online version of the flstat to navigate game data of the game Freelancer. You can see data about Bases, Guns, Ships and multiple other stuff.
See demos:
Contains sub projects
- darkcore Readme - reusable web part for freelancer related web tools. We can say it is filling same niche as "Framework" in normal projects.
- darkrelay - subproject to make darkstat having dynamic backend, which helps to break limitations of a static site generator which darkstat originally started as.
- configs - ORM library to access configs data.
- It was made in mind with supporting Freelancer Discovery as first order.
- Support is extended to Vanilla version.
- Any other mode will be supported on request, see contacts to get in touch.
Development setup
git clone https://github.com/darklab8/fl-configs repository for game configs scan, download it to same parent folder as this repository
install golang of project version or higher (potentially will work anyway).
install templ
- go install github.com/a-h/templ/cmd/templ@latest
- check specific version in go.mod
- In case of emergency we could use vendored in version perhaps
check environment variables to set
- set your own environment variable FREELANCER_FOLDER to Freelancer Folder
- ensure it was set.
at Linux or echo %FREELANCER_FOLDER%
at windows
- Check to have set other values from enverant.json ! Some options make development way more pleasant by speeding up rerender by disabling unnecessary features!
install Taskfile and check commands to run
- run some command, for example
task web
if u wish access to task dev:watch
that reloads running web server on file changes, then install pip install watchdog[watchmedo]
and ensure watchmedo
binary is available to task dev:watch
command written in Taskfile
If u have problems with configuring development environment, then seek my contacts below to help you through it ^_^
- Long term maintance support for dozen of years. Minimum dependencies software with Golang and Htmx.
- full GitOps. On commit push to redeploy it automatically
- scans Freelancer folder and builds to static assets (html/css/js) deployable to Github pages or any other static assets serving place.
- Usable locally for Linux and Windows.
- Only Freelancer Discovery mod and Vanilla are supported at the moment
Darkstat has API access
JSON rest one, with swagger documentation
- API has swagger documentation accessable from its interface by button "API" at the top of menu
Alternatively we offer Client generation through gRPC!
- With gRPC you can export our proto file and generate client with precise data structs and methods of API for your any language! Be it C#, Javascript, Python or even C++
- Full list of supported languages here https://grpc.io/docs/languages/
- You get static typing validations
- You get performance boosts from using grpc compression stuff
- We change server side smth? Just regenerate the lib to keep up with updates ^_^
- Import darkstat proto file for its usage and generate client lib from it with
- addresses to connect:
- for local instance localhost:50051, or optionally unix socket
at linux for extra performance boosts.
- for deployed instances for discovery and vanilla, they are hosted over darkgrpc.dd84ai.com and darkgrpc-vanilla.dd84ai.com accordingly. 80 and 443 ports accordingly
- see example in golang of interacting with grpc if desired
- up to date exposed grpc domains can be found in this file as rpc_prefix + zone combination
- Make sure to set in your client option to increase accepting data size
grpc.WithDefaultCallOptions(grpc.MaxCallRecvMsgSize(32 * 10e6))
What makes different from regular flstat
- Obviously online
- i also added at last Commodities view with prices per volume ^_^ better reflecting situation for Freelancer Discovery.
- It is interesting to see in Ship details exact Hp Types of equipment you can install onto ship. Other tabs like Guns, Shields, Engines show those Hp Type, so u could find equipment exactly supported for your Light Fighter, Heavy Fighter, Gunboat, Cruser or whatever (u can sort by column to find all such equipment)
- Tractors tab has info regarding Discovery IDs and where to buy them ^_^
- other extra tabs like Engines, CMs added
- Tabs for different equipment could be showing more full list of equipment in "Show all" mode.
- Has searching/filtering options with multiple matching items shown
- You can pin items for comparison
- For Discovery Freelancer, u can select ID/Tractor and having guns/ships etc filtered/shown according to what your ID can use without power core regeneration debuffs. Shows ID compatibility (75% ID compatibility at any equiped item will mean having only 75% of Power core regeneration)
Local usage
- download latest from https://github.com/darklab8/fl-darkstat/releases , they are autobuilt from CI, so they will be always there.
- put file into root of Freelancer folder and start
- optionally launch from anywhere, just add env variable FREELANCER_FOLDER with location to freelancer folder root.
- visit http://localhost:8000/ as printed in console to see web site locally
- Launching from
or any other console at Freelancer Discovery folder path is preferable. Because u will see detailed log output.
P.S. The tool uses lazy filesystem approach by grabbing first file with matching name. I did not use full paths.
So don't have folder "DATA2" duplicating all files in same FreelancerDiscovery folder
Docker usage
- Docker releases are available too. tag
is latest stable and running in prod.
- Configuration for its running check in terraform infra code of module darkstat
- you need to point at least volume -v /data:/path_to_frelancer_folder
- and point required environment variables as described there
- docker images are built for amd64 and arm64 :)
- The tool was strongly inspired by flstat originally written by Dan Tascau
- In general a lot of stuff was checked from Starport wiki
- Formulas for angular stuff were found in flint
- Discord Community in starport also answered multiple questions
- as well as Freelancer Discovery dev community
- Also thanks to The Alex (From Freelancer Discovery) for getting me Python script for reading dlls
- Honorary mentions for very active moral support and extra ideas by
- IrateRedKite (from starport Discord)
- Bolte (from starport Discord)
See anouncements at Discovery Freelancer forum thread
fl-darkstat was originally created by Andrei Novoselov (aka darkwind, aka dd84ai)
The work is released under AGPL license, free to modify, copy and etc. as long as you keep code open source and mentioned original author.
See LICENSE file for details.