
v3.4.10-alpha0 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

Go to latest
Published: Jul 18, 2024 License: EPL-2.0 Imports: 14 Imported by: 4


Client Package

This package provides an HTTP client to communicate with ioFog Controller's REST API.

You can view see the full REST API specification at


First, instantiate a client instance and log in with your credentials.

// Connect to Controller REST API
ctrl := client.New(endpoint)

// Create login request
loginRequest := client.LoginRequest{
	Email:    "",
	Password: "kj2gh0ooiwbug",

// Login
if err := ctrl.Login(loginRequest); err != nil {
	return err

Next, call any of the functions available from your client instance.

// Get Controller status
if resp, err = ctrlClient.GetStatus(); err != nil {
    return err

// Print the response




View Source
const (
	TCP  = "tcp"
	HTTP = "http"
View Source
const (
	ControllerPort       = 51121
	ControllerPortString = "51121"
	DefaultRouterName    = "default-router"

String and numeric values of TCP ports used accross ioFog


View Source
var AgentTypeAgentTypeIDDict = map[string]int{
	"x86": 1,
	"arm": 2,

AgentTypeAgentTypeIDDict Map from string agent type to numeric id

View Source
var AgentTypeIDAgentTypeDict = map[int]string{
	1: "x86",
	2: "arm",

AgentTypeIDAgentTypeDict Map from numeric id agent type to string agent type

View Source
var IsVerbose bool

IsVerbose will Toggle HTTP output

View Source
var RegistryTypeIDRegistryTypeDict = map[int]string{
	1: "remote",
	2: "local",

RegistryTypeIDRegistryTypeDict Map from numeric id registry type to string

View Source
var RegistryTypeRegistryTypeIDDict = map[string]int{
	"remote": 1,
	"local":  2,

RegistryTypeRegistryTypeIDDict Map from string registry type to numeric id


func SetGlobalRetries

func SetGlobalRetries(retries Retries)

func SetVerbosity

func SetVerbosity(verbose bool)

func Verbose

func Verbose(msg string)


type AgentConfiguration

type AgentConfiguration struct {
	DockerURL                 *string   `json:"dockerUrl,omitempty" yaml:"dockerUrl"`
	DiskLimit                 *int64    `json:"diskLimit,omitempty" yaml:"diskLimit"`
	DiskDirectory             *string   `json:"diskDirectory,omitempty" yaml:"diskDirectory"`
	MemoryLimit               *int64    `json:"memoryLimit,omitempty" yaml:"memoryLimit"`
	CPULimit                  *int64    `json:"cpuLimit,omitempty" yaml:"cpuLimit"`
	LogLimit                  *int64    `json:"logLimit,omitempty" yaml:"logLimit"`
	LogDirectory              *string   `json:"logDirectory,omitempty" yaml:"logDirectory"`
	LogFileCount              *int64    `json:"logFileCount,omitempty" yaml:"logFileCount"`
	StatusFrequency           *float64  `json:"statusFrequency,omitempty" yaml:"statusFrequency"`
	ChangeFrequency           *float64  `json:"changeFrequency,omitempty" yaml:"changeFrequency"`
	DeviceScanFrequency       *float64  `json:"deviceScanFrequency,omitempty" yaml:"deviceScanFrequency"`
	BluetoothEnabled          *bool     `json:"bluetoothEnabled,omitempty" yaml:"bluetoothEnabled"`
	WatchdogEnabled           *bool     `json:"watchdogEnabled,omitempty" yaml:"watchdogEnabled"`
	AbstractedHardwareEnabled *bool     `json:"abstractedHardwareEnabled,omitempty" yaml:"abstractedHardwareEnabled"`
	IsSystem                  *bool     `json:"isSystem,omitempty" yaml:"-"` // Can't specify system agent using yaml file.
	UpstreamRouters           *[]string `json:"upstreamRouters,omitempty" yaml:"upstreamRouters,omitempty"`
	NetworkRouter             *string   `json:"networkRouter,omitempty" yaml:"networkRouter,omitempty"`
	Host                      *string   `json:"host,omitempty" yaml:"host,omitempty"`
	RouterConfig              `json:",omitempty" yaml:"routerConfig,omitempty"`
	LogLevel                  *string  `json:"logLevel,omitempty" yaml:"logLevel"`
	DockerPruningFrequency    *float64 `json:"dockerPruningFrequency,omitempty" yaml:"dockerPruningFrequency"`
	AvailableDiskThreshold    *float64 `json:"availableDiskThreshold,omitempty" yaml:"availableDiskThreshold"`
	TimeZone                  string   `json:"timeZone,omitempty" yaml:"timeZone"`

