Bridge devices which communicate by MQTT to standard HomeKit devices, such that they then become available to use on iOS devices.
Use case
Various devices communicate in my home using simple MQTT topic and payload messages, which are managed using Mosquitto as the broker. Messages are of the form below, but could change at any moment to a different form:
home/bedroom/temp = 29.18
home/bedroom/light = 14
home/balcony/light = 49
home/balcony/humi = 1.00
home/balcony/temp = 26.90
home/balcony/battery = 3160
home/lounge/pressure = 1004.38
home/lounge/battery = 3260
home/lounge/light = 90
home/lounge/temp = 26.60
It would be nice to have a method of linking arbitrary message data to HomeKit accessory devices, via a configuration file of some form. Flexibility in message topic and payloads would also be useful to minimise the cases where a change of device impacts the ability to bridge.
A simple config file should allow mapping the devices to be bridged. TOML may be one method of encoding these details.
# Configuration of MQTT devices to be bridged
#pin = "10340567"
broker = ""
bridgename = "MacMQTTBridge"
displayname = "Balcony Temperature"
topic = "home/balcony/temp"
displayname = "Lounge Temperature"
topic = "home/lounge/temp"
displayname = "Balcony Light"
topic = "home/balcony/light"
displayname = "Lounge Light"
topic = "home/lounge/light"
On the raspberry pi this can be built using the following
go get -u
cd $GOPATH/src/
GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOARM=7 go build