This is a custom take on the GFS backup strategy adopted for AWS S3 which is intended to be run on a daily basis to backup objects in S3.
The implementation uploads backups to S3 in the following way:
- A monthly backup is taken on the first day of each month. A lifecycle policy to transition monthly objects should be implemented for objects with the 'monthly_' prefix. This utility does not handle rotation of monthly backups.
- A weekly backup is taken every Monday (unless it's a monthly backup) with the prefix 'weekly_'. The maximum number of weekly backups kept by default is 4. When another weekly backup is created, the oldest weekly backup is rotated.
- A daily backup is taken once a day (unless it's a monthly or weekly backup) with the prefix 'daily_'. The maximum number of daily backups kept by default is 6. This ensures that 7 daily backups are kept as a weekly backup taken on Monday.
⚠ ONLY backups in the root of the bucket will be rotated. ⚠
CLI Arguments
./GoS3GFSBackup -h
--action (required) The intended action for the tool to run [backup|upload|download|rotate]
--region (required) The AWS region to upload the specified file to
--bucket (required) The S3 bucket to upload the specified file to
--credfile The full path to the AWS CLI credential file if environment variables are not being used to provide the access id and key
--profile The profile to use for the AWS CLI credential file [default: default]
--pathtofile The full path to the file to upload to the specified S3 bucket. Must be specified unless --rotateonly=true
--s3filename The name of the file as it should appear in the S3 bucket. Must be specified unless --rotateonly=true
--bucketdir The directory chain in the bucket in which to upload the S3 object to. Must include the trailing slash
--timeout The timeout to upload the specified file (seconds) [default: 3600]
--dryrun If enabled then no upload or rotation actions will be executed [default: false]
--concurrentworkers The number of threads to use when uploading the file to S3 [default: 5]
--partsize The part size to use when performing a multipart upload or download (MB) [default: 50]
--enforceretentionperiod If enabled then objects in the S3 bucket will only be rotated if they are older then the retention period [default: true]
--dailyretentioncount The number of daily objects to keep in S3 [default: 6]
--dailyretentionperiod The retention period (hours) that a daily object should be kept in S3 [default: 168]
--weeklyretentioncount The number of weekly objects to keep in S3 [default: 4]
--weeklyretentionperiod The retention period (hours) that a weekly object should be kept in S3 [default: 672]
Basic Usage
./GoS3GFSBackup --action=backup --credfile=/backupuser/.aws_creds --region=us-east-1 --bucket=mybucket --s3filename=portfolioAlbum --pathtofile=/var/tmp/uploads/portfolioAlbum2007.tar
Usage Custom Rotation Policy (10 daily backups, 5 weekly backups with enforced retention period applied)
./GoS3GFSBackup --action=backup --credfile=/backupuser/.aws_creds --region=us-east-1 --bucket=mybucket --s3filename=portfolioAlbum --pathtofile=/var/tmp/uploads/portfolioAlbum2007.tar --enforceretentionperiod=true --dailyretentioncount=10 --dailyretentionperiod=240 --weeklyretentioncount=5 --weeklyretentionperiod=120
Usage with 5 hour timeout
./GoS3GFSBackup --action=backup --credfile=/backupuser/.aws_creds --region=us-east-1 --bucket=mybucket --s3filename=portfolioAlbum --pathtofile=/var/tmp/uploads/portfolioAlbum2007.tar --timeout=18000
Dry run
./GoS3GFSBackup --action=backup --credfile=/backupuser/.aws_creds --region=us-east-1 --bucket=mybucket --s3filename=portfolioAlbum --pathtofile=/var/tmp/uploads/portfolioAlbum2007.tar --dryrun=true
Basic Usage
./GoS3GFSBackup --action=upload --credfile=/backupuser/.aws_creds --region=us-east-1 --bucket=mybucket --s3filename=myFileNameThatWontChangeInBucket --pathtofile=/var/tmp/uploads/portfolioAlbum2007.tar
Rotation Only
Basic Usage
./GoS3GFSBackup --action=rotate --credfile=/backupuser/.aws_creds --region=us-east-1 --bucket=mybucket --s3filename=portfolioAlbum --pathtofile=/var/tmp/uploads/portfolioAlbum2007.tar
Basic Usage
./GoS3GFSBackup --action=download --credfile=/backupuser/.aws_creds --region=us-east-1 --bucket=mybucket --s3filename=portfolioAlbumInS3 --pathtofile=/var/tmp/uploads/mydownloadedPortfolioAlbum
If you prefer, you may set environment variables instead of using a credential file:
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access key id>
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<secret access key>
- This tool should be used with a lifecycle policy which moves objects to IA/Glacier to reduce costs of infrequently accessed objects. i.e. move to Glacier after 30 days
- Replication between another bucket should be enabled for a greater level of redundancy. This is only if you are not constrained to a particular geographic location.
Notes About Behaviour
- An incomplete multipart upload object will be left in the S3 bucket if the upload fails due to a timeout. A policy should be set on the bucket to remove multipart upload objects after a certain period of time.
- In addition to the 'daily_', 'weekly_', 'monthly_' prefix, a timestamp will be added as a suffix (i.e. 20170115T002115) to any file uploaded using the backup option.
- The progress tracking implemented for uploads is only to provide a rough idea of how the upload is progressing. This is due to:
- Limitations with S3 manager progress tracking
- The progress tracking checks the amount of upload parts which is limited to 1000 per request
Run test suite with go test -v ./...
in base directory of repository. Testing requires the following environment variables to be set:
If you're providing credentials via file:
AWS_CRED_FILE=<Path to AWS credential file>
AWS_REGION=<AWS region where the buckets for testing exist>
AWS_BUCKET_UPLOAD=<AWS bucket specifically for upload testing>
AWS_BUCKET_ROTATION=<AWS bucket specifically for rotation testing>
AWS_BUCKET_FORBIDDEN=<AWS bucket that user running tests does not have permission to access>
AWS_BUCKET_DOWNLOAD=<AWS bucket specifically for download testing>
If you're providing credentials via env:
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<AWS secret access key>
AWS_REGION=<AWS region where the buckets for testing exist>
AWS_BUCKET_UPLOAD=<AWS bucket specifically for upload testing>
AWS_BUCKET_ROTATION=<AWS bucket specifically for rotation testing>
AWS_BUCKET_FORBIDDEN=<AWS bucket that user running tests does not have permission to access>
AWS_BUCKET_DOWNLOAD=<AWS bucket specifically for download testing>