type AgentInfo

type AgentInfo struct {
	UUID                      string    `json:"uuid" yaml:"uuid"`
	Name                      string    `json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	Host                      string    `json:"host" yaml:"host"`
	Location                  string    `json:"location" yaml:"location"`
	Latitude                  float64   `json:"latitude" yaml:"latitude"`
	Longitude                 float64   `json:"longitude" yaml:"longitude"`
	Description               string    `json:"description" yaml:"description"`
	DockerURL                 string    `json:"dockerUrl" yaml:"dockerUrl"`
	DiskLimit                 int64     `json:"diskLimit" yaml:"diskLimit"`
	DiskDirectory             string    `json:"diskDirectory" yaml:"diskDirectory"`
	MemoryLimit               int64     `json:"memoryLimit" yaml:"memoryLimit"`
	CPULimit                  int64     `json:"cpuLimit" yaml:"cpuLimit"`
	LogLimit                  int64     `json:"logLimit" yaml:"logLimit"`
	LogDirectory              string    `json:"logDirectory" yaml:"logDirectory"`
	LogFileCount              int64     `json:"logFileCount" yaml:"logFileCount"`
	StatusFrequency           float64   `json:"statusFrequency" yaml:"statusFrequency"`
	ChangeFrequency           float64   `json:"changeFrequency" yaml:"changeFrequency"`
	DeviceScanFrequency       float64   `json:"deviceScanFrequency" yaml:"deviceScanFrequency"`
	BluetoothEnabled          bool      `json:"bluetoothEnabled" yaml:"bluetoothEnabled"`
	WatchdogEnabled           bool      `json:"watchdogEnabled" yaml:"watchdogEnabled"`
	AbstractedHardwareEnabled bool      `json:"abstractedHardwareEnabled" yaml:"abstractedHardwareEnabled"`
	CreatedTimeRFC3339        string    `json:"createdAt" yaml:"created"`
	UpdatedTimeRFC3339        string    `json:"updatedAt" yaml:"updated"`
	LastActive                int64     `json:"lastActive" yaml:"lastActive"`
	DaemonStatus              string    `json:"daemonStatus" yaml:"daemonStatus"`
	UptimeMs                  int64     `json:"daemonOperatingDuration" yaml:"uptime"`
	MemoryUsage               float64   `json:"memoryUsage" yaml:"memoryUsage"`
	DiskUsage                 float64   `json:"diskUsage" yaml:"diskUsage"`
	CPUUsage                  float64   `json:"cpuUsage" yaml:"cpuUsage"`
	SystemAvailableMemory     float64   `json:"systemAvailableMemory" yaml:"systemAvailableMemory"`
	SystemAvailableDisk       float64   `json:"systemAvailableDisk" yaml:"systemAvailableDisk"`
	MemoryViolation           string    `json:"memoryViolation" yaml:"memoryViolation"`
	DiskViolation             string    `json:"diskViolation" yaml:"diskViolation"`
	CPUViolation              string    `json:"cpuViolation" yaml:"cpuViolation"`
	MicroserviceStatus        string    `json:"microserviceStatus" yaml:"microserviceStatus"`
	RepositoryCount           int64     `json:"repositoryCount" yaml:"repositoryCount"`
	RepositoryStatus          string    `json:"repositoryStatus" yaml:"repositoryStatus"`
	LastStatusTimeMsUTC       int64     `json:"lastStatusTime" yaml:"lastStatusTime"`
	IPAddress                 string    `json:"ipAddress" yaml:"ipAddress"`
	IPAddressExternal         string    `json:"ipAddressExternal" yaml:"ipAddressExternal"`
	ProcessedMessaged         int64     `json:"processedMessages" yaml:"ProcessedMessages"`
	MicroserviceMessageCount  int64     `json:"microserviceMessageCounts" yaml:"microserviceMessageCount"`
	MessageSpeed              float64   `json:"messageSpeed" yaml:"messageSpeed"`
	LastCommandTimeMsUTC      int64     `json:"lastCommandTime" yaml:"lastCommandTime"`
	NetworkInterface          string    `json:"networkInterface" yaml:"networkInterface"`
	Version                   string    `json:"version" yaml:"version"`
	IsReadyToUpgrade          bool      `json:"isReadyToUpgrade" yaml:"isReadyToUpgrade"`
	IsReadyToRollback         bool      `json:"isReadyToRollback" yaml:"isReadyToRollback"`
	Tunnel                    string    `json:"tunnel" yaml:"tunnel"`
	FogType                   int       `json:"fogTypeId" yaml:"fogTypeId"`
	RouterMode                string    `json:"routerMode" yaml:"routerMode"`
	NetworkRouter             *string   `json:"networkRouter,omitempty" yaml:"networkRouter,omitempty"`
	UpstreamRouters           *[]string `json:"upstreamRouters,omitempty" yaml:"upstreamRouters,omitempty"`
	MessagingPort             *int      `json:"messagingPort,omitempty" yaml:"messagingPort,omitempty"`
	EdgeRouterPort            *int      `json:"edgeRouterPort,omitempty" yaml:"edgeRouterPort,omitempty"`
	InterRouterPort           *int      `json:"interRouterPort,omitempty" yaml:"interRouterPort,omitempty"`
	LogLevel                  *string   `json:"logLevel" yaml:"logLevel"`
	DockerPruningFrequency    *float64  `json:"dockerPruningFrequency" yaml:"dockerPruningFrequency"`
	AvailableDiskThreshold    *float64  `json:"availableDiskThreshold" yaml:"availableDiskThreshold"`
	Tags                      *[]string `json:"tags,omitempty" yaml:"tags,omitempty"`
	TimeZone                  string    `json:"timeZone" yaml:"timeZone"`

type AgentListFilter

type AgentListFilter struct {
	Key       string `json:"key"`
	Value     string `json:"value"`
	Condition string `json:"condition"`

type AgentUpdateRequest

type AgentUpdateRequest struct {
	UUID        string    `json:"-"`
	Name        string    `json:"name,omitempty" yaml:"name"`
	Location    string    `json:"location,omitempty" yaml:"location"`
	Latitude    float64   `json:"latitude,omitempty" yaml:"latitude"`
	Longitude   float64   `json:"longitude,omitempty" yaml:"longitude"`
	Description string    `json:"description,omitempty" yaml:"description"`
	FogType     *int64    `json:"fogType,omitempty" yaml:"agentType"`
	Tags        *[]string `json:"tags,omitempty" yaml:"tags"`

type ApplicationCreateResponse

type ApplicationCreateResponse struct {
	ID int `json:"id"`

type ApplicationInfo

type ApplicationInfo struct {
	Name          string             `json:"name"`
	Description   string             `json:"description"`
	IsActivated   bool               `json:"isActivated"`
	IsSystem      bool               `json:"isSystem"`
	UserID        int                `json:"userId"`
	ID            int                `json:"id"`
	Microservices []MicroserviceInfo `json:"microservices"`
	Routes        []Route            `json:"routes"`


type ApplicationListResponse

type ApplicationListResponse struct {
	Applications []ApplicationInfo `json:"applications"`

type ApplicationPatchRequest

type ApplicationPatchRequest struct {
	Name        *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	IsActivated *bool   `json:"isActivated,omitempty"`
	IsSystem    *bool   `json:"isSystem,omitempty"`

type ApplicationRouteCreateRequest

type ApplicationRouteCreateRequest struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`
	From string `json:"from"`
	To   string `json:"to"`

type ApplicationTemplate

type ApplicationTemplate struct {
	Name        string                   `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Description string                   `json:"description,omitempty"`
	Variables   []TemplateVariable       `json:"variables,omitempty"`
	Application *ApplicationTemplateInfo `json:"application,omitempty"`

Application Templates

type ApplicationTemplateCreateRequest

type ApplicationTemplateCreateRequest = ApplicationTemplate

type ApplicationTemplateCreateResponse

type ApplicationTemplateCreateResponse struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`
	ID   int    `json:"id"`

type ApplicationTemplateInfo

type ApplicationTemplateInfo struct {
	Microservices []interface{} `json:"microservices"`
	Routes        []interface{} `json:"routes"`

type ApplicationTemplateListResponse

type ApplicationTemplateListResponse struct {
	ApplicationTemplates []ApplicationTemplate

type ApplicationTemplateMetadataUpdateRequest

type ApplicationTemplateMetadataUpdateRequest struct {
	Name        *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"`

type ApplicationTemplateUpdateResponse

type ApplicationTemplateUpdateResponse = ApplicationTemplateCreateResponse

type CatalogImage

type CatalogImage struct {
	ContainerImage string `json:"containerImage"`
	AgentTypeID    int    `json:"fogTypeId"`

type CatalogItemCreateRequest

type CatalogItemCreateRequest struct {
	Name        string         `json:"name"`
	Description string         `json:"description"`
	Images      []CatalogImage `json:"images"`
	RegistryID  int            `json:"registryId"`

type CatalogItemCreateResponse

type CatalogItemCreateResponse struct {
	ID int `json:"id"`

type CatalogItemInfo

type CatalogItemInfo struct {
	ID          int            `json:"id"`
	Name        string         `json:"name"`
	Description string         `json:"description"`
	Images      []CatalogImage `json:"images"`
	RegistryID  int            `json:"registryId"`
	Category    string         `json:"category"`

type CatalogItemUpdateRequest

type CatalogItemUpdateRequest struct {
	ID          int
	Name        string         `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Description string         `json:"description,omitempty"`
	Images      []CatalogImage `json:"images,omitempty"`
	RegistryID  int            `json:"registryId,omitempty"`

type CatalogListResponse

type CatalogListResponse struct {
	CatalogItems []CatalogItemInfo `json:"catalogItems"`

type Client

type Client struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func New

func New(opt Options) *Client

func NewAndLogin

func NewAndLogin(opt Options, email, password string) (clt *Client, err error)

func NewWithToken

func NewWithToken(opt Options, token string) (clt *Client, err error)

func RefreshUserSubscriptionKey added in v3.3.7

func RefreshUserSubscriptionKey(opt Options, email, password string) (clt *Client, err error, userResponse string)

func (*Client) CreateAgent

func (clt *Client) CreateAgent(request *CreateAgentRequest) (response CreateAgentResponse, err error)

CreateAgent creates an ioFog Agent using Controller REST API

func (*Client) CreateApplicationFromYAML

func (clt *Client) CreateApplicationFromYAML(file io.Reader) (*ApplicationInfo, error)

CreateApplicationFromYAML creates a new application using the Controller REST API It sends the yaml file to Controller REST API

func (*Client) CreateApplicationTemplateFromYAML

func (clt *Client) CreateApplicationTemplateFromYAML(file io.Reader) (*ApplicationTemplate, error)

CreateApplicationTemplateFromYAML creates a new application template using the Controller REST API It sends the yaml file to Controller REST API

func (*Client) CreateCatalogItem

func (clt *Client) CreateCatalogItem(request *CatalogItemCreateRequest) (*CatalogItemInfo, error)

CreateCatalogItem creates one catalog item using Controller REST API

func (*Client) CreateFlow

func (clt *Client) CreateFlow(name, description string) (*FlowInfo, error)

CreateFlow creates a new flow using the Controller REST API

func (*Client) CreateHTTPEdgeResource

func (clt *Client) CreateHTTPEdgeResource(request *EdgeResourceMetadata) error

CreateHttpEdgeResource creates an Edge Resource using Controller REST API

func (*Client) CreateMicroserviceFromYAML

func (clt *Client) CreateMicroserviceFromYAML(file io.Reader) (*MicroserviceInfo, error)

