This is an app that scrapes iptables rules from NF-INTERCEPT chain for Ziti Services and updates the gobgp server
to distributes these service prefixes out to neighbors. It utilizes gobgp server library to stand up a bgp speaker and
configures it using gobgp apis. The open source project can be found at gobgp github
The configuration file that needs to be created for the bgp speaker. The minimum file content must be as follows:
as = 65000
router-id = ""
local-address-list = [""]
import-policy-list = ["policy1"]
default-import-policy = "reject-route"
export-policy-list = ["policy2"]
default-export-policy = "accept-route"
peer-as = 65001
neighbor-address = ""
More about the configuration options can be found at bgp configuration example.
Keep in mind that the main objective of this app is to use the server to announce prefixes extracted from Ziti Services and not import any prefixes from neighbors.
Thus, the example shown above is more than enough to satisfy the given objective.
Cli options
./iptables-bgp-scraper -h
an app that scrapes iptables rules for Ziti Services under NF-INTERCEPTS Chain, then utilizes gobgp server to advertize scraped prefixes to bgp neighbors.
iptables-bgp-scraper [flags]
iptables-bgp-scraper [command]
Available Commands:
client zbgp client command
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
version Print the version number of iptables-bgp-scraper
-h, --help help for iptables-bgp-scraper
-l, --log-level string specifying log level (default "Info")
Use "iptables-bgp-scraper [command] --help" for more information about a command.
./iptables-bgp-scraper client server -h
This command runs gobgp in server mode that the client can use a a bgp speaker to neighbors
iptables-bgp-scraper client server [flags]
-a, --api-hosts string specify the hosts that gobgpd listens on (default ":50051")
-c, --config-file string specifying a config file
-t, --config-type string specifying config type (toml, yaml, json) (default "toml")
-r, --graceful-restart flag restart-state in graceful-restart capability (default true)
-h, --help help for server
-n, --sdnotify use sd_notify protocol (default true)
Global Flags:
-l, --log-level string specifying log level (default "Info")
Example to run in background
sudo nohup ./iptables-bgp-scraper client server -c /etc/gobgpd.conf &
To create a stackdump in runtime, please run this command:
sudo kill -3 $(pidof iptables-bgp-scraper)