
pgq is a Go library for job queues that use Postgres for persistence. It builds on the SKIP
functionality added in Postgres 9.5, which provides safe locking of in-progress jobs while keeping
queries very simple and readable.
Installation and Setup
You can install pgq with go get
go get
Before you can enqueue or process jobs with pgq, your Postgres database will need the table and
index defined in sql/create_table.sql
. You can paste this right into psql
command line while
connected to your database, or paste it into the migration tool of your choice. (I'm partial to
There are a few steps to using pgq:
- Define job handler functions.
- Instantiate a new Worker.
- Register your handler functions with the Worker.
- Start the Worker.
- In another process, enqueue jobs with a Worker.
Each of these steps will be explained in more detail below.
Defining Job Handlers
While pgq will take care of pulling jobs off the queue, it's up to you to tell it exactly what each
job does. This is done by defining and registering handler functions. A job handler func takes one
argument, and returns either an error or nil
. Because job payloads are sent as bytes,
you can put whatever data you need in there. It may be plain text, a URL, JSON, or a binary
encoding like protobuf.
Here's a simple example:
func SayHello(data []byte) error {
name := string(data)
fmt.Println("Hello " + name)
That example might be too simple for a real app though. You'll probably want your jobs to have
access to some resources, like config or a database. In that case you can use either struct methods or
closures to inject those resources. Here's an example of a struct method job handler:
type MyApp struct {
db *sql.DB
func (app *MyApp) SayGoodbye(data []byte) error {
// this is a silly example of a DB query, but illustrates the point.
var message string
err := app.db.QueryRow(`SELECT 'Goodbye ' || $1`, string(data)).Scan(&message)
if err != nil {
return err
Here's the equivalent using a closure:
package main
func main() {
db, _ := sql.Open("postgres", "postgres://postgres@/my_database?sslmode=disable")
myJobHandler := buildGoodbyeHandler(db)
func buildGoodbyeHandler(db *sql.DB) func([]byte) error {
return func(data []byte) error {
// we have access to db here because this function is declared in the same scope that db lives in
var message string
err := db.QueryRow(`SELECT 'Goodbye ' || $1`, string(data)).Scan(&message)
if err != nil {
return err
(That example, like several below omits some error handling code. Don't do that in real life. It's
only done here so you can see details about using pgq without getting lost in error handling noise.)
Processing Jobs with the Worker
Once you've defined a handler function, you need to register it with an instance of pgq.Worker
You can get one of those by passing your Postgres *sql.DB
instance into pgq.NewWorker
db, _ := sql.Open("postgres", "postgres://postgres@/my_database?sslmode=disable")
worker := pgq.NewWorker(db)
Now you can register your job handler functions with this worker by calling its RegisterQueue
method and passing two arguments: the queue name (which can be any string you like), and your
handler function.
err := worker.RegisterQueue("hello", SayHello)
If you're using struct methods as job handler functions, you need to instantiate your struct and
then register its methods. This example uses the MyApp
struct shown above.
db, _ := sql.Open("postgres", "postgres://postgres@/my_database?sslmode=disable")
myApp := &MyApp{db: db}
err := worker.RegisterQueue("goodbye", myApp.SayGoodbye)
If you attempt to register the same queue name more than once on the same worker, you'll get an
With your handler functions now registered, you start the job worker by calling its Run
method. This call will query for uncompleted jobs and call the appropriate handler function for each
of them.
err := worker.Run()
This will loop and perform jobs forever. It will only stop if it hits an unrecoverable error, or
the program is terminated, or your program stops the loop by sending a value on the worker's stop
channel, like this:
worker.StopChan <- true
The worker will only query for jobs that have a queue name that matches one of its registered
handlers. If there's a job in the queue with an unregistered queue name, it will be ignored. You
can use this feature to start separate processes for handling different job types. This is useful
if some queues need to be scaled up to more worker processes than others.