CreateMicroserviceFromYAML creates a new microservice using the Controller REST API It sends the yaml file to Controller REST API

func (*Client) CreateMicroservicePortMapping

func (clt *Client) CreateMicroservicePortMapping(uuid string, portMapping *MicroservicePortMappingInfo) (err error)

CreateMicroservicePortMapping creates a microservice port mapping using Controller REST API

func (*Client) CreateMicroserviceRoute

func (clt *Client) CreateMicroserviceRoute(uuid, destUUID string) (err error)

CreateMicroserviceRoute creates a microservice route using Controller REST API

func (*Client) CreateRegistry

func (clt *Client) CreateRegistry(request *RegistryCreateRequest) (int, error)

CreateRegistry creates a new registry using the Controller REST API

func (*Client) CreateRoute

func (clt *Client) CreateRoute(route *Route) (err error)

func (*Client) CreateUser

func (clt *Client) CreateUser(request User) error

create user can be removed!!

func (*Client) DeleteAgent

func (clt *Client) DeleteAgent(uuid string) error

DeleteAgent removes an ioFog Agent from the Controller using Controller REST API

func (*Client) DeleteApplication

func (clt *Client) DeleteApplication(name string) (err error)

DeleteApplication deletes an application using the Controller REST API

func (*Client) DeleteApplicationTemplate

func (clt *Client) DeleteApplicationTemplate(name string) error

func (*Client) DeleteCatalogItem

func (clt *Client) DeleteCatalogItem(id int) (err error)

DeleteCatalogItem deletes one catalog item using Controller REST API

func (*Client) DeleteEdgeResource

func (clt *Client) DeleteEdgeResource(name, version string) error

ListEdgeResources list all Edge Resources using Controller REST API

func (*Client) DeleteFlow

func (clt *Client) DeleteFlow(id int) (err error)

DeleteFlow deletes a flow using the Controller REST API

func (*Client) DeleteMicroservice

func (clt *Client) DeleteMicroservice(uuid string) (err error)

DeleteMicroservice deletes a microservice using Controller REST API

func (*Client) DeleteMicroservicePortMapping

func (clt *Client) DeleteMicroservicePortMapping(uuid string, portMapping *MicroservicePortMappingInfo) (err error)

DeleteMicroservicePortMapping deletes a microservice port mapping using Controller REST API

func (*Client) DeleteMicroserviceRoute

func (clt *Client) DeleteMicroserviceRoute(uuid, destUUID string) (err error)

DeleteMicroserviceRoute deletes a microservice route using Controller REST API

func (*Client) DeleteRegistry

func (clt *Client) DeleteRegistry(id int) (err error)

DeleteRegistry deletes a registry using the Controller REST API

func (*Client) DeleteRoute

func (clt *Client) DeleteRoute(appName, name string) (err error)

func (*Client) GetAccessToken

func (clt *Client) GetAccessToken() string

func (*Client) GetAgentByID

func (clt *Client) GetAgentByID(uuid string) (response *AgentInfo, err error)

GetAgentByID returns an ioFog Agent information using Controller REST API

func (*Client) GetAgentByName

func (clt *Client) GetAgentByName(name string, system bool) (*AgentInfo, error)

GetAgentByName retrieve the agent information by getting all agents then searching for the first occurance in the list

func (*Client) GetAgentProvisionKey

func (clt *Client) GetAgentProvisionKey(uuid string) (response GetAgentProvisionKeyResponse, err error)

GetAgentProvisionKey get a provisioning key for an ioFog Agent using Controller REST API

func (*Client) GetAllApplications

func (clt *Client) GetAllApplications() (response *ApplicationListResponse, err error)

GetAllApplications retrieve all flows information from the Controller REST API

func (*Client) GetAllFlows

func (clt *Client) GetAllFlows() (response *FlowListResponse, err error)

GetAllFlows retrieve all flows information from the Controller REST API

func (*Client) GetAllMicroservicePublicPorts

func (clt *Client) GetAllMicroservicePublicPorts() (response []MicroservicePublicPort, err error)

func (*Client) GetAllMicroservices

func (clt *Client) GetAllMicroservices() (response *MicroserviceListResponse, err error)

func (*Client) GetApplicationByName

func (clt *Client) GetApplicationByName(name string) (application *ApplicationInfo, err error)

GetApplicationByName retrieve application information using the Controller REST API

func (*Client) GetApplicationTemplate

func (clt *Client) GetApplicationTemplate(name string) (*ApplicationTemplate, error)

func (*Client) GetBaseURL

func (clt *Client) GetBaseURL() string

func (*Client) GetCatalog

func (clt *Client) GetCatalog() (response *CatalogListResponse, err error)

GetCatalog retrieves all catalog items using Controller REST API

func (*Client) GetCatalogItem

func (clt *Client) GetCatalogItem(id int) (response *CatalogItemInfo, err error)

GetCatalogItem retrieves one catalog item using Controller REST API

func (*Client) GetCatalogItemByName

func (clt *Client) GetCatalogItemByName(name string) (*CatalogItemInfo, error)

GetCatalogItemByName returns a catalog item by listing all catalog items and returning the first occurence of the specified name

func (*Client) GetDefaultRouter

func (clt *Client) GetDefaultRouter() (router Router, err error)

func (*Client) GetFlowByID

func (clt *Client) GetFlowByID(id int) (flow *FlowInfo, err error)

