepositoryRequest) (*Repository, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (r *RepositoriesService) CreateHook(owner, repoSlug string, rho *RepositoryHookRequest) (*RepositoryHook, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (r *RepositoriesService) Delete(owner, repoSlug string, deleteOpt *RepositoryDeleteQueryParam) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (r *RepositoriesService) DeleteHook(owner, repoSlug, uid string) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (r *RepositoriesService) Get(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*Repository, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (r *RepositoriesService) GetHook(owner, repoSlug, uid string, opts ...interface{}) (*RepositoryHook, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (r *RepositoriesService) List(owner string, opts ...interface{}) (*Repositories, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (r *RepositoriesService) ListHooks(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*RepositoryHooks, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (r *RepositoriesService) ListPublic(opts ...interface{}) (*Repositories, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (r *RepositoriesService) Update(owner, repoSlug string, rr *RepositoryRequest) (*Repository, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (r *RepositoriesService) UpdateHook(owner, repoSlug, uid string, rho *RepositoryHookRequest) (*RepositoryHook, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- type Repository
- func (r *Repository) GetCreatedOn() time.Time
- func (r *Repository) GetDescription() string
- func (r *Repository) GetForkPolicy() string
- func (r *Repository) GetFullName() string
- func (r *Repository) GetHasIssues() bool
- func (r *Repository) GetHasWiki() bool
- func (r *Repository) GetIsPrivate() bool
- func (r *Repository) GetLanguage() string
- func (r *Repository) GetLinks() *RepositoryLinks
- func (r *Repository) GetMainBranch() *RepositoryMainBranch
- func (r *Repository) GetName() string
- func (r *Repository) GetOwner() *User
- func (r *Repository) GetParent() *Repository
- func (r *Repository) GetSCM() string
- func (r *Repository) GetSize() int64
- func (r *Repository) GetSlug() string
- func (r *Repository) GetType() string
- func (r *Repository) GetUUID() string
- func (r *Repository) GetUpdatedOn() time.Time
- func (r *Repository) GetWebsite() string
- type RepositoryDeleteQueryParam
- type RepositoryHook
- func (r *RepositoryHook) GetActive() bool
- func (r *RepositoryHook) GetCreatedAt() time.Time
- func (r *RepositoryHook) GetDescription() string
- func (r *RepositoryHook) GetURL() string
- func (r *RepositoryHook) GetUUID() string
- func (r *RepositoryHook) HasEvents() bool
- func (r *RepositoryHook) HasSubjectType() bool
- type RepositoryHookRequest
- type RepositoryHooks
- type RepositoryLinks
- func (r *RepositoryLinks) GetAvatar() *Link
- func (r *RepositoryLinks) GetBranches() *Link
- func (r *RepositoryLinks) GetCommits() *Link
- func (r *RepositoryLinks) GetDownloads() *Link
- func (r *RepositoryLinks) GetForks() *Link
- func (r *RepositoryLinks) GetHTML() *Link
- func (rl *RepositoryLinks) GetHTTPSCloneURL() string
- func (r *RepositoryLinks) GetPullRequests() *Link
- func (rl *RepositoryLinks) GetSSHCloneURL() string
- func (r *RepositoryLinks) GetSelf() *Link
- func (r *RepositoryLinks) GetSource() *Link
- func (r *RepositoryLinks) GetTags() *Link
- func (r *RepositoryLinks) GetWatchers() *Link
- func (r *RepositoryLinks) HasClone() bool
- type RepositoryListQueryParams
- type RepositoryMainBranch
- type RepositoryRequest
- type SRCGetOpts
- type SRCMetadata
- type SRCService
- type SSHKeyAddRequest
- type SearchCodeFileLinks
- type SearchCodeResult
- type SearchCodeResults
- type SearchContentMatch
- type SearchContentMatchLine
- type SearchMatch
- type Team
- func (t *Team) GetAccountStatus() string
- func (t *Team) GetCreatedOn() time.Time
- func (t *Team) GetDisplayName() string
- func (t *Team) GetHas2FAEnabled() string
- func (t *Team) GetLinks() *TeamLinks
- func (t *Team) GetNickname() string
- func (t *Team) GetUUID() string
- func (t *Team) GetUsername() string
- func (t *Team) GetWebsite() string
- type TeamLinks
- func (t *TeamLinks) GetAvatar() *Link
- func (t *TeamLinks) GetFollowers() *Link
- func (t *TeamLinks) GetFollowing() *Link
- func (t *TeamLinks) GetHTML() *Link
- func (t *TeamLinks) GetHooks() *Link
- func (t *TeamLinks) GetMembers() *Link
- func (t *TeamLinks) GetProjects() *Link
- func (t *TeamLinks) GetRepositories() *Link
- func (t *TeamLinks) GetSelf() *Link
- func (t *TeamLinks) GetSnippets() *Link
- type TeamListOpts
- type TeamPermission
- type TeamPermissions
- type TeamProject
- func (t *TeamProject) GetCreatedOn() time.Time
- func (t *TeamProject) GetDescription() string
- func (t *TeamProject) GetIsPrivate() bool
- func (t *TeamProject) GetKey() string
- func (t *TeamProject) GetLinks() *TeamProjectLinks
- func (t *TeamProject) GetName() string
- func (t *TeamProject) GetOwner() *User
- func (t *TeamProject) GetType() string
- func (t *TeamProject) GetUUID() string
- func (t *TeamProject) GetUpdatedOn() time.Time
- type TeamProjectLinks
- type TeamProjectRequest
- type TeamProjects
- type TeamRepoPermission
- type TeamRepoPermissions
- type Teams
- type TeamsService
- func (t *TeamsService) CreateProject(teamUsername string, po *TeamProjectRequest) (*TeamProject, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (t *TeamsService) DeleteProject(teamUsername, projectKey string) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (t *TeamsService) Get(teamUsername string, opts ...interface{}) (*Team, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (t *TeamsService) GetRepositoryPermissions(teamUsername, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*TeamRepoPermissions, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (t *TeamsService) List(opts ...interface{}) (*Teams, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (t *TeamsService) ListFollowers(teamUsername string, opts ...interface{}) (*Users, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (t *TeamsService) ListFollowing(teamUsername string, opts ...interface{}) (*Users, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (t *TeamsService) ListMembers(teamUsername string, opts ...interface{}) (*Users, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (t *TeamsService) ListPermissions(teamUsername string, opts ...interface{}) (*TeamPermissions, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (t *TeamsService) ListProjects(teamUsername string, opts ...interface{}) (*TeamProjects, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (t *TeamsService) ListRepositoryPermissions(teamUsername string, opts ...interface{}) (*TeamRepoPermissions, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (t *TeamsService) ListTeamRepositories(teamUsername string, opts ...interface{}) (*Repositories, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (t *TeamsService) SearchCode(teamUsername string, opts ...interface{}) (*SearchCodeResults, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (t *TeamsService) UpdateProject(teamUsername, projectKey string, po *TeamProjectRequest) (*TeamProject, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- type User
- func (u *User) GetAccountID() string
- func (u *User) GetAccountStatus() string
- func (u *User) GetCreatedOn() time.Time
- func (u *User) GetDisplayName() string
- func (u *User) GetIsStaff() bool
- func (u *User) GetLinks() *UserLinks
- func (u *User) GetLocation() string
- func (u *User) GetNickname() string
- func (u *User) GetType() string
- func (u *User) GetUUID() string
- func (u *User) GetUsername() string
- func (u *User) GetWebsite() string
- type UserEmail
- type UserEmailLinks
- type UserEmails
- type UserHook
- type UserHooks
- type UserLinks
- func (u *UserLinks) GetAvatar() *Link
- func (u *UserLinks) GetFollowers() *Link
- func (u *UserLinks) GetFollowing() *Link
- func (u *UserLinks) GetHTML() *Link
- func (u *UserLinks) GetHooks() *Link
- func (u *UserLinks) GetRepositories() *Link
- func (u *UserLinks) GetSelf() *Link
- func (u *UserLinks) GetSnippets() *Link
- type UserRepositoriesPermission
- type UserRepositoriesPermissions
- type UserService
- func (u *UserService) Get() (*User, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (u *UserService) GetEmails(opts ...interface{}) (*UserEmails, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (u *UserService) ListRepositoryPerms(opts ...interface{}) (*UserRepositoriesPermissions, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (u *UserService) ListTeamsPerms(opts ...interface{}) (*UserTeamsPermissions, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- type UserTeamsPermission
- type UserTeamsPermissions
- type Users
- type UsersSSHKey
- func (u *UsersSSHKey) GetComment() string
- func (u *UsersSSHKey) GetCreatedOn() time.Time
- func (u *UsersSSHKey) GetKey() string
- func (u *UsersSSHKey) GetLabel() string
- func (u *UsersSSHKey) GetLastUsed() time.Time
- func (u *UsersSSHKey) GetLinks() *UsersSSHKeyLinks
- func (u *UsersSSHKey) GetOwner() *User
- func (u *UsersSSHKey) GetType() string
- func (u *UsersSSHKey) GetUUID() string
- type UsersSSHKeyLinks
- type UsersSSHKeys
- type UsersService
- func (u *UsersService) AddSSHKey(userID string, newKey *SSHKeyAddRequest) (*UsersSSHKey, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (u *UsersService) DeleteHook(userID, hookID string) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (u *UsersService) GetByID(userID string, opts ...interface{}) (*User, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (u *UsersService) GetHook(userID, hookID string, opts ...interface{}) (*UserHook, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (u *UsersService) ListHooks(userID string, opts ...interface{}) (*UserHooks, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (u *UsersService) ListRepositories(userID string, opts ...interface{}) (*Repositories, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (u *UsersService) ListSSHKeys(userID string, opts ...interface{}) (*UsersSSHKeys, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- func (u *UsersService) SearchCode(userID string, opts ...interface{}) (*SearchCodeResults, *simpleresty.Response, error)
- type Version
- type VersionLinks
- type VersionRequest
- type Versions
- type VersionsService
- type WatchersService
Constants ¶
const ( // DefaultAPIBaseURL for the base API URL. DefaultAPIBaseURL = "" // DefaultUserAgent for the API calls. DefaultUserAgent = "bitbucket-go" // DefaultPageLength represents the default page length returned from API calls. DefaultPageLength = 10 )
const ( // UpdateActivity represents an update activity to a pull request. UpdateActivity = "update" // ApprovalActivity represents an update activity to a pull request. ApprovalActivity = "approval" )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AcceptedError ¶
type AcceptedError struct { // Raw contains the response body. Raw []byte }
AcceptedError occurs when Bitbucket returns 202 Accepted response with an empty body, which means a job was scheduled on the Bitbucket side to process the information needed and cache it. Technically, 202 Accepted is not a real error, it's just used to indicate that results are not ready yet, but should be available soon. The request can be repeated after some time.
func (*AcceptedError) Error ¶
func (*AcceptedError) Error() string
type Artifact ¶
type Artifact struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Links *ArtifactFileLinks `json:"links,omitempty"` DownloadCount *int64 `json:"downloads,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` Size *int64 `json:"size,omitempty"` }
Artifact represents a file on Bitbucket.
func (*Artifact) GetDownloadCount ¶
GetDownloadCount returns the DownloadCount field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Artifact) GetLinks ¶
func (a *Artifact) GetLinks() *ArtifactFileLinks
GetLinks returns the Links field.
type ArtifactFileLinks ¶
type ArtifactFileLinks struct {
Self *Link `json:"self,omitempty"`
ArtifactFileLinks represents the "links" object in a Bitbucket artifact.
func (*ArtifactFileLinks) GetSelf ¶
func (a *ArtifactFileLinks) GetSelf() *Link
GetSelf returns the Self field.
type Artifacts ¶
type Artifacts struct { PaginationInfo Values []*Artifact `json:"values,omitempty"` }
Artifacts represents a collection of artifacts (or files).
type BMBranch ¶
type BMBranch struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` IsValid *bool `json:"is_valid,omitempty"` Branch *Ref `json:"branch,omitempty"` UseMainbranch *bool `json:"use_mainbranch,omitempty"` }
BMBranch represents the git branches you want the model to be applied to.
func (*BMBranch) GetIsValid ¶
GetIsValid returns the IsValid field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BMBranch) GetUseMainbranch ¶
GetUseMainbranch returns the UseMainbranch field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type BMBranchType ¶
type BMBranchType struct { Kind *string `json:"kind,omitempty"` Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` Prefix *string `json:"prefix,omitempty"` }
BMBranchType represents the branch prefix configurations for new branches.
func (*BMBranchType) GetEnabled ¶
func (b *BMBranchType) GetEnabled() bool
GetEnabled returns the Enabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BMBranchType) GetKind ¶
func (b *BMBranchType) GetKind() string
GetKind returns the Kind field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BMBranchType) GetPrefix ¶
func (b *BMBranchType) GetPrefix() string
GetPrefix returns the Prefix field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type BMBranchUpdateOpts ¶
type BMBranchUpdateOpts struct { UseMainbranch *bool `json:"use_mainbranch,omitempty"` Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
BMBranchUpdateOpts represents the fields available when updating the development/production branches.
Tips: If development/production branch are not using `master` and you wish to switch to it, you will need to set `Name` field to an empty string along with `UseMainbranch: true`.
func (*BMBranchUpdateOpts) GetEnabled ¶
func (b *BMBranchUpdateOpts) GetEnabled() bool
GetEnabled returns the Enabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BMBranchUpdateOpts) GetName ¶
func (b *BMBranchUpdateOpts) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BMBranchUpdateOpts) GetUseMainbranch ¶
func (b *BMBranchUpdateOpts) GetUseMainbranch() bool
GetUseMainbranch returns the UseMainbranch field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type BMLinks ¶
type BMLinks struct {
Self *Link `json:"self,omitempty"`
BMLinks represents the "links" object in a Bitbucket branching model.
type BMRequest ¶
type BMRequest struct { Development *BMBranchUpdateOpts `json:"development,omitempty"` Production *BMBranchUpdateOpts `json:"production,omitempty"` BranchTypes []*BMBranchType `json:"branch_types,omitempty"` }
BMRequest represents a request to update an existing branching model.
func (*BMRequest) GetDevelopment ¶
func (b *BMRequest) GetDevelopment() *BMBranchUpdateOpts
GetDevelopment returns the Development field.
func (*BMRequest) GetProduction ¶
func (b *BMRequest) GetProduction() *BMBranchUpdateOpts
GetProduction returns the Production field.
func (*BMRequest) HasBranchTypes ¶
HasBranchTypes checks if BMRequest has any BranchTypes.
type BRLinks ¶
type BRLinks struct {
Self *Link `json:"self,omitempty"`
BRLinks represents the "links" object in a Bitbucket branch restriction.
type BRRequest ¶
type BRRequest struct { Kind *string `json:"kind,omitempty"` BranchMatchKind *string `json:"branch_match_kind,omitempty"` BranchType *string `json:"branch_type,omitempty"` Pattern *string `json:"pattern,omitempty"` }
BRRequest represents a request to create/update a branch restriction.
func (*BRRequest) GetBranchMatchKind ¶
GetBranchMatchKind returns the BranchMatchKind field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BRRequest) GetBranchType ¶
GetBranchType returns the BranchType field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BRRequest) GetPattern ¶
GetPattern returns the Pattern field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type Branch ¶
type Branch struct {
Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Branch represents a branch.
type BranchRestriction ¶
type BranchRestriction struct { ID *int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` Kind *string `json:"kind,omitempty"` Users []*User `json:"users,omitempty"` Pattern *string `json:"pattern,omitempty"` Value *int64 `json:"value,omitempty"` BranchMatchKind *string `json:"branch_match_kind,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` Links *BRLinks `json:"links,omitempty"` }
BranchRestriction represents a Bitbucket repository branch restriction.
func (*BranchRestriction) GetBranchMatchKind ¶
func (b *BranchRestriction) GetBranchMatchKind() string
GetBranchMatchKind returns the BranchMatchKind field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BranchRestriction) GetID ¶
func (b *BranchRestriction) GetID() int64
GetID returns the ID field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BranchRestriction) GetKind ¶
func (b *BranchRestriction) GetKind() string
GetKind returns the Kind field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BranchRestriction) GetLinks ¶
func (b *BranchRestriction) GetLinks() *BRLinks
GetLinks returns the Links field.
func (*BranchRestriction) GetPattern ¶
func (b *BranchRestriction) GetPattern() string
GetPattern returns the Pattern field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BranchRestriction) GetType ¶
func (b *BranchRestriction) GetType() string
GetType returns the Type field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BranchRestriction) GetValue ¶
func (b *BranchRestriction) GetValue() int64
GetValue returns the Value field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BranchRestriction) HasUsers ¶
func (b *BranchRestriction) HasUsers() bool
HasUsers checks if BranchRestriction has any Users.
type BranchRestrictionListOpts ¶
type BranchRestrictionListOpts struct { // Branch restrictions of this type Kind string `url:"kind,omitempty"` // Branch restrictions applied to branches of this pattern Pattern string `url:"pattern,omitempty"` }
BranchRestrictionListOpts represents the query parameters available to listing all branch restrictions.
type BranchRestrictions ¶
type BranchRestrictions struct { PaginationInfo Values []*BranchRestriction `json:"values,omitempty"` }
BranchRestrictions represent a collection of branch restrictions.
func (*BranchRestrictions) HasValues ¶
func (b *BranchRestrictions) HasValues() bool
HasValues checks if BranchRestrictions has any Values.
type BranchRestrictionsService ¶
type BranchRestrictionsService service
BranchRestrictionsService handles communication with the branch restrictions related methods of the Bitbucket API.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*BranchRestrictionsService) Create ¶
func (br *BranchRestrictionsService) Create(owner, repoSlug string, bo *BRRequest) (*BranchRestriction, *simpleresty.Response, error)
Create creates a new branch restriction rule for a repository.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*BranchRestrictionsService) Delete ¶
func (br *BranchRestrictionsService) Delete(owner, repoSlug string, brID int64) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
Delete an existing branch restriction rule.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*BranchRestrictionsService) Get ¶
func (br *BranchRestrictionsService) Get(owner, repoSlug, id string, opts ...interface{}) (*BranchRestriction, *simpleresty.Response, error)
Get Returns a specific branch restriction.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*BranchRestrictionsService) List ¶
func (br *BranchRestrictionsService) List(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*BranchRestrictions, *simpleresty.Response, error)
List returns a paginated list of all branch restrictions on the repository.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*BranchRestrictionsService) Update ¶
func (br *BranchRestrictionsService) Update(owner, repoSlug string, brID int64, bo *BRRequest) (*BranchRestriction, *simpleresty.Response, error)
Update updates an existing branch restriction rule.
