Dump the same data you can get from
https://github.com/orgs/[ORG]/insights/dependencies but export the results
to a csv or google sheet
How to run
export GITHUB_GRAPHQL_CHECK=<GITHUB SSO enabled token which has permissions to view your org>
* Setup a googleapp following these directions https://developers.google.com/sheets/api/quickstart/go
* Make sure the credentials.json file runs in the same directory as the binary
make run
- create authorized https client to the graphql endpoint
- get all repos added to in the last 6 months which is not archived
- if the repo contains the lang supported by the github dependencies get the
license dump
- otherwise mark for manual intervention
Service , github repo, lang, lib, license
Github builds and pushes the docker images to docker.pkg.github.com.
Splitting testing bettween builds can be sped up with a cache in the same github
action run, not between builds.`
Known Problems