Path | Synopsis |
Extensions to the standard "os" package.
Extensions to the standard "os" package. |
Package bcrypt implements Provos and Mazières's bcrypt adaptive hashing algorithm.
Package bcrypt implements Provos and Mazières's bcrypt adaptive hashing algorithm. |
Package blowfish implements Bruce Schneier's Blowfish encryption algorithm.
Package blowfish implements Bruce Schneier's Blowfish encryption algorithm. |
Package ssh implements an SSH client and server.
Package ssh implements an SSH client and server. |
Package terminal provides support functions for dealing with terminals, as commonly found on UNIX systems.
Package terminal provides support functions for dealing with terminals, as commonly found on UNIX systems. |
This package contains integration tests for the package.
This package contains integration tests for the package. |
Package websocket implements a client and server for the WebSocket protocol as specified in RFC 6455.
Package websocket implements a client and server for the WebSocket protocol as specified in RFC 6455. |
Package transform provides reader and writer wrappers that transform the bytes passing through as well as various transformations.
Package transform provides reader and writer wrappers that transform the bytes passing through as well as various transformations. |
Package norm contains types and functions for normalizing Unicode strings.
Package norm contains types and functions for normalizing Unicode strings. |
GoMock - a mock framework for Go.
GoMock - a mock framework for Go. |
Package embedded defines embedded data types that are shared between the go.rice package and generated code.
Package embedded defines embedded data types that are shared between the go.rice package and generated code. |
Package hipchat provides a client library for the Hipchat REST API.
Package hipchat provides a client library for the Hipchat REST API. |
Package pat implements a simple URL pattern muxer
Package pat implements a simple URL pattern muxer |
Package zipexe attempts to open an executable binary file as a zip file.
Package zipexe attempts to open an executable binary file as a zip file. |
Package authcookie implements creation and verification of signed authentication cookies.
Package authcookie implements creation and verification of signed authentication cookies. |
Package passwordreset implements creation and verification of secure tokens useful for implementation of "reset forgotten password" feature in web applications.
Package passwordreset implements creation and verification of secure tokens useful for implementation of "reset forgotten password" feature in web applications. |
Package uniuri generates random strings good for use in URIs to identify unique objects.
Package uniuri generates random strings good for use in URIs to identify unique objects. |
Package pools provides a collection of pools which provide various data types with buffers.
Package pools provides a collection of pools which provide various data types with buffers. |
Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package
Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package |
Package github implements a simple client to consume gitlab API.
Package github implements a simple client to consume gitlab API. |
Meddler is a small toolkit to take some of the tedium out of moving data back and forth between sql queries and structs.
Meddler is a small toolkit to take some of the tedium out of moving data back and forth between sql queries and structs. |
Oh the stack trace scanning! The density of comments in this file is evidence that the code doesn't exactly explain itself.
Oh the stack trace scanning! The density of comments in this file is evidence that the code doesn't exactly explain itself. |
Package assertions contains the implementations for all assertions which are referenced in the convey package for use with the So(...) method.
Package assertions contains the implementations for all assertions which are referenced in the convey package for use with the So(...) method. |
Package oglematchers provides a set of matchers useful in a testing or mocking framework.
Package oglematchers provides a set of matchers useful in a testing or mocking framework. |
createmock is used to generate source code for mock versions of interfaces from installed packages.
createmock is used to generate source code for mock versions of interfaces from installed packages. |
Package generate implements code generation for mock classes.
Package generate implements code generation for mock classes. |
Package complicated_pkg contains an interface with lots of interesting cases, for use in integration testing.
Package complicated_pkg contains an interface with lots of interesting cases, for use in integration testing. |
A package that calls itself something different than its package path would have you believe.
A package that calls itself something different than its package path would have you believe. |
Package ogletest provides a framework for writing expressive unit tests.
Package ogletest provides a framework for writing expressive unit tests. |
Package gotest contains internal functionality.
Package gotest contains internal functionality. |
Package reporting contains internal functionality related to console reporting and output.
Package reporting contains internal functionality related to console reporting and output. |
Package yaml implements YAML support for the Go language.
Package yaml implements YAML support for the Go language. |
Package goyaml implements YAML support for the Go language.
Package goyaml implements YAML support for the Go language. |
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.