
Example full stack app with an API-first and Database-first approach with OpenAPI v3, sqlc+xo codegen,
generated backend, frontend client and validators and an unimaginative title.
What's this for?
An example fully featured app to showcase how an OpenAPI v3 spec and database
schema become a real single source of truth at once. Any
change to it is validated and cascades down to:
frontend: autogenerated complex, customizable and fully type-safe UI forms
based on the OpenAPI spec converted to JSON
schema. Generated API queries (orval
). User-friendly generated client-side
(via react-hook-form
and ajv
plus customized kin-openapi
messages for backend errors). Check out the frontend home page for available links.
backend: generated Gin server (custom oapi-codegen
and post-generation).
Request and response validation (kin-openapi
). Generated CRUD and index queries via xo
and custom queries via sqlc
by leveraging custom xo
template generation
that ensures compatibility. Integrated OpenID Connect client via
(and dockerized authorization server for development in
based on reusable mock server with generics in
oidc-server). App events processing
via Server Sent Events.
Queries generated by xo
use pgx
exclusively and includes
pagination, indexes, soft delete handling, extensible queries (parameterized where
, having
clauses), joins and
much more (see xo integration
tests) that will get you
95% there without resorting to ad-hoc queries. Found an edge case or want additional functionality just for
your DB needs? Just edit xo-templates/
, since codegen is interpreted by
. Additionally, by
using pgx
, models can be easily re-exported as usable OpenAPI schemas via
and some magic Bash and Go utility programs that keep generated
code in order.
Since using DB models in all backend layers is considered an anti-pattern at
some level of model complexity, you're not tied to generated schemas from DB
Any struct can become a spec schema via openapi-go
struct tags and some
simple bash code behind to grab them, with minimal caveats. See rest
package. It is even possible to reference openapi spec models in your xo
generated models, as long as they don't create any circular dependencies.
Since at the last generation step we generate all spec schemas back to Go models with oapi-codegen
a shared models
package, this is not an issue (although you'd have to
choose what models to use, since there'll duplication for the models
that were already generated by openapi-go
in the first place - ideally, use the
Additionally, it features OpenTelemetry in both browser (automatic and
manual instrumentation) and backend services (manual instrumentation) via
Jaeger, TimescaleDB and Promscale (discontinued, should look at options like
Makefile alternative
You get dynamic x
function and x
options parameters documentation and
autocompletion (complete -C project project
) for
free (from your own source itself and comments)
so they're always up to date without any repetitive work: add/remove functions
and flags at will.
Custom internal autocompletion functions for each x
function or x
option can be
easily setup.

All calls to x
functions are logged (distinguishing stdout and stderr) for easier parallel execution and nested
calls tracking:

And help for any x
function is easily searchable when the app inevitably grows
with --x-help

Configuration and local development
Fill in .env.template
find . -name ".env*.template"
For dev
environment, you may use
as a starting point,
replacing ci
with dev
since it will run
the backend without docker containers.
Assuming a recent Ubuntu release:
sudo apt install direnv -y
direnv allow # you can also customize direnv with .envrc.local as you would a regular .envrc, see example
cp openapi-go.code-workspace.example openapi-go.code-workspace # edit as desired
project bootstrap # dependency and tools interactive installation
project recreate-shared-services
project gen
project db.initial-data
project run.all
For first test run:
project test.backend.setup
project test.backend
project test.frontend
Tracing, monitoring...
Notes on code generation
Db struct mappings can be extended with SQL column comments, joined with &&
: exclude a field from JSON.
: make a schema field not required.
: exclude field from OpenAPI generation.
: generate a field whose constraints are ignored by the referenced table,
i.e. no joins will be generated.
: for a FK column, it will generate the same M2O and M2M join fields the ref column has.
: override the type annotation with an existing spec schema. Also allows
complex JSON columns to be encoded and decoded thanks to pgx
to generate/override joins explicitly. Only O2O is inferred.
: append literal struct tag strings.
Structs in models.spec.go
will be generated via openapi-go
and replaced in
the spec. Make sure they don't clash with existing models
names or db tables.
Combines db codegen via a custom xo
alongside spec schemas codegen for ease of use.
CRUD + tests generation
See project test.create-crud-gen
's implementation for an example workflow to create a
variety of implemented CRUD endpoints and relevant tests for a given database
This is a one-off script per table.
OpenAPI spec
Endpoints are exclusively managed through the spec and created/kept up to date
in their respective files aggregated by tags
(limited to one)
via codegen and AST modifications. This ensures the server always implements the
For endpoint implementation, only method bodies are to be modified.
Vendor extensions
Component schemas:
generates a schema from a struct and keeps it up to date,
which can be tagged with OpenAPI fields (via openapi-go).
Possible structs to generate from are listed in internal/codegen/structs.gen.go
indexed by x-gen-struct
Packages to generate structs from are added adhoc (currently rest and models packages only)
Note that rest package structs are generated without prefix since they
are the base of the spec - else prefix is the pascal cased package name.
The value of x-gen-struct
must match the schema name, to prevent duplicates and
confusing definitions.
To use a yet to be generated rest
package struct in spec paths
, simply use the $ref
without creating any schema and it will be autogenerated later if it doesn't exist
(only for rest
package structs, since any other should not be used as request/response in the
first place).
: set to true to mark rest types (i.e. request, responses, query params...) that are manually defined in the spec instead of structs in models.spec.go
Path operations:
defines required scopes for a request.
defines the minimum required role for a request.

Known issues
- Nested functions in
's x
functions will break automatic
documentation for that particular function due to a bug in declare
where the last nested function line
number is returned instead of the parent.