Roadrunner middleware: Souin
This is a distributed HTTP cache module for Roadrunner based on Souin cache.
Build the roadrunner binary
# ref -> reference, tag, commit or branch
ref = "master"
# the debug option is used to build RR with debug symbols to profile it with pprof
enabled = false
token = "GH_TOKEN"
logger = { ref = "master", owner = "roadrunner-server", repository = "logger" }
cache = { ref = "master", owner = "darkweak", repository = "souin", folder = "/plugins/roadrunner" }
# others ...
level = "debug"
mode = "development"
Example configuration
You can set each Souin configuration key under the http.cache
key. There is a configuration example below.
# .rr.yaml
# Other http sub keys
basepath: /souin-api # Default route basepath for every additional APIs to avoid conflicts with existing routes
prometheus: # Prometheus exposed metrics
basepath: /anything-for-prometheus-metrics # Change the prometheus endpoint basepath
souin: # Souin listing keys and cache management
basepath: /anything-for-souin # Change the souin endpoint basepath
disable_body: true # Prevent the body from being used in the cache key
disable_host: true # Prevent the host from being used in the cache key
disable_method: true # Prevent the method from being used in the cache key
disable_query: true # Prevent the query string from being used in the cache key
headers: # Add headers to the key
- Authorization # Add the header value in the key
- Content-Type # Add the header value in the key
cdn: # If Souin is set after a CDN fill these informations
api_key: XXXX # Your provider API key if mandatory
provider: fastly # The provider placed before Souin (e.g. fastly, cloudflare, akamai, varnish)
strategy: soft # The strategy to purge the CDN cache based on tags (e.g. soft, hard)
dynamic: true # If true, you'll be able to add custom keys than the ones defined under the surrogate_keys key
allowed_http_verbs: # Allowed HTTP verbs to cache (default GET, HEAD).
cache_name: Souin # Override the cache name to use in the Cache-Status header
distributed: true # Use Olric or Etcd distributed storage
disable_body: true # Prevent the body from being used in the cache key
disable_host: true # Prevent the host from being used in the cache key
disable_method: true # Prevent the method from being used in the cache key
disable_query: true # Prevent the query string from being used in the cache key
headers: # Add headers to the key
- Authorization # Add the header value in the key
- Content-Type # Add the header value in the key
hide: true # Prevent the key from being exposed in the `Cache-Status` HTTP response header
etcd: # If distributed is set to true, you'll have to define either the etcd or olric section
configuration: # Configure directly the Etcd client
endpoints: # Define multiple endpoints
- etcd-1:2379 # First node
- etcd-2:2379 # Second node
- etcd-3:2379 # Third node
olric: # If distributed is set to true, you'll have to define either the etcd or olric section
url: 'olric:3320' # Olric server
exclude: 'ARegexHere' # Regex to exclude from cache
stale: 1000s # Stale duration
timeout: # Timeout configuration
backend: 10s # Backend timeout before returning an HTTP unavailable response
cache: 20ms # Cache provider (badger, etcd, nutsdb, olric, depending the configuration you set) timeout before returning a miss
ttl: 1000s # Default TTL
default_cache_control: no-store # Set default value for Cache-Control response header if not set by upstream
log_level: INFO # Logs verbosity [ DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, DPANIC, PANIC, FATAL ], case do not matter
'https:\/\/\/first-.+': # First regex route configuration
ttl: 1000s # Override default TTL
'https:\/\/\/second-route': # Second regex route configuration
ttl: 10s # Override default TTL
'https?:\/\/mysubdomain\.domain\.com': # Third regex route configuration
ttl: 50s # Override default TTL'
default_cache_control: public, max-age=86400 # Override default default Cache-Control
Content-Type: '.+'
url: 'the/second/.+'
Content-Type: '.+'
url: 'the/second/.+'
- cache
# Other middlewares
Other resources
You can find an example for a docker-compose stack inside the examples
See the Souin configuration for the full configuration, and its associated development roadrunner middleware