GetFlowByID retrieve flow information using the Controller REST API

func (*Client) GetFlowByName

func (clt *Client) GetFlowByName(name string) (_ *FlowInfo, err error)

GetFlowByName retrieve the flow information by getting all flows then searching for the first occurance in the list

func (*Client) GetHTTPEdgeResourceByName

func (clt *Client) GetHTTPEdgeResourceByName(name, version string) (response EdgeResourceMetadata, err error)

GetHttpEdgeResourceByName gets an Edge Resource using Controller REST API

func (*Client) GetMicroserviceByID

func (clt *Client) GetMicroserviceByID(uuid string) (response *MicroserviceInfo, err error)

GetMicroserviceByID retrieves a microservice information using Controller REST API

func (*Client) GetMicroserviceByName

func (clt *Client) GetMicroserviceByName(appName, name string) (response *MicroserviceInfo, err error)

GetMicroserviceByName retrieves a microservice information using Controller REST API

func (*Client) GetMicroservicePortMapping

func (clt *Client) GetMicroservicePortMapping(uuid string) (response *MicroservicePortMappingListResponse, err error)

GetMicroservicePortMapping retrieves a microservice port mappings using Controller REST API

func (*Client) GetMicroservicesByApplication

func (clt *Client) GetMicroservicesByApplication(application string) (response *MicroserviceListResponse, err error)

GetMicroservicesByApplication returns a list of microservices in a specific application using Controller REST API

func (*Client) GetMicroservicesPerFlow

func (clt *Client) GetMicroservicesPerFlow(flowID int) (response *MicroserviceListResponse, err error)

GetMicroservicesPerFlow (DEPRECATED) returns a list of microservices in a specific flow using Controller REST API

func (*Client) GetRetries

func (clt *Client) GetRetries() Retries

func (*Client) GetRoute

func (clt *Client) GetRoute(appName, name string) (route Route, err error)

func (*Client) GetStatus

func (clt *Client) GetStatus() (status ControllerStatus, err error)

func (*Client) GetVersion

func (clt *Client) GetVersion() string

func (*Client) GetVersionNumbers

func (clt *Client) GetVersionNumbers() (major, minor, patch int, err error)

func (*Client) IsApplicationTemplateCapable

func (clt *Client) IsApplicationTemplateCapable() error

func (*Client) IsEdgeResourceCapable

func (clt *Client) IsEdgeResourceCapable() error

func (*Client) LinkEdgeResource

func (clt *Client) LinkEdgeResource(request LinkEdgeResourceRequest) error

LinkEdgeResource links an Edge Resource to an Agent using Controller REST API

func (*Client) ListAgents

func (clt *Client) ListAgents(request ListAgentsRequest) (response ListAgentsResponse, err error)

ListAgents returns all ioFog Agents information using Controller REST API

func (*Client) ListApplicationTemplates

func (clt *Client) ListApplicationTemplates() (*ApplicationTemplateListResponse, error)

func (*Client) ListEdgeResources

func (clt *Client) ListEdgeResources() (response ListEdgeResourceResponse, err error)

ListEdgeResources list all Edge Resources using Controller REST API

func (*Client) ListRegistries

func (clt *Client) ListRegistries() (response RegistryListResponse, err error)

ListRegistries retrieve all registries information from the Controller REST API

func (*Client) ListRoutes

func (clt *Client) ListRoutes() (response RouteListResponse, err error)

func (*Client) Login

func (clt *Client) Login(request LoginRequest) (err error)

func (*Client) PatchApplication

func (clt *Client) PatchApplication(name string, request *ApplicationPatchRequest) (*ApplicationInfo, error)

UpdateApplication patches an application using the Controller REST API

func (*Client) PatchRoute

func (clt *Client) PatchRoute(appName, name string, route *Route) (err error)

func (*Client) PruneAgent

func (clt *Client) PruneAgent(uuid string) (err error)

PruneAgent prunes an ioFog Agent using Controller REST API

func (*Client) PutDefaultProxy

func (clt *Client) PutDefaultProxy(address string) (err error)

func (*Client) PutDefaultRouter

func (clt *Client) PutDefaultRouter(router Router) (err error)

func (*Client) PutPublicPortHost

func (clt *Client) PutPublicPortHost(protocol Protocol, host string) (err error)

func (*Client) RebootAgent

func (clt *Client) RebootAgent(uuid string) (err error)

RebootAgent reboots an ioFog Agent using Controller REST API

func (*Client) RefreshUserSubscriptionKeyCtl added in v3.3.7

func (clt *Client) RefreshUserSubscriptionKeyCtl(request LoginRequest) (err error, userSubscriptionKey string)

func (*Client) RollbackAgent

func (clt *Client) RollbackAgent(name string) error

func (*Client) SetAccessToken

func (clt *Client) SetAccessToken(token string)

func (*Client) SetRetries

func (clt *Client) SetRetries(retries Retries)

func (*Client) StartApplication

func (clt *Client) StartApplication(name string) (*ApplicationInfo, error)

StartApplication set the application as active using the Controller REST API

func (*Client) StartFlow

func (clt *Client) StartFlow(id int) (*FlowInfo, error)

StartFlow set the flow as active using the Controller REST API

func (*Client) StopApplication

func (clt *Client) StopApplication(name string) (*ApplicationInfo, error)

StopApplication set the application as inactive using the Controller REST API

func (*Client) StopFlow

func (clt *Client) StopFlow(id int) (*FlowInfo, error)

