Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func BcryptCheckStringHash(newString, hash string) bool
- func BcryptHashString(password string) (string, error)
- func BuildOutcome(inFieldMap map[string]interface{}, outcome Outcome) (*api2go.Api2GoModel, api2go.Request, error)
- func CheckAllTableStatus(initConfig *CmsConfig, db *sqlx.DB)
- func CheckAuditTables(config *CmsConfig, db *sqlx.DB)
- func CheckErr(err error, message ...interface{})
- func CheckError(err error, msg string)
- func CheckRelations(config *CmsConfig, db *sqlx.DB)
- func CheckTable(tableInfo *TableInfo, db *sqlx.DB)
- func CopyFile(src, dst string) (err error)
- func CreateAMapOfColumnsWeWantInTheFinalTable(tableInfo *TableInfo) (map[string]bool, map[string]api2go.ColumnInfo)
- func CreateGetActionHandler(initConfig *CmsConfig, configStore *ConfigStore, cruds map[string]*DbResource) func(*gin.Context)
- func CreateGuestActionListHandler(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) func(*gin.Context)
- func CreateIndexes(initConfig *CmsConfig, db *sqlx.DB)
- func CreatePostActionHandler(initConfig *CmsConfig, configStore *ConfigStore, cruds map[string]*DbResource, ...) func(*gin.Context)
- func CreateRelations(initConfig *CmsConfig, db *sqlx.DB)
- func CreateTable(tableInfo *TableInfo, db *sqlx.DB)
- func CreateUniqueConstraints(initConfig *CmsConfig, db *sqlx.DB)
- func Decrypt(key []byte, cryptoText string) (string, error)
- func Encrypt(key []byte, text string) (string, error)
- func EndsWithCheck(str string, endsWith string) bool
- func GetActionMapByTypeName(db *sqlx.DB) (map[string]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func GetAdminUserIdAndUserGroupId(db *sqlx.DB) (int64, int64)
- func GetDataArray(sheet *xlsx.Sheet) (dataMap []map[string]interface{}, columnNames []string, err error)
- func GetFakeRow(columns []api2go.ColumnInfo) map[string]interface{}
- func GetMD5Hash(text string) string
- func GetOauthConnectionById(authenticatorId int64, dbResource *DbResource) (*oauth2.Config, string, error)
- func GetOauthConnectionDescription(authenticator string, dbResource *DbResource) (*oauth2.Config, string, error)
- func GetObjectByWhereClause(objType string, db *sqlx.DB, queries ...squirrel.Eq) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func GetValidatedInFields(actionRequest ActionRequest, action Action) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func GetWorldTableMapBy(col string, db *sqlx.DB) (map[string]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func ImportDataFiles(initConfig *CmsConfig, db *sqlx.DB, cruds map[string]*DbResource)
- func InfoErr(err error, message string)
- func InitialiseColumnManager()
- func IsReservedWord(w string) bool
- func MakeCreateTableQuery(tableInfo *TableInfo, sqlDriverName string) string
- func NewClientNotification(notificationType string, message string, title string) map[string]interface{}
- func NewMapStringScan(columnNames []string) *mapStringScan
- func NewResponse(metadata map[string]interface{}, result interface{}, statusCode int, ...) api2go.Responder
- func ReferenceIdToIntegerId(typeName string, referenceId string, db *sqlx.DB) (int64, error)
- func RowsToMap(rows *sqlx.Rows, typeName string) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func SmallSnakeCaseText(str string) string
- func UpdateActionTable(initConfig *CmsConfig, db *sqlx.DB) error
- func UpdateExchanges(initConfig *CmsConfig, db *sqlx.DB)
- func UpdateMarketplaces(initConfig *CmsConfig, db *sqlx.DB)
- func UpdateStateMachineDescriptions(initConfig *CmsConfig, db *sqlx.DB)
- func UpdateStreams(initConfig *CmsConfig, db *sqlx.DB)
- func UpdateWorldColumnTable(initConfig *CmsConfig, db *sqlx.DB)
- func UpdateWorldTable(initConfig *CmsConfig, db *sqlx.DB)
- func ValueOf(x interface{}) interface{}
- type Action
- type ActionPerformerInterface
- func NewBecomeAdminPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
- func NewDownloadCmsConfigPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
- func NewExportDataPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
- func NewFileUploadActionPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
- func NewGenerateJwtTokenPerformer(configStore *ConfigStore, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
- func NewImportDataPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
- func NewMarketplacePackageInstaller(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
- func NewOauthLoginBeginActionPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource, configStore *ConfigStore) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
- func NewOauthLoginResponseActionPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource, configStore *ConfigStore) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
- func NewRandomDataGeneratePerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
- func NewRefreshMarketplacePackagelistPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
- func NewRestarSystemPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
- func NewUploadFileToEntityPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
- type ActionRequest
- type ActionResponse
- type ActionRow
- type BecomeAdminActionPerformer
- type Change
- type CloudStore
- type CmsConfig
- type ColumnMap
- type ColumnMapping
- type ColumnTag
- type ColumnType
- type ColumnTypeManager
- type Config
- type ConfigStore
- type DataFileImport
- type DataValidationMiddleware
- func (dvm *DataValidationMiddleware) InterceptAfter(dr *DbResource, req *api2go.Request, results []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (dvm *DataValidationMiddleware) InterceptBefore(dr *DbResource, req *api2go.Request, objects []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (dvm DataValidationMiddleware) String() string
- type DatabaseRequestInterceptor
- func NewCreateEventHandler() DatabaseRequestInterceptor
- func NewDataValidationMiddleware(cmsConfig *CmsConfig, cruds *map[string]*DbResource) DatabaseRequestInterceptor
- func NewDeleteEventHandler() DatabaseRequestInterceptor
- func NewExchangeMiddleware(cmsConfig *CmsConfig, cruds *map[string]*DbResource) DatabaseRequestInterceptor
- func NewFindOneEventHandler() DatabaseRequestInterceptor
- func NewUpdateEventHandler() DatabaseRequestInterceptor
- type DbResource
- func (dbResource *DbResource) BecomeAdmin(userId int64) bool
- func (dbResource *DbResource) CanBecomeAdmin() bool
- func (dr *DbResource) Create(obj interface{}, req api2go.Request) (api2go.Responder, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) Delete(id string, req api2go.Request) (api2go.Responder, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) DirectInsert(typeName string, data map[string]interface{}) error
- func (dr *DbResource) FindOne(referenceId string, req api2go.Request) (api2go.Responder, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) GetActionByName(typeName string, actionName string) (Action, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) GetActionPermissionByName(worldId int64, actionName string) (Permission, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) GetActionsByType(typeName string) ([]Action, error)
- func (resource *DbResource) GetAllCloudStores() ([]CloudStore, error)
- func (resource *DbResource) GetAllMarketplaces() ([]Marketplace, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) GetAllObjects(typeName string) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) GetAllRawObjects(typeName string) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (resource *DbResource) GetAllSites() ([]SubSite, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) GetContext(key string) interface{}
- func (dr *DbResource) GetIdByWhereClause(typeName string, queries ...squirrel.Eq) ([]int64, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) GetIdToObject(typeName string, id int64) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) GetIdToReferenceId(typeName string, id int64) (string, error)
- func (resource *DbResource) GetMarketplaceByReferenceId(referenceId string) (Marketplace, error)
- func (resource *DbResource) GetOauthDescriptionByTokenId(id int64) (*oauth2.Config, error)
- func (resource *DbResource) GetOauthDescriptionByTokenReferenceId(referenceId string) (*oauth2.Config, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) GetObjectGroupsByObjectId(objType string, objectId int64) []auth.GroupPermission
- func (dr *DbResource) GetObjectPermission(objectType string, referenceId string) Permission
- func (dr *DbResource) GetObjectPermissionByWhereClause(objectType string, colName string, colValue string) Permission
- func (dr *DbResource) GetObjectUserGroupsByWhere(objType string, colName string, colvalue string) []auth.GroupPermission
- func (dr *DbResource) GetReferenceIdByWhereClause(typeName string, queries ...squirrel.Eq) ([]string, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) GetReferenceIdToId(typeName string, referenceId string) (uint64, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) GetReferenceIdToObject(typeName string, referenceId string) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) GetRowPermission(row map[string]interface{}) Permission
- func (dr *DbResource) GetRowsByWhereClause(typeName string, where ...squirrel.Eq) ([]map[string]interface{}, [][]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) GetSingleColumnValueByReferenceId(typeName string, selectColumn, matchColumn string, values []string) ([]interface{}, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) GetSingleRowByReferenceId(typeName string, referenceId string) (map[string]interface{}, []map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (resource *DbResource) GetTokenByTokenId(id int64) (*oauth2.Token, error)
- func (resource *DbResource) GetTokenByTokenReferenceId(referenceId string) (*oauth2.Token, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) GetTotalCount() uint64
- func (dr *DbResource) GetUserGroupIdByUserId(userId int64) uint64
- func (dr *DbResource) IsUserActionAllowed(userReferenceId string, userGroups []auth.GroupPermission, typeName string, ...) bool
- func (dr *DbResource) PaginatedFindAll(req api2go.Request) (totalCount uint, response api2go.Responder, err error)
- func (dr *DbResource) PutContext(key string, val interface{})
- func (dr *DbResource) ResultToArrayOfMap(rows *sqlx.Rows, columnMap map[string]api2go.ColumnInfo, includeNextLevel bool) ([]map[string]interface{}, [][]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) ResultToArrayOfMapRaw(rows *sqlx.Rows, columnMap map[string]api2go.ColumnInfo) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (dr *DbResource) TruncateTable(typeName string) error
- func (dr *DbResource) Update(obj interface{}, req api2go.Request) (api2go.Responder, error)
- func (resource *DbResource) UpdateAccessTokenByTokenId(id int64, accessToken string, expiresIn int64) error
- func (resource *DbResource) UpdateAccessTokenByTokenReferenceId(referenceId string, accessToken string, expiresIn int64) error
- type DownloadCmsConfigActionPerformer
- type ExchangeContract
- type ExchangeExecution
- type ExchangeInterface
- type ExchangeMiddleware
- func (em *ExchangeMiddleware) InterceptAfter(dr *DbResource, req *api2go.Request, results []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (em *ExchangeMiddleware) InterceptBefore(dr *DbResource, req *api2go.Request, objects []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (em *ExchangeMiddleware) String() string
- type ExportDataPerformer
- type ExternalExchange
- type Faker
- type FileUploadActionPerformer
- type FsmManager
- type GenerateJwtTokenActionPerformer
- type GomsError
- type ImportDataPerformer
- type LoopbackEventDesc
- type LoopbookFsmDescription
- type MarketPackage
- type Marketplace
- type MarketplacePackageInstallActionPerformer
- type MarketplaceService
- type MiddlewareSet
- type OauthLoginBeginActionPerformer
- type OauthLoginResponseActionPerformer
- type ObjectAccessPermissionChecker
- func (pc *ObjectAccessPermissionChecker) InterceptAfter(dr *DbResource, req *api2go.Request, results []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (pc *ObjectAccessPermissionChecker) InterceptBefore(dr *DbResource, req *api2go.Request, results []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (pc *ObjectAccessPermissionChecker) String() string
- type Outcome
- type Permission
- func (p Permission) CanExecute(userId string, usergroupId []auth.GroupPermission) bool
- func (p Permission) CanRead(userId string, usergroupId []auth.GroupPermission) bool
- func (p Permission) CanWrite(userId string, usergroupId []auth.GroupPermission) bool
- func (p1 Permission) CheckBit(userId string, usergroupId []auth.GroupPermission, bit int64) bool
- type RandomDataGeneratePerformer
- type RefreshMarketplacePackagelistPerformer
- type RestExchange
- type RestExternalExchange
- type RestartSystemActionPerformer
- type StateMachineEvent
- type StateMachineInstance
- type StatusResponse
- type StreamContract
- type StreamProcessor
- func (dr *StreamProcessor) Create(obj interface{}, req api2go.Request) (api2go.Responder, error)
- func (dr *StreamProcessor) Delete(id string, req api2go.Request) (api2go.Responder, error)
- func (dr *StreamProcessor) FindOne(ID string, req api2go.Request) (api2go.Responder, error)
- func (dr *StreamProcessor) GetContract() StreamContract
- func (dr *StreamProcessor) PaginatedFindAll(req api2go.Request) (totalCount uint, response api2go.Responder, err error)
- func (dr *StreamProcessor) Update(obj interface{}, req api2go.Request) (api2go.Responder, error)
- type SubSite
- type SubSiteInformation
- type TableAccessPermissionChecker
- func (pc *TableAccessPermissionChecker) InterceptAfter(dr *DbResource, req *api2go.Request, results []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (pc *TableAccessPermissionChecker) InterceptBefore(dr *DbResource, req *api2go.Request, results []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (pc *TableAccessPermissionChecker) String() string
- type TableInfo
- type Transformation
- type UploadFileToEntityPerformer
Constants ¶
const ( Added changeType = iota Removed ChangedType ChangedValue )
Variables ¶
var CollectionTypes = []string{
var ColumnTypes = []ColumnType{ { Name: "id", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "string", Validations: []string{}, DataTypes: []string{"varchar(20)", "varchar(10)"}, }, { Name: "alias", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "string", DataTypes: []string{"varchar(100)", "varchar(20)", "varchar(10)"}, }, { Name: "date", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "date", DataTypes: []string{"timestamp"}, }, { Name: "time", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "time", DataTypes: []string{"timestamp"}, }, { Name: "day", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "string", DataTypes: []string{"varchar(10)"}, }, { Name: "month", BlueprintType: "number", ReclineType: "string", Validations: []string{"min=1,max=12"}, DataTypes: []string{"int(4)"}, }, { Name: "year", BlueprintType: "number", ReclineType: "string", Validations: []string{"min=1900,max=2100"}, DataTypes: []string{"int(4)"}, }, { Name: "minute", BlueprintType: "number", Validations: []string{"min=0,max=59"}, DataTypes: []string{"int(4)"}, }, { Name: "hour", BlueprintType: "number", ReclineType: "string", DataTypes: []string{"int(4)"}, }, { Name: "datetime", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "date-time", DataTypes: []string{"timestamp"}, }, { Name: "email", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "string", Validations: []string{"email"}, Conformations: []string{"email"}, DataTypes: []string{"varchar(100)"}, }, { Name: "namespace", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "string", DataTypes: []string{"varchar(200)"}, }, { Name: "name", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "string", Validations: []string{"required"}, Conformations: []string{"name"}, DataTypes: []string{"varchar(100)"}, }, { Name: "encrypted", ReclineType: "string", BlueprintType: "string", DataTypes: []string{"varchar(100)", "varchar(500)", "varchar(500)", "text"}, }, { Name: "json", ReclineType: "string", BlueprintType: "string", DataTypes: []string{"text", "varchar(100)"}, }, { Name: "password", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "string", Validations: []string{"required"}, DataTypes: []string{"varchar(200)"}, }, { Name: "value", ReclineType: "string", BlueprintType: "number", DataTypes: []string{"varchar(100)"}, }, { Name: "truefalse", BlueprintType: "boolean", ReclineType: "boolean", DataTypes: []string{"boolean"}, }, { Name: "timestamp", BlueprintType: "timestamp", ReclineType: "date-time", DataTypes: []string{"timestamp"}, }, { Name: "location", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "geo_point", DataTypes: []string{"varchar(50)"}, }, { Name: "location.latitude", BlueprintType: "number", ReclineType: "number", Validations: []string{"latitude"}, DataTypes: []string{"float(7,4)"}, }, { Name: "location.longitude", BlueprintType: "number", ReclineType: "number", Validations: []string{"longitude"}, DataTypes: []string{"float(7,4)"}, }, { Name: "location.altitude", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "number", DataTypes: []string{"float(7,4)"}, }, { Name: "color", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "string", Validations: []string{"iscolor"}, DataTypes: []string{"varchar(50)"}, }, { Name: "rating.10", BlueprintType: "number", ReclineType: "string", Validations: []string{"min=0,max=10"}, DataTypes: []string{"int(4)"}, }, { Name: "measurement", ReclineType: "number", BlueprintType: "number", DataTypes: []string{"int(10)"}, }, { Name: "label", ReclineType: "string", BlueprintType: "string", DataTypes: []string{"varchar(100)"}, }, { Name: "content", ReclineType: "string", BlueprintType: "string", DataTypes: []string{"text"}, }, { Name: "file", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "binary", Validations: []string{"base64"}, DataTypes: []string{"text"}, }, { Name: "url", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "string", Validations: []string{"url"}, DataTypes: []string{"varchar(500)"}, }, { Name: "image", BlueprintType: "string", ReclineType: "binary", Validations: []string{"base64"}, DataTypes: []string{"text"}, }, }
