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PixelProxy is a single-binary application with a built-in web UI that can:
- Man-in-the-middle devices, reporting stats and state.
- Record and replay data.
- Visualize device state.
It is designed to run on an embedded system in support of a pixel-based
PixelProxy is built on top of the
client library.
Unlike gopushpixels, PixelProxy has not been polished very much. My
apologies for the crude code, but there is some good and useful stuff in there
![Device List](https://github.com/danjacques/pixelproxy/raw/8d9275d18382/doc/images/devices.jpg)
![Rendered View](https://github.com/danjacques/pixelproxy/raw/8d9275d18382/doc/images/render.jpg)
NOTE: If pixelproxy
is hosted in a private repository. You may need to
configure Git (and Go) to download that repo over SSH so it can authenticate:
git config --global url."git@bitbucket.org:".insteadOf "https://bitbucket.org/"
Setup a Go environment and download:
# Setup a Go path (feel free to adjust):
export GOPATH=~/go
# Update PATH to include Go's bin directory.
export PATH=${GOPATH}/bin:${PATH}
# Download the source and dependencies (but do not install).
# This also initializes the submodule dependencies.
go get -u -t -d github.com/danjacques/pixelproxy/...
Running from Source
You can run PixelProxy from source with the following command:
# CD into "PixelProxy" project directory.
cd ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/danjacques/pixelproxy
# Run the "pixelproxy" application.
go run github.com/danjacques/pixelproxy/cmd/pixelproxy/main.go
Use the --help
flag to list help options. An example debugging command-line
might look like:
# Run the "pixelproxy" application with human-readable verbose logging.
go run ./cmd/pixelproxy/main.go \
-vdebug --production=false --http_addr=
This will run the PixelProxy server on your system, bound to port 8080
. It
can then be accessed by visiting: http://localhost:8080 .
Prior to deployment, you should bundle up the assets files into a binary
filesystem. This can be done by running:
go generate github.com/danjacques/pixelproxy/assets
Now, produce a binary by running:
go install github.com/danjacques/pixelproxy/cmd/...
The binaries will be in ${GOPATH}/bin
Shutdown Support
PixelProxy has the ability to allow the user to perform system actions. This is
implemented by directly executing shell commands. In order to have these actions
work as intended:
The user must have the following commands available on PATH
The user's sudoers
config must allow no-password execution of the
command. This can be implemented adding an /etc/sudoers
configuration line:
user_name ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown