Overview ¶
tchimport is a tool which builds Tchaik Libraries (metadata indexes) from iTunes Library XML files or alternatively by reading metadata from audio files within a directory tree.
Importing large iTunes XML Library files is recommended: the Tchaik library has a much smaller set of data attributes for each track (so a much smaller memory footprint).
tchimport -itlXML <itunes-library> -out lib.tch
Alternatively you can specify a path which will be transversed. All supported audio files within this path (.mp3, .m4a, .flac - ID3.v1,2.{2,3,4}, MP4 and FLAC) will be scanned for metadata. Only tracks which have readable metadata will be added to the library. Any errors are logged to stdout. As no other unique identifying data is know, the SHA1 sum of the file path is used as the TrackID.
tchimport -path <directory-path> -out lib.tch