Bitbucket API docs:
type BranchingModel ¶
type BranchingModel struct { Development *BMBranch `json:"development,omitempty"` BranchTypes []*BMBranchType `json:"values,omitempty"` Production *BMBranch `json:"production,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` Links *BMLinks `json:"links,omitempty"` }
BranchingModel represents the brancing model for a repository.
func (*BranchingModel) GetDevelopment ¶
func (b *BranchingModel) GetDevelopment() *BMBranch
GetDevelopment returns the Development field.
func (*BranchingModel) GetLinks ¶
func (b *BranchingModel) GetLinks() *BMLinks
GetLinks returns the Links field.
func (*BranchingModel) GetProduction ¶
func (b *BranchingModel) GetProduction() *BMBranch
GetProduction returns the Production field.
func (*BranchingModel) GetType ¶
func (b *BranchingModel) GetType() string
GetType returns the Type field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*BranchingModel) HasBranchTypes ¶
func (b *BranchingModel) HasBranchTypes() bool
HasBranchTypes checks if BranchingModel has any BranchTypes.
type BranchingModelService ¶
type BranchingModelService service
BranchingModelService handles communication with the branching model related methods of the Bitbucket API.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*BranchingModelService) Get ¶
func (bm *BranchingModelService) Get(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*BranchingModel, *simpleresty.Response, error)
Get returns the branching model as applied to the repository. This view is read-only.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*BranchingModelService) GetRaw ¶
func (bm *BranchingModelService) GetRaw(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*BranchingModel, *simpleresty.Response, error)
GetRaw returns the branching model's raw configuration for a repository.
A client wishing to see the branching model with its actual current branches should use the 'Get' function above.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*BranchingModelService) Update ¶
func (bm *BranchingModelService) Update(owner, repoSlug string, bo *BMRequest) (*BranchingModel, *simpleresty.Response, error)
Update update the branching model configuration for a repository.
Bitbucket API docs:
type Client ¶
type Client struct { // Services used for talking to different parts of the Bitbucket API. BranchRestrictions *BranchRestrictionsService Commit *CommitService Commits *CommitsService Components *ComponentsService DefaultReviewers *DefaultReviewersService DeployKeys *DeployKeysService Diff *DiffService Downloads *DownloadsService FileHistory *FileHistoryService Forks *ForksService HookEvents *HookEventsService Issues *IssuesService Milestones *MilestonesService Patch *PatchService PullRequests *PullRequestsService Refs *RefsService Repositories *RepositoriesService SRC *SRCService Teams *TeamsService User *UserService Users *UsersService Versions *VersionsService Watchers *WatchersService Pagelen uint64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A Client manages communication with the Bitbucket API.
type CodeFile ¶
type CodeFile struct { Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` Links *SearchCodeFileLinks `json:"links,omitempty"` }
CodeFile represents the information regarding the file that matched a search query.
func (*CodeFile) GetLinks ¶
func (c *CodeFile) GetLinks() *SearchCodeFileLinks
GetLinks returns the Links field.
type CodeSearchQueryParams ¶
type CodeSearchQueryParams struct { // The search query SearchQuery string `url:"search_query,omitempty"` }
CodeSearchQueryParams represents the query parameters available when searching for code.
type Comment ¶
type Comment struct { Links *CommentLinks `json:"links,omitempty"` Content *Content `json:"content,omitempty"` CreatedOn *time.Time `json:"created_on,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` UpdatedOn *time.Time `json:"updated_on,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` ID *int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` }
Comment represents a generic comment on a Bitbucket pull request or issue.
func (*Comment) GetContent ¶
GetContent returns the Content field.
func (*Comment) GetCreatedOn ¶
GetCreatedOn returns the CreatedOn field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Comment) GetLinks ¶
func (c *Comment) GetLinks() *CommentLinks
GetLinks returns the Links field.
func (*Comment) GetUpdatedOn ¶
GetUpdatedOn returns the UpdatedOn field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type CommentLinks ¶
CommentLinks represents the "links" object in a Bitbucket comment.
func (*CommentLinks) GetHTML ¶
func (c *CommentLinks) GetHTML() *Link
GetHTML returns the HTML field.
func (*CommentLinks) GetSelf ¶
func (c *CommentLinks) GetSelf() *Link
GetSelf returns the Self field.
type Commit ¶
type Commit struct { Rendered *CommitMessageContent `json:"rendered,omitempty"` Hash *string `json:"hash,omitempty"` Repository *Repository `json:"repository,omitempty"` Links *CommitLinks `json:"links,omitempty"` Author *User `json:"author,omitempty"` Summary *Content `json:"summary,omitempty"` Participants []*Participant `json:"participants,omitempty"` Parents []*Commit `json:"parents,omitempty"` Date *time.Time `json:"date,omitempty"` Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
Commit represents a git commit in a Bitbucket repository.
func (*Commit) GetLinks ¶
func (c *Commit) GetLinks() *CommitLinks
GetLinks returns the Links field.
func (*Commit) GetMessage ¶
GetMessage returns the Message field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Commit) GetRendered ¶
func (c *Commit) GetRendered() *CommitMessageContent
GetRendered returns the Rendered field.
func (*Commit) GetRepository ¶
func (c *Commit) GetRepository() *Repository
GetRepository returns the Repository field.
func (*Commit) GetSummary ¶
GetSummary returns the Summary field.
func (*Commit) HasParents ¶
HasParents checks if Commit has any Parents.
func (*Commit) HasParticipants ¶
HasParticipants checks if Commit has any Participants.
type CommitComment ¶
type CommitComment struct { ID *int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` Links *CCLinks `json:"links,omitempty"` Deleted *bool `json:"deleted,omitempty"` Content *Content `json:"content,omitempty"` CreatedOn *time.Time `json:"created_on,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` Commit *Commit `json:"commit,omitempty"` UpdatedOn *time.Time `json:"updated_on,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` Parent *CommitComment `json:"parent,omitempty"` }
CommitComment represents a commit comment.
func (*CommitComment) GetCommit ¶
func (c *CommitComment) GetCommit() *Commit
GetCommit returns the Commit field.
func (*CommitComment) GetContent ¶
func (c *CommitComment) GetContent() *Content
GetContent returns the Content field.
func (*CommitComment) GetCreatedOn ¶
func (c *CommitComment) GetCreatedOn() time.Time
GetCreatedOn returns the CreatedOn field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*CommitComment) GetDeleted ¶
func (c *CommitComment) GetDeleted() bool
GetDeleted returns the Deleted field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*CommitComment) GetID ¶
func (c *CommitComment) GetID() int64
GetID returns the ID field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*CommitComment) GetLinks ¶
func (c *CommitComment) GetLinks() *CCLinks
GetLinks returns the Links field.
func (*CommitComment) GetParent ¶
func (c *CommitComment) GetParent() *CommitComment
GetParent returns the Parent field.
func (*CommitComment) GetType ¶
func (c *CommitComment) GetType() string
GetType returns the Type field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*CommitComment) GetUpdatedOn ¶
func (c *CommitComment) GetUpdatedOn() time.Time
GetUpdatedOn returns the UpdatedOn field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*CommitComment) GetUser ¶
func (c *CommitComment) GetUser() *User
GetUser returns the User field.
type CommitCommentRequest ¶
type CommitCommentRequest struct { Content *Content `json:"content,omitempty"` ParentComment *CommitComment `json:"parent,omitempty"` }
CommitCommentRequest represents a new commit comment.
func (*CommitCommentRequest) GetContent ¶
func (c *CommitCommentRequest) GetContent() *Content
GetContent returns the Content field.
func (*CommitCommentRequest) GetParentComment ¶
func (c *CommitCommentRequest) GetParentComment() *CommitComment
GetParentComment returns the ParentComment field.
type CommitComments ¶
type CommitComments struct { PaginationInfo Values []*CommitComment `json:"values,omitempty"` }
CommitComments represent a collection of a commit's comments.
func (*CommitComments) HasValues ¶
func (c *CommitComments) HasValues() bool
HasValues checks if CommitComments has any Values.
type CommitLinks ¶
type CommitLinks struct { Self *Link `json:"self,omitempty"` Comment *Link `json:"comment,omitempty"` HTML *Link `json:"html,omitempty"` Diff *Link `json:"diff,omitempty"` Approve *Link `json:"approve,omitempty"` Statuses *Link `json:"statuses,omitempty"` }
CommitLinks represents the "links" object in a Bitbucket commit.
func (*CommitLinks) GetApprove ¶
func (c *CommitLinks) GetApprove() *Link
GetApprove returns the Approve field.
func (*CommitLinks) GetComment ¶
func (c *CommitLinks) GetComment() *Link
GetComment returns the Comment field.
func (*CommitLinks) GetStatuses ¶
func (c *CommitLinks) GetStatuses() *Link
GetStatuses returns the Statuses field.
type CommitMessageContent ¶
type CommitMessageContent struct {
Message *Content `json:"message,omitempty"`
CommitMessageContent represents the commit's message.
func (*CommitMessageContent) GetMessage ¶
func (c *CommitMessageContent) GetMessage() *Content
GetMessage returns the Message field.
type CommitService ¶
type CommitService service
CommitService handles communication with the commit related methods of the Bitbucket API.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*CommitService) Approve ¶
func (c *CommitService) Approve(owner, repoSlug, sha string) (*Participant, *simpleresty.Response, error)
Approve approves the specified commit as the authenticated user.
This operation is only available to users that have explicit access to the repository. In contrast, just the fact that a repository is publicly accessible to users does not give them the ability to approve commits.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*CommitService) CreateComment ¶
func (c *CommitService) CreateComment(owner, repoSlug, sha string, co *CommitCommentRequest) (*CommitComment, *simpleresty.Response, error)
CreateComment creates new comment on the specified commit.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*CommitService) CreateStatus ¶
func (c *CommitService) CreateStatus(owner, repoSlug, sha string, co *CommitStatusRequest) (*CommitStatus, *simpleresty.Response, error)
CreateStatus creates a new build status against the specified commit.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*CommitService) Get ¶
func (c *CommitService) Get(owner, repoSlug, sha string, opts ...interface{}) (*Commit, *simpleresty.Response, error)
Get return the specified commit.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*CommitService) GetComment ¶
func (c *CommitService) GetComment(owner, repoSlug, sha string, cID int64, opts ...interface{}) (*CommitComment, *simpleresty.Response, error)
GetComment returns the specified commit comment.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*CommitService) GetStatusByBuild ¶
func (c *CommitService) GetStatusByBuild(owner, repoSlug, sha, key string, opts ...interface{}) (*CommitStatus, *simpleresty.Response, error)
GetStatusByBuild returns the specified build status for a commit.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*CommitService) ListComments ¶
func (c *CommitService) ListComments(owner, repoSlug, sha string, opts ...interface{}) (*CommitComments, *simpleresty.Response, error)
ListComments returns the commit's comments.
This includes both global and inline comments. The default sorting is oldest to newest and can be overridden with the sort query parameter.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*CommitService) ListStatuses ¶
func (c *CommitService) ListStatuses(owner, repoSlug, sha string, opts ...interface{}) (*CommitStatuses, *simpleresty.Response, error)
ListStatuses returns all statuses (e.g. build results) for a specific commit.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*CommitService) UnApprove ¶
func (c *CommitService) UnApprove(owner, repoSlug, sha string) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
UnApprove redacts/removes the authenticated user's approval of the specified commit.
This operation is only available to users that have explicit access to the repository. In contrast, just the fact that a repository is publicly accessible to users does not give them the ability to approve commits.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*CommitService) UpdateStatus ¶
func (c *CommitService) UpdateStatus(owner, repoSlug, sha, key string, co *CommitStatusRequest) (*CommitStatus, *simpleresty.Response, error)
UpdateStatus update the current status of a build status object on the specific commit.
Bitbucket API docs:
type CommitStatus ¶
type CommitStatus struct { Links *CSLinks `json:"links,omitempty"` UUID *string `json:"uuid,omitempty"` Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` Refname *string `json:"refname,omitempty"` URL *string `json:"url,omitempty"` State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` CreatedOn *time.Time `json:"created_on,omitempty"` UpdatedOn *time.Time `json:"updated_on,omitempty"` }
CommitStatus represents a commit status.
func (*CommitStatus) GetCreatedOn ¶
func (c *CommitStatus) GetCreatedOn() time.Time
GetCreatedOn returns the CreatedOn field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*CommitStatus) GetDescription ¶
func (c *CommitStatus) GetDescription() string
GetDescription returns the Description field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*CommitStatus) GetKey ¶
func (c *CommitStatus) GetKey() string
GetKey returns the Key field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*CommitStatus) GetLinks ¶
func (c *CommitStatus) GetLinks() *CSLinks
GetLinks returns the Links field.
func (*CommitStatus) GetName ¶
func (c *CommitStatus) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*CommitStatus) GetRefname ¶
func (c *CommitStatus) GetRefname() string
GetRefname returns the Refname field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*CommitStatus) GetState ¶
func (c *CommitStatus) GetState() string
GetState returns the State field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*CommitStatus) GetURL ¶
func (c *CommitStatus) GetURL() string
GetURL returns the URL field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*CommitStatus) GetUUID ¶
func (c *CommitStatus) GetUUID() string
GetUUID returns the UUID field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*CommitStatus) GetUpdatedOn ¶
func (c *CommitStatus) GetUpdatedOn() time.Time
GetUpdatedOn returns the UpdatedOn field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type CommitStatusRequest ¶
type CommitStatusRequest struct { URL *string `json:"url,omitempty"` State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` Refname *string `json:"refname,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
CommitStatusRequest represents a new commit status.
func (*CommitStatusRequest) GetDescription ¶
func (c *CommitStatusRequest) GetDescription() string
GetDescription returns the Description field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*CommitStatusRequest) GetKey ¶
func (c *CommitStatusRequest) GetKey() string
GetKey returns the Key field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*CommitStatusRequest) GetName ¶
func (c *CommitStatusRequest) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*CommitStatusRequest) GetRefname ¶
func (c *CommitStatusRequest) GetRefname() string
GetRefname returns the Refname field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*CommitStatusRequest) GetState ¶
func (c *CommitStatusRequest) GetState() string
GetState returns the State field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*CommitStatusRequest) GetURL ¶
func (c *CommitStatusRequest) GetURL() string
GetURL returns the URL field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type CommitStatuses ¶
type CommitStatuses struct { PaginationInfo Values []*CommitStatus `json:"values,omitempty"` }
CommitStatuses represent a collection of a commit's statuses.
func (*CommitStatuses) HasValues ¶
func (c *CommitStatuses) HasValues() bool
HasValues checks if CommitStatuses has any Values.
type Commits ¶
type Commits struct { PaginationInfo Values []*Commit `json:"values,omitempty"` }
Commits represent a collection of commits.
type CommitsService ¶
type CommitsService service
CommitsService handles communication with the commits related methods of the Bitbucket API.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*CommitsService) GetRevision ¶
func (c *CommitsService) GetRevision(owner, repoSlug, revision string, opts ...interface{}) (*Commits, *simpleresty.Response, error)
GetRevision returns a commit revision. The results can return a collection of commits. Does not support any query parameters.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*CommitsService) List ¶
func (c *CommitsService) List(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*Commits, *simpleresty.Response, error)
List all commits for a given repository.
Supports filtering by passing in a non-URI encoded query string. Refer to the API docs below.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*CommitsService) ListSafe ¶
func (c *CommitsService) ListSafe(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*Commits, *simpleresty.Response, error)
ListSafe returns a commit revision.
NOTE: Identical to GET /repositories/{username}/{repo_slug}/commits, except that POST allows clients to place the include and exclude parameters in the request body to avoid URL length issues.
Bitbucket API docs:
type Component ¶
type Component struct { ID *int64 `json:"-"` // This field is not present in the API response. Repository *Repository `json:"repository,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Links *ComponentLinks `json:"links,omitempty"` }
Component represents a Bitbucket repository component.
func (*Component) GetLinks ¶
func (c *Component) GetLinks() *ComponentLinks
GetLinks returns the Links field.
func (*Component) GetRepository ¶
func (c *Component) GetRepository() *Repository
GetRepository returns the Repository field.
type ComponentLinks ¶
type ComponentLinks struct {
Self *Link `json:"self,omitempty"`
ComponentLinks represents the "links" object in a Bitbucket component.
func (*ComponentLinks) GetSelf ¶
func (c *ComponentLinks) GetSelf() *Link
GetSelf returns the Self field.
type ComponentRequest ¶
type ComponentRequest struct {
Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
ComponentRequest represents an existing component to be added to an issue or pull request. There is no CREATE or UPDATE endpoint for the component resource.
func (*ComponentRequest) GetName ¶
func (c *ComponentRequest) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type Components ¶
type Components struct { PaginationInfo Values []*Component `json:"values,omitempty"` }
Components represent a collection of components.
func (*Components) HasValues ¶
func (c *Components) HasValues() bool
HasValues checks if Components has any Values.
type ComponentsService ¶
type ComponentsService service
ComponentsService handles communication with the user related methods of the Bitbucket API.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*ComponentsService) Get ¶
func (c *ComponentsService) Get(owner, repoSlug string, componentID int64, opts ...interface{}) (*Component, *simpleresty.Response, error)
Get a single component. NOTE: The component ID is a numerical value, not the component name, that is visible in the links.self.href object.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*ComponentsService) List ¶
func (c *ComponentsService) List(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*Components, *simpleresty.Response, error)
List all components that have been defined in the issue tracker.
Bitbucket API docs:
type Content ¶
type Content struct { Raw *string `json:"raw,omitempty"` Markup *string `json:"markup,omitempty"` HTML *string `json:"html,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
Content represents content found in a Bitbucket resource.
func (*Content) GetMarkup ¶
GetMarkup returns the Markup field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type DefaultReviewersService ¶
type DefaultReviewersService service
DefaultReviewersService handles communication with the default reviewers related methods of the Bitbucket API.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*DefaultReviewersService) Add ¶
func (dr *DefaultReviewersService) Add(owner, repoSlug, userID string) (*User, *simpleresty.Response, error)
Add adds the specified user to the repository's list of default reviewers. This method is idempotent. Adding a user a second time has no effect.
Accepts the user's UUID, account_id, or username. Recommend to use UUID or account_id.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*DefaultReviewersService) Get ¶
func (dr *DefaultReviewersService) Get(owner, repoSlug, userID string, opts ...interface{}) (*User, *simpleresty.Response, error)
Get returns the specified reviewer.
Accepts the user's UUID, account_id, or username. Recommend to use UUID or account_id.
This can be used to test whether a user is among the repository's default reviewers list. A 404 indicates that that specified user is not a default reviewer.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*DefaultReviewersService) List ¶
func (dr *DefaultReviewersService) List(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*Users, *simpleresty.Response, error)
List returns the repository's default reviewers.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*DefaultReviewersService) Remove ¶
func (dr *DefaultReviewersService) Remove(owner, repoSlug, userID string) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
Remove removes a default reviewer from the repository. This method is idempotent. Removing a user a second time has no effect.
Accepts the user's UUID, account_id, or username. Recommend to use UUID or account_id.
Bitbucket API docs:
type DeployKey ¶
type DeployKey struct { ID *int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` Label *string `json:"label,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` CreatedOn *time.Time `json:"created_on,omitempty"` Repository *Repository `json:"repository,omitempty"` Links *DeployKeyLinks `json:"links,omitempty"` LastUsed *time.Time `json:"last_used,omitempty"` Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` AddedOn *time.Time `json:"added_on,omitempty"` }
DeployKey represents a deploy key aka access key on a repository.
func (*DeployKey) GetAddedOn ¶
GetAddedOn returns the AddedOn field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*DeployKey) GetComment ¶
GetComment returns the Comment field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*DeployKey) GetCreatedOn ¶
GetCreatedOn returns the CreatedOn field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*DeployKey) GetLabel ¶
GetLabel returns the Label field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*DeployKey) GetLastUsed ¶
GetLastUsed returns the LastUsed field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*DeployKey) GetLinks ¶
func (d *DeployKey) GetLinks() *DeployKeyLinks
GetLinks returns the Links field.
func (*DeployKey) GetRepository ¶
func (d *DeployKey) GetRepository() *Repository
GetRepository returns the Repository field.
type DeployKeyLinks ¶
type DeployKeyLinks struct {
Self *Link `json:"self,omitempty"`
DeployKeyLinks represents the "links" object in a Bitbucket deploy key.
func (*DeployKeyLinks) GetSelf ¶
func (d *DeployKeyLinks) GetSelf() *Link
GetSelf returns the Self field.
type DeployKeyRequest ¶
type DeployKeyRequest struct { Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` Label *string `json:"label,omitempty"` }
DeployKeyRequest represents a request to create/update a deploy/access key.
func (*DeployKeyRequest) GetKey ¶
func (d *DeployKeyRequest) GetKey() string
GetKey returns the Key field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*DeployKeyRequest) GetLabel ¶
func (d *DeployKeyRequest) GetLabel() string
GetLabel returns the Label field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type DeployKeys ¶
type DeployKeys struct { PaginationInfo Values []*DeployKey `json:"values,omitempty"` }
DeployKeys represents a collection of deploy keys.
func (*DeployKeys) HasValues ¶
func (d *DeployKeys) HasValues() bool
HasValues checks if DeployKeys has any Values.
type DeployKeysService ¶
type DeployKeysService service
DeployKeysService handles communication with the deploy keys related methods of the Bitbucket API.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*DeployKeysService) Add ¶
func (dk *DeployKeysService) Add(owner, repoSlug string, do *DeployKeyRequest) (*DeployKey, *simpleresty.Response, error)
Add creates a new deploy key in a repository.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*DeployKeysService) Get ¶
func (dk *DeployKeysService) Get(owner, repoSlug string, keyID int64, opts ...interface{}) (*DeployKey, *simpleresty.Response, error)
Get returns the deploy key belonging to a specific key.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*DeployKeysService) List ¶
func (dk *DeployKeysService) List(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*DeployKeys, *simpleresty.Response, error)
List returns all deploy-keys belonging to a repository.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*DeployKeysService) Remove ¶
func (dk *DeployKeysService) Remove(owner, repoSlug string, keyID int64) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
Remove deletes a deploy key from a repository.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*DeployKeysService) Update ¶
func (dk *DeployKeysService) Update(owner, repoSlug string, keyID int64, do *DeployKeyRequest) (*DeployKey, *simpleresty.Response, error)
Update modifies an existing key's label and/or comment. The same key needs to be passed in but the comment and label can change.
For security reasons, you can't modify the contents of an access key. To update, delete and re-add the key.
Bitbucket API docs:
type Diff ¶
type Diff struct { Status *string `json:"state,omitempty"` Old *CodeFile `json:"old,omitempty"` New *CodeFile `json:"new,omitempty"` LinesRemoved *int64 `json:"lines_removed,omitempty"` LinesAdded *int64 `json:"lines_added,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
Diff represents a code diff on Bitbucket.
func (*Diff) GetLinesAdded ¶
GetLinesAdded returns the LinesAdded field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Diff) GetLinesRemoved ¶
GetLinesRemoved returns the LinesRemoved field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type DiffGetOpts ¶
type DiffGetOpts struct { Context *int `url:"context,omitempty"` Path *string `url:"path,omitempty"` IgnoreWhitespace *string `url:"ignore_whitespace,omitempty"` Binary *string `url:"binary,omitempty"` }
DiffGetOpts represents the query parameters available when getting the raw of a diff.
func (*DiffGetOpts) GetBinary ¶
func (d *DiffGetOpts) GetBinary() string
GetBinary returns the Binary field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*DiffGetOpts) GetContext ¶
func (d *DiffGetOpts) GetContext() int
GetContext returns the Context field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*DiffGetOpts) GetIgnoreWhitespace ¶
func (d *DiffGetOpts) GetIgnoreWhitespace() string
GetIgnoreWhitespace returns the IgnoreWhitespace field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*DiffGetOpts) GetPath ¶
func (d *DiffGetOpts) GetPath() string
GetPath returns the Path field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type DiffService ¶
type DiffService service
DiffService handles communication with the diff related methods of the Bitbucket API.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*DiffService) Get ¶
func (d *DiffService) Get(owner, repoSlug, spec string, opts ...interface{}) (*Diffs, *simpleresty.Response, error)
Get returns the diff stat for the specified commit.
Diff stat responses contain a record for every path modified by the commit and lists the number of lines added and removed for each file.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*DiffService) GetRaw ¶
func (d *DiffService) GetRaw(owner, repoSlug, spec string) (*bytes.Buffer, *simpleresty.Response, error)
GetRaw produces a raw, git-style diff for either a single commit (diffed against its first parent), or a revspec of 2 commits (e.g. 3a8b42..9ff173 where the first commit represents the source and the second commit the destination).
Bitbucket API docs:
type Diffs ¶
type Diffs struct { PaginationInfo Values []*Diff `json:"values,omitempty"` }
Diffs represents a collection of diffs.
type DownloadsService ¶
type DownloadsService service
DownloadsService handles communication with the downloads related methods of the Bitbucket API.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*DownloadsService) Delete ¶
func (d *DownloadsService) Delete(owner, repoSlug, fileName string) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
Delete the specified download artifact from the repository.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*DownloadsService) List ¶
func (d *DownloadsService) List(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*Artifacts, *simpleresty.Response, error)
List returns a list of download links associated with the repository.
Bitbucket API docs:
type FileHistory ¶
type FileHistory struct { PaginationInfo Values []*SRCMetadata `json:"values,omitempty"` }
FileHistory represents the history of a file.
func (*FileHistory) HasValues ¶
func (f *FileHistory) HasValues() bool
HasValues checks if FileHistory has any Values.
type FileHistoryLinks ¶
type FileHistoryLinks struct { Self *Link `json:"self,omitempty"` Meta *Link `json:"meta,omitempty"` History *Link `json:"history,omitempty"` }
FileHistoryLinks represents the "links" object in a Bitbucket file history.
func (*FileHistoryLinks) GetHistory ¶
func (f *FileHistoryLinks) GetHistory() *Link
GetHistory returns the History field.
func (*FileHistoryLinks) GetMeta ¶
func (f *FileHistoryLinks) GetMeta() *Link
GetMeta returns the Meta field.
func (*FileHistoryLinks) GetSelf ¶
func (f *FileHistoryLinks) GetSelf() *Link
GetSelf returns the Self field.
type FileHistoryListOpts ¶
type FileHistoryListOpts struct { // When true, Bitbucket will follow the history of the file across renames (this is the default behavior). // This can be turned off by specifying false. Renames bool `url:"renames,omitempty"` }
FileHistoryListOpts represents the unique query parameters for file history.
type FileHistoryService ¶
type FileHistoryService service
FileHistoryService handles communication with the file history related methods of the Bitbucket API.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*FileHistoryService) Get ¶
func (fh *FileHistoryService) Get(owner, repoSlug, nodeRev, path string, opts ...interface{}) (*FileHistory, *simpleresty.Response, error)
Get returns a paginated list of commits that modified the specified file. Commits are returned in reverse chronological order.
Bitbucket API docs:
type FilterSortOpts ¶
type FilterSortOpts struct { // Query is the raw non-URL encoded query string. // Note that the entire query string is put in the Query field. // This library will take care of URL encoding the string for you. Query string `url:"q,omitempty"` // In principle, every field that can be queried can also be used as a key for sorting. // By default the sort order is ascending. To reverse the order, prefix the field name with a hyphen (e.g. ?sort=-updated_on). // Only one field can be sorted on. Compound fields (e.g. sort on state first, followed by updated_on) are not supported. Sort string `url:"sort,omitempty"` }
FilterSortOpts represents the querying and sorting mechanism available to certain Bitbucket API resources that return multiple results in a response.
Bitbucket API Docs:
type ForkRequest ¶
type ForkRequest struct { SCM *string `json:"scm,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` MainBranch *RepositoryMainBranch `json:"main_branch,omitempty"` IsPrivate *bool `json:"is_private,omitempty"` Language *string `json:"language,omitempty"` ForkPolicy *string `json:"fork_policy,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` HasWiki *bool `json:"has_wiki,omitempty"` HasIssues *string `json:"has_issues,omitempty"` Parent *Repository `json:"parent,omitempty"` Owner *User `json:"owner,omitempty"` }
ForkRequest represents a request to a create a new fork.
func (*ForkRequest) GetDescription ¶
func (f *ForkRequest) GetDescription() string
GetDescription returns the Description field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ForkRequest) GetForkPolicy ¶
func (f *ForkRequest) GetForkPolicy() string
GetForkPolicy returns the ForkPolicy field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ForkRequest) GetHasIssues ¶
func (f *ForkRequest) GetHasIssues() string
GetHasIssues returns the HasIssues field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ForkRequest) GetHasWiki ¶
func (f *ForkRequest) GetHasWiki() bool
GetHasWiki returns the HasWiki field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ForkRequest) GetIsPrivate ¶
func (f *ForkRequest) GetIsPrivate() bool
GetIsPrivate returns the IsPrivate field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ForkRequest) GetLanguage ¶
func (f *ForkRequest) GetLanguage() string
GetLanguage returns the Language field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ForkRequest) GetMainBranch ¶
func (f *ForkRequest) GetMainBranch() *RepositoryMainBranch
GetMainBranch returns the MainBranch field.
func (*ForkRequest) GetName ¶
func (f *ForkRequest) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*ForkRequest) GetOwner ¶
func (f *ForkRequest) GetOwner() *User
GetOwner returns the Owner field.
func (*ForkRequest) GetParent ¶
func (f *ForkRequest) GetParent() *Repository
GetParent returns the Parent field.
func (*ForkRequest) GetSCM ¶
func (f *ForkRequest) GetSCM() string
GetSCM returns the SCM field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type ForksService ¶
type ForksService service
ForksService handles communication with the issue related methods of the Bitbucket API.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*ForksService) Create ¶
func (f *ForksService) Create(owner, repoSlug string, fo *ForkRequest) (*Repository, *simpleresty.Response, error)
Create creates a new fork of the specified repository.
By default, forks are created under the authenticated user's account with the same name and slug of the original repository.
The 'owner' & 'repoSlug' parameters represent the repository you want to fork into your account.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*ForksService) List ¶
func (f *ForksService) List(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*Repositories, *simpleresty.Response, error)
List returns a paginated list of all the forks of the specified repository.
Bitbucket API docs:
type GenericOpts ¶
type GenericOpts struct { ListOpts FilterSortOpts PartialRespOpts }
GenericOpts represents all of the available generic query parameters Bitbucket has to offer.
Each query parameter may or may not work so your mileage may vary for certain resources. This struct is available out of convenience.
type HookEvent ¶
type HookEvent struct { Category *string `json:"category,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` Event *string `json:"event,omitempty"` Label *string `json:"label,omitempty"` }
HookEvent represents a hook event.
func (*HookEvent) GetCategory ¶
GetCategory returns the Category field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*HookEvent) GetDescription ¶
GetDescription returns the Description field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type HookEventTypes ¶
type HookEventTypes struct { Repository *HookEventTypesLinks `json:"repository,omitempty"` Team *HookEventTypesLinks `json:"team,omitempty"` User *HookEventTypesLinks `json:"user,omitempty"` }
HookEventTypes represents hook events.
func (*HookEventTypes) GetRepository ¶
func (h *HookEventTypes) GetRepository() *HookEventTypesLinks
GetRepository returns the Repository field.
func (*HookEventTypes) GetTeam ¶
func (h *HookEventTypes) GetTeam() *HookEventTypesLinks
GetTeam returns the Team field.
func (*HookEventTypes) GetUser ¶
func (h *HookEventTypes) GetUser() *HookEventTypesLinks
GetUser returns the User field.
type HookEventTypesLinks ¶
type HookEventTypesLinks struct {
Events *Link `json:"events,omitempty"`
HookEventTypesLinks represents the "links" object in a Bitbucket hook event type.
func (*HookEventTypesLinks) GetEvents ¶
func (h *HookEventTypesLinks) GetEvents() *Link
GetEvents returns the Events field.
type HookEvents ¶
type HookEvents struct { PaginationInfo Values []*HookEvent `json:"values,omitempty"` }
HookEvents represents a collection of hook events.
func (*HookEvents) HasValues ¶
func (h *HookEvents) HasValues() bool
HasValues checks if HookEvents has any Values.
type HookEventsService ¶
type HookEventsService service
HookEventsService handles communication with the hook events related methods of the Bitbucket API.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*HookEventsService) Get ¶
func (h *HookEventsService) Get(subjectType string, opts ...interface{}) (*HookEvents, *simpleresty.Response, error)
Get returns a paginated list of all valid webhook events for the specified entity.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*HookEventsService) List ¶
func (h *HookEventsService) List(opts ...interface{}) (*HookEventTypes, *simpleresty.Response, error)
List returns the webhook resource or subject types on which webhooks can be registered.
Bitbucket API docs:
type Issue ¶
type Issue struct { Priority *string `json:"priority,omitempty"` Kind *string `json:"kind,omitempty"` Repository *Repository `json:"repository,omitempty"` Links *IssueLinks `json:"links,omitempty"` Reporter *User `json:"reporter,omitempty"` Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` Component *Component `json:"component,omitempty"` Votes *int `json:"votes,omitempty"` Watches *int `json:"watches,omitempty"` Content *IssueContent `json:"content,omitempty"` Assignee *User `json:"assignee,omitempty"` State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` Version *Version `json:"version,omitempty"` EditedOn *time.Time `json:"edited_on,omitempty"` CreatedOn *time.Time `json:"created_on,omitempty"` Milestone *Milestone `json:"milestone,omitempty"` UpdatedOn *time.Time `json:"updated_on,omitempty"` ID *int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` }
Issue represents a Bitbucket issue on a repository.
func (*Issue) GetAssignee ¶
GetAssignee returns the Assignee field.
func (*Issue) GetComponent ¶
GetComponent returns the Component field.
func (*Issue) GetContent ¶
func (i *Issue) GetContent() *IssueContent
GetContent returns the Content field.
func (*Issue) GetCreatedOn ¶
GetCreatedOn returns the CreatedOn field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Issue) GetEditedOn ¶
GetEditedOn returns the EditedOn field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Issue) GetMilestone ¶
GetMilestone returns the Milestone field.
func (*Issue) GetPriority ¶
GetPriority returns the Priority field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Issue) GetReporter ¶
GetReporter returns the Reporter field.
func (*Issue) GetRepository ¶
func (i *Issue) GetRepository() *Repository
GetRepository returns the Repository field.
func (*Issue) GetUpdatedOn ¶
GetUpdatedOn returns the UpdatedOn field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Issue) GetVersion ¶
GetVersion returns the Version field.
func (*Issue) GetWatches ¶
GetWatches returns the Watches field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type IssueChange ¶
type IssueChange struct { ID *int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` Links *IssueChangeLinks `json:"links,omitempty"` Issue *Issue `json:"issue,omitempty"` CreatedOn *time.Time `json:"created_on,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` Message *Content `json:"message,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` Changes *map[string]map[string]string `json:"changes,omitempty"` }
IssueChange represents the individual change.
func (*IssueChange) GetChanges ¶
func (i *IssueChange) GetChanges() map[string]map[string]string
GetChanges returns a map of all changes for the issue.
func (*IssueChange) GetCreatedOn ¶
func (i *IssueChange) GetCreatedOn() time.Time
GetCreatedOn returns the CreatedOn field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*IssueChange) GetID ¶
func (i *IssueChange) GetID() int64
GetID returns the ID field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*IssueChange) GetIssue ¶
func (i *IssueChange) GetIssue() *Issue
GetIssue returns the Issue field.
func (*IssueChange) GetLinks ¶
func (i *IssueChange) GetLinks() *IssueChangeLinks
GetLinks returns the Links field.
func (*IssueChange) GetMessage ¶
func (i *IssueChange) GetMessage() *Content
GetMessage returns the Message field.
func (*IssueChange) GetType ¶
func (i *IssueChange) GetType() string
GetType returns the Type field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type IssueChangeLinks ¶
type IssueChangeLinks struct { Self *Link `json:"self,omitempty"` HTML *Link `json:"html,omitempty"` }
IssueChangeLinks represents the "links" object in a Bitbucket issue change.
func (*IssueChangeLinks) GetHTML ¶
func (i *IssueChangeLinks) GetHTML() *Link
GetHTML returns the HTML field.
func (*IssueChangeLinks) GetSelf ¶
func (i *IssueChangeLinks) GetSelf() *Link
GetSelf returns the Self field.
