Exercise my go skills, build something fun that I can use every day. I have to
join a meet session every day. Why do I have to click a link? That is annoying
to do every day. So why not automate it?
Makefile to build consistently in a local environment and remote environment
Dockerfile for a generic image to build for
Go Mod (which you should to your project path change)
VS Code environment
Generic docker push
Chromedp browser launch
Google Login Detection
Meeting Launch Automation
Google Meet Support
Client that grabs calendar events
GRPC Server that opens the browser and launches the meeting
build a grpc service that opens up a meet session
build a service that reads the calendar
Make a grpc service for calendar and meet joining
Make a daemon that looks for new calendar events to autojoin
Add config and state support
Seperate auth into a different service that gives oauth2 flow but browser grabs the token
build a front end system in Dash
make portable to share with people from a 1 click install