StopFlow set the flow as inactive using the Controller REST API

func (*Client) UnlinkEdgeResource

func (clt *Client) UnlinkEdgeResource(request LinkEdgeResourceRequest) error

UnlinkEdgeResource unlinks an Edge Resource from an Agent using Controller REST API

func (*Client) UpdateAgent

func (clt *Client) UpdateAgent(request *AgentUpdateRequest) (*AgentInfo, error)

UpdateAgent patches an ioFog Agent using Controller REST API

func (*Client) UpdateApplicationFromYAML

func (clt *Client) UpdateApplicationFromYAML(name string, file io.Reader) (*ApplicationInfo, error)

UpdateApplicationFromYAML updates an application using the Controller REST API It sends the yaml file to Controller REST API

func (*Client) UpdateApplicationTemplateFromYAML

func (clt *Client) UpdateApplicationTemplateFromYAML(name string, file io.Reader) (*ApplicationTemplate, error)

UpdateApplicationTemplateFromYAML updates an application template using the Controller REST API It sends the yaml file to Controller REST API

func (*Client) UpdateApplicationTemplateMetadata

func (clt *Client) UpdateApplicationTemplateMetadata(name string, newMeta *ApplicationTemplateMetadataUpdateRequest) error

func (*Client) UpdateCatalogItem

func (clt *Client) UpdateCatalogItem(request *CatalogItemUpdateRequest) (*CatalogItemInfo, error)

UpdateCatalogItem updates one catalog item using Controller REST API

func (*Client) UpdateFlow

func (clt *Client) UpdateFlow(request *FlowUpdateRequest) (*FlowInfo, error)

UpdateFlow patches a flow using the Controller REST API

func (*Client) UpdateHTTPEdgeResource

func (clt *Client) UpdateHTTPEdgeResource(name string, request *EdgeResourceMetadata) error

UpdateHttpEdgeResource updates an HTTP Based Edge Resources using Controller REST API

func (*Client) UpdateMicroserviceFromYAML

func (clt *Client) UpdateMicroserviceFromYAML(uuid string, file io.Reader) (*MicroserviceInfo, error)

UpdateMicroserviceFromYAML updates a microservice using the Controller REST API It sends the yaml file to Controller REST API

func (*Client) UpdateMicroserviceRoutes

func (clt *Client) UpdateMicroserviceRoutes(uuid string, currentRoutes, newRoutes []string) (err error)

func (*Client) UpdateRegistry

func (clt *Client) UpdateRegistry(request RegistryUpdateRequest) error

UpdateRegistry patches a registry using the Controller REST API

func (*Client) UpdateRoute

func (clt *Client) UpdateRoute(route *Route) (err error)

func (*Client) UpdateUserPassword

func (clt *Client) UpdateUserPassword(request UpdateUserPasswordRequest) (err error)

func (*Client) UpgradeAgent

func (clt *Client) UpgradeAgent(name string) error

type ConflictError

type ConflictError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ConflictError export

func NewConflictError

func NewConflictError(msg string) (err *ConflictError)

NewConflictError export

func (*ConflictError) Error

func (err *ConflictError) Error() string

Error export

type ControllerStatus

type ControllerStatus struct {
	Status        string             `json:"status"`
	UptimeSeconds float64            `json:"uptimeSec"`
	Versions      ControllerVersions `json:"versions"`

type ControllerVersions

type ControllerVersions struct {
	Controller string `json:"controller"`
	EcnViewer  string `json:"ecnViewer"`

type CreateAgentRequest

type CreateAgentRequest struct {
	AgentUpdateRequest `json:",inline"`

type CreateAgentResponse

type CreateAgentResponse struct {
	UUID string

type EdgeResourceDisplay

type EdgeResourceDisplay struct {
	Name  string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Icon  string `json:"icon,omitempty"`
	Color string `json:"color,omitempty"`

type EdgeResourceMetadata

type EdgeResourceMetadata struct {
	Name              string                 `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Description       string                 `json:"description,omitempty"`
	Version           string                 `json:"version,omitempty"`
	InterfaceProtocol string                 `json:"interfaceProtocol,omitempty"`
	Display           *EdgeResourceDisplay   `json:"display,omitempty"`
	Interface         HTTPEdgeResource       `json:"interface,omitempty"` // TODO: Make this generic
	OrchestrationTags []string               `json:"orchestrationTags,omitempty"`
	Custom            map[string]interface{} `json:"custom,omitempty"`

type Error

type Error struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewError

func NewError(msg string) (err *Error)

func (*Error) Error

func (err *Error) Error() string

type FlowCreateRequest

type FlowCreateRequest struct {
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`

type FlowCreateResponse

type FlowCreateResponse struct {
	ID   int    `json:"id"`
	Name string `json:"name"`

type FlowInfo

type FlowInfo struct {
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Description string `json:"description"`
	IsActivated bool   `json:"isActivated"`
	IsSystem    bool   `json:"isSystem"`
	UserID      int    `json:"userId"`
	ID          int    `json:"id"`

Flows - Keep for legacy

type FlowListResponse

type FlowListResponse struct {
	Flows []FlowInfo `json:"flows"`

type FlowUpdateRequest

type FlowUpdateRequest struct {
	Name        *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	IsActivated *bool   `json:"isActivated,omitempty"`
	IsSystem    *bool   `json:"isSystem,omitempty"`
	ID          int     `json:"-"`

type GetAgentProvisionKeyResponse

type GetAgentProvisionKeyResponse struct {
	Key             string `json:"key"`
	ExpireTimeMsUTC int64  `json:"expirationTime"`

type HTTPEdgeResource

type HTTPEdgeResource struct {
	Endpoints []HTTPEndpoint `json:"endpoints,omitempty"`

type HTTPEndpoint

type HTTPEndpoint struct {
	Name   string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Method string `json:"method,omitempty"`
	URL    string `json:"url,omitempty"`

type HTTPError

type HTTPError struct {
	Code int
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

