Management Tool (TO BE UPDATED)
Go app which can either be invoked with a subcommand to perform a specific task or without a subcommand which will launch an interactive shell. Command-line subcommands are implemented with the go-flags package and interactive shell with ishell.
The management tool uses the client API to interact with many server instances as a gRPC client. The management tool has no storage library dependencies and as such is suitable to be run from a login node to interact with storage nodes.
Usage info from app help
[tanabarr@ssh-1 ~]$ projects/daos_m/install/bin/dmg --help
dmg [OPTIONS] [command]
Application Options:
-l, --hostlist= comma separated list of addresses <ipv4addr/hostname:port> (default: localhost:10001)
-f, --hostfile= path of hostfile specifying list of addresses <ipv4addr/hostname:port>, if specified takes preference over HostList
-o, --config-path= Client config file path
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
Available commands:
network Perform tasks related to locally-attached network devices (aliases: n)
pool Perform tasks related to DAOS pools (aliases: p)
service Perform distributed tasks related to DAOS system (aliases: sv)
storage Perform tasks related to locally-attached storage (aliases: st)
[tanabarr@ssh-1 ~]$ projects/daos_m/install/bin/dmg storage --help
dmg [OPTIONS] storage <list>
Application Options:
-l, --hostlist= comma separated list of addresses <ipv4addr/hostname:port> (default: localhost:10001)
-f, --hostfile= path of hostfile specifying list of addresses <ipv4addr/hostname:port>, if specified takes preference over HostList
-o, --config-path= Client config file path
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
Available commands:
list List locally-attached SCM and NVMe storage (aliases: l)
[tanabarr@ssh-1 ~]$ projects/daos_m/install/bin/dmg service --help
dmg [OPTIONS] service <kill-rank>
Application Options:
-l, --hostlist= comma separated list of addresses <ipv4addr/hostname:port> (default: localhost:10001)
-f, --hostfile= path of hostfile specifying list of addresses <ipv4addr/hostname:port>, if specified takes preference over HostList
-o, --config-path= Client config file path
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
Available commands:
kill-rank Terminate server running as specific rank on a DAOS pool (aliases: kr)
[tanabarr@ssh-1 ~]$ projects/daos_m/install/bin/dmg service kill-rank --help
dmg [OPTIONS] service kill-rank [kill-rank-OPTIONS]
Application Options:
-l, --hostlist= comma separated list of addresses <ipv4addr/hostname:port> (default: localhost:10001)
-f, --hostfile= path of hostfile specifying list of addresses <ipv4addr/hostname:port>, if specified takes preference over HostList
-o, --config-path= Client config file path
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
[kill-rank command options]
-r, --rank= Rank identifying DAOS server
-p, --pool-uuid= Pool uuid that rank relates to
storage scan
Example output from invoking "storage scan" subcommand on a single host
[root@wolf-72 ~]# /root/daos_m/install/bin/dmg storage scan
Active connections: [localhost:10001]
Listing NVMe SSD controller and constituent namespaces on connected storage servers:
- id: 0
model: 'INTEL SSDPED1K375GA '
serial: 'PHKS7335008X375AGN '
pciaddr: 0000:87:00.0
fwrev: E2010324
- id: 1
capacity: 375
- id: 0
model: 'INTEL SSDPEDMD016T4 '
serial: 'CVFT6010002F1P6DGN '
pciaddr: 0000:81:00.0
fwrev: 8DV10171
- id: 1
capacity: 1600
- id: 0
model: 'INTEL SSDPEDMD016T4 '
serial: 'CVFT5392000G1P6DGN '
pciaddr: 0000:da:00.0
fwrev: 8DV10171
- id: 1
capacity: 1600
Listing SCM modules on connected storage servers:
- physicalid: 28
channel: 0
channelpos: 1
memctrlr: 0
socket: 0
capacity: 539661172736
- physicalid: 40
channel: 0
channelpos: 1
memctrlr: 1
socket: 0
capacity: 539661172736
- physicalid: 50
channel: 0
channelpos: 1
memctrlr: 0
socket: 1
capacity: 539661172736
- physicalid: 62
channel: 0
channelpos: 1
memctrlr: 1
socket: 1
capacity: 539661172736
Example output from invoking "storage scan" subcommand on multiple hosts
[tanabarr@ssh-1 ~]$ projects/daos_m/install/bin/dmg -l boro-44:10001,boro-45:10001 storage scan
Active connections: [boro-45:10001 boro-44:10001]
Listing NVMe SSD controller and constituent namespaces on connected storage servers:
- id: 0
model: 'INTEL SSDPED1K375GA '
serial: 'PHKS73350016375AGN '
pciaddr: 0000:81:00.0
fwrev: E2010324
- id: 1
capacity: 375
- id: 0
model: 'INTEL SSDPED1K375GA '
serial: 'PHKS7335006W375AGN '
pciaddr: 0000:81:00.0
fwrev: E2010420
- id: 1
capacity: 375
Listing SCM modules on connected storage servers:
boro-44:10001: []
boro-45:10001: []
storage format
Example output from invoking "storage format" subcommand
[tanabarr@ssh-1 ~]$ dmg storage format
2019/06/19 15:51:44 config.go:122: debug: DAOS Client config read from /home/tanabarr/projects/daos_m/install/etc/daos.yml
Active connections: [boro-45:10001]
This is a destructive operation and storage devices specified in the server config file will be erased.
Please be patient as it may take several minutes.
Listing NVMe storage format results on connected storage servers:
- pciaddr: ""
status: 0
error: ""
info: no controllers specified
Listing SCM storage format results on connected storage servers:
- mntpoint: /mnt/daos
status: 0
error: ""
info: status=CTL_SUCCESS
Interactive shell
Example output when listing storage in interactive mode
[tanabarr@ssh-1 ~]$ projects/daos_m/install/bin/dmg
Active connections: [localhost:10001]
DAOS Management Shell
>>> help
addconns Command to create connections to servers by supplying a space separated list of addresses <ipv4addr/hostname:port>
clear clear the screen
clearconns Command to clear stored server connections
exit exit the program
getconns Command to list active server connections
help display help
killrank Command to terminate server running as specific rank on a DAOS pool
listfeatures Command to retrieve supported management features on connected servers
liststorage Command to list locally-attached NVMe SSD controllers and SCM modules
>>> addconns boro-44:10001 boro-45:10001
failed to connect to localhost:10001 (socket connection is not active (TRANSIENT_FAILURE))
Active connections: [boro-45:10001 boro-44:10001]
>>> liststorage
Active connections: [boro-45:10001 boro-44:10001]
Listing NVMe SSD controller and constituent namespaces on connected storage servers:
- id: 0
model: 'INTEL SSDPED1K375GA '
serial: 'PHKS73350016375AGN '
pciaddr: 0000:81:00.0
fwrev: E2010324
- id: 1
capacity: 375
- id: 0
model: 'INTEL SSDPED1K375GA '
serial: 'PHKS7335006W375AGN '
pciaddr: 0000:81:00.0
fwrev: E2010420
- id: 1
capacity: 375
Listing SCM modules on connected storage servers:
boro-44:10001: []
boro-45:10001: []
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