Citizen Wallet
Receive and send citizen coins to pay at participating events.
Move your leftovers coins to your Citizen Wallet on your smartphone.
Read more.
The repo's purpose is to provide gas station functionality and event listening on a given chain for the Citizen Wallet app. It should be able to integrate with any EVM compatible chain.
Each individual program should be stateless and be able to be scaled up/down to multiple instances.
⚪️ pending ⏳ in progress ✅ done
✅ Setup
- project structure
- main functions for programs
- router
- health check (middleware)
- signature (middleware)
- services
- modules
- env
✅ Gas Station (ERC-4337) v1
- Re-sign user transactions and take fees from master wallet
- Gateway (EntryPoint)
- Paymaster [onlyEntryPoint]
- Account Factory [onlyEntryPoint]
- Gratitude Token Factory [onlyEntryPoint]
- Profile Factory [onlyEntryPoint]
- Account [onlyOwnerOrEntryPoint]
- Gratitude [onlyOwnerOrEntryPoint]
- Profile [onlyOwnerOrEntryPoint]
⚪️ Gas Station (ERC-4337) v1.1
- Notification Subscriber Factory [onlyEntryPoint]
- Notification Subscriber [onlyOwnerOrEntryPoint]
⚪️ Event Listener v1
- New block with relevant transactions [event]
- Notify all tokens of an associated address [onEvent]
go get ./...
Set up environment
cp .example.env .env
Replace values in .env
for your setup
Run Gas Station
go run cmd/station/main.go -url endpoint
Run Blockchain Event Handler
go run cmd/events/main.go -url endpoint
Spin up a TestChain
docker run --publish 8545:8545 trufflesuite/ganache:latest --account "0x429321276245f7d39855c8040f498af9392cafed95e1e4f50d158b2b39faa9cc,100000000000000000000000" --account "0xe1b5da7d6c2009c09dcb30781ec1dc4e9f73598a26b57e742d706102b69a1716,100000000000000000000000" --account "0x45c532f2bcb9a21f1a25b1d739bd9d3d65209e86836f370897c94e2e571ec18d,100000000000000000000000" --chain.chainId 1682515751360 --chain.networkId 1682515751360 --unlock "0x0b772F674eD6fB67C5647Be0fbBd2FBe95156D60" --unlock "0xBa711ff057dfAC08E4568Bb972EeC2313454f55A" --unlock "0x664ce0F7785E4bA5Ff422C77314eF982F193BeF5"
Additional links
Repo style guide inspiration