Basic Github oAuth Testing
Obtain a GitHub application client id and secret from developer settings. Add http://localhost:8080/github/callback
as a valid OAuth2 Redirect URL.
Example App
main.go shows an example web app that issues a client-side cookie session. Pass the GitHub client id and secret as arguments or set the GITHUB_CLIENT_ID
environment variables.
go run main.go -client-id=xx -client-secret=yy
2015/09/25 23:09:13 Starting Server listening on localhost:8080
To check github token we can use the following API call:
curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer $token"
it will return something like this:
"login": "UserName",
"id": UserID,
"type": "User",
"name": "First Last name",
"company": "Company Name",
"location": "City, State",
"bio": "Title associated with user",