Firecracker Wrapper
A quick and dirty wrapper around Firecracker to demonstrate the way in which
microvms can be created on the fly. I am aware that firectl exists, this
is just a learning exercise.
This repo consists of two applications, the wrapper and the manager. The manager
provides a lightweight REST API and acts as a means of starting a process inside
the VM after it has booted. The wrapper is what it says on the tin, it wraps the
firecracker binary to start the VM.
Building From Source
Clone this repo and build the binaries:
$ make build
Ensure you also build the kernel and rootfs images:
$ docker build -t firecracker-manager -f manager/Dockerfile . && \
sudo docker run --privileged -it --rm -v $(pwd)/manager/output:/output firecracker-manager
Update the Go dependencies like so:
$ make deps
First you will need to configure a tap network device on your host:
$ make tap
Usage of ./bin/wrapper-linux-amd64:
-firecracker-binary string
Path to firecracker binary (default "firecracker")
-kernel-image string
Path to the kernel image
-kernel-opts string
Kernel commandline (default "ro console=ttyS0 noapic reboot=k panic=1 pci=off nomodules")
-memory int
VM memory, in MiB (default 512)
-numcpus int
Number of CPUs for the VM (default 1)
-rootfs string
Path to root disk image
-workload-dst string
Path to the directory where the workload should be created
-workload-exe string
Path to the workload executable
-workload-src string
Path to the directory containing the workload
When you're done, remove the tap network device:
$ make cleantap