= gmail-exporter
Davide Cavestro <https://github.com/davidecavestro[@davidecavestro]>
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// URIs:
:uri-repo: https://github.com/davidecavestro/gmail-exporter
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// :url-rel-file-base: {url-repo}/blob/HEAD/
:url-rel-file-base: link:
:url-license: {url-rel-file-base}LICENSE
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image:https://img.shields.io/github/license/badges/shields.svg[MIT License, link=#copyright-and-license]
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:imagesdir: docs/images
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{uri-repo}[Gmail-exporter] is a command line utility for exporting a local copy of email messages and related attachments from your Gmail account.
image::export_session.svg[Example for exporting messages tagged as FOOBAR, then checking exported contents]
== Project status
This project is in beta test, going to apply for google oauth approval.
== Features
- Export email messages to a spreadsheet
- Optionally export related attachments and put refs into the spreadsheet
- Optionally export messages as EML and put refs into the spreadsheet
- Exported messages filtered by label
- Optional progress status for long tasks
== Privacy policy
_Gmail-exporter_'s use of information received from Google APIs will adhere to https://developers.google.com/terms/api-services-user-data-policy#additional_requirements_for_specific_api_scopes[Google API Services User Data Policy], including the Limited Use requirements.
== Usage
Invoke the `gmail-exporter` executable passing appropriate options.
=== Quickstarts
This paragraph shows some usage examples. +
Use `./gmail-exporter help` to get the full list of available options.
==== Export sent messages
`./gmail-exporter export SENT`
==== Export messages from trashcan as EML
`./gmail-exporter export --save-eml TRASH`
==== List available labels
`./gmail-exporter labels`
==== Fine-tune paging
Messages are downloaded in blocks (pages): set the size of each block to max 50 messages +
`gmail-exporter --page-size 50 TRASH`
Read at max 200 pages of messages +
`gmail-exporter --pages-limit 200 TRASH`
==== Throttling
Limit the transfer of messages at 1 per second +
`gmail-exporter --messages-per-sec 1 TRASH`
Limit the download of attachments at 5 per second +
`gmail-exporter --attachments-per-sec 5 TRASH`
==== Batch mode
Prevent both opening the browser window for auth and eventually writing the obtained token
`gmail-exporter --batch TRASH`
=== Authentication
When the application launches, it requests that the user grant access to data in the relevant Google account.
If the user consents, the application requests and receives a temporary token to access Gmail
data. All the exchanged data is just kept within the user local system.
The temporary token is long-lived and saved into your local folder (by default within file _token.json_).
[[token-json]]The auth token file is structured as follows
"access_token": "...",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"refresh_token": "...",
"expiry": "2022-07-17T13:30:07.560873398+02:00"
== Other tools
Here are a few alternatives that are worthy of consideration:
* https://github.com/gaubert/gmvault[gmvault]
* https://github.com/GAM-team/got-your-back[got-your-back]
* https://github.com/joeyates/imap-backup[imap-backup]
== How to build
Clone the project and run +
`go build`
== How to release
Add a tag with proper message and push it
git tag v0.0.1 -m "First public release for wider testing."
git push origin v0.0.1
== Copyright and License
Copyright (C) 2022-present Davide Cavestro.
Use of this software is granted under the terms of the MIT License.
See the {url-license}[LICENSE] for the full license text.