HTTPError export

func NewHTTPError

func NewHTTPError(message string, code int) (err *HTTPError)

NewHTTPError export

func (*HTTPError) Error

func (err *HTTPError) Error() string

Error export

type InputError

type InputError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

InputError export

func NewInputError

func NewInputError(message string) (err *InputError)

NewInputError export

func (*InputError) Error

func (err *InputError) Error() string

Error export

type InternalError

type InternalError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

InternalError export

func NewInternalError

func NewInternalError(message string) (err *InternalError)

NewInternalError export

func (*InternalError) Error

func (err *InternalError) Error() string

Error export

type LinkEdgeResourceRequest

type LinkEdgeResourceRequest struct {
	AgentUUID           string `json:"uuid"`
	EdgeResourceName    string `json:"-"`
	EdgeResourceVersion string `json:"-"`

type ListAgentsRequest

type ListAgentsRequest struct {
	System  bool              `json:"system"`
	Filters []AgentListFilter `json:"filters"`

type ListAgentsResponse

type ListAgentsResponse struct {
	Agents []AgentInfo `json:"fogs"`

type ListEdgeResourceResponse

type ListEdgeResourceResponse struct {
	EdgeResources []EdgeResourceMetadata `json:"edgeResources"`

type LoginRequest

type LoginRequest struct {
	Email    string `json:"email"`
	Password string `json:"password"`
	Totp     string `json:"totp"`

type LoginResponse

type LoginResponse struct {
	AccessToken string `json:"accessToken"`

type MicroserviceCreateResponse

type MicroserviceCreateResponse struct {
	UUID string `json:"uuid"`

type MicroserviceEnvironmentInfo

type MicroserviceEnvironmentInfo struct {
	Key   string `json:"key"`
	Value string `json:"value"`

type MicroserviceExtraHost

type MicroserviceExtraHost struct {
	Name    string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Address string `json:"address,omitempty"`
	Value   string `json:"value,omitempty"`

type MicroserviceInfo

type MicroserviceInfo struct {
	UUID              string                          `json:"uuid"`
	Config            string                          `json:"config"`
	Name              string                          `json:"name"`
	RootHostAccess    bool                            `json:"rootHostAccess"`
	Runtime           []string                        `json:"runtime,omitempty"`
	Platform          []string                        `json:"platform,omitempty"`
	RunAsUser         []string                        `json:"runAsUser,omitempty"`
	CdiDevices        []string                        `json:"cdiDevices,omitempty"`
	LogSize           int                             `json:"logSize"`
	Delete            bool                            `json:"delete"`
	DeleteWithCleanup bool                            `json:"deleteWithCleanup"`
	FlowID            int                             `json:"flowId"`
	ApplicationID     int                             `json:"applicationID"`
	Application       string                          `json:"application"`
	CatalogItemID     int                             `json:"catalogItemId"`
	AgentUUID         string                          `json:"iofogUuid"`
	UserID            int                             `json:"userId"`
	RegistryID        int                             `json:"registryId"`
	Ports             []MicroservicePortMappingInfo   `json:"ports"`
	Volumes           []MicroserviceVolumeMappingInfo `json:"volumeMappings"`
	Commands          []string                        `json:"cmd"`
	Env               []MicroserviceEnvironmentInfo   `json:"env"`
	ExtraHosts        []MicroserviceExtraHost         `json:"extraHosts"`
	Status            MicroserviceStatusInfo          `json:"status"`
	Images            []CatalogImage                  `json:"images"`

type MicroserviceListResponse

type MicroserviceListResponse struct {
	Microservices []MicroserviceInfo

type MicroservicePortMappingInfo

type MicroservicePortMappingInfo struct {
	Internal int64                       `json:"internal"`
	External int64                       `json:"external"`
	Public   *MicroservicePublicPortInfo `json:"public,omitempty"`
	Proxy    *MicroserviceProxyPortInfo  `json:"proxy,omitempty"`
	Protocol string                      `json:"protocol,omitempty"`

type MicroservicePortMappingListResponse

type MicroservicePortMappingListResponse struct {
	PortMappings []MicroservicePortMappingInfo `json:"ports"`

type MicroserviceProxyPortInfo

type MicroserviceProxyPortInfo struct {
	Host     string `json:"host"`
	Port     int64  `json:"port"`
	Protocol string `json:"protocol"`

type MicroservicePublicPort

type MicroservicePublicPort struct {
	MicroserviceUUID string     `json:"microserviceUuid"`
	PublicPort       PublicPort `json:"publicPort"`

type MicroservicePublicPortInfo

type MicroservicePublicPortInfo struct {
	Schemes  []string                          `json:"schemes"`
	Links    []string                          `json:"links"`
	Protocol string                            `json:"protocol"`
	Enabled  bool                              `json:"enabled"`
	Router   *MicroservicePublicPortRouterInfo `json:"router,omitempty"`

type MicroservicePublicPortRouterInfo

type MicroservicePublicPortRouterInfo struct {
	Port int64  `json:"port"`
	Host string `json:"host"`