type IssueChangeRequest ¶
type IssueChangeRequest struct { AssigneeAccountID *string Kind *string Priority *string Component *string Milestone *string Version *string Content *string // represents the issue's description box. Message *string }
IssueChangeRequest represents a request to create change on an issue.
func (*IssueChangeRequest) GetAssigneeAccountID ¶
func (i *IssueChangeRequest) GetAssigneeAccountID() string
GetAssigneeAccountID returns the AssigneeAccountID field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*IssueChangeRequest) GetComponent ¶
func (i *IssueChangeRequest) GetComponent() string
GetComponent returns the Component field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*IssueChangeRequest) GetContent ¶
func (i *IssueChangeRequest) GetContent() string
GetContent returns the Content field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*IssueChangeRequest) GetKind ¶
func (i *IssueChangeRequest) GetKind() string
GetKind returns the Kind field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*IssueChangeRequest) GetMessage ¶
func (i *IssueChangeRequest) GetMessage() string
GetMessage returns the Message field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*IssueChangeRequest) GetMilestone ¶
func (i *IssueChangeRequest) GetMilestone() string
GetMilestone returns the Milestone field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*IssueChangeRequest) GetPriority ¶
func (i *IssueChangeRequest) GetPriority() string
GetPriority returns the Priority field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*IssueChangeRequest) GetVersion ¶
func (i *IssueChangeRequest) GetVersion() string
GetVersion returns the Version field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type IssueChanges ¶
type IssueChanges struct { PaginationInfo Values []*IssueChange `json:"values,omitempty"` }
IssueChanges represents a collection of changes on an issue,
func (*IssueChanges) HasValues ¶
func (i *IssueChanges) HasValues() bool
HasValues checks if IssueChanges has any Values.
type IssueComment ¶
type IssueComment struct { ID *int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` Links *IssueCommentLinks `json:"links,omitempty"` Issue *Issue `json:"issue,omitempty"` Content *Content `json:"content,omitempty"` CreatedOn *time.Time `json:"created_on,omitempty"` UpdatedOn *time.Time `json:"updated_on,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
IssueComment represents a comment on an issue.
func (*IssueComment) GetContent ¶
func (i *IssueComment) GetContent() *Content
GetContent returns the Content field.
func (*IssueComment) GetCreatedOn ¶
func (i *IssueComment) GetCreatedOn() time.Time
GetCreatedOn returns the CreatedOn field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*IssueComment) GetID ¶
func (i *IssueComment) GetID() int64
GetID returns the ID field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*IssueComment) GetIssue ¶
func (i *IssueComment) GetIssue() *Issue
GetIssue returns the Issue field.
func (*IssueComment) GetLinks ¶
func (i *IssueComment) GetLinks() *IssueCommentLinks
GetLinks returns the Links field.
func (*IssueComment) GetType ¶
func (i *IssueComment) GetType() string
GetType returns the Type field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*IssueComment) GetUpdatedOn ¶
func (i *IssueComment) GetUpdatedOn() time.Time
GetUpdatedOn returns the UpdatedOn field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*IssueComment) GetUser ¶
func (i *IssueComment) GetUser() *User
GetUser returns the User field.
type IssueCommentLinks ¶
type IssueCommentLinks struct { Self *Link `json:"self,omitempty"` HTML *Link `json:"html,omitempty"` }
IssueCommentLinks represents the "links" object in a Bitbucket issue comment.
func (*IssueCommentLinks) GetHTML ¶
func (i *IssueCommentLinks) GetHTML() *Link
GetHTML returns the HTML field.
func (*IssueCommentLinks) GetSelf ¶
func (i *IssueCommentLinks) GetSelf() *Link
GetSelf returns the Self field.
type IssueCommentRequest ¶
type IssueCommentRequest struct {
Content *Content `json:"content,omitempty"`
IssueCommentRequest represents a request to create/update an issue comment.
func (*IssueCommentRequest) GetContent ¶
func (i *IssueCommentRequest) GetContent() *Content
GetContent returns the Content field.
type IssueComments ¶
type IssueComments struct { PaginationInfo Values []*IssueChange `json:"values,omitempty"` }
IssueComments represents a collection of issue comments.
func (*IssueComments) HasValues ¶
func (i *IssueComments) HasValues() bool
HasValues checks if IssueComments has any Values.
type IssueContent ¶
type IssueContent struct { Raw *string `json:"raw,omitempty"` Markup *string `json:"markup,omitempty"` HTML *string `json:"html,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
IssueContent represents the Description box in the Bitbucket issue UI.
func (*IssueContent) GetHTML ¶
func (i *IssueContent) GetHTML() string
GetHTML returns the HTML field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*IssueContent) GetMarkup ¶
func (i *IssueContent) GetMarkup() string
GetMarkup returns the Markup field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*IssueContent) GetRaw ¶
func (i *IssueContent) GetRaw() string
GetRaw returns the Raw field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*IssueContent) GetType ¶
func (i *IssueContent) GetType() string
GetType returns the Type field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type IssueLinks ¶
type IssueLinks struct { Self *Link `json:"self,omitempty"` Attachments *Link `json:"attachments,omitempty"` Watch *Link `json:"watch,omitempty"` Comments *Link `json:"comments,omitempty"` HTML *Link `json:"html,omitempty"` Vote *Link `json:"vote,omitempty"` }
IssueLinks represents the "links" object in a Bitbucket issue.
func (*IssueLinks) GetAttachments ¶
func (i *IssueLinks) GetAttachments() *Link
GetAttachments returns the Attachments field.
func (*IssueLinks) GetComments ¶
func (i *IssueLinks) GetComments() *Link
GetComments returns the Comments field.
func (*IssueLinks) GetWatch ¶
func (i *IssueLinks) GetWatch() *Link
GetWatch returns the Watch field.
type IssueRequest ¶
type IssueRequest struct { Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` // Required field. Kind *string `json:"kind,omitempty"` // Required field. Priority *string `json:"priority,omitempty"` // Required field. Content *IssueRequestContentOpts `json:"content,omitempty"` Component *ComponentRequest `json:"component,omitempty"` Milestone *MilestoneRequest `json:"milestone,omitempty"` Version *VersionRequest `json:"version,omitempty"` Assignee *IssueRequestAssigneeOpts `json:"assignee,omitempty"` }
IssueRequest represents a request to create/update an issue.
func (*IssueRequest) GetAssignee ¶
func (i *IssueRequest) GetAssignee() *IssueRequestAssigneeOpts
GetAssignee returns the Assignee field.
func (*IssueRequest) GetComponent ¶
func (i *IssueRequest) GetComponent() *ComponentRequest
GetComponent returns the Component field.
func (*IssueRequest) GetContent ¶
func (i *IssueRequest) GetContent() *IssueRequestContentOpts
GetContent returns the Content field.
func (*IssueRequest) GetKind ¶
func (i *IssueRequest) GetKind() string
GetKind returns the Kind field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*IssueRequest) GetMilestone ¶
func (i *IssueRequest) GetMilestone() *MilestoneRequest
GetMilestone returns the Milestone field.
func (*IssueRequest) GetPriority ¶
func (i *IssueRequest) GetPriority() string
GetPriority returns the Priority field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*IssueRequest) GetTitle ¶
func (i *IssueRequest) GetTitle() string
GetTitle returns the Title field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*IssueRequest) GetVersion ¶
func (i *IssueRequest) GetVersion() *VersionRequest
GetVersion returns the Version field.
type IssueRequestAssigneeOpts ¶
type IssueRequestAssigneeOpts struct {
Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"`
IssueRequestAssigneeOpts represents the Bitbucket user to be assigned when creating/updating a new issue.
func (*IssueRequestAssigneeOpts) GetUsername ¶
func (i *IssueRequestAssigneeOpts) GetUsername() string
GetUsername returns the Username field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type IssueRequestContentOpts ¶
type IssueRequestContentOpts struct { Raw *string `json:"raw,omitempty"` HTML *string `json:"html,omitempty"` }
IssueRequestContentOpts represents the Description box when creating/updating a new issue.
func (*IssueRequestContentOpts) GetHTML ¶
func (i *IssueRequestContentOpts) GetHTML() string
GetHTML returns the HTML field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*IssueRequestContentOpts) GetRaw ¶
func (i *IssueRequestContentOpts) GetRaw() string
GetRaw returns the Raw field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type Issues ¶
type Issues struct { PaginationInfo Values []*Issue `json:"values,omitempty"` }
Issues represent a collection of issues.
type IssuesService ¶
type IssuesService service
IssuesService handles communication with the issue related methods of the Bitbucket API.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*IssuesService) Create ¶
func (i *IssuesService) Create(owner, repoSlug string, io *IssueRequest) (*Issue, *simpleresty.Response, error)
Create a new issue.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*IssuesService) CreateChange ¶
func (i *IssuesService) CreateChange(owner, repoSlug string, id int64, io *IssueChangeRequest) (*IssueChange, *simpleresty.Response, error)
CreateChange makes a change to the specified issue.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*IssuesService) CreateComment ¶
func (i *IssuesService) CreateComment(owner, repoSlug string, id int64, io *IssueCommentRequest) (*IssueComment, *simpleresty.Response, error)
CreateComment creates a new issue comment.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*IssuesService) Delete ¶
func (i *IssuesService) Delete(owner, repoSlug string, issueID int64) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
Delete the specified issue. This requires write access to the repository.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*IssuesService) DeleteAttachment ¶
func (i *IssuesService) DeleteAttachment(owner, repoSlug string, id int64, filePath string) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
DeleteAttachment deletes an attachment.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*IssuesService) DeleteComment ¶
func (i *IssuesService) DeleteComment(owner, repoSlug string, id, commentID int64) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
DeleteComment deletes an existing issue comment.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*IssuesService) Get ¶
func (i *IssuesService) Get(owner, repoSlug string, issueID int64, opts ...interface{}) (*Issue, *simpleresty.Response, error)
Get a single issue.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*IssuesService) GetChange ¶
func (i *IssuesService) GetChange(owner, repoSlug string, id, changeID int64, opts ...interface{}) (*IssueChange, *simpleresty.Response, error)
GetChange returns the specified issue change object.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*IssuesService) GetComment ¶
func (i *IssuesService) GetComment(owner, repoSlug string, id, commentID int64, opts ...interface{}) (*IssueComment, *simpleresty.Response, error)
GetComment returns the specified issue comment object.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*IssuesService) HasCurrentUserVoted ¶
func (i *IssuesService) HasCurrentUserVoted(owner, repoSlug string, id int64) (bool, *simpleresty.Response, error)
HasCurrentUserVoted check whether the authenticated user has voted for this issue.
A 204 status code indicates that the user has voted, while a 404 implies they haven't.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*IssuesService) IsAuthUserWatching ¶
func (i *IssuesService) IsAuthUserWatching(owner, repoSlug string, id int64) (bool, *simpleresty.Response, error)
IsAuthUserWatching check whether the authenticated user is watching the specified issue.
A 204 status code indicates that the user is watching this issue.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*IssuesService) List ¶
func (i *IssuesService) List(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*Issues, *simpleresty.Response, error)
List returns all issues for a given repository.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*IssuesService) ListAttachments ¶
func (i *IssuesService) ListAttachments(owner, repoSlug string, id int64, opts ...interface{}) (*Artifacts, *simpleresty.Response, error)
ListAttachments returns all attachments for this issue.
This returns the files' meta data. This does not return the files' actual contents.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*IssuesService) ListChanges ¶
func (i *IssuesService) ListChanges(owner, repoSlug string, id int64, opts ...interface{}) (*IssueChanges, *simpleresty.Response, error)
ListChanges returns the list of all changes that have been made to the specified issue. Changes are returned in chronological order with the oldest change first.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*IssuesService) ListComments ¶
func (i *IssuesService) ListComments(owner, repoSlug string, id int64, opts ...interface{}) (*IssueComments, *simpleresty.Response, error)
ListComments returns a paginated list of all comments that were made on the specified issue.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*IssuesService) RemoveVote ¶
func (i *IssuesService) RemoveVote(owner, repoSlug string, id int64) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
RemoveVote retract your vote.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*IssuesService) StopWatchingIssue ¶
func (i *IssuesService) StopWatchingIssue(owner, repoSlug string, id int64) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
StopWatchingIssue stops watching the specified issue.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*IssuesService) Update ¶
func (i *IssuesService) Update(owner, repoSlug string, issueID int64, io *IssueRequest) (*Issue, *simpleresty.Response, error)
Update an issue.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*IssuesService) UpdateComment ¶
func (i *IssuesService) UpdateComment(owner, repoSlug string, id, commentID int64, io *IssueCommentRequest) (*IssueComment, *simpleresty.Response, error)
UpdateComment updates an existing issue comment.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*IssuesService) Vote ¶
func (i *IssuesService) Vote(owner, repoSlug string, id int64) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
Vote adds a vote on behalf of the authenticated user only.
The 204 status code indicates that the operation was successful.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*IssuesService) WatchIssue ¶
func (i *IssuesService) WatchIssue(owner, repoSlug string, id int64) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
WatchIssue starts watching the specified issue.
Bitbucket API docs:
type Link ¶
Link represents a single link object from Bitbucket object links.
type ListOpts ¶
type ListOpts struct { // For paginated result sets, page of results to retrieve. Page int64 `url:"page,omitempty"` // For paginated result sets, the number of results to include per page. // Globally, the minimum length is 10 and the maximum is 100. Some APIs may specify a different default. Pagelen int64 `url:"pagelen,omitempty"` }
ListOpts specifies the optional parameters to various List methods that support pagination.
type MergePrRequest ¶ added in v0.3.0
type MergePrRequest struct { // Type of merge. Required Type string `json:"type"` // The commit message that will be used on the resulting commit. Message string `json:"message,omitempty"` // Whether the source branch should be deleted. If this is not provided, we fallback to the value used when the // pull request was created, which defaults to False CloseSourceBranch *bool `json:"close_source_branch,omitempty"` // The merge strategy that will be used to merge the pull request. Default: merge_commit // Valid values: merge_commit, squash, fast_forward MergeStrategy string `json:"merge_strategy,omitempty"` }
MergePrRequest represents a request to merge a pull request.
func (*MergePrRequest) GetCloseSourceBranch ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (m *MergePrRequest) GetCloseSourceBranch() bool
GetCloseSourceBranch returns the CloseSourceBranch field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type Milestone ¶
type Milestone struct { ID *int64 `json:"-"` // This field is not present in the API response. Repository *Repository `json:"repository,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Links *MilestoneLinks `json:"links,omitempty"` }
Milestone represents a Bitbucket repository milestone.
func (*Milestone) GetLinks ¶
func (m *Milestone) GetLinks() *MilestoneLinks
GetLinks returns the Links field.
func (*Milestone) GetRepository ¶
func (m *Milestone) GetRepository() *Repository
GetRepository returns the Repository field.
type MilestoneLinks ¶
type MilestoneLinks struct {
Self *Link `json:"self,omitempty"`
MilestoneLinks represents the "links" object in a Bitbucket milestone.
func (*MilestoneLinks) GetSelf ¶
func (m *MilestoneLinks) GetSelf() *Link
GetSelf returns the Self field.
type MilestoneRequest ¶
type MilestoneRequest struct {
Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
MilestoneRequest represents an existing milestone to be added to an issue or pull request. There is no CREATE or UPDATE endpoint for the milestone resource.
func (*MilestoneRequest) GetName ¶
func (m *MilestoneRequest) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type Milestones ¶
type Milestones struct { PaginationInfo Values []*Milestone `json:"values,omitempty"` }
Milestones represent a collection of milestones.
func (*Milestones) HasValues ¶
func (m *Milestones) HasValues() bool
HasValues checks if Milestones has any Values.
type MilestonesService ¶
type MilestonesService service
MilestonesService handles communication with the milestone related methods of the Bitbucket API.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*MilestonesService) Get ¶
func (m *MilestonesService) Get(owner, repoSlug string, milestoneID int64, opts ...interface{}) (*Milestone, *simpleresty.Response, error)
Get returns a single milestone. NOTE: The milestone ID is a numerical value, not the component name, that is visible in the links.self.href object.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*MilestonesService) List ¶
func (m *MilestonesService) List(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*Milestones, *simpleresty.Response, error)
List all milestones that have been defined in the issue tracker.
Bitbucket API docs:
type Option ¶ added in v0.2.0
Option is a functional option for configuring the API client.
func CustomHTTPHeaders ¶ added in v0.2.0
CustomHTTPHeaders sets additional HTTPHeaders
func HTTP ¶ added in v0.2.0
func HTTP(http *simpleresty.Client) Option
func OAuthBearerToken ¶ added in v0.2.0
OAuthBearerToken sets the oauth grant.
func OAuthClientCredentials ¶ added in v0.2.0
OAuthClientCredentials uses the Client Credentials Grant oauth2 flow to authenticate to Bitbucket.
func OAuthToken ¶ added in v0.2.0
OAuthToken sets the oauth grant.
func OAuthWithCode ¶ added in v0.2.0
OAuthWithCode does the OAuth handshake with a given code.
type PRActivities ¶
type PRActivities struct { PaginationInfo Values []*PRActivity `json:"values,omitempty"` }
PRActivities represents a collection of of pull request activity.
func (*PRActivities) HasValues ¶
func (p *PRActivities) HasValues() bool
HasValues checks if PRActivities has any Values.
type PRActivity ¶
type PRActivity struct { Update *PRUpdateActivity `json:"update,omitempty"` Approval *PRApprovalActivity `json:"approval,omitempty"` PullRequest *PullRequest `json:"pull_request,omitempty"` }
PRActivity represents a pull request activity.
func (*PRActivity) GetActivityType ¶
func (p *PRActivity) GetActivityType() (interface{}, string)
GetActivityType returns the non-nil field representing the activity: an update or approval. It returns the activity object and its type.
func (*PRActivity) GetApproval ¶
func (p *PRActivity) GetApproval() *PRApprovalActivity
GetApproval returns the Approval field.
func (*PRActivity) GetPullRequest ¶
func (p *PRActivity) GetPullRequest() *PullRequest
GetPullRequest returns the PullRequest field.
func (*PRActivity) GetUpdate ¶
func (p *PRActivity) GetUpdate() *PRUpdateActivity
GetUpdate returns the Update field.
type PRApprovalActivity ¶
type PRApprovalActivity struct { Date *time.Time `json:"date,omitempty"` PullRequest *PullRequest `json:"pull_request,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
PRApprovalActivity represents a pull request approval activity.
func (*PRApprovalActivity) GetDate ¶
func (p *PRApprovalActivity) GetDate() time.Time
GetDate returns the Date field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PRApprovalActivity) GetPullRequest ¶
func (p *PRApprovalActivity) GetPullRequest() *PullRequest
GetPullRequest returns the PullRequest field.
func (*PRApprovalActivity) GetUser ¶
func (p *PRApprovalActivity) GetUser() *User
GetUser returns the User field.
type PRComment ¶
type PRComment struct { Comment PullRequest *PullRequest `json:"pullrequest,omitempty"` Deleted *bool `json:"deleted,omitempty"` }
PRComment represents a pull request comment.
func (*PRComment) GetDeleted ¶
GetDeleted returns the Deleted field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PRComment) GetPullRequest ¶
func (p *PRComment) GetPullRequest() *PullRequest
GetPullRequest returns the PullRequest field.
type PRCommentRequest ¶ added in v0.1.3
type PRCommentRequest struct {
Content *Content `json:"content,omitempty"`
PRCommentRequest represents a request to create or update a pull request comment.
func (*PRCommentRequest) GetContent ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (p *PRCommentRequest) GetContent() *Content
GetContent returns the Content field.
type PRComments ¶
type PRComments struct { PaginationInfo Values []*PRComment `json:"values,omitempty"` }
PRComments represents a collection of a PR's comments.
func (*PRComments) HasValues ¶
func (p *PRComments) HasValues() bool
HasValues checks if PRComments has any Values.
type PRRequest ¶
type PRRequest struct { Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` Source *PRRequestSourceOpts `json:"source,omitempty"` Destination *PRRequestDestinationOpts `json:"destination,omitempty"` Reviewers []*PRRequestReviewerOpts `json:"reviewers"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` CloseSourceBranch *bool `json:"close_source_branch"` }
PRRequest represents a request to create/update a pull request.
func (*PRRequest) GetCloseSourceBranch ¶
GetCloseSourceBranch returns the CloseSourceBranch field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PRRequest) GetDescription ¶
GetDescription returns the Description field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PRRequest) GetDestination ¶
func (p *PRRequest) GetDestination() *PRRequestDestinationOpts
GetDestination returns the Destination field.
func (*PRRequest) GetSource ¶
func (p *PRRequest) GetSource() *PRRequestSourceOpts
GetSource returns the Source field.
func (*PRRequest) GetTitle ¶
GetTitle returns the Title field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PRRequest) HasReviewers ¶
HasReviewers checks if PRRequest has any Reviewers.
type PRRequestDestinationOpts ¶
type PRRequestDestinationOpts struct {
Branch *Branch `json:"branch,omitempty"`
PRRequestDestinationOpts represents the destination branch for the pull request.
func (*PRRequestDestinationOpts) GetBranch ¶
func (p *PRRequestDestinationOpts) GetBranch() *Branch
GetBranch returns the Branch field.
type PRRequestReviewerOpts ¶
type PRRequestReviewerOpts struct {
UUID *string `json:"uuid,omitempty"`
PRRequestReviewerOpts represent a reviewer for a pull request specified by the user's UUID.
func (*PRRequestReviewerOpts) GetUUID ¶
func (p *PRRequestReviewerOpts) GetUUID() string
GetUUID returns the UUID field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type PRRequestSourceOpts ¶
type PRRequestSourceOpts struct {
Branch *Branch `json:"branch,omitempty"`
PRRequestSourceOpts represents the source branch for the pull request.
func (*PRRequestSourceOpts) GetBranch ¶
func (p *PRRequestSourceOpts) GetBranch() *Branch
GetBranch returns the Branch field.
type PRUpdateActivity ¶
type PRUpdateActivity struct { Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` Destination *PullRequestBranch `json:"destination,omitempty"` Reason *string `json:"reason,omitempty"` Source *PullRequestBranch `json:"source,omitempty"` State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` Author *User `json:"author,omitempty"` Date *time.Time `json:"date,omitempty"` }
PRUpdateActivity represents a pull request update activity.
func (*PRUpdateActivity) GetAuthor ¶
func (p *PRUpdateActivity) GetAuthor() *User
GetAuthor returns the Author field.
func (*PRUpdateActivity) GetDate ¶
func (p *PRUpdateActivity) GetDate() time.Time
GetDate returns the Date field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PRUpdateActivity) GetDescription ¶
func (p *PRUpdateActivity) GetDescription() string
GetDescription returns the Description field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PRUpdateActivity) GetDestination ¶
func (p *PRUpdateActivity) GetDestination() *PullRequestBranch
GetDestination returns the Destination field.
func (*PRUpdateActivity) GetReason ¶
func (p *PRUpdateActivity) GetReason() string
GetReason returns the Reason field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PRUpdateActivity) GetSource ¶
func (p *PRUpdateActivity) GetSource() *PullRequestBranch
GetSource returns the Source field.
func (*PRUpdateActivity) GetState ¶
func (p *PRUpdateActivity) GetState() string
GetState returns the State field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PRUpdateActivity) GetTitle ¶
func (p *PRUpdateActivity) GetTitle() string
GetTitle returns the Title field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type PaginationInfo ¶
type PaginationInfo struct { // Page number of the current results. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses. Page *int64 `json:"page,omitempty"` // Link to the next page if it exists. The last page of a collection does not have this value. // Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs. Next *string `json:"next,omitempty"` // Current number of objects on the existing page. Pagelen *int64 `json:"pagelen,omitempty"` // Total number of objects in the response. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses, as it can be expensive to compute. Size *int64 `json:"size,omitempty"` //Link to previous page if it exists. A collections first page does not have this value. // This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses. // Some result sets strictly support forward navigation and never provide previous links. // Clients must anticipate that backwards navigation is not always available. // Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs. Previous *string `json:"previous,omitempty"` }
PaginationInfo represents the pagination data returned on most LIST functions.
Bitbucket API Docs:
func (*PaginationInfo) GetNext ¶
func (p *PaginationInfo) GetNext() string
GetNext returns the Next field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PaginationInfo) GetPage ¶
func (p *PaginationInfo) GetPage() int64
GetPage returns the Page field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PaginationInfo) GetPagelen ¶
func (p *PaginationInfo) GetPagelen() int64
GetPagelen returns the Pagelen field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PaginationInfo) GetPrevious ¶
func (p *PaginationInfo) GetPrevious() string
GetPrevious returns the Previous field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PaginationInfo) GetSize ¶
func (p *PaginationInfo) GetSize() int64
GetSize returns the Size field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type PartialRespOpts ¶
type PartialRespOpts struct { // The fields parameter can contain a list of multiple comma-separated field names (e.g. fields=owner.username,uuid,links.self.href). Fields string `url:"fields,omitempty"` }
PartialRespOpts represents the URL parameter to request a partial response and to add or remove specific fields from a response.
Bitbucket API Docs:
type Participant ¶
type Participant struct { Role *string `json:"role,omitempty"` ParticipatedOn *time.Time `json:"participated_on,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` Approved *bool `json:"approved,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
Participant represents a user that interacted with a Bitbucket resource.
func (*Participant) GetApproved ¶
func (p *Participant) GetApproved() bool
GetApproved returns the Approved field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Participant) GetParticipatedOn ¶
func (p *Participant) GetParticipatedOn() time.Time
GetParticipatedOn returns the ParticipatedOn field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Participant) GetRole ¶
func (p *Participant) GetRole() string
GetRole returns the Role field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Participant) GetType ¶
func (p *Participant) GetType() string
GetType returns the Type field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type PatchService ¶
type PatchService service
PatchService handles communication with the patch related methods of the Bitbucket API.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*PatchService) GetRaw ¶
func (p *PatchService) GetRaw(owner, repoSlug, spec string) (*bytes.Buffer, *simpleresty.Response, error)
GetRaw produces a raw patch for a single commit (diffed against its first parent), or a patch-series for a revspec of 2 commits (e.g. 3a8b42..9ff173 where the first commit represents the source and the second commit the destination).
Bitbucket API docs:
type PullRequest ¶
type PullRequest struct { Body *PullRequestBody `json:"rendered,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` Links *PullRequestLinks `json:"links,omitempty"` Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` CloseSourceBranch *bool `json:"close_source_branch,omitempty"` Reviewers []*User `json:"reviewers,omitempty"` ID *int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` Destination *PullRequestBranch `json:"destination,omitempty"` CreatedOn *time.Time `json:"created_on,omitempty"` Summary *Content `json:"summary,omitempty"` Source *PullRequestBranch `json:"source,omitempty"` CommentCount *int64 `json:"comment_count,omitempty"` State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` TaskCount *int64 `json:"task_count,omitempty"` Participants []*Participant `json:"participants,omitempty"` Reason *string `json:"reason,omitempty"` UpdatedOn *string `json:"updated_on,omitempty"` Author *User `json:"author,omitempty"` MergeCommit *PullRequestMergeCommit `json:"merge_commit,omitempty"` ClosedBy *User `json:"closed_by,omitempty"` }
PullRequest represents a Bitbucket pull request on a repository.
func (*PullRequest) GetAuthor ¶
func (p *PullRequest) GetAuthor() *User
GetAuthor returns the Author field.
func (*PullRequest) GetBody ¶
func (p *PullRequest) GetBody() *PullRequestBody
GetBody returns the Body field.
func (*PullRequest) GetCloseSourceBranch ¶
func (p *PullRequest) GetCloseSourceBranch() bool
GetCloseSourceBranch returns the CloseSourceBranch field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PullRequest) GetClosedBy ¶
func (p *PullRequest) GetClosedBy() *User
GetClosedBy returns the ClosedBy field.
func (*PullRequest) GetCommentCount ¶
func (p *PullRequest) GetCommentCount() int64
GetCommentCount returns the CommentCount field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PullRequest) GetCreatedOn ¶
func (p *PullRequest) GetCreatedOn() time.Time
GetCreatedOn returns the CreatedOn field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PullRequest) GetDescription ¶
func (p *PullRequest) GetDescription() string
GetDescription returns the Description field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PullRequest) GetDestination ¶
func (p *PullRequest) GetDestination() *PullRequestBranch
GetDestination returns the Destination field.
func (*PullRequest) GetID ¶
func (p *PullRequest) GetID() int64
GetID returns the ID field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PullRequest) GetLinks ¶
func (p *PullRequest) GetLinks() *PullRequestLinks
GetLinks returns the Links field.
func (*PullRequest) GetMergeCommit ¶
func (p *PullRequest) GetMergeCommit() *PullRequestMergeCommit
GetMergeCommit returns the MergeCommit field.
func (*PullRequest) GetReason ¶
func (p *PullRequest) GetReason() string
GetReason returns the Reason field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PullRequest) GetSource ¶
func (p *PullRequest) GetSource() *PullRequestBranch
GetSource returns the Source field.
func (*PullRequest) GetState ¶
func (p *PullRequest) GetState() string
GetState returns the State field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PullRequest) GetSummary ¶
func (p *PullRequest) GetSummary() *Content
GetSummary returns the Summary field.
func (*PullRequest) GetTaskCount ¶
func (p *PullRequest) GetTaskCount() int64
GetTaskCount returns the TaskCount field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PullRequest) GetTitle ¶
func (p *PullRequest) GetTitle() string
GetTitle returns the Title field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PullRequest) GetType ¶
func (p *PullRequest) GetType() string
GetType returns the Type field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PullRequest) GetUpdatedOn ¶
func (p *PullRequest) GetUpdatedOn() string
GetUpdatedOn returns the UpdatedOn field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*PullRequest) HasParticipants ¶
func (p *PullRequest) HasParticipants() bool
HasParticipants checks if PullRequest has any Participants.
func (*PullRequest) HasReviewers ¶
func (p *PullRequest) HasReviewers() bool
HasReviewers checks if PullRequest has any Reviewers.
type PullRequestBody ¶
type PullRequestBody struct { Description *Content `json:"description,omitempty"` Title *Content `json:"title,omitempty"` }
PullRequestBody represents the body of a Bitbucket pull request.
func (*PullRequestBody) GetDescription ¶
func (p *PullRequestBody) GetDescription() *Content
GetDescription returns the Description field.
func (*PullRequestBody) GetTitle ¶
func (p *PullRequestBody) GetTitle() *Content
GetTitle returns the Title field.
type PullRequestBranch ¶
type PullRequestBranch struct { Commit *Commit `json:"commit,omitempty"` Repository *Repository `json:"repository,omitempty"` Branch *Branch `json:"branch,omitempty"` }
PullRequestBranch represents a branch associated with the pull request.
func (*PullRequestBranch) GetBranch ¶
func (p *PullRequestBranch) GetBranch() *Branch
GetBranch returns the Branch field.
func (*PullRequestBranch) GetCommit ¶
func (p *PullRequestBranch) GetCommit() *Commit
GetCommit returns the Commit field.
func (*PullRequestBranch) GetRepository ¶
func (p *PullRequestBranch) GetRepository() *Repository
GetRepository returns the Repository field.
type PullRequestLinks ¶
type PullRequestLinks struct { Decline *Link `json:"decline,omitempty"` Commits *Link `json:"commits,omitempty"` Self *Link `json:"self,omitempty"` Comments *Link `json:"comments,omitempty"` Merge *Link `json:"merge,omitempty"` HTML *Link `json:"html,omitempty"` Activity *Link `json:"activity,omitempty"` Diff *Link `json:"diff,omitempty"` Approve *Link `json:"approve,omitempty"` Statuses *Link `json:"statuses,omitempty"` }
PullRequestLinks represents the "links" object in a Bitbucket pull request.
func (*PullRequestLinks) GetActivity ¶
func (p *PullRequestLinks) GetActivity() *Link
GetActivity returns the Activity field.
func (*PullRequestLinks) GetApprove ¶
func (p *PullRequestLinks) GetApprove() *Link
GetApprove returns the Approve field.
func (*PullRequestLinks) GetComments ¶
func (p *PullRequestLinks) GetComments() *Link
GetComments returns the Comments field.
func (*PullRequestLinks) GetCommits ¶
func (p *PullRequestLinks) GetCommits() *Link
GetCommits returns the Commits field.
func (*PullRequestLinks) GetDecline ¶
func (p *PullRequestLinks) GetDecline() *Link
GetDecline returns the Decline field.
func (*PullRequestLinks) GetDiff ¶
func (p *PullRequestLinks) GetDiff() *Link
GetDiff returns the Diff field.
func (*PullRequestLinks) GetHTML ¶
func (p *PullRequestLinks) GetHTML() *Link
GetHTML returns the HTML field.
func (*PullRequestLinks) GetMerge ¶
func (p *PullRequestLinks) GetMerge() *Link
GetMerge returns the Merge field.
func (*PullRequestLinks) GetSelf ¶
func (p *PullRequestLinks) GetSelf() *Link
GetSelf returns the Self field.
func (*PullRequestLinks) GetStatuses ¶
func (p *PullRequestLinks) GetStatuses() *Link
GetStatuses returns the Statuses field.
type PullRequestListOpts ¶
type PullRequestListOpts struct { // An array of pull request states that should be returned. // Valid options: MERGED, SUPERSEDED, OPEN, DECLINED. Case sensitive. // By default, only OPEN pull requests are returned. State []string `url:"state,omitempty"` }
PullRequestListOpts represents the filters and query parameters available when listing pull requests.
func (*PullRequestListOpts) HasState ¶
func (p *PullRequestListOpts) HasState() bool
HasState checks if PullRequestListOpts has any State.
type PullRequestMergeCommit ¶ added in v0.1.4
type PullRequestMergeCommit struct {
Hash *string `json:"hash,omitempty"`
PullRequestMergeCommit represents the "merge_commit" object in a Bitbucket pull request.
func (*PullRequestMergeCommit) GetHash ¶ added in v0.1.4
func (p *PullRequestMergeCommit) GetHash() string
GetHash returns the Hash field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type PullRequests ¶
type PullRequests struct { PaginationInfo Values []*PullRequest `json:"values,omitempty"` }
PullRequests represents a collection of pull requests.
func (*PullRequests) HasValues ¶
func (p *PullRequests) HasValues() bool
HasValues checks if PullRequests has any Values.
type PullRequestsService ¶
type PullRequestsService service
PullRequestsService handles communication with the pull requests related methods of the Bitbucket API.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*PullRequestsService) Approve ¶
func (p *PullRequestsService) Approve(owner, repoSlug string, pullRequestID int64) (*Participant, *simpleresty.Response, error)
Approve approves the specified pull request as the authenticated user.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*PullRequestsService) Create ¶
func (p *PullRequestsService) Create(owner, repoSlug string, po *PRRequest) (*PullRequest, *simpleresty.Response, error)
Create a new pull request. The minimum required fields to create a pull request are title and source, specified by a branch name. If the pull request's destination is not specified, it will default to the repository.mainbranch.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*PullRequestsService) CreateComment ¶
func (p *PullRequestsService) CreateComment(owner, repoSlug string, pullRequestID int64, po *PRCommentRequest) (*PRComment, *simpleresty.Response, error)
CreateComment creates a new pull request comment.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*PullRequestsService) DeclinePR ¶
func (p *PullRequestsService) DeclinePR(owner, repoSlug string, pullRequestID int64) (*PullRequest, *simpleresty.Response, error)
DeclinePR declines the pull request.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*PullRequestsService) DeleteComment ¶
func (p *PullRequestsService) DeleteComment(owner, repoSlug string, prID, cID int64) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
DeleteComment updates a specific pull request comment.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*PullRequestsService) Get ¶
func (p *PullRequestsService) Get(owner, repoSlug string, pullRequestID int64, opts ...interface{}) (*PullRequest, *simpleresty.Response, error)
Get returns a single pull request.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*PullRequestsService) GetActivity ¶
func (p *PullRequestsService) GetActivity(owner, repoSlug string, pullRequestID int64, opts ...interface{}) (*PRActivities, *simpleresty.Response, error)
GetActivity returns a paginated list of a single pull request's activity log in a repository.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*PullRequestsService) GetComment ¶
func (p *PullRequestsService) GetComment(owner, repoSlug string, prID, cID int64, opts ...interface{}) (*PRComment, *simpleresty.Response, error)
GetComment returns a specific pull request comment.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*PullRequestsService) GetDiff ¶
func (p *PullRequestsService) GetDiff(owner, repoSlug string, pid int64, opts ...interface{}) (*Diffs, *simpleresty.Response, error)
GetDiff returns the diff stat for the specified pull request.
Diff stat responses contain a record for every path modified by the commit and lists the number of lines added and removed for each file.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*PullRequestsService) GetDiffRaw ¶
func (p *PullRequestsService) GetDiffRaw(owner, repoSlug string, pid int64) (*bytes.Buffer, *simpleresty.Response, error)
GetDiffRaw produces a raw, git-style diff for the pull requests
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*PullRequestsService) GetPatchRaw ¶
func (p *PullRequestsService) GetPatchRaw(owner, repoSlug string, pid int64) (*bytes.Buffer, *simpleresty.Response, error)
GetPatchRaw produces a raw patch for the specified pull request.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*PullRequestsService) List ¶
func (p *PullRequestsService) List(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*PullRequests, *simpleresty.Response, error)
List returns all pull requests for a given repository. Supports filtering by passing in a non-URI encoded query string. Reference: Example query string: source.repository.full_name != "main/repo" AND state = "OPEN" AND reviewers.username = "evzijst" AND = "master"
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*PullRequestsService) ListActivity ¶
func (p *PullRequestsService) ListActivity(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*PRActivities, *simpleresty.Response, error)
ListActivity returns a paginated list of all pull requests' activity log on a specified repository.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*PullRequestsService) ListByUser ¶
func (p *PullRequestsService) ListByUser(targetUser string, opts ...interface{}) (*PullRequests, *simpleresty.Response, error)
ListByUser returns all pull requests authored by the specified user.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*PullRequestsService) ListComments ¶
func (p *PullRequestsService) ListComments(owner, repoSlug string, pullRequestID int64, opts ...interface{}) (*PRComments, *simpleresty.Response, error)
ListComments returns a paginated list of the pull request's comments.
This includes both global, inline comments and replies.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*PullRequestsService) ListCommits ¶
func (p *PullRequestsService) ListCommits(owner, repoSlug string, pullRequestID int64, opts ...interface{}) (*Commits, *simpleresty.Response, error)
ListCommits returns a paginated list of a pull request's commits.
These are the commits that are being merged into the destination branch when the pull requests gets accepted.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*PullRequestsService) ListStatuses ¶
func (p *PullRequestsService) ListStatuses(owner, repoSlug string, pid int64, opts ...interface{}) (*CommitStatuses, *simpleresty.Response, error)
ListStatuses returns all statuses (e.g. build results) for the given pull request.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*PullRequestsService) MergePR ¶
func (p *PullRequestsService) MergePR(workspace, repoSlug string, pullRequestID int64, opts *MergePrRequest) (*PullRequest, *simpleresty.Response, error)
MergePR merges the pull request.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*PullRequestsService) RemoveApproval ¶
func (p *PullRequestsService) RemoveApproval(owner, repoSlug string, pullRequestID int64) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
RemoveApproval redact the authenticated user's approval of the specified pull request.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*PullRequestsService) Update ¶
func (p *PullRequestsService) Update(owner, repoSlug string, pullRequestID int64, po *PRRequest) (*PullRequest, *simpleresty.Response, error)
Update a pull request. This can be used to change the pull request's branches or description. Only open pull requests can be mutated.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*PullRequestsService) UpdateComment ¶
func (p *PullRequestsService) UpdateComment(owner, repoSlug string, prID, cID int64, po *PRCommentRequest) (*PRComment, *simpleresty.Response, error)
UpdateComment updates a specific pull request comment.
Bitbucket API docs:
type Ref ¶
type Ref struct { Heads []*Commit `json:"heads,omitempty"` Date *time.Time `json:"date,omitempty"` Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Links *RefLinks `json:"links,omitempty"` DefaultMergeStrategy *string `json:"default_merge_strategy,omitempty"` MergeStrategies []*string `json:"merge_strategies,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` Target *Commit `json:"target,omitempty"` }
Ref represents the branches and tags in a repository.
func (*Ref) GetDefaultMergeStrategy ¶
GetDefaultMergeStrategy returns the DefaultMergeStrategy field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Ref) GetMessage ¶
GetMessage returns the Message field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Ref) HasMergeStrategies ¶
HasMergeStrategies checks if Ref has any MergeStrategies.
type RefLinks ¶
type RefLinks struct { Commits *Link `json:"commits,omitempty"` Self *Link `json:"self,omitempty"` HTML *Link `json:"html,omitempty"` }
RefLinks represents the "links" object in a ref.
func (*RefLinks) GetCommits ¶
GetCommits returns the Commits field.
type RefRequest ¶
type RefRequest struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Target struct { Hash *string `json:"hash,omitempty"` } `json:"target,omitempty"` }
RefRequest represents a request to create a new branch.
func (*RefRequest) GetName ¶
func (r *RefRequest) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type Refs ¶
type Refs struct { PaginationInfo Values []*Ref `json:"values,omitempty"` }
Refs represents a collection of refs.
type RefsService ¶
type RefsService service
RefsService handles communication with the refs related methods of the Bitbucket API.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*RefsService) CreateBranch ¶
func (r *RefsService) CreateBranch(owner, repoSlug string, ro *RefRequest) (*Ref, *simpleresty.Response, error)
CreateBranch creates a new branch in the specified repository.
The branch name should not include any prefixes (e.g. refs/heads).
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*RefsService) CreateTag ¶
func (r *RefsService) CreateTag(owner, repoSlug string, ro *RefRequest) (*Ref, *simpleresty.Response, error)
CreateTag creates a new tag in the specified repository.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*RefsService) DeleteBranch ¶
func (r *RefsService) DeleteBranch(owner, repoSlug, name string) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
DeleteBranch deletes a branch in the specified repository.
The main branch is not allowed to be deleted and will return a 400 response.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*RefsService) DeleteTag ¶
func (r *RefsService) DeleteTag(owner, repoSlug, name string) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
DeleteTag deletes a tag in the specified repository.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*RefsService) GetBranch ¶
func (r *RefsService) GetBranch(owner, repoSlug, name string, opts ...interface{}) (*Ref, *simpleresty.Response, error)
GetBranch returns a branch object within the specified repository.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*RefsService) GetTag ¶
func (r *RefsService) GetTag(owner, repoSlug, name string, opts ...interface{}) (*Ref, *simpleresty.Response, error)
GetTag returns a tag object within the specified repository.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*RefsService) ListAll ¶
func (r *RefsService) ListAll(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*Refs, *simpleresty.Response, error)
ListAll returns the branches and tags in the repository.
By default, results will be in the order the underlying source control system returns them and identical to the ordering one sees when running "$ git show-ref". Note that this follows simple lexical ordering of the ref names.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*RefsService) ListBranches ¶
func (r *RefsService) ListBranches(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*Refs, *simpleresty.Response, error)
ListBranches returns a list of all open branches within the specified repository. Results will be in the order the source control manager returns them.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*RefsService) ListTags ¶
func (r *RefsService) ListTags(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*Refs, *simpleresty.Response, error)
ListTags returns the tags in the repository. Results will be in the order the source control manager returns them.
Bitbucket API docs:
type Repositories ¶
type Repositories struct { PaginationInfo Values []*Repository `json:"values,omitempty"` }
Repositories represent a collection of repositories.
func (*Repositories) HasValues ¶
func (r *Repositories) HasValues() bool
HasValues checks if Repositories has any Values.
type RepositoriesService ¶
type RepositoriesService service
RepositoriesService handles communication with the repository related methods of the Bitbucket API.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*RepositoriesService) Create ¶
func (r *RepositoriesService) Create(owner string, rr *RepositoryRequest) (*Repository, *simpleresty.Response, error)
Create a new repository.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*RepositoriesService) CreateHook ¶
func (r *RepositoriesService) CreateHook(owner, repoSlug string, rho *RepositoryHookRequest) (*RepositoryHook, *simpleresty.Response, error)
CreateHook creates a new webhook on the specified repository.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*RepositoriesService) Delete ¶
func (r *RepositoriesService) Delete(owner, repoSlug string, deleteOpt *RepositoryDeleteQueryParam) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
Delete a repository. This is an irreversible operation.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*RepositoriesService) DeleteHook ¶
func (r *RepositoriesService) DeleteHook(owner, repoSlug, uid string) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
DeleteHook deletes the specified webhook subscription from the given repository. This is an irreversible operation.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*RepositoriesService) Get ¶
func (r *RepositoriesService) Get(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*Repository, *simpleresty.Response, error)
Get a single repository.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*RepositoriesService) GetHook ¶
func (r *RepositoriesService) GetHook(owner, repoSlug, uid string, opts ...interface{}) (*RepositoryHook, *simpleresty.Response, error)
GetHook returns the webhook with the specified id installed on the specified repository.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*RepositoriesService) List ¶
func (r *RepositoriesService) List(owner string, opts ...interface{}) (*Repositories, *simpleresty.Response, error)
List all repositories owned by the specified account or UUID.
Accepts a query parameter for 'role.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*RepositoriesService) ListHooks ¶
func (r *RepositoriesService) ListHooks(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*RepositoryHooks, *simpleresty.Response, error)
ListHooks returns a paginated list of webhooks installed on a specified repository.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*RepositoriesService) ListPublic ¶
func (r *RepositoriesService) ListPublic(opts ...interface{}) (*Repositories, *simpleresty.Response, error)
ListPublic returns all public repositories.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*RepositoriesService) Update ¶
func (r *RepositoriesService) Update(owner, repoSlug string, rr *RepositoryRequest) (*Repository, *simpleresty.Response, error)
Update a repository.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*RepositoriesService) UpdateHook ¶
func (r *RepositoriesService) UpdateHook(owner, repoSlug, uid string, rho *RepositoryHookRequest) (*RepositoryHook, *simpleresty.Response, error)
UpdateHook updates the specified webhook subscription.
Bitbucket API docs:
type Repository ¶
type Repository struct { UUID *string `json:"uuid,omitempty"` SCM *string `json:"scm,omitempty"` Website *string `json:"page,omitempty"` HasIssues *bool `json:"has_issues,omitempty"` HasWiki *bool `json:"has_wiki,omitempty"` Language *string `json:"language,omitempty"` ForkPolicy *string `json:"fork_policy,omitempty"` Links *RepositoryLinks `json:"links,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` CreatedOn *time.Time `json:"created_on,omitempty"` MainBranch *RepositoryMainBranch `json:"main_branch,omitempty"` FullName *string `json:"full_name,omitempty"` Owner *User `json:"owner,omitempty"` UpdatedOn *time.Time `json:"updated_on,omitempty"` Size *int64 `json:"size,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` Slug *string `json:"slug,omitempty"` IsPrivate *bool `json:"is_private,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` Parent *Repository `json:"parent,omitempty"` }
Repository represents a Bitbucket repository.
func (*Repository) GetCreatedOn ¶
func (r *Repository) GetCreatedOn() time.Time
GetCreatedOn returns the CreatedOn field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Repository) GetDescription ¶
func (r *Repository) GetDescription() string
GetDescription returns the Description field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Repository) GetForkPolicy ¶
func (r *Repository) GetForkPolicy() string
GetForkPolicy returns the ForkPolicy field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Repository) GetFullName ¶
func (r *Repository) GetFullName() string
GetFullName returns the FullName field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Repository) GetHasIssues ¶
func (r *Repository) GetHasIssues() bool
GetHasIssues returns the HasIssues field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Repository) GetHasWiki ¶
func (r *Repository) GetHasWiki() bool
GetHasWiki returns the HasWiki field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Repository) GetIsPrivate ¶
func (r *Repository) GetIsPrivate() bool
GetIsPrivate returns the IsPrivate field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Repository) GetLanguage ¶
func (r *Repository) GetLanguage() string
GetLanguage returns the Language field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Repository) GetLinks ¶
func (r *Repository) GetLinks() *RepositoryLinks
GetLinks returns the Links field.
func (*Repository) GetMainBranch ¶
func (r *Repository) GetMainBranch() *RepositoryMainBranch
GetMainBranch returns the MainBranch field.
func (*Repository) GetName ¶
func (r *Repository) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Repository) GetOwner ¶
func (r *Repository) GetOwner() *User
GetOwner returns the Owner field.
func (*Repository) GetParent ¶
func (r *Repository) GetParent() *Repository
GetParent returns the Parent field.
func (*Repository) GetSCM ¶
func (r *Repository) GetSCM() string
GetSCM returns the SCM field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Repository) GetSize ¶
func (r *Repository) GetSize() int64
GetSize returns the Size field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Repository) GetSlug ¶
func (r *Repository) GetSlug() string
GetSlug returns the Slug field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Repository) GetType ¶
func (r *Repository) GetType() string
GetType returns the Type field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Repository) GetUUID ¶
func (r *Repository) GetUUID() string
GetUUID returns the UUID field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Repository) GetUpdatedOn ¶
func (r *Repository) GetUpdatedOn() time.Time
GetUpdatedOn returns the UpdatedOn field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Repository) GetWebsite ¶
func (r *Repository) GetWebsite() string
GetWebsite returns the Website field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type RepositoryDeleteQueryParam ¶
type RepositoryDeleteQueryParam struct { //If a repository has been moved to a new location, use this parameter to show users a friendly message // in the Bitbucket UI that the repository has moved to a new location. // However, a GET to this endpoint will still return a 404. RedirectTo string `url:"redirect_to,omitempty"` }
RepositoryDeleteQueryParam represents the query parameter available when deleting a repository.
type RepositoryHook ¶
type RepositoryHook struct { UUID *string `json:"uuid,omitempty"` URL *string `json:"url,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` SubjectType []*string `json:"subject_type,omitempty"` Active *bool `json:"active,omitempty"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at,omitempty"` Events []*string `json:"events,omitempty"` }
RepositoryHook represents a repository hook.
func (*RepositoryHook) GetActive ¶
func (r *RepositoryHook) GetActive() bool
GetActive returns the Active field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RepositoryHook) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (r *RepositoryHook) GetCreatedAt() time.Time
GetCreatedAt returns the CreatedAt field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RepositoryHook) GetDescription ¶
func (r *RepositoryHook) GetDescription() string
GetDescription returns the Description field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RepositoryHook) GetURL ¶
func (r *RepositoryHook) GetURL() string
GetURL returns the URL field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RepositoryHook) GetUUID ¶
func (r *RepositoryHook) GetUUID() string
GetUUID returns the UUID field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RepositoryHook) HasEvents ¶
func (r *RepositoryHook) HasEvents() bool
HasEvents checks if RepositoryHook has any Events.
func (*RepositoryHook) HasSubjectType ¶
func (r *RepositoryHook) HasSubjectType() bool
HasSubjectType checks if RepositoryHook has any SubjectType.
type RepositoryHookRequest ¶
type RepositoryHookRequest struct { Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` URL *string `json:"url,omitempty"` Active *bool `json:"active,omitempty"` Events []*string `json:"events,omitempty"` }
RepositoryHookRequest represents a request to create/update a hook.
func (*RepositoryHookRequest) GetActive ¶
func (r *RepositoryHookRequest) GetActive() bool
GetActive returns the Active field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RepositoryHookRequest) GetDescription ¶
func (r *RepositoryHookRequest) GetDescription() string
GetDescription returns the Description field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RepositoryHookRequest) GetURL ¶
func (r *RepositoryHookRequest) GetURL() string
GetURL returns the URL field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RepositoryHookRequest) HasEvents ¶
func (r *RepositoryHookRequest) HasEvents() bool
HasEvents checks if RepositoryHookRequest has any Events.
type RepositoryHooks ¶
type RepositoryHooks struct { PaginationInfo Values []*RepositoryHook `json:"values,omitempty"` }
RepositoryHooks represents a collection of repository hooks.
func (*RepositoryHooks) HasValues ¶
func (r *RepositoryHooks) HasValues() bool
HasValues checks if RepositoryHooks has any Values.
type RepositoryLinks ¶
type RepositoryLinks struct { Clone []*Link `json:"clone,omitempty"` Watchers *Link `json:"watchers,omitempty"` Branches *Link `json:"branches,omitempty"` Tags *Link `json:"tags,omitempty"` Commits *Link `json:"commits,omitempty"` Downloads *Link `json:"downloads,omitempty"` Source *Link `json:"source,omitempty"` HTML *Link `json:"html,omitempty"` Avatar *Link `json:"avatar,omitempty"` Forks *Link `json:"forks,omitempty"` Self *Link `json:"self,omitempty"` PullRequests *Link `json:"pull_requests,omitempty"` }
RepositoryLinks represents the "links" object in a Bitbucket repository.
func (*RepositoryLinks) GetAvatar ¶
func (r *RepositoryLinks) GetAvatar() *Link
GetAvatar returns the Avatar field.
func (*RepositoryLinks) GetBranches ¶
func (r *RepositoryLinks) GetBranches() *Link
GetBranches returns the Branches field.
func (*RepositoryLinks) GetCommits ¶
func (r *RepositoryLinks) GetCommits() *Link
GetCommits returns the Commits field.
func (*RepositoryLinks) GetDownloads ¶
func (r *RepositoryLinks) GetDownloads() *Link
GetDownloads returns the Downloads field.
func (*RepositoryLinks) GetForks ¶
func (r *RepositoryLinks) GetForks() *Link
GetForks returns the Forks field.
func (*RepositoryLinks) GetHTML ¶
func (r *RepositoryLinks) GetHTML() *Link
GetHTML returns the HTML field.
func (*RepositoryLinks) GetHTTPSCloneURL ¶
func (rl *RepositoryLinks) GetHTTPSCloneURL() string
GetHTTPSCloneURL get the HTTPS clone url. Returns empty string if not found.
func (*RepositoryLinks) GetPullRequests ¶
func (r *RepositoryLinks) GetPullRequests() *Link
GetPullRequests returns the PullRequests field.
func (*RepositoryLinks) GetSSHCloneURL ¶
func (rl *RepositoryLinks) GetSSHCloneURL() string
GetSSHCloneURL get the SSH clone url. Returns empty string if not found.
func (*RepositoryLinks) GetSelf ¶
func (r *RepositoryLinks) GetSelf() *Link
GetSelf returns the Self field.
func (*RepositoryLinks) GetSource ¶
func (r *RepositoryLinks) GetSource() *Link
GetSource returns the Source field.
func (*RepositoryLinks) GetTags ¶
func (r *RepositoryLinks) GetTags() *Link
GetTags returns the Tags field.
func (*RepositoryLinks) GetWatchers ¶
func (r *RepositoryLinks) GetWatchers() *Link
GetWatchers returns the Watchers field.
func (*RepositoryLinks) HasClone ¶
func (r *RepositoryLinks) HasClone() bool
HasClone checks if RepositoryLinks has any Clone.
type RepositoryListQueryParams ¶
type RepositoryListQueryParams struct { // Filters the result based on the authenticated user's role on each repository. // Valid roles: // - member: returns repositories to which the user has explicit read access // - contributor: returns repositories to which the user has explicit write access // - admin: returns repositories to which the user has explicit administrator access // - owner: returns all repositories owned by the current user Role string `url:"role,omitempty"` }
RepositoryListQueryParams represents the filters and query parameters available when listing repositories.
type RepositoryMainBranch ¶
type RepositoryMainBranch struct { Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
RepositoryMainBranch represents the primary branch set for a repository.
func (*RepositoryMainBranch) GetName ¶
func (r *RepositoryMainBranch) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RepositoryMainBranch) GetType ¶
func (r *RepositoryMainBranch) GetType() string
GetType returns the Type field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type RepositoryRequest ¶
type RepositoryRequest struct { // Valid options for SCM are git or hg. SCM *string `json:"scm,omitempty"` // Required field. // Description of the new repository Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Valid options: no_public_forks, no_forks, allow_forks ForkPolicy *string `json:"fork_policy,omitempty"` HasWiki *bool `json:"has_wiki,omitempty"` HasIssues *bool `json:"has_issues,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // In order to set the project for the newly created repository, // pass in either the project key or the project UUID as part of the request body as shown in the examples below: Project struct { Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` } `json:"project,omitempty"` }
RepositoryRequest represents a request to create/update a repository. TODO: might need to break this apart as some fields aren't editable.
func (*RepositoryRequest) GetDescription ¶
func (r *RepositoryRequest) GetDescription() string
GetDescription returns the Description field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RepositoryRequest) GetForkPolicy ¶
func (r *RepositoryRequest) GetForkPolicy() string
GetForkPolicy returns the ForkPolicy field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RepositoryRequest) GetHasIssues ¶
func (r *RepositoryRequest) GetHasIssues() bool
GetHasIssues returns the HasIssues field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RepositoryRequest) GetHasWiki ¶
func (r *RepositoryRequest) GetHasWiki() bool
GetHasWiki returns the HasWiki field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RepositoryRequest) GetName ¶
func (r *RepositoryRequest) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*RepositoryRequest) GetSCM ¶
func (r *RepositoryRequest) GetSCM() string
GetSCM returns the SCM field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type SRCGetOpts ¶
type SRCGetOpts struct { // If provided, returns the contents of the repository and its subdirectories recursively // until the specified max_depth of nested directories. When omitted, this defaults to 1. MaxDepth int64 `url:"max_depth,omitempty"` }
SRCGetOpts represents the query parameters available to SRC#Get requests.
type SRCMetadata ¶
type SRCMetadata struct { Mimetype *string `json:"mimetype,omitempty"` Links *FileHistoryLinks `json:"links,omitempty"` Commit *Commit `json:"commit,omitempty"` Attributes []*string `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` Size *int64 `json:"size,omitempty"` }
SRCMetadata represents a Bitbucket file/folder's metadata on a repository.
func (*SRCMetadata) GetCommit ¶
func (s *SRCMetadata) GetCommit() *Commit
GetCommit returns the Commit field.
func (*SRCMetadata) GetLinks ¶
func (s *SRCMetadata) GetLinks() *FileHistoryLinks
GetLinks returns the Links field.
func (*SRCMetadata) GetMimetype ¶
func (s *SRCMetadata) GetMimetype() string
GetMimetype returns the Mimetype field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SRCMetadata) GetPath ¶
func (s *SRCMetadata) GetPath() string
GetPath returns the Path field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SRCMetadata) GetSize ¶
func (s *SRCMetadata) GetSize() int64
GetSize returns the Size field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SRCMetadata) GetType ¶
func (s *SRCMetadata) GetType() string
GetType returns the Type field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SRCMetadata) HasAttributes ¶
func (s *SRCMetadata) HasAttributes() bool
HasAttributes checks if SRCMetadata has any Attributes.
type SRCService ¶
type SRCService service
SRCService handles communication with the src related methods of the Bitbucket API.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*SRCService) GetMetadata ¶
func (s *SRCService) GetMetadata(owner, repoSlug, nodeRev, path string, opts ...interface{}) (*SRCMetadata, *simpleresty.Response, error)
GetMetadata returns the JSON object describing the file or folder's properties, instead of returning the raw contents.
Supports the Bitbucket querying/filtering syntax and so you could filter a directory listing to only include entries that match certain criteria.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*SRCService) GetRaw ¶
func (s *SRCService) GetRaw(owner, repoSlug, nodeRev, path string, opts ...interface{}) (fileContent *bytes.Buffer, folderContent *FileHistory, resp *simpleresty.Response, err error)
GetRaw retrieves the contents of a single file, or the contents of a directory at a specified revision.
When path points to a file, this endpoint returns the raw contents. When path points to a directory instead of a file, the response is a paginated list of directory and file objects in the same order as the underlying SCM system would return them.
Bitbucket API docs:
type SSHKeyAddRequest ¶
type SSHKeyAddRequest struct { Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` Label *string `json:"label,omitempty"` }
SSHKeyAddRequest represents a request to add a SSH key.
func (*SSHKeyAddRequest) GetKey ¶
func (s *SSHKeyAddRequest) GetKey() string
GetKey returns the Key field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SSHKeyAddRequest) GetLabel ¶
func (s *SSHKeyAddRequest) GetLabel() string
GetLabel returns the Label field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type SearchCodeFileLinks ¶
type SearchCodeFileLinks struct { Self *Link `json:"self,omitempty"` Repositories *Link `json:"repositories,omitempty"` }
SearchCodeFileLinks represents the "links" object in a Bitbucket search code result file.
func (*SearchCodeFileLinks) GetRepositories ¶
func (s *SearchCodeFileLinks) GetRepositories() *Link
GetRepositories returns the Repositories field.
func (*SearchCodeFileLinks) GetSelf ¶
func (s *SearchCodeFileLinks) GetSelf() *Link
GetSelf returns the Self field.
type SearchCodeResult ¶
type SearchCodeResult struct { Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` ContentMatchCount *int64 `json:"content_match_count,omitempty"` ContentMatches []*SearchContentMatch `json:"content_matches,omitempty"` PathMatches []*SearchMatch `json:"path_matches,omitempty"` File *CodeFile `json:"file,omitempty"` }
SearchCodeResult represents the individual search query result.
func (*SearchCodeResult) GetContentMatchCount ¶
func (s *SearchCodeResult) GetContentMatchCount() int64
GetContentMatchCount returns the ContentMatchCount field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SearchCodeResult) GetFile ¶
func (s *SearchCodeResult) GetFile() *CodeFile
GetFile returns the File field.
func (*SearchCodeResult) GetType ¶
func (s *SearchCodeResult) GetType() string
GetType returns the Type field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SearchCodeResult) HasContentMatches ¶
func (s *SearchCodeResult) HasContentMatches() bool
HasContentMatches checks if SearchCodeResult has any ContentMatches.
func (*SearchCodeResult) HasPathMatches ¶
func (s *SearchCodeResult) HasPathMatches() bool
HasPathMatches checks if SearchCodeResult has any PathMatches.
type SearchCodeResults ¶
type SearchCodeResults struct { PaginationInfo QuerySubstituted *bool `json:"query_substituted,omitempty"` Values *SearchCodeResult `json:"values,omitempty"` }
SearchCodeResults represents the results from a search query.
func (*SearchCodeResults) GetQuerySubstituted ¶
func (s *SearchCodeResults) GetQuerySubstituted() bool
GetQuerySubstituted returns the QuerySubstituted field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SearchCodeResults) GetValues ¶
func (s *SearchCodeResults) GetValues() *SearchCodeResult
GetValues returns the Values field.
type SearchContentMatch ¶
type SearchContentMatch struct {
Lines *SearchContentMatchLine `json:"lines,omitempty"`
SearchContentMatch represents the content code lines that match a search result.
func (*SearchContentMatch) GetLines ¶
func (s *SearchContentMatch) GetLines() *SearchContentMatchLine
GetLines returns the Lines field.
type SearchContentMatchLine ¶
type SearchContentMatchLine struct { Line *int64 `json:"line,omitempty"` Segments []*SearchMatch `json:"segments,omitempty"` }
SearchContentMatchLine represents the specific line(s) that match a content result.
func (*SearchContentMatchLine) GetLine ¶
func (s *SearchContentMatchLine) GetLine() int64
GetLine returns the Line field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SearchContentMatchLine) HasSegments ¶
func (s *SearchContentMatchLine) HasSegments() bool
HasSegments checks if SearchContentMatchLine has any Segments.
type SearchMatch ¶
type SearchMatch struct { Text *string `json:"text,omitempty"` Match *bool `json:"match,omitempty"` }
SearchMatch represents the content of a search result code line.
func (*SearchMatch) GetMatch ¶
func (s *SearchMatch) GetMatch() bool
GetMatch returns the Match field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*SearchMatch) GetText ¶
func (s *SearchMatch) GetText() string
GetText returns the Text field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type Team ¶
type Team struct { Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` Nickname *string `json:"nickname,omitempty"` AccountStatus *string `json:"account_status,omitempty"` DisplayName *string `json:"display_name,omitempty"` CreatedOn *time.Time `json:"created_on,omitempty"` UUID *string `json:"uuid,omitempty"` Has2FAEnabled *string `json:"has_2fa_enabled,omitempty"` Website *string `json:"website,omitempty"` Links *TeamLinks `json:"links,omitempty"` }
Team represents a Bitbucket team.
func (*Team) GetAccountStatus ¶
GetAccountStatus returns the AccountStatus field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Team) GetCreatedOn ¶
GetCreatedOn returns the CreatedOn field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Team) GetDisplayName ¶
GetDisplayName returns the DisplayName field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Team) GetHas2FAEnabled ¶
GetHas2FAEnabled returns the Has2FAEnabled field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Team) GetNickname ¶
GetNickname returns the Nickname field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Team) GetUsername ¶
GetUsername returns the Username field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*Team) GetWebsite ¶
GetWebsite returns the Website field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type TeamLinks ¶
type TeamLinks struct { Self *Link `json:"self,omitempty"` Hooks *Link `json:"hooks,omitempty"` Repositories *Link `json:"repositories,omitempty"` Followers *Link `json:"followers,omitempty"` HTML *Link `json:"html,omitempty"` Avatar *Link `json:"avatar,omitempty"` Following *Link `json:"following,omitempty"` Members *Link `json:"members,omitempty"` Projects *Link `json:"projects,omitempty"` Snippets *Link `json:"snippets,omitempty"` }
TeamLinks represents the "links" object in a Bitbucket team.
func (*TeamLinks) GetFollowers ¶
GetFollowers returns the Followers field.
func (*TeamLinks) GetFollowing ¶
GetFollowing returns the Following field.
func (*TeamLinks) GetMembers ¶
GetMembers returns the Members field.
func (*TeamLinks) GetProjects ¶
GetProjects returns the Projects field.
func (*TeamLinks) GetRepositories ¶
GetRepositories returns the Repositories field.
func (*TeamLinks) GetSnippets ¶
GetSnippets returns the Snippets field.
type TeamListOpts ¶
type TeamListOpts struct { // Filters the teams based on the authenticated user's role on each team: // - member: returns a list of all the teams which the caller is a member of at least one team group or repository owned by the team. // - contributor: returns a list of teams which the caller has write access to at least one repository owned by the team. // - admin: returns a list teams which the caller has team administrator access. Role string `url:"role,omitempty"` }
TeamListOpts represents the query parameters available to getting all Teams.
type TeamPermission ¶
type TeamPermission struct { Permission *string `json:"permission,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` Team *Team `json:"team,omitempty"` }
TeamPermission represents a team permission.
func (*TeamPermission) GetPermission ¶
func (t *TeamPermission) GetPermission() string
GetPermission returns the Permission field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*TeamPermission) GetTeam ¶
func (t *TeamPermission) GetTeam() *Team
GetTeam returns the Team field.
func (*TeamPermission) GetType ¶
func (t *TeamPermission) GetType() string
GetType returns the Type field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*TeamPermission) GetUser ¶
func (t *TeamPermission) GetUser() *User
GetUser returns the User field.
type TeamPermissions ¶
type TeamPermissions struct { PaginationInfo Values []*TeamPermission `json:"values,omitempty"` }
TeamPermissions represents a collection of team permissions.
func (*TeamPermissions) HasValues ¶
func (t *TeamPermissions) HasValues() bool
HasValues checks if TeamPermissions has any Values.
type TeamProject ¶
type TeamProject struct { UUID *string `json:"uuid,omitempty"` Links *TeamProjectLinks `json:"links,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` CreatedOn *time.Time `json:"created_on,omitempty"` Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` Owner *User `json:"owner,omitempty"` UpdatedOn *time.Time `json:"updated_on,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` IsPrivate *bool `json:"is_private,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
TeamProject represents a team project in Bitbucket.
func (*TeamProject) GetCreatedOn ¶
func (t *TeamProject) GetCreatedOn() time.Time
GetCreatedOn returns the CreatedOn field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*TeamProject) GetDescription ¶
func (t *TeamProject) GetDescription() string
GetDescription returns the Description field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*TeamProject) GetIsPrivate ¶
func (t *TeamProject) GetIsPrivate() bool
GetIsPrivate returns the IsPrivate field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*TeamProject) GetKey ¶
func (t *TeamProject) GetKey() string
GetKey returns the Key field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*TeamProject) GetLinks ¶
func (t *TeamProject) GetLinks() *TeamProjectLinks
GetLinks returns the Links field.
func (*TeamProject) GetName ¶
func (t *TeamProject) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*TeamProject) GetOwner ¶
func (t *TeamProject) GetOwner() *User
GetOwner returns the Owner field.
func (*TeamProject) GetType ¶
func (t *TeamProject) GetType() string
GetType returns the Type field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*TeamProject) GetUUID ¶
func (t *TeamProject) GetUUID() string
GetUUID returns the UUID field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*TeamProject) GetUpdatedOn ¶
func (t *TeamProject) GetUpdatedOn() time.Time
GetUpdatedOn returns the UpdatedOn field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type TeamProjectLinks ¶
type TeamProjectLinks struct { Self *Link `json:"self,omitempty"` HTML *Link `json:"html,omitempty"` Avatar *Link `json:"avatar,omitempty"` }
TeamProjectLinks represents the "links" object in a Bitbucket team project.
func (*TeamProjectLinks) GetAvatar ¶
func (t *TeamProjectLinks) GetAvatar() *Link
GetAvatar returns the Avatar field.
func (*TeamProjectLinks) GetHTML ¶
func (t *TeamProjectLinks) GetHTML() *Link
GetHTML returns the HTML field.
func (*TeamProjectLinks) GetSelf ¶
func (t *TeamProjectLinks) GetSelf() *Link
GetSelf returns the Self field.
type TeamProjectRequest ¶
type TeamProjectRequest struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` IsPrivate *bool `json:"is_private,omitempty"` }
TeamProjectRequest represents a request to create/update a team project.
func (*TeamProjectRequest) GetDescription ¶
func (t *TeamProjectRequest) GetDescription() string
GetDescription returns the Description field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*TeamProjectRequest) GetIsPrivate ¶
func (t *TeamProjectRequest) GetIsPrivate() bool
GetIsPrivate returns the IsPrivate field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*TeamProjectRequest) GetKey ¶
func (t *TeamProjectRequest) GetKey() string
GetKey returns the Key field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*TeamProjectRequest) GetName ¶
func (t *TeamProjectRequest) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type TeamProjects ¶
type TeamProjects struct { PaginationInfo Values []*TeamProject `json:"values,omitempty"` }
TeamProjects represents a collection of team projects.
func (*TeamProjects) HasValues ¶
func (t *TeamProjects) HasValues() bool
HasValues checks if TeamProjects has any Values.
type TeamRepoPermission ¶
type TeamRepoPermission struct { Permission *string `json:"permission,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` Repository *Repository `json:"repository,omitempty"` }
TeamRepoPermission represents a team repository permission.
func (*TeamRepoPermission) GetPermission ¶
func (t *TeamRepoPermission) GetPermission() string
GetPermission returns the Permission field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*TeamRepoPermission) GetRepository ¶
func (t *TeamRepoPermission) GetRepository() *Repository
GetRepository returns the Repository field.
func (*TeamRepoPermission) GetType ¶
func (t *TeamRepoPermission) GetType() string
GetType returns the Type field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*TeamRepoPermission) GetUser ¶
func (t *TeamRepoPermission) GetUser() *User
GetUser returns the User field.
type TeamRepoPermissions ¶
type TeamRepoPermissions struct { PaginationInfo Values []*TeamRepoPermission `json:"values,omitempty"` }
TeamRepoPermissions represents a collection of team repository permissions.
func (*TeamRepoPermissions) HasValues ¶
func (t *TeamRepoPermissions) HasValues() bool
HasValues checks if TeamRepoPermissions has any Values.
type Teams ¶
type Teams struct { PaginationInfo Values []*Team `json:"values,omitempty"` }
Teams represents a collection of teams.
type TeamsService ¶
type TeamsService service
TeamsService handles communication with the teams related methods of the Bitbucket API.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*TeamsService) CreateProject ¶
func (t *TeamsService) CreateProject(teamUsername string, po *TeamProjectRequest) (*TeamProject, *simpleresty.Response, error)
CreateProject creates a new project.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*TeamsService) DeleteProject ¶
func (t *TeamsService) DeleteProject(teamUsername, projectKey string) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
DeleteProject deletes the specified project.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*TeamsService) Get ¶
func (t *TeamsService) Get(teamUsername string, opts ...interface{}) (*Team, *simpleresty.Response, error)
Get the public information associated with a team.
If the team's profile is private, location, website and created_on elements are omitted.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*TeamsService) GetRepositoryPermissions ¶
func (t *TeamsService) GetRepositoryPermissions(teamUsername, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*TeamRepoPermissions, *simpleresty.Response, error)
GetRepositoryPermissions returns each repository permission of a given repository.
If the username URL parameter refers to a user account instead of a team account, an object containing the repository permissions of the username's repository will be returned.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*TeamsService) List ¶
func (t *TeamsService) List(opts ...interface{}) (*Teams, *simpleresty.Response, error)
List returns all the teams that the authenticated user is associated with.
Requires 'role' query parameter to be set.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*TeamsService) ListFollowers ¶
func (t *TeamsService) ListFollowers(teamUsername string, opts ...interface{}) (*Users, *simpleresty.Response, error)
ListFollowers returns the list of accounts that are following this team.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*TeamsService) ListFollowing ¶
func (t *TeamsService) ListFollowing(teamUsername string, opts ...interface{}) (*Users, *simpleresty.Response, error)
ListFollowing returns the list of accounts this team is following.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*TeamsService) ListMembers ¶
func (t *TeamsService) ListMembers(teamUsername string, opts ...interface{}) (*Users, *simpleresty.Response, error)
ListMembers returns all members of the specified team.
Any member of any of the team's groups is considered a member of the team. This includes users in groups that may not actually have access to any of the team's repositories.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*TeamsService) ListPermissions ¶
func (t *TeamsService) ListPermissions(teamUsername string, opts ...interface{}) (*TeamPermissions, *simpleresty.Response, error)
ListPermissions returns each team permission a user on the team has.
Permissions returned are effective permissions — if a user is a member of multiple groups with distinct roles, only the highest level is returned.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*TeamsService) ListProjects ¶
func (t *TeamsService) ListProjects(teamUsername string, opts ...interface{}) (*TeamProjects, *simpleresty.Response, error)
ListProjects returns each project a team has.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*TeamsService) ListRepositoryPermissions ¶
func (t *TeamsService) ListRepositoryPermissions(teamUsername string, opts ...interface{}) (*TeamRepoPermissions, *simpleresty.Response, error)
ListRepositoryPermissions returns each repository permission for all of a team’s repositories.
If the username URL parameter refers to a user account instead of a team account, an object containing the repository permissions of all the username's repositories will be returned.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*TeamsService) ListTeamRepositories ¶
func (t *TeamsService) ListTeamRepositories(teamUsername string, opts ...interface{}) (*Repositories, *simpleresty.Response, error)
ListTeamRepositories returns the list of accounts that are following this team.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*TeamsService) SearchCode ¶
func (t *TeamsService) SearchCode(teamUsername string, opts ...interface{}) (*SearchCodeResults, *simpleresty.Response, error)
SearchCode searches for code in the repositories of the specified team.
Accepts the user's UUID, account_id, or username. Recommend to use UUID or account_id.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*TeamsService) UpdateProject ¶
func (t *TeamsService) UpdateProject(teamUsername, projectKey string, po *TeamProjectRequest) (*TeamProject, *simpleresty.Response, error)
UpdateProject updates an existing project
Bitbucket API docs:
type User ¶
type User struct { Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` Website *string `json:"website,omitempty"` DisplayName *string `json:"display_name,omitempty"` UUID *string `json:"uuid,omitempty"` Links *UserLinks `json:"links,omitempty"` Nickname *string `json:"nickname,omitempty"` CreatedOn *time.Time `json:"created_on,omitempty"` IsStaff *bool `json:"is_staff,omitempty"` Location *string `json:"location,omitempty"` AccountStatus *string `json:"account_status,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` AccountID *string `json:"account_id,omitempty"` }
User represents a Bitbucket user.
func (*User) GetAccountID ¶
GetAccountID returns the AccountID field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetAccountStatus ¶
GetAccountStatus returns the AccountStatus field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetCreatedOn ¶
GetCreatedOn returns the CreatedOn field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetDisplayName ¶
GetDisplayName returns the DisplayName field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetIsStaff ¶
GetIsStaff returns the IsStaff field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetLocation ¶
GetLocation returns the Location field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetNickname ¶
GetNickname returns the Nickname field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetUsername ¶
GetUsername returns the Username field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetWebsite ¶
GetWebsite returns the Website field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type UserEmail ¶
type UserEmail struct { IsPrimary *bool `json:"is_primary,omitempty"` IsConfirmed *bool `json:"is_confirmed,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` Email *string `json:"email,omitempty"` Links *UserEmailLinks `json:"links,omitempty"` }
UserEmail represents an individual user's email address.
func (*UserEmail) GetEmail ¶
GetEmail returns the Email field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*UserEmail) GetIsConfirmed ¶
GetIsConfirmed returns the IsConfirmed field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*UserEmail) GetIsPrimary ¶
GetIsPrimary returns the IsPrimary field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*UserEmail) GetLinks ¶
func (u *UserEmail) GetLinks() *UserEmailLinks
GetLinks returns the Links field.
type UserEmailLinks ¶
type UserEmailLinks struct {
Self *Link `json:"self,omitempty"`
UserEmailLinks represents the "links" object in a Bitbucket user email.
func (*UserEmailLinks) GetSelf ¶
func (u *UserEmailLinks) GetSelf() *Link
GetSelf returns the Self field.
type UserEmails ¶
type UserEmails struct { PaginationInfo Values []*UserEmail `json:"values,omitempty"` }
UserEmails represents a collection of user emails.
func (*UserEmails) HasValues ¶
func (u *UserEmails) HasValues() bool
HasValues checks if UserEmails has any Values.
type UserHook ¶
type UserHook struct { UUID *string `json:"uuid,omitempty"` URL *string `json:"url,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` SubjectType *string `json:"subject_type,omitempty"` Active *bool `json:"active,omitempty"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at,omitempty"` Events []*string `json:"events,omitempty"` }
UserHook represents a user hook.
func (*UserHook) GetActive ¶
GetActive returns the Active field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*UserHook) GetCreatedAt ¶
GetCreatedAt returns the CreatedAt field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*UserHook) GetDescription ¶
GetDescription returns the Description field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*UserHook) GetSubjectType ¶
GetSubjectType returns the SubjectType field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type UserHooks ¶
type UserHooks struct { PaginationInfo Values []*Issue `json:"values,omitempty"` }
UserHooks represent a user's hooks.
type UserLinks ¶
type UserLinks struct { Hooks *Link `json:"hooks,omitempty"` Self *Link `json:"self,omitempty"` Repositories *Link `json:"repositories,omitempty"` HTML *Link `json:"html,omitempty"` Followers *Link `json:"followers,omitempty"` Avatar *Link `json:"avatar,omitempty"` Following *Link `json:"following,omitempty"` Snippets *Link `json:"snippet,omitempty"` }
UserLinks represents the "links" object in a Bitbucket user.
func (*UserLinks) GetFollowers ¶
GetFollowers returns the Followers field.
func (*UserLinks) GetFollowing ¶
GetFollowing returns the Following field.
func (*UserLinks) GetRepositories ¶
GetRepositories returns the Repositories field.
func (*UserLinks) GetSnippets ¶
GetSnippets returns the Snippets field.
type UserRepositoriesPermission ¶
type UserRepositoriesPermission struct { Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` Repository *Repository `json:"repository,omitempty"` Permission *string `json:"permission,omitempty"` }
UserRepositoriesPermission represents a user's repository permission.
func (*UserRepositoriesPermission) GetPermission ¶
func (u *UserRepositoriesPermission) GetPermission() string
GetPermission returns the Permission field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*UserRepositoriesPermission) GetRepository ¶
func (u *UserRepositoriesPermission) GetRepository() *Repository
GetRepository returns the Repository field.
func (*UserRepositoriesPermission) GetType ¶
func (u *UserRepositoriesPermission) GetType() string
GetType returns the Type field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*UserRepositoriesPermission) GetUser ¶
func (u *UserRepositoriesPermission) GetUser() *User
GetUser returns the User field.
type UserRepositoriesPermissions ¶
type UserRepositoriesPermissions struct { PaginationInfo Values []*UserRepositoriesPermission `json:"values,omitempty"` }
UserRepositoriesPermissions represents a collection of a user's permissions on repositories.
func (*UserRepositoriesPermissions) HasValues ¶
func (u *UserRepositoriesPermissions) HasValues() bool
HasValues checks if UserRepositoriesPermissions has any Values.
type UserService ¶
type UserService service
UserService handles communication with the user related methods of the Bitbucket API.
This service only deals with returning information about the authenticated user.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*UserService) Get ¶
func (u *UserService) Get() (*User, *simpleresty.Response, error)
Get returns the currently authenticated user.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*UserService) GetEmails ¶
func (u *UserService) GetEmails(opts ...interface{}) (*UserEmails, *simpleresty.Response, error)
GetEmails returns all the authenticated user's email addresses. Both confirmed and unconfirmed.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*UserService) ListRepositoryPerms ¶
func (u *UserService) ListRepositoryPerms(opts ...interface{}) (*UserRepositoriesPermissions, *simpleresty.Response, error)
ListRepositoryPerms returns permissions for each repository the caller has explicit access to and the highest level of permission the caller has.
This does not return public repositories that the user was not granted any specific permission in, and does not distinguish between direct and indirect privileges.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*UserService) ListTeamsPerms ¶
func (u *UserService) ListTeamsPerms(opts ...interface{}) (*UserTeamsPermissions, *simpleresty.Response, error)
ListTeamsPerms returns permissions for each team the caller is a member of and the highest level of privilege the caller has.
If a user is a member of multiple groups with distinct roles, only the highest level is returned.
Bitbucket API docs:
type UserTeamsPermission ¶
type UserTeamsPermission struct { Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` Team *Team `json:"team,omitempty"` Permission *string `json:"permission,omitempty"` }
UserTeamsPermission represents a user's team permission.
func (*UserTeamsPermission) GetPermission ¶
func (u *UserTeamsPermission) GetPermission() string
GetPermission returns the Permission field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*UserTeamsPermission) GetTeam ¶
func (u *UserTeamsPermission) GetTeam() *Team
GetTeam returns the Team field.
func (*UserTeamsPermission) GetType ¶
func (u *UserTeamsPermission) GetType() string
GetType returns the Type field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*UserTeamsPermission) GetUser ¶
func (u *UserTeamsPermission) GetUser() *User
GetUser returns the User field.
type UserTeamsPermissions ¶
type UserTeamsPermissions struct { PaginationInfo Values []*UserTeamsPermission `json:"values,omitempty"` }
UserTeamsPermissions represents a collection of a user's permissions on repositories.
func (*UserTeamsPermissions) HasValues ¶
func (u *UserTeamsPermissions) HasValues() bool
HasValues checks if UserTeamsPermissions has any Values.
type Users ¶
type Users struct { PaginationInfo Values []*User `json:"values,omitempty"` }
Users represents a collection of users.
type UsersSSHKey ¶
type UsersSSHKey struct { Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` CreatedOn *time.Time `json:"created_on,omitempty"` Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` Label *string `json:"labels,omitempty"` LastUsed *time.Time `json:"last_used,omitempty"` Links *UsersSSHKeyLinks `json:"links,omitempty"` Owner *User `json:"owner,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"values,omitempty"` UUID *string `json:"uuid,omitempty"` }
UsersSSHKey represents a user ssh key added to Bitbucket.
func (*UsersSSHKey) GetComment ¶
func (u *UsersSSHKey) GetComment() string
GetComment returns the Comment field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*UsersSSHKey) GetCreatedOn ¶
func (u *UsersSSHKey) GetCreatedOn() time.Time
GetCreatedOn returns the CreatedOn field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*UsersSSHKey) GetKey ¶
func (u *UsersSSHKey) GetKey() string
GetKey returns the Key field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*UsersSSHKey) GetLabel ¶
func (u *UsersSSHKey) GetLabel() string
GetLabel returns the Label field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*UsersSSHKey) GetLastUsed ¶
func (u *UsersSSHKey) GetLastUsed() time.Time
GetLastUsed returns the LastUsed field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*UsersSSHKey) GetLinks ¶
func (u *UsersSSHKey) GetLinks() *UsersSSHKeyLinks
GetLinks returns the Links field.
func (*UsersSSHKey) GetOwner ¶
func (u *UsersSSHKey) GetOwner() *User
GetOwner returns the Owner field.
func (*UsersSSHKey) GetType ¶
func (u *UsersSSHKey) GetType() string
GetType returns the Type field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (*UsersSSHKey) GetUUID ¶
func (u *UsersSSHKey) GetUUID() string
GetUUID returns the UUID field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type UsersSSHKeyLinks ¶
type UsersSSHKeyLinks struct {
Self *Link `json:"self,omitempty"`
UsersSSHKeyLinks represents the "links" object in a Bitbucket user ssh key.
func (*UsersSSHKeyLinks) GetSelf ¶
func (u *UsersSSHKeyLinks) GetSelf() *Link
GetSelf returns the Self field.
type UsersSSHKeys ¶
type UsersSSHKeys struct { PaginationInfo Values []*UsersSSHKey `json:"values,omitempty"` }
UsersSSHKeys represents a collection of user ssh keys.
func (*UsersSSHKeys) HasValues ¶
func (u *UsersSSHKeys) HasValues() bool
HasValues checks if UsersSSHKeys has any Values.
type UsersService ¶
type UsersService service
UsersService handles communication with the users related methods of the Bitbucket API.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*UsersService) AddSSHKey ¶
func (u *UsersService) AddSSHKey(userID string, newKey *SSHKeyAddRequest) (*UsersSSHKey, *simpleresty.Response, error)
AddSSHKey adds a new SSH public key to the specified user account and returns the resulting key.
Accepts the user's UUID, account_id, or username. Recommend to use UUID or account_id.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*UsersService) DeleteHook ¶
func (u *UsersService) DeleteHook(userID, hookID string) (*simpleresty.Response, error)
DeleteHook deletes a single hook for a user.
Accepts the user's UUID, account_id, or username. Recommend to use UUID or account_id.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*UsersService) GetByID ¶
func (u *UsersService) GetByID(userID string, opts ...interface{}) (*User, *simpleresty.Response, error)
GetByID fetches a single user.
Accepts the user's UUID, account_id, or username. Recommend to use UUID or account_id.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*UsersService) GetHook ¶
func (u *UsersService) GetHook(userID, hookID string, opts ...interface{}) (*UserHook, *simpleresty.Response, error)
GetHook fetches a single hook for a user.
Accepts the user's UUID, account_id, or username. Recommend to use UUID or account_id.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*UsersService) ListHooks ¶
func (u *UsersService) ListHooks(userID string, opts ...interface{}) (*UserHooks, *simpleresty.Response, error)
ListHooks fetches all hooks for a user.
Accepts the user's UUID, account_id, or username. Recommend to use UUID or account_id.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*UsersService) ListRepositories ¶
func (u *UsersService) ListRepositories(userID string, opts ...interface{}) (*Repositories, *simpleresty.Response, error)
ListRepositories fetches all repositories owned by a user/team.
This includes private repositories, but filtered down to the ones that the calling user has access to.
Accepts the user's UUID, account_id, or username. Recommend to use UUID or account_id.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*UsersService) ListSSHKeys ¶
func (u *UsersService) ListSSHKeys(userID string, opts ...interface{}) (*UsersSSHKeys, *simpleresty.Response, error)
ListSSHKeys returns a paginated list of the user's SSH public keys.
Accepts the user's UUID, account_id, or username. Recommend to use UUID or account_id.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*UsersService) SearchCode ¶
func (u *UsersService) SearchCode(userID string, opts ...interface{}) (*SearchCodeResults, *simpleresty.Response, error)
SearchCode searches for code in the repositories of the specified user.
Accepts the user's UUID, account_id, or username. Recommend to use UUID or account_id.
Bitbucket API docs:
type Version ¶
type Version struct { ID *int64 `json:"-"` // This field is not present in the API response. Repository *Repository `json:"repository,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Links *VersionLinks `json:"links,omitempty"` }
Version represents a Bitbucket repository version.
func (*Version) GetLinks ¶
func (v *Version) GetLinks() *VersionLinks
GetLinks returns the Links field.
func (*Version) GetRepository ¶
func (v *Version) GetRepository() *Repository
GetRepository returns the Repository field.
type VersionLinks ¶
type VersionLinks struct {
Self *Link `json:"self,omitempty"`
VersionLinks represents the "links" object in a Bitbucket version.
func (*VersionLinks) GetSelf ¶
func (v *VersionLinks) GetSelf() *Link
GetSelf returns the Self field.
type VersionRequest ¶
type VersionRequest struct {
Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
VersionRequest represents an EXISTING version to be added to an issue or pull request. There is no CREATE or UPDATE endpoint for the version resource.
func (*VersionRequest) GetName ¶
func (v *VersionRequest) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
type Versions ¶
type Versions struct { PaginationInfo Values []*Version `json:"values,omitempty"` }
Versions represents a collection of versions.
type VersionsService ¶
type VersionsService service
VersionsService handles communication with the version related methods of the Bitbucket API.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*VersionsService) Get ¶
func (v *VersionsService) Get(owner, repoSlug string, versionID int64, opts ...interface{}) (*Version, *simpleresty.Response, error)
Get a single version. NOTE: The version ID is a numerical value, not the version name, that is visible in the links.self.href object.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*VersionsService) List ¶
func (v *VersionsService) List(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*Versions, *simpleresty.Response, error)
List all versions that have been defined in the issue tracker.
Bitbucket API docs:
type WatchersService ¶
type WatchersService service
WatchersService handles communication with the watchers related methods of the Bitbucket API.
Bitbucket API docs:
func (*WatchersService) List ¶
func (w *WatchersService) List(owner, repoSlug string, opts ...interface{}) (*Users, *simpleresty.Response, error)
List returns a paginated list of all the watchers on the specified repository.
Bitbucket API docs:
Source Files ¶
- bitbucket-accessors.go
- bitbucket.go
- branch_restrictions.go
- branching_model.go
- client.go
- client_option.go
- comment.go
- commit.go
- commit_approve.go
- commit_comments.go
- commit_statuses.go
- commits.go
- components.go
- default_reviewers.go
- deploy_keys.go
- diff.go
- downloads.go
- error.go
- file_history.go
- forks.go
- generic_opts.go
- helper.go
- hook_events.go
- issues.go
- issues_attachments.go
- issues_changes.go
- issues_comments.go
- issues_vote.go
- issues_watch.go
- milestones.go
- patch.go
- pull_requests.go
- pull_requests_activities.go
- pull_requests_approve.go
- pull_requests_comments.go
- pull_requests_commits.go
- pull_requests_decline.go
- pull_requests_diff.go
- pull_requests_merge.go
- pull_requests_patch.go
- pull_requests_statuses.go
- refs.go
- refs_branches.go
- refs_tags.go
- repositories.go
- repository_hooks.go
- search_code.go
- src.go
- teams.go
- teams_followers.go
- teams_following.go
- teams_members.go
- teams_permissions.go
- teams_projects.go
- teams_repositories.go
- teams_search_code.go
- user.go
- user_emails.go
- user_repositories_permissions.go
- user_teams_permissions.go
- users.go
- users_hooks.go
- users_repositories.go
- users_search_code.go
- users_ssh_keys.go
- versions.go
- watchers.go