var ConfigTableStructure = TableInfo{ TableName: settingsTableName, Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "id", ColumnName: "id", ColumnType: "id", DataType: "INTEGER", IsPrimaryKey: true, IsAutoIncrement: true, }, { Name: "name", ColumnName: "name", ColumnType: "string", DataType: "varchar(100)", IsNullable: false, IsIndexed: true, }, { Name: "ConfigType", ColumnName: "configtype", ColumnType: "string", DataType: "varchar(100)", IsNullable: false, IsIndexed: true, }, { Name: "ConfigState", ColumnName: "configstate", ColumnType: "string", DataType: "varchar(100)", IsNullable: false, IsIndexed: true, }, { Name: "ConfigEnv", ColumnName: "configenv", ColumnType: "string", DataType: "varchar(100)", IsNullable: false, IsIndexed: true, }, { Name: "Value", ColumnName: "value", ColumnType: "string", DataType: "varchar(100)", IsNullable: true, IsIndexed: true, }, { Name: "ValueType", ColumnName: "valuetype", ColumnType: "string", DataType: "varchar(100)", IsNullable: true, IsIndexed: true, }, { Name: "PreviousValue", ColumnName: "previousvalue", ColumnType: "string", DataType: "varchar(100)", IsNullable: true, IsIndexed: true, }, { Name: "CreatedAt", ColumnName: "created_at", ColumnType: "datetime", DataType: "timestamp", DefaultValue: "current_timestamp", IsNullable: false, IsIndexed: true, }, { Name: "UpdatedAt", ColumnName: "updated_at", ColumnType: "datetime", DataType: "timestamp", IsNullable: true, IsIndexed: true, }, }, }
var (
ERR_UNAUTHORIZED = errors.New("Unauthorized")
var EntityTypeToColumnTypeMap = map[fieldtypes.EntityType]string{
fieldtypes.DateTime: "datetime",
fieldtypes.Id: "label",
fieldtypes.Time: "time",
fieldtypes.Date: "date",
fieldtypes.Ipaddress: "label",
fieldtypes.Money: "measurement",
fieldtypes.Rating5: "measurement",
fieldtypes.Rating10: "measurement",
fieldtypes.Rating100: "measurement",
fieldtypes.Timestamp: "timestamp",
fieldtypes.NumberInt: "measurement",
fieldtypes.NumberFloat: "measurement",
fieldtypes.Boolean: "truefalse",
fieldtypes.Latitude: "location.latitude",
fieldtypes.Longitude: "location.longitude",
fieldtypes.City: "label",
fieldtypes.Country: "label",
fieldtypes.Continent: "label",
fieldtypes.State: "label",
fieldtypes.Pincode: "label",
fieldtypes.None: "content",
fieldtypes.Label: "label",
fieldtypes.Name: "name",
fieldtypes.Email: "email",
fieldtypes.Content: "content",
fieldtypes.Json: "json",
fieldtypes.Color: "color",
fieldtypes.Alias: "alias",
fieldtypes.Namespace: "namespace",
var EntityTypeToDataTypeMap = map[fieldtypes.EntityType]string{
fieldtypes.DateTime: "datetime",
fieldtypes.Id: "varchar(100)",
fieldtypes.Time: "time",
fieldtypes.Date: "date",
fieldtypes.Ipaddress: "varchar(100)",
fieldtypes.Money: "float(11)",
fieldtypes.Rating5: "int(4)",
fieldtypes.Rating10: "int(4)",
fieldtypes.Rating100: "int(4)",
fieldtypes.Timestamp: "timestamp",
fieldtypes.NumberInt: "int(5)",
fieldtypes.NumberFloat: "float(11)",
fieldtypes.Boolean: "bool",
fieldtypes.Latitude: "float(11)",
fieldtypes.Longitude: "float(11)",
fieldtypes.City: "varchar(100)",
fieldtypes.Country: "varchar(100)",
fieldtypes.Continent: "varchar(100)",
fieldtypes.State: "varchar(100)",
fieldtypes.Pincode: "varchar(20)",
fieldtypes.None: "varchar(100)",
fieldtypes.Label: "varchar(100)",
fieldtypes.Name: "varchar(100)",
fieldtypes.Email: "varchar(100)",
fieldtypes.Content: "text",
fieldtypes.Json: "text",
fieldtypes.Color: "varchar(10)",
fieldtypes.Alias: "varchar(100)",
fieldtypes.Namespace: "varchar(100)",
var ReservedWords = []string{}/* 825 elements not displayed */
thanks to
var StandardColumns = []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "id", ColumnName: "id", DataType: "INTEGER", IsPrimaryKey: true, IsAutoIncrement: true, ExcludeFromApi: true, ColumnType: "id", }, { Name: "version", ColumnName: "version", DataType: "INTEGER", ColumnType: "measurement", DefaultValue: "1", ExcludeFromApi: true, }, { Name: "created_at", ColumnName: "created_at", DataType: "timestamp", DefaultValue: "current_timestamp", ColumnType: "datetime", IsIndexed: true, }, { Name: "updated_at", ColumnName: "updated_at", DataType: "timestamp", IsIndexed: true, IsNullable: true, ColumnType: "datetime", }, { Name: "reference_id", ColumnName: "reference_id", DataType: "varchar(40)", IsIndexed: true, ColumnType: "alias", }, { Name: "permission", ColumnName: "permission", DataType: "int(11)", IsIndexed: false, ColumnType: "value", }, }
var StandardMarketplaces = []Marketplace{}
var StandardRelations = []api2go.TableRelation{ api2go.NewTableRelation("world_column", "belongs_to", "world"), api2go.NewTableRelation("action", "belongs_to", "world"), api2go.NewTableRelation("world", "has_many", "smd"), api2go.NewTableRelation("oauth_token", "has_one", "oauth_connect"), api2go.NewTableRelation("data_exchange", "has_one", "oauth_token"), api2go.NewTableRelation("timeline", "belongs_to", "world"), api2go.NewTableRelation("cloud_store", "has_one", "oauth_token"), api2go.NewTableRelation("site", "has_one", "cloud_store"), }
var StandardStreams = []StreamContract{ { StreamName: "table", RootEntityName: "world", Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "table_name", ColumnType: "label", }, { Name: "reference_id", ColumnType: "label", }, }, }, { StreamName: "transformed_user", RootEntityName: "user", Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "transformed_user_name", ColumnType: "label", }, { Name: "primary_email", ColumnType: "label", }, }, Transformations: []Transformation{ { Operation: "select", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "columns": []string{"name", "email"}, }, }, { Operation: "rename", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "oldName": "name", "newName": "transformed_user_name", }, }, { Operation: "rename", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "oldName": "email", "newName": "primary_email", }, }, }, }, }
var StandardTables = []TableInfo{ { TableName: "marketplace", IsHidden: true, Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "name", ColumnName: "name", DataType: "varchar(100)", ColumnType: "label", IsIndexed: true, }, { Name: "endpoint", ColumnName: "endpoint", DataType: "varchar(200)", ColumnType: "url", }, { Name: "root_path", ColumnName: "root_path", DataType: "varchar(100)", ColumnType: "label", DefaultValue: "''", }, }, }, { TableName: "json_schema", IsHidden: true, Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "schema_name", ColumnName: "schema_name", ColumnType: "label", DataType: "varchar(100)", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "json_schema", ColumnType: "json", DataType: "text", ColumnName: "json_schema", }, }, }, { TableName: "timeline", IsHidden: true, Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "event_type", ColumnName: "event_type", ColumnType: "label", DataType: "varchar(50)", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "title", ColumnName: "title", ColumnType: "label", IsIndexed: true, DataType: "varchar(50)", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "payload", ColumnName: "payload", ColumnType: "content", DataType: "text", IsNullable: true, }, }, }, { TableName: "world", IsHidden: true, Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "table_name", ColumnName: "table_name", IsNullable: false, IsUnique: true, IsIndexed: true, DataType: "varchar(200)", ColumnType: "name", }, { Name: "world_schema_json", ColumnName: "world_schema_json", DataType: "text", IsNullable: false, ColumnType: "json", }, { Name: "default_permission", ColumnName: "default_permission", DataType: "int(4)", IsNullable: false, DefaultValue: "644", ColumnType: "value", }, { Name: "is_top_level", ColumnName: "is_top_level", DataType: "bool", IsNullable: false, DefaultValue: "true", ColumnType: "truefalse", }, { Name: "is_hidden", ColumnName: "is_hidden", DataType: "bool", IsNullable: false, DefaultValue: "false", ColumnType: "truefalse", }, { Name: "is_join_table", ColumnName: "is_join_table", DataType: "bool", IsNullable: false, DefaultValue: "false", ColumnType: "truefalse", }, { Name: "is_state_tracking_enabled", ColumnName: "is_state_tracking_enabled", DataType: "bool", IsNullable: false, DefaultValue: "false", ColumnType: "truefalse", }, }, }, { TableName: "world_column", IsHidden: true, Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "name", ColumnName: "name", DataType: "varchar(100)", IsIndexed: true, IsNullable: false, ColumnType: "name", }, { Name: "column_name", ColumnName: "column_name", DataType: "varchar(100)", IsIndexed: true, IsNullable: false, ColumnType: "name", }, { Name: "column_type", ColumnName: "column_type", DataType: "varchar(100)", IsNullable: false, ColumnType: "label", }, { Name: "column_description", ColumnName: "column_description", DataType: "varchar(100)", IsNullable: true, ColumnType: "content", }, { Name: "is_primary_key", ColumnName: "is_primary_key", DataType: "bool", IsNullable: false, DefaultValue: "false", ColumnType: "truefalse", }, { Name: "is_auto_increment", ColumnName: "is_auto_increment", DataType: "bool", IsNullable: false, DefaultValue: "false", ColumnType: "truefalse", }, { Name: "is_indexed", ColumnName: "is_indexed", DataType: "bool", IsNullable: false, DefaultValue: "false", ColumnType: "truefalse", }, { Name: "is_unique", ColumnName: "is_unique", DataType: "bool", IsNullable: false, DefaultValue: "false", ColumnType: "truefalse", }, { Name: "is_nullable", ColumnName: "is_nullable", DataType: "bool", IsNullable: false, DefaultValue: "false", ColumnType: "truefalse", }, { Name: "is_foreign_key", ColumnName: "is_foreign_key", DataType: "bool", IsNullable: false, DefaultValue: "false", ColumnType: "truefalse", }, { Name: "include_in_api", ColumnName: "include_in_api", DataType: "bool", IsNullable: false, DefaultValue: "true", ColumnType: "truefalse", }, { Name: "foreign_key_data", ColumnName: "foreign_key_data", DataType: "varchar(100)", IsNullable: true, ColumnType: "content", }, { Name: "default_value", ColumnName: "default_value", DataType: "varchar(100)", IsNullable: true, ColumnType: "content", }, { Name: "data_type", ColumnName: "data_type", DataType: "varchar(50)", IsNullable: true, ColumnType: "label", }, }, }, { TableName: "stream", IsHidden: true, Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "stream_name", ColumnName: "stream_name", DataType: "varchar(100)", IsNullable: false, ColumnType: "label", IsIndexed: true, }, { Name: "stream_contract", ColumnName: "stream_contract", DataType: "text", IsNullable: false, ColumnType: "json", }, }, }, { TableName: "user", Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "name", ColumnName: "name", IsIndexed: true, DataType: "varchar(80)", ColumnType: "name", }, { Name: "email", ColumnName: "email", DataType: "varchar(80)", IsIndexed: true, IsUnique: true, ColumnType: "email", }, { Name: "password", ColumnName: "password", DataType: "varchar(100)", ColumnType: "password", IsNullable: true, }, { Name: "confirmed", ColumnName: "confirmed", DataType: "boolean", ColumnType: "truefalse", IsNullable: false, DefaultValue: "false", }, }, Validations: []ColumnTag{ { ColumnName: "email", Tags: "email", }, { ColumnName: "password", Tags: "required", }, { ColumnName: "name", Tags: "required", }, }, Conformations: []ColumnTag{ { ColumnName: "email", Tags: "email", }, }, }, { TableName: "usergroup", Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "name", ColumnName: "name", IsIndexed: true, DataType: "varchar(80)", ColumnType: "name", }, }, }, { TableName: "action", Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "action_name", IsIndexed: true, ColumnName: "action_name", DataType: "varchar(100)", ColumnType: "name", }, { Name: "label", ColumnName: "label", IsIndexed: true, DataType: "varchar(100)", ColumnType: "label", }, { Name: "instance_optional", ColumnName: "instance_optional", IsIndexed: false, DataType: "bool", ColumnType: "truefalse", DefaultValue: "true", }, { Name: "action_schema", ColumnName: "action_schema", DataType: "text", ColumnType: "json", }, }, }, { TableName: "smd", IsHidden: true, Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "name", ColumnName: "name", IsIndexed: true, DataType: "varchar(100)", ColumnType: "label", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "label", ColumnName: "label", DataType: "varchar(100)", ColumnType: "label", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "initial_state", ColumnName: "initial_state", DataType: "varchar(100)", ColumnType: "label", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "events", ColumnName: "events", DataType: "text", ColumnType: "json", IsNullable: false, }, }, }, { TableName: "oauth_connect", IsHidden: true, Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "name", ColumnName: "name", IsUnique: true, IsIndexed: true, DataType: "varchar(80)", ColumnType: "name", }, { Name: "client_id", ColumnName: "client_id", DataType: "varchar(80)", ColumnType: "name", }, { Name: "client_secret", ColumnName: "client_secret", DataType: "varchar(80)", ColumnType: "encrypted", }, { Name: "scope", ColumnName: "scope", DataType: "varchar(1000)", ColumnType: "content", DefaultValue: "''", }, { Name: "response_type", ColumnName: "response_type", DataType: "varchar(80)", ColumnType: "name", DefaultValue: "'code'", }, { Name: "redirect_uri", ColumnName: "redirect_uri", DataType: "varchar(80)", ColumnType: "url", DefaultValue: "''", }, { Name: "auth_url", ColumnName: "auth_url", DataType: "varchar(200)", DefaultValue: "''", ColumnType: "url", }, { Name: "token_url", ColumnName: "token_url", DataType: "varchar(200)", DefaultValue: "''", ColumnType: "url", }, }, }, { TableName: "data_exchange", IsHidden: true, Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "name", ColumnName: "name", ColumnType: "name", DataType: "varchar(200)", IsIndexed: true, }, { Name: "source_attributes", ColumnName: "source_attributes", ColumnType: "json", DataType: "text", }, { Name: "source_type", ColumnName: "source_type", ColumnType: "name", DataType: "varchar(100)", }, { Name: "target_attributes", ColumnName: "target_attributes", ColumnType: "json", DataType: "text", }, { Name: "target_type", ColumnName: "target_type", ColumnType: "name", DataType: "varchar(100)", }, { Name: "attributes", ColumnName: "attributes", ColumnType: "json", DataType: "text", }, { Name: "options", ColumnName: "options", ColumnType: "json", DataType: "text", }, }, }, { TableName: "oauth_token", IsHidden: true, Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "access_token", ColumnName: "access_token", ColumnType: "encrypted", DataType: "varchar(1000)", }, { Name: "expires_in", ColumnName: "expires_in", ColumnType: "measurement", DataType: "int(11)", }, { Name: "refresh_token", ColumnName: "refresh_token", ColumnType: "encrypted", DataType: "varchar(1000)", }, { Name: "token_type", ColumnName: "token_type", ColumnType: "label", DataType: "varchar(20)", }, }, }, { TableName: "cloud_store", IsHidden: true, Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "Name", ColumnName: "name", ColumnType: "label", DataType: "varchar(100)", }, { Name: "store_type", ColumnName: "store_type", ColumnType: "label", DataType: "varchar(100)", }, { Name: "store_provider", ColumnName: "store_provider", ColumnType: "label", DataType: "varchar(100)", }, { Name: "root_path", ColumnName: "root_path", ColumnType: "label", DataType: "varchar(1000)", }, { Name: "store_parameters", ColumnName: "store_parameters", ColumnType: "json", DataType: "text", }, }, }, { TableName: "site", IsHidden: true, Columns: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "name", ColumnName: "name", ColumnType: "label", DataType: "varchar(100)", }, { Name: "hostname", ColumnName: "hostname", ColumnType: "label", DataType: "varchar(100)", }, { Name: "path", ColumnName: "path", ColumnType: "label", DataType: "varchar(100)", }, }, }, }
var SystemActions = []Action{ { Name: "restart_goms", Label: "Restart system", OnType: "world", InstanceOptional: true, InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{}, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "system_json_schema_update", Method: "EXECUTE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "json_schema": "!JSON.parse('[{\"name\":\"empty.json\",\"file\":\"data:application/json;base64,e30K\",\"type\":\"application/json\"}]')", }, }, }, }, { Name: "publish_package_to_market", Label: "Update package list", OnType: "marketplace", InstanceOptional: false, InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{}, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "market.package.refresh", Method: "EXECUTE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{}, }, }, }, { Name: "visit_marketplace_github", Label: "Go to marketplace", OnType: "marketplace", InstanceOptional: false, InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{}, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "client.redirect", Method: "ACTIONRESPONSE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "location": "$subject.endpoint", "window": "_blank", }}, }, }, { Name: "refresh_marketplace_packages", Label: "Refresh marketplace", OnType: "marketplace", InstanceOptional: false, InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{}, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "marketplace.package.refresh", Method: "EXECUTE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{}, }, }, }, { Name: "generate_random_data", Label: "Generate random data", OnType: "world", InstanceOptional: false, InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "Number of records", ColumnName: "count", ColumnType: "measurement", }, }, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "", Method: "EXECUTE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "count": "~count", }, }, }, Validations: []ColumnTag{ { ColumnName: "count", Tags: "gt=0", }, }, }, { Name: "install_marketplace_package", Label: "Install package from market", OnType: "marketplace", InstanceOptional: false, InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "package_name", ColumnName: "package_name", ColumnType: "label", IsNullable: false, }, }, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "marketplace.package.install", Method: "EXECUTE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "package_name": "~package_name", "market_reference_id": "$.reference_id", }, }, }, }, { Name: "export_data", Label: "Export data for backup", OnType: "world", InstanceOptional: true, InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{}, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "__data_export", Method: "EXECUTE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "world_reference_id": "$.reference_id", }, }, }, }, { Name: "import_data", Label: "Import data from dump", OnType: "world", InstanceOptional: true, InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "JSON Dump file", ColumnName: "dump_file", ColumnType: "file.json|yaml|toml|hcl", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "truncate_before_insert", ColumnName: "truncate_before_insert", ColumnType: "truefalse", }, }, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "__data_import", Method: "EXECUTE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "world_reference_id": "$.reference_id", "execute_middleware_chain": "~execute_middleware_chain", "truncate_before_insert": "~truncate_before_insert", "dump_file": "~dump_file", }, }, }, }, { Name: "upload_file", Label: "Upload file to external store", OnType: "cloud_store", InstanceOptional: false, InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "File", ColumnName: "file", ColumnType: "file.*", IsNullable: false, }, }, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "__external_file_upload", Method: "EXECUTE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "file": "~file", }, }, }, }, { Name: "upload_system_schema", Label: "Upload features", OnType: "world", InstanceOptional: true, InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "Schema file", ColumnName: "schema_file", ColumnType: "file.json|yaml|toml|hcl", IsNullable: false, }, }, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "system_json_schema_update", Method: "EXECUTE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "json_schema": "~schema_file", }, }, }, }, { Name: "upload_xls_to_system_schema", Label: "Upload xls to entity", OnType: "world", InstanceOptional: true, InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "XLSX file", ColumnName: "data_xls_file", ColumnType: "file.application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "Entity name", ColumnName: "entity_name", ColumnType: "label", IsNullable: false, }, }, Validations: []ColumnTag{ { ColumnName: "entity_name", Tags: "required", }, }, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "__upload_file_to_entity", Method: "EXECUTE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "xls_data": "~data_xls_file", "name": "entity_name", }, }, }, }, { Name: "download_system_schema", Label: "Download system schema", OnType: "world", InstanceOptional: true, InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{}, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "__download_cms_config", Method: "EXECUTE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{}, }, }, }, { Name: "invoke_become_admin", Label: "Become GoMS admin", InstanceOptional: true, OnType: "world", InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{}, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "__become_admin", Method: "EXECUTE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "user_id": "$", }, }, }, }, { Name: "signup", Label: "Sign up", InstanceOptional: true, OnType: "user", InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "name", ColumnName: "name", ColumnType: "label", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "email", ColumnName: "email", ColumnType: "email", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "password", ColumnName: "password", ColumnType: "password", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "Password Confirm", ColumnName: "passwordConfirm", ColumnType: "password", IsNullable: false, }, }, Validations: []ColumnTag{ { ColumnName: "email", Tags: "email", }, { ColumnName: "name", Tags: "required", }, { ColumnName: "password", Tags: "eqfield=InnerStructField[passwordConfirm],min=8", }, }, Conformations: []ColumnTag{ { ColumnName: "email", Tags: "email", }, { ColumnName: "name", Tags: "trim", }, }, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "user", Method: "POST", Reference: "user", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "name": "~name", "email": "~email", "password": "~password", "confirmed": "0", }, }, { Type: "usergroup", Method: "POST", Reference: "usergroup", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "name": "!'Home group for ' +", }, }, { Type: "user_user_id_has_usergroup_usergroup_id", Method: "POST", Reference: "user_usergroup", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "user_id": "$user.reference_id", "usergroup_id": "$usergroup.reference_id", }, }, { Type: "client.notify", Method: "ACTIONRESPONSE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "type": "success", "title": "Success", "message": "Signup Successful", }, }, { Type: "client.redirect", Method: "ACTIONRESPONSE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "location": "/auth/signin", "window": "self", }, }, }, }, { Name: "signin", Label: "Sign in", InstanceOptional: true, OnType: "user", InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "email", ColumnName: "email", ColumnType: "email", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "password", ColumnName: "password", ColumnType: "password", IsNullable: false, }, }, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "jwt.token", Method: "EXECUTE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "email": "~email", "password": "~password", }, }, }, }, { Name: "oauth.login.begin", Label: "Authenticate via OAuth", OnType: "oauth_connect", InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{}, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "oauth.client.redirect", Method: "EXECUTE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "authenticator": "$.name", "scope": "$.scope", }, }, }, }, { Name: "oauth.login.response", Label: "", InstanceOptional: true, OnType: "oauth_token", InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "code", ColumnName: "code", ColumnType: "hidden", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "state", ColumnName: "state", ColumnType: "hidden", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "authenticator", ColumnName: "authenticator", ColumnType: "hidden", IsNullable: false, }, }, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "oauth.login.response", Method: "EXECUTE", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "authenticator": "~authenticator", }, }, }, }, { Name: "add_exchange", Label: "Add new data exchange", OnType: "world", InstanceOptional: false, InFields: []api2go.ColumnInfo{ { Name: "name", ColumnName: "name", ColumnType: "name", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "sheet_id", ColumnName: "sheet_id", ColumnType: "alias", IsNullable: false, }, { Name: "app_key Key", ColumnName: "app_key", ColumnType: "alias", IsNullable: false, }, }, OutFields: []Outcome{ { Type: "data_exchange", Method: "POST", Attributes: map[string]interface{}{ "name": "!'Export ' + subject.table_name + ' to excel sheet'", "source_attributes": "!JSON.stringify({name: subject.table_name})", "source_type": "self", "target_type": "gsheet-append", "options": "!JSON.stringify({hasHeader: true})", "attributes": "!JSON.stringify([{SourceColumn: '$self.description', TargetColumn: 'Task description'}])", "target_attributes": "!JSON.stringify({sheetUrl: '' + sheet_id + '/values/A1:append', appKey: app_key})", }, }, }, }, }
var SystemExchanges = []ExchangeContract{}
var SystemSmds = []LoopbookFsmDescription{}
Functions ¶
func BcryptCheckStringHash ¶
func BcryptHashString ¶
func BuildOutcome ¶
func CheckAllTableStatus ¶
func CheckAuditTables ¶ added in v0.2.1
func CheckError ¶
func CheckRelations ¶
func CheckTable ¶
func CopyFile ¶ added in v0.4.0
CopyFile copies a file from src to dst. If src and dst files exist, and are the same, then return success. Otherise, attempt to create a hard link between the two files. If that fail, copy the file contents from src to dst.