Putting Jobs on the Queue
To enqueue jobs you need to have a Worker instance and then call its EnqueueJob
method, which
takes a queue name, a []byte
payload, and some optional arguments we'll cover later. EnqueueJob
will return an integer job ID (only useful for logging/debugging), and possibly an error.
db, _ := sql.Open("postgres", "postgres://postgres@/my_database?sslmode=disable")
worker := pgq.NewWorker(db)
jobID, err := worker.EnqueueJob("hello", []byte("Brent"))
If you're using the same Postgres database for both pgq and your own application tables, you might
want to have the enqueueing of jobs happen in the same database transaction where you're doing other
database calls. In that case, you can use the worker's EnqueueJobInTx
method, which lets you pass
in your own transaction object. It's up to you to ensure that the transaction is properly committed
or rolled back. Example:
db, _ := sql.Open("postgres", "postgres://postgres@/my_database?sslmode=disable")
worker := pgq.NewWorker(db)
// later on in some other part of your app...
tx, _ := db.Begin()
// we use the same transaction for creating the user and enqueueing the welcome email
// so both will succeed or fail together, and we avoid sending a welcome email to a user
// whose account never actually got created because the tx got rolled back.
createUser(tx, someUserData)
jobID, err := worker.EnqueueJobInTx(tx, "sendWelcomeEmail", someWelcomeEmailData)
if thereWasAnErrorSomewhereElse {
} else {
Additional Features
There are some additional things you can configure, both at the per-worker level and the per-job
Runner Options
These options are passed as additional arguments when calling pgq.NewWorker
, using the functional
options pattern.
After a worker completes a job, it immediately queries for another one. If there are no jobs
waiting in a queue, it will sleep for a few seconds before querying again. By default that's 10
seconds. You can change that default by passing in the JobPollingInterval
option with a
time.Duration to NewWorker
. In this example we increase it to 30 seconds.
worker, err := pgq.NewWorker(
pgq.JobPollingInterval(time.Second * 30),
By default, jobs are deleted from the pgq_jobs
table after being performed. If you would prefer
to leave them in the table for analytics or debugging purposes, you can pass the
option to pgq.NewWorker
worker, err := pgq.NewWorker(
Job Options
If you want a job to be processed at some time in the future instead of immediately, you can pass
the pgq.After
option to the worker's EnqueueJob
method. This option takes a time.Time
. This
example sets a job to be run 24 hours in the future.
jobID, err := worker.EnqueueJob(
pgq.After(time.Now().Add(time.Minute * 60 * 24)),
Sometimes jobs fail through no fault of their own. It could be because of downtime in a database,
or a third party API, or a flaky network. It can be useful to retry jobs automatically when such
things happen.
But you don't want to retry immediately. A problem that's happening now will probably still be
happening one second from now.
For this reason pgq supports setting a per-job option for the number of retries to perform and how
long to wait before each. If a job returns an error, and it's configured to allow one or more
retries, then it will be run again.
By default pgq does three retries, with one minute, ten minute, and 30 minute waits. You can
override this by passing the RetryWaits
option to the worker's EnqueueJob
method. This option
takes in a slice of durations specifying how long each wait should be. In this example we set two
retries, one after an hour and another after 6 hours:
jobID, err := worker.EnqueueJob(
time.Minute * 60,
time.Minute * 60 * 6,
Exponential Backoffs
While retries may help a single job be resilient to intermittent failures, they won't slow down a
big queue of jobs that are all failing because some backend system is down. For that you need to
tell the worker to slow down its processing of jobs on the whole queue. You can do that by having
your job return an error that implements this interface:
// Backoffer is a type of error that can also indicate whether a queue should slow down.
type Backoffer interface {
Backoff() bool
If the error returned by your job implements that interface, and its Backoff()
method returns
, then the worker will pause for a short time (100 milliseconds) before pulling jobs off that
queue again. The next time a job returns a backoff, that time will be doubled, and so on until
reaching the max backoff time (60 seconds).