- Search for opcode in contracts in the latest block
func FindOpcode(client *ethclient.Client, opcode vm.OpCode) {
block := latestBlock(client)
inspectContractsInBlock(client, block, opcode)
- Search for opcode in certain contract
func FindOpcodeInContract(client *ethclient.Client, address common.Address, opcode vm.OpCode) {
_, bytecode := isContract(client, address)
if compareOpcodes(bytecode, opcode) {
success(opcode, address)
Note: it doesn't search for PUSH opcodes, since they're exist in bytecode of all contracts and it skips all PUSH instructions with their arguments
const opcode = "SELFDESTRUCT"
func main() {
client, err := ethclient.Dial(URL)
if err != nil {
finder.FindOpcode(client, vm.StringToOp(opcode))
Search for SELFDESTRUCT opcode in contracts in the latest block
Looking for SELFDESTRUCT in contracts
in block 15888893
Catch opcode: SELFDESTRUCT
in contract: 0x46A82Ec528d89154EF3Dc66d9E03fEd617886d2c
Catch opcode: SELFDESTRUCT
in contract: 0x1111111254fb6c44bAC0beD2854e76F90643097d
Catch opcode: SELFDESTRUCT
in contract: 0xe069aE4B336Ca73142cDc5206ed4a4d3A3ff39f6
Inspecting contracts in etherscan:
- https://etherscan.io/address/0x46A82Ec528d89154EF3Dc66d9E03fEd617886d2c#code 👍 it has SELFDESTRUCT
- https://etherscan.io/address/0x1111111254fb6c44bAC0beD2854e76F90643097d#code 👍 it has SELFDESTRUCT
- https://etherscan.io/address/0xe069aE4B336Ca73142cDc5206ed4a4d3A3ff39f6#code 👍 it has SELFDESTRUCT (close to the end it has
opcode which is SELFDESTRUCT)
- At the moment it can return the same addresses in the block, i.e. it doesn't check for collisions
- It inspects only one latest block, stopping then execution