func CreateGetActionHandler ¶
func CreateGetActionHandler(initConfig *CmsConfig, configStore *ConfigStore, cruds map[string]*DbResource) func(*gin.Context)
func CreateGuestActionListHandler ¶
func CreateGuestActionListHandler(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) func(*gin.Context)
func CreateIndexes ¶
func CreatePostActionHandler ¶
func CreatePostActionHandler(initConfig *CmsConfig, configStore *ConfigStore, cruds map[string]*DbResource, actionPerformers []ActionPerformerInterface) func(*gin.Context)
func CreateRelations ¶
func CreateTable ¶
func CreateUniqueConstraints ¶
func EndsWithCheck ¶ added in v0.2.1
func GetActionMapByTypeName ¶
func GetDataArray ¶ added in v0.2.1
func GetFakeRow ¶ added in v0.4.0
func GetFakeRow(columns []api2go.ColumnInfo) map[string]interface{}
func GetMD5Hash ¶
func GetOauthConnectionById ¶
func GetObjectByWhereClause ¶
func GetValidatedInFields ¶
func GetValidatedInFields(actionRequest ActionRequest, action Action) (map[string]interface{}, error)
func GetWorldTableMapBy ¶
func ImportDataFiles ¶ added in v0.2.1
func ImportDataFiles(initConfig *CmsConfig, db *sqlx.DB, cruds map[string]*DbResource)
func InitialiseColumnManager ¶ added in v0.2.1
func InitialiseColumnManager()
func IsReservedWord ¶ added in v0.2.1
func MakeCreateTableQuery ¶
func NewClientNotification ¶
func NewMapStringScan ¶
func NewMapStringScan(columnNames []string) *mapStringScan
func NewResponse ¶
func ReferenceIdToIntegerId ¶
func SmallSnakeCaseText ¶ added in v0.2.1
func UpdateExchanges ¶
func UpdateMarketplaces ¶ added in v0.4.0
func UpdateStreams ¶ added in v0.4.0
func UpdateWorldColumnTable ¶
func UpdateWorldTable ¶
Types ¶
type ActionPerformerInterface ¶
type ActionPerformerInterface interface { DoAction(request ActionRequest, inFields map[string]interface{}) ([]ActionResponse, []error) Name() string }
func NewBecomeAdminPerformer ¶
func NewBecomeAdminPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
func NewDownloadCmsConfigPerformer ¶
func NewDownloadCmsConfigPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
func NewExportDataPerformer ¶ added in v0.2.1
func NewExportDataPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
func NewFileUploadActionPerformer ¶ added in v0.2.1
func NewFileUploadActionPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
func NewGenerateJwtTokenPerformer ¶
func NewGenerateJwtTokenPerformer(configStore *ConfigStore, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
func NewImportDataPerformer ¶ added in v0.2.1
func NewImportDataPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
func NewMarketplacePackageInstaller ¶ added in v0.4.0
func NewMarketplacePackageInstaller(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
func NewOauthLoginBeginActionPerformer ¶
func NewOauthLoginBeginActionPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource, configStore *ConfigStore) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
func NewOauthLoginResponseActionPerformer ¶
func NewOauthLoginResponseActionPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource, configStore *ConfigStore) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
func NewRandomDataGeneratePerformer ¶ added in v0.4.0
func NewRandomDataGeneratePerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
func NewRefreshMarketplacePackagelistPerformer ¶ added in v0.4.0
func NewRefreshMarketplacePackagelistPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
func NewRestarSystemPerformer ¶
func NewRestarSystemPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
func NewUploadFileToEntityPerformer ¶ added in v0.2.1
func NewUploadFileToEntityPerformer(initConfig *CmsConfig, cruds map[string]*DbResource) (ActionPerformerInterface, error)
type ActionRequest ¶
type ActionResponse ¶
type ActionResponse struct { ResponseType string Attributes interface{} }
func NewActionResponse ¶
func NewActionResponse(responseType string, attrs interface{}) ActionResponse
type BecomeAdminActionPerformer ¶
type BecomeAdminActionPerformer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BecomeAdminActionPerformer) DoAction ¶
func (d *BecomeAdminActionPerformer) DoAction(request ActionRequest, inFieldMap map[string]interface{}) ([]ActionResponse, []error)
func (*BecomeAdminActionPerformer) Name ¶
func (d *BecomeAdminActionPerformer) Name() string
type Change ¶
type Change struct { ChangeType changeType OldValue interface{} NewValue interface{} }
type CloudStore ¶ added in v0.2.1
type CloudStore struct { Id int64 RootPath string `db:"root_path"` StoreParameters map[string]interface{} UserId string OAutoTokenId string Name string StoreType string StoreProvider string Version int CreatedAt *time.Time UpdatedAt *time.Time DeletedAt *time.Time ReferenceId string Permission int }
type CmsConfig ¶
type CmsConfig struct { Tables []TableInfo Imports []DataFileImport StateMachineDescriptions []LoopbookFsmDescription Relations []api2go.TableRelation Actions []Action ExchangeContracts []ExchangeContract Hostname string Validator *validator.Validate SubSites map[string]SubSiteInformation Streams []StreamContract MarketplaceHandlers map[string]*MarketplaceService `json:"-"` Marketplaces []Marketplace }
type ColumnMapping ¶
type ColumnMapping []ColumnMap
func (*ColumnMapping) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *ColumnMapping) UnmarshalJSON(payload []byte) error
type ColumnType ¶ added in v0.2.1
type ColumnType struct { BlueprintType string Name string Validations []string Conformations []string ReclineType string DataTypes []string }
func (ColumnType) Fake ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (ct ColumnType) Fake() interface{}
type ColumnTypeManager ¶ added in v0.2.1
type ColumnTypeManager struct {
ColumnMap map[string]ColumnType
var ColumnManager *ColumnTypeManager
func (*ColumnTypeManager) GetBlueprintType ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (ctm *ColumnTypeManager) GetBlueprintType(colName string) string
func (*ColumnTypeManager) GetFakedata ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (ctm *ColumnTypeManager) GetFakedata(colTypeName string) string
func (*ColumnTypeManager) IsValidValue ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (ctm *ColumnTypeManager) IsValidValue(val string, colType string, validator *validator2.Validate) error
type ConfigStore ¶
type ConfigStore struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewConfigStore ¶
func NewConfigStore(db *sqlx.DB) (*ConfigStore, error)
func (*ConfigStore) GetConfigValueFor ¶
func (c *ConfigStore) GetConfigValueFor(key string, configtype string) (string, error)
func (*ConfigStore) GetWebConfig ¶
func (c *ConfigStore) GetWebConfig() map[string]string
func (*ConfigStore) SetConfigValueFor ¶
func (c *ConfigStore) SetConfigValueFor(key string, val string, configtype string) error
func (*ConfigStore) SetDefaultEnv ¶
func (c *ConfigStore) SetDefaultEnv(env string)
type DataFileImport ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (DataFileImport) String ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (s DataFileImport) String() string
type DataValidationMiddleware ¶ added in v0.2.1
type DataValidationMiddleware struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*DataValidationMiddleware) InterceptAfter ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (dvm *DataValidationMiddleware) InterceptAfter(dr *DbResource, req *api2go.Request, results []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*DataValidationMiddleware) InterceptBefore ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (dvm *DataValidationMiddleware) InterceptBefore(dr *DbResource, req *api2go.Request, objects []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
func (DataValidationMiddleware) String ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (dvm DataValidationMiddleware) String() string
type DatabaseRequestInterceptor ¶
type DatabaseRequestInterceptor interface { InterceptBefore(*DbResource, *api2go.Request, []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error) InterceptAfter(*DbResource, *api2go.Request, []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error) fmt.Stringer }
func NewCreateEventHandler ¶
func NewCreateEventHandler() DatabaseRequestInterceptor
func NewDataValidationMiddleware ¶ added in v0.2.1
func NewDataValidationMiddleware(cmsConfig *CmsConfig, cruds *map[string]*DbResource) DatabaseRequestInterceptor
func NewDeleteEventHandler ¶
func NewDeleteEventHandler() DatabaseRequestInterceptor
func NewExchangeMiddleware ¶
func NewExchangeMiddleware(cmsConfig *CmsConfig, cruds *map[string]*DbResource) DatabaseRequestInterceptor
func NewFindOneEventHandler ¶
func NewFindOneEventHandler() DatabaseRequestInterceptor
func NewUpdateEventHandler ¶
func NewUpdateEventHandler() DatabaseRequestInterceptor
type DbResource ¶
type DbResource struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDbResource ¶
func NewDbResource(model *api2go.Api2GoModel, db *sqlx.DB, ms *MiddlewareSet, cruds map[string]*DbResource, configStore *ConfigStore) *DbResource
func (*DbResource) BecomeAdmin ¶
func (dbResource *DbResource) BecomeAdmin(userId int64) bool
func (*DbResource) CanBecomeAdmin ¶
func (dbResource *DbResource) CanBecomeAdmin() bool
func (*DbResource) DirectInsert ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (dr *DbResource) DirectInsert(typeName string, data map[string]interface{}) error
func (*DbResource) FindOne ¶
FindOne returns an object by its ID Possible Responder success status code 200
func (*DbResource) GetActionByName ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetActionByName(typeName string, actionName string) (Action, error)
func (*DbResource) GetActionPermissionByName ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetActionPermissionByName(worldId int64, actionName string) (Permission, error)
func (*DbResource) GetActionsByType ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetActionsByType(typeName string) ([]Action, error)
func (*DbResource) GetAllCloudStores ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (resource *DbResource) GetAllCloudStores() ([]CloudStore, error)
func (*DbResource) GetAllMarketplaces ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (resource *DbResource) GetAllMarketplaces() ([]Marketplace, error)
func (*DbResource) GetAllObjects ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (dr *DbResource) GetAllObjects(typeName string) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*DbResource) GetAllRawObjects ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (dr *DbResource) GetAllRawObjects(typeName string) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*DbResource) GetAllSites ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (resource *DbResource) GetAllSites() ([]SubSite, error)
func (*DbResource) GetContext ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetContext(key string) interface{}
func (*DbResource) GetIdByWhereClause ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetIdByWhereClause(typeName string, queries ...squirrel.Eq) ([]int64, error)
func (*DbResource) GetIdToObject ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetIdToObject(typeName string, id int64) (map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*DbResource) GetIdToReferenceId ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetIdToReferenceId(typeName string, id int64) (string, error)
func (*DbResource) GetMarketplaceByReferenceId ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (resource *DbResource) GetMarketplaceByReferenceId(referenceId string) (Marketplace, error)
func (*DbResource) GetOauthDescriptionByTokenId ¶
func (resource *DbResource) GetOauthDescriptionByTokenId(id int64) (*oauth2.Config, error)
func (*DbResource) GetOauthDescriptionByTokenReferenceId ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (resource *DbResource) GetOauthDescriptionByTokenReferenceId(referenceId string) (*oauth2.Config, error)
func (*DbResource) GetObjectGroupsByObjectId ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetObjectGroupsByObjectId(objType string, objectId int64) []auth.GroupPermission
func (*DbResource) GetObjectPermission ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetObjectPermission(objectType string, referenceId string) Permission
func (*DbResource) GetObjectPermissionByWhereClause ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetObjectPermissionByWhereClause(objectType string, colName string, colValue string) Permission
func (*DbResource) GetObjectUserGroupsByWhere ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetObjectUserGroupsByWhere(objType string, colName string, colvalue string) []auth.GroupPermission
func (*DbResource) GetReferenceIdByWhereClause ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetReferenceIdByWhereClause(typeName string, queries ...squirrel.Eq) ([]string, error)
func (*DbResource) GetReferenceIdToId ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetReferenceIdToId(typeName string, referenceId string) (uint64, error)
func (*DbResource) GetReferenceIdToObject ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetReferenceIdToObject(typeName string, referenceId string) (map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*DbResource) GetRowPermission ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetRowPermission(row map[string]interface{}) Permission
func (*DbResource) GetRowsByWhereClause ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetRowsByWhereClause(typeName string, where ...squirrel.Eq) ([]map[string]interface{}, [][]map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*DbResource) GetSingleColumnValueByReferenceId ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetSingleColumnValueByReferenceId(typeName string, selectColumn, matchColumn string, values []string) ([]interface{}, error)
func (*DbResource) GetSingleRowByReferenceId ¶
func (*DbResource) GetTokenByTokenId ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (resource *DbResource) GetTokenByTokenId(id int64) (*oauth2.Token, error)
func (*DbResource) GetTokenByTokenReferenceId ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (resource *DbResource) GetTokenByTokenReferenceId(referenceId string) (*oauth2.Token, error)
func (*DbResource) GetTotalCount ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetTotalCount() uint64
func (*DbResource) GetUserGroupIdByUserId ¶
func (dr *DbResource) GetUserGroupIdByUserId(userId int64) uint64
func (*DbResource) IsUserActionAllowed ¶
func (dr *DbResource) IsUserActionAllowed(userReferenceId string, userGroups []auth.GroupPermission, typeName string, actionName string) bool
func (*DbResource) PaginatedFindAll ¶
func (dr *DbResource) PaginatedFindAll(req api2go.Request) (totalCount uint, response api2go.Responder, err error)
PaginatedFindAll(req Request) (totalCount uint, response Responder, err error)
func (*DbResource) PutContext ¶
func (dr *DbResource) PutContext(key string, val interface{})
func (*DbResource) ResultToArrayOfMap ¶
func (dr *DbResource) ResultToArrayOfMap(rows *sqlx.Rows, columnMap map[string]api2go.ColumnInfo, includeNextLevel bool) ([]map[string]interface{}, [][]map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*DbResource) ResultToArrayOfMapRaw ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (dr *DbResource) ResultToArrayOfMapRaw(rows *sqlx.Rows, columnMap map[string]api2go.ColumnInfo) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*DbResource) TruncateTable ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (dr *DbResource) TruncateTable(typeName string) error
func (*DbResource) Update ¶
Update an object Possible Responder status codes are: - 200 OK: Update successful, however some field(s) were changed, returns updates source - 202 Accepted: Processing is delayed, return nothing - 204 No Content: Update was successful, no fields were changed by the server, return nothing
func (*DbResource) UpdateAccessTokenByTokenId ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (resource *DbResource) UpdateAccessTokenByTokenId(id int64, accessToken string, expiresIn int64) error
func (*DbResource) UpdateAccessTokenByTokenReferenceId ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (resource *DbResource) UpdateAccessTokenByTokenReferenceId(referenceId string, accessToken string, expiresIn int64) error
type DownloadCmsConfigActionPerformer ¶
type DownloadCmsConfigActionPerformer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*DownloadCmsConfigActionPerformer) DoAction ¶
func (d *DownloadCmsConfigActionPerformer) DoAction(request ActionRequest, inFields map[string]interface{}) ([]ActionResponse, []error)
func (*DownloadCmsConfigActionPerformer) Name ¶
func (d *DownloadCmsConfigActionPerformer) Name() string
type ExchangeContract ¶
type ExchangeContract struct { Name string SourceAttributes map[string]interface{} `db:"source_attributes"` SourceType string `db:"source_type"` TargetAttributes map[string]interface{} `db:"target_attributes"` TargetType string `db:"target_type"` Attributes []ColumnMap `db:"attributes"` Options map[string]interface{} ReferenceId string `db:"reference_id"` OauthTokenId *int64 `db:"oauth_token_id"` }
type ExchangeExecution ¶
type ExchangeExecution struct { ExchangeContract ExchangeContract // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewExchangeExecution ¶
func NewExchangeExecution(exchange ExchangeContract, oauthToken *oauth2.Token, oauthConfig *oauth2.Config) *ExchangeExecution
type ExchangeInterface ¶
type ExchangeMiddleware ¶
type ExchangeMiddleware struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ExchangeMiddleware) InterceptAfter ¶
func (em *ExchangeMiddleware) InterceptAfter(dr *DbResource, req *api2go.Request, results []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*ExchangeMiddleware) InterceptBefore ¶
func (em *ExchangeMiddleware) InterceptBefore(dr *DbResource, req *api2go.Request, objects []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*ExchangeMiddleware) String ¶
func (em *ExchangeMiddleware) String() string
type ExportDataPerformer ¶ added in v0.2.1
type ExportDataPerformer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ExportDataPerformer) DoAction ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (d *ExportDataPerformer) DoAction(request ActionRequest, inFields map[string]interface{}) ([]ActionResponse, []error)
func (*ExportDataPerformer) Name ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (d *ExportDataPerformer) Name() string
type ExternalExchange ¶
type ExternalExchange interface {
ExecuteTarget(row map[string]interface{}, inFieldMap map[string]interface{}) error
func NewRestExchangeHandler ¶
func NewRestExchangeHandler(exchangeContext ExchangeContract, oauthToken *oauth2.Token, oauthConfig *oauth2.Config) (ExternalExchange, error)
type FileUploadActionPerformer ¶ added in v0.2.1
type FileUploadActionPerformer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*FileUploadActionPerformer) DoAction ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (d *FileUploadActionPerformer) DoAction(request ActionRequest, inFields map[string]interface{}) ([]ActionResponse, []error)
func (*FileUploadActionPerformer) Name ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (d *FileUploadActionPerformer) Name() string
type FsmManager ¶
type FsmManager interface {
ApplyEvent(subject map[string]interface{}, stateMachineEvent StateMachineEvent) (string, error)
func NewFsmManager ¶
func NewFsmManager(db *sqlx.DB, cruds map[string]*DbResource) FsmManager
type GenerateJwtTokenActionPerformer ¶
type GenerateJwtTokenActionPerformer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GenerateJwtTokenActionPerformer) DoAction ¶
func (d *GenerateJwtTokenActionPerformer) DoAction(request ActionRequest, inFieldMap map[string]interface{}) ([]ActionResponse, []error)
func (*GenerateJwtTokenActionPerformer) Name ¶
func (d *GenerateJwtTokenActionPerformer) Name() string
type GomsError ¶ added in v0.2.1
func NewGomsError ¶ added in v0.2.1
type ImportDataPerformer ¶ added in v0.2.1
type ImportDataPerformer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ImportDataPerformer) DoAction ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (d *ImportDataPerformer) DoAction(request ActionRequest, inFields map[string]interface{}) ([]ActionResponse, []error)
func (*ImportDataPerformer) Name ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (d *ImportDataPerformer) Name() string
type LoopbackEventDesc ¶
type LoopbackEventDesc struct { // Name is the event name used when calling for a transition. Name string Label string Color string // Src is a slice of source states that the FSM must be in to perform a // state transition. Src []string // Dst is the destination state that the FSM will be in if the transition // succeds. Dst string }
type LoopbookFsmDescription ¶
type LoopbookFsmDescription struct { InitialState string Name string Label string Events []LoopbackEventDesc }
type MarketPackage ¶ added in v0.4.0
type Marketplace ¶ added in v0.4.0
type MarketplacePackageInstallActionPerformer ¶ added in v0.4.0
type MarketplacePackageInstallActionPerformer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*MarketplacePackageInstallActionPerformer) DoAction ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (d *MarketplacePackageInstallActionPerformer) DoAction(request ActionRequest, inFieldMap map[string]interface{}) ([]ActionResponse, []error)
func (*MarketplacePackageInstallActionPerformer) Name ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (d *MarketplacePackageInstallActionPerformer) Name() string
type MarketplaceService ¶ added in v0.4.0
type MarketplaceService struct { Marketplace Marketplace // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewMarketplaceService ¶ added in v0.4.0
func NewMarketplaceService(marketplace Marketplace) (*MarketplaceService, error)
func (*MarketplaceService) GetPackage ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (mp *MarketplaceService) GetPackage(packageName string) *MarketPackage
func (*MarketplaceService) GetPackageList ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (mp *MarketplaceService) GetPackageList() ([]MarketPackage, error)
func (*MarketplaceService) PackageExists ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (mp *MarketplaceService) PackageExists(packageName string) bool
func (*MarketplaceService) RefreshRepository ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (mp *MarketplaceService) RefreshRepository() error
type MiddlewareSet ¶
type MiddlewareSet struct { BeforeCreate []DatabaseRequestInterceptor BeforeFindAll []DatabaseRequestInterceptor BeforeFindOne []DatabaseRequestInterceptor BeforeUpdate []DatabaseRequestInterceptor BeforeDelete []DatabaseRequestInterceptor AfterCreate []DatabaseRequestInterceptor AfterFindAll []DatabaseRequestInterceptor AfterFindOne []DatabaseRequestInterceptor AfterUpdate []DatabaseRequestInterceptor AfterDelete []DatabaseRequestInterceptor }
type OauthLoginBeginActionPerformer ¶
type OauthLoginBeginActionPerformer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*OauthLoginBeginActionPerformer) DoAction ¶
func (d *OauthLoginBeginActionPerformer) DoAction(request ActionRequest, inFieldMap map[string]interface{}) ([]ActionResponse, []error)
func (*OauthLoginBeginActionPerformer) Name ¶
func (d *OauthLoginBeginActionPerformer) Name() string
type OauthLoginResponseActionPerformer ¶
type OauthLoginResponseActionPerformer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*OauthLoginResponseActionPerformer) DoAction ¶
func (d *OauthLoginResponseActionPerformer) DoAction(request ActionRequest, inFieldMap map[string]interface{}) ([]ActionResponse, []error)
func (*OauthLoginResponseActionPerformer) Name ¶
func (d *OauthLoginResponseActionPerformer) Name() string
type ObjectAccessPermissionChecker ¶ added in v0.2.1
type ObjectAccessPermissionChecker struct { }
func (*ObjectAccessPermissionChecker) InterceptAfter ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (pc *ObjectAccessPermissionChecker) InterceptAfter(dr *DbResource, req *api2go.Request, results []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*ObjectAccessPermissionChecker) InterceptBefore ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (pc *ObjectAccessPermissionChecker) InterceptBefore(dr *DbResource, req *api2go.Request, results []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*ObjectAccessPermissionChecker) String ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (pc *ObjectAccessPermissionChecker) String() string
type Permission ¶
type Permission struct { UserId string UserGroupId []auth.GroupPermission Permission int64 }
func (Permission) CanExecute ¶
func (p Permission) CanExecute(userId string, usergroupId []auth.GroupPermission) bool
func (Permission) CanRead ¶
func (p Permission) CanRead(userId string, usergroupId []auth.GroupPermission) bool
func (Permission) CanWrite ¶
func (p Permission) CanWrite(userId string, usergroupId []auth.GroupPermission) bool
func (Permission) CheckBit ¶
func (p1 Permission) CheckBit(userId string, usergroupId []auth.GroupPermission, bit int64) bool
type RandomDataGeneratePerformer ¶ added in v0.4.0
type RandomDataGeneratePerformer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*RandomDataGeneratePerformer) DoAction ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (d *RandomDataGeneratePerformer) DoAction(request ActionRequest, inFields map[string]interface{}) ([]ActionResponse, []error)
func (*RandomDataGeneratePerformer) Name ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (d *RandomDataGeneratePerformer) Name() string
type RefreshMarketplacePackagelistPerformer ¶ added in v0.4.0
type RefreshMarketplacePackagelistPerformer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*RefreshMarketplacePackagelistPerformer) DoAction ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (d *RefreshMarketplacePackagelistPerformer) DoAction(request ActionRequest, inFieldMap map[string]interface{}) ([]ActionResponse, []error)
func (*RefreshMarketplacePackagelistPerformer) Name ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (d *RefreshMarketplacePackagelistPerformer) Name() string
type RestExchange ¶
type RestExternalExchange ¶
type RestExternalExchange struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*RestExternalExchange) ExecuteTarget ¶
func (g *RestExternalExchange) ExecuteTarget(row map[string]interface{}, inFieldMap map[string]interface{}) error
type RestartSystemActionPerformer ¶
type RestartSystemActionPerformer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*RestartSystemActionPerformer) DoAction ¶
func (d *RestartSystemActionPerformer) DoAction(request ActionRequest, inFields map[string]interface{}) ([]ActionResponse, []error)
func (*RestartSystemActionPerformer) Name ¶
func (d *RestartSystemActionPerformer) Name() string
type StateMachineEvent ¶
func NewStateMachineEvent ¶ added in v0.2.1
func NewStateMachineEvent(machineId string, eventName string) StateMachineEvent
type StateMachineInstance ¶
type StatusResponse ¶
type StatusResponse struct {
Message string
type StreamContract ¶ added in v0.4.0
type StreamContract struct { StreamName string RootEntityName string Columns []api2go.ColumnInfo Relations []api2go.TableRelation Transformations []Transformation QueryParams map[string][]string }
type StreamProcessor ¶ added in v0.4.0
type StreamProcessor struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewStreamProcessor ¶ added in v0.4.0
func NewStreamProcessor(stream StreamContract, cruds map[string]*DbResource) *StreamProcessor
func (*StreamProcessor) GetContract ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (dr *StreamProcessor) GetContract() StreamContract
func (*StreamProcessor) PaginatedFindAll ¶ added in v0.4.0
type SubSiteInformation ¶ added in v0.2.1
type SubSiteInformation struct { SubSite SubSite CloudStore CloudStore SourceRoot string }
type TableAccessPermissionChecker ¶
type TableAccessPermissionChecker struct { }
func (*TableAccessPermissionChecker) InterceptAfter ¶
func (pc *TableAccessPermissionChecker) InterceptAfter(dr *DbResource, req *api2go.Request, results []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*TableAccessPermissionChecker) InterceptBefore ¶
func (pc *TableAccessPermissionChecker) InterceptBefore(dr *DbResource, req *api2go.Request, results []map[string]interface{}) ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*TableAccessPermissionChecker) String ¶
func (pc *TableAccessPermissionChecker) String() string
type TableInfo ¶
type TableInfo struct { TableName string `db:"table_name"` TableId int DefaultPermission int64 `db:"default_permission"` Columns []api2go.ColumnInfo StateMachines []LoopbookFsmDescription Relations []api2go.TableRelation IsTopLevel bool `db:"is_top_level"` Permission int64 UserId uint64 `db:"user_id"` IsHidden bool `db:"is_hidden"` IsJoinTable bool `db:"is_join_table"` IsStateTrackingEnabled bool `db:"is_state_tracking_enabled"` IsAuditEnabled bool `db:"is_audit_enabled"` Validations []ColumnTag Conformations []ColumnTag }
type Transformation ¶ added in v0.4.0
type UploadFileToEntityPerformer ¶ added in v0.2.1
type UploadFileToEntityPerformer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*UploadFileToEntityPerformer) DoAction ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (d *UploadFileToEntityPerformer) DoAction(request ActionRequest, inFields map[string]interface{}) ([]ActionResponse, []error)
func (*UploadFileToEntityPerformer) Name ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (d *UploadFileToEntityPerformer) Name() string
Source Files ¶
- action_become_admin.go
- action_download_cms_config.go
- action_export_data.go
- action_file_upload.go
- action_generate_jwt_token.go
- action_generate_random_data.go
- action_handler.go
- action_import_data.go
- action_install_marketplace_package.go
- action_oauth_login_begin.go
- action_oauth_login_response.go
- action_refresh_marketplace_packages.go
- action_restart_system.go
- action_xls_to_entity.go
- actions.go
- bcrypt_utils.go
- cms_config.go
- column_types.go
- columns.go
- dbfunctions_check.go
- dbfunctions_create.go
- dbfunctions_get.go
- dbfunctions_update.go
- dbmethods.go
- dbresource.go
- encryption_decryption.go
- event_create.go
- event_delete.go
- event_findone.go
- event_update.go
- exchange.go
- exchange_rest.go
- fsm.go
- fsm_manager.go
- mapdiff.go
- market.go
- middleware_datavalidation.go
- middleware_eventgenerator.go
- middleware_objectaccess_permission.go
- middleware_tableaccess_permission.go
- middlewares.go
- oauth_server.go
- permission.go
- reserved_words.go
- resource.go
- resource_create.go
- resource_delete.go
- resource_findallpaginated.go
- resource_findone.go
- resource_update.go
- response.go
- streams.go
- user.go