type MicroserviceStatusInfo

type MicroserviceStatusInfo struct {
	Status            string  `json:"status"`
	StartTime         int64   `json:"startTime"`
	OperatingDuration int64   `json:"operatingDuration"`
	MemoryUsage       float64 `json:"memoryUsage"`
	CPUUsage          float64 `json:"cpuUsage"`
	ContainerID       string  `json:"containerId"`
	Percentage        float64 `json:"percentage"`
	ErrorMessage      string  `json:"errorMessage"`

type MicroserviceVolumeMappingInfo

type MicroserviceVolumeMappingInfo struct {
	HostDestination      string `json:"hostDestination"`
	ContainerDestination string `json:"containerDestination"`
	AccessMode           string `json:"accessMode"`
	Type                 string `json:"type,omitempty"`

type NotFoundError

type NotFoundError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

NotFoundError export

func NewNotFoundError

func NewNotFoundError(msg string) (err *NotFoundError)

NewNotFoundError export

func (*NotFoundError) Error

func (err *NotFoundError) Error() string

Error export

type NotSupportedError

type NotSupportedError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

NotSupported export

func NewNotSupportedError

func NewNotSupportedError(capability string) (err *NotSupportedError)

NewNotSupported export

func (*NotSupportedError) Error

func (err *NotSupportedError) Error() string

Error export

type Options

type Options struct {
	BaseURL *url.URL
	Retries *Retries
	Timeout int

type Protocol

type Protocol = string

type PublicPort

type PublicPort struct {
	Protocol string `json:"protocol"`
	Queue    string `json:"queueName"`
	Port     int    `json:"publicPort"`

type RegistryCreateRequest

type RegistryCreateRequest struct {
	URL          string `json:"url"`
	IsPublic     bool   `json:"isPublic"`
	Certificate  string `json:"certificate"`
	RequiresCert bool   `json:"requiresCert"`
	Username     string `json:"username"`
	Email        string `json:"email"`
	Password     string `json:"password"`

type RegistryCreateResponse

type RegistryCreateResponse struct {
	ID int `json:"id"`

type RegistryInfo

type RegistryInfo struct {
	ID           int    `json:"id"`
	URL          string `json:"url"`
	IsPublic     bool   `json:"isPublic"`
	IsSecure     bool   `json:"isSecure"`
	Certificate  string `json:"certificate"`
	RequiresCert bool   `json:"requiresCert"`
	Username     string `json:"username"`
	Email        string `json:"userEmail"`


type RegistryListResponse

type RegistryListResponse struct {
	Registries []RegistryInfo `json:"registries"`

type RegistryUpdateRequest

type RegistryUpdateRequest struct {
	URL          *string `json:"url,omitempty"`
	IsPublic     *bool   `json:"isPublic,omitempty"`
	Certificate  *string `json:"certificate,omitempty"`
	RequiresCert *bool   `json:"requiresCert,omitempty"`
	Username     *string `json:"username,omitempty"`
	Email        *string `json:"email,omitempty"`
	Password     *string `json:"password,omitempty"`
	ID           int     `json:"-"`

type Retries

type Retries struct {
	Timeout       int
	CustomMessage map[string]int
var GlobalRetriesPolicy Retries

type Route

type Route struct {
	Name                   string `json:"name"`
	Application            string `json:"application"`
	SourceMicroserviceUUID string `json:"sourceMicroserviceUuid,omitempty"`
	DestMicroserviceUUID   string `json:"destMicroserviceUuid,omitempty"`
	From                   string `json:"from"`
	To                     string `json:"to"`

Route still has deprecated Dest/SourceUUID for retro compatibility Prefer From and To

type RouteListResponse

type RouteListResponse struct {
	Routes []Route `json:"routes"`

type Router

type Router struct {
	Host string `json:"host"`

type RouterConfig

type RouterConfig struct {
	RouterMode      *string `json:"routerMode,omitempty" yaml:"routerMode,omitempty"`
	MessagingPort   *int    `json:"messagingPort,omitempty" yaml:"messagingPort,omitempty"`
	EdgeRouterPort  *int    `json:"edgeRouterPort,omitempty" yaml:"edgeRouterPort,omitempty"`
	InterRouterPort *int    `json:"interRouterPort,omitempty" yaml:"interRouterPort,omitempty"`

type TemplateVariable

type TemplateVariable struct {
	Key          string      `json:"key" yaml:"key,omitempty"`
	Description  string      `json:"description" yaml:"description,omitempty"`
	DefaultValue interface{} `json:"defaultValue,omitempty" yaml:"defaultValue,omitempty"`
	Value        interface{} `json:"value,omitempty" yaml:"value,omitempty"`

type UpdateConfigRequest

type UpdateConfigRequest struct {
	Key   string `json:"key"`
	Value string `json:"value"`

type UpdateUserPasswordRequest

type UpdateUserPasswordRequest struct {
	OldPassword string `json:"oldPassword"`
	NewPassword string `json:"newPassword"`

type User

type User struct {
	Name            string `json:"firstName"`
	Surname         string `json:"lastName"`
	Email           string `json:"email"`
	Password        string `json:"password"`
	SubscriptionKey string `json:"subscriptionKey"`

type UserResponse added in v3.3.6

type UserResponse struct {
	Name            string `json:"firstName"`
	Surname         string `json:"lastName"`
	Email           string `json:"email"`
	SubscriptionKey string `json:"subscriptionKey"`

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL