Index ¶
- Constants
- type AccountService100AccountService
- type CIMCBootImageBootImage
- type CIMCBootImageBootImageList
- type CIMCBootImageNetworkAddress
- type CIMCBootImageNetworkDevice
- type CIMCBootImageUsers
- type CIMCResetActionResetAction
- type Chassis100Chassis
- type Chassis100ChassisActions
- type Chassis100ChassisLinks
- type Chassis100Reset
- type ChassisCollectionChassisCollection
- type ComputerSystem100Boot
- type ComputerSystem100ComputerSystem
- type ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemActions
- type ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemLinks
- type ComputerSystem100MemorySummary
- type ComputerSystem100ProcessorSummary
- type ComputerSystem100Reset
- type ComputerSystemCollectionComputerSystemCollection
- type ErrorResponse
- type EthernetInterface100EthernetInterface
- type EthernetInterface100IPV6AddressPolicyEntry
- type EthernetInterfaceCollectionEthernetInterfaceCollection
- type EventDestination100EventDestination
- type EventDestination100HTTPHeaderProperty
- type EventDestinationCollectionEventDestinationCollection
- type EventService100EventService
- type EventService100EventServiceActions
- type EventService100SubmitTestEvent
- type IPAddresses100IPV4Address
- type IPAddresses100IPV6Address
- type IPAddresses100IPV6StaticAddress
- type JSONSchemaFile100JSONSchemaFile
- type JSONSchemaFile100Location
- type JSONSchemaFileCollectionJSONSchemaFileCollection
- type LogEntry100LogEntry
- type LogEntry100LogEntryLinks
- type LogEntryCollectionLogEntryCollection
- type LogService100ClearLog
- type LogService100LogService
- type LogService100LogServiceActions
- type LogServiceCollectionLogServiceCollection
- type Manager100CommandShell
- type Manager100ForceFailover
- type Manager100GraphicalConsole
- type Manager100Manager
- type Manager100ManagerActions
- type Manager100ManagerLinks
- type Manager100ModifyRedundancySet
- type Manager100Reset
- type Manager100SerialConsole
- type ManagerAccount100ManagerAccount
- type ManagerAccount100ManagerAccountLinks
- type ManagerAccount100ManagerAccountPost
- type ManagerAccountCollectionManagerAccountCollection
- type ManagerCollectionManagerCollection
- type ManagerNetworkProtocol100ManagerNetworkProtocol
- type ManagerNetworkProtocol100Protocol
- type ManagerNetworkProtocol100SSDProtocol
- type Message100Message
- type MessageRegistryFile100Location
- type MessageRegistryFile100MessageRegistryFile
- type MessageRegistryFileCollectionMessageRegistryFileCollection
- type Odata400IDRef
- type Power100Power
- type Power100PowerControl
- type Power100PowerLimit
- type Power100PowerMetric
- type Power100PowerSupply
- type Power100Voltage
- type Processor100Processor
- type Processor100ProcessorID
- type ProcessorCollectionProcessorCollection
- type ResourceOem
- type ResourceStatus
- type Role100Role
- type RoleCollectionRoleCollection
- type SerialInterface100SerialInterface
- type SerialInterfaceCollectionSerialInterfaceCollection
- type ServiceRoot100ServiceRoot
- type ServiceRoot100ServiceRootLinks
- type Session100Session
- type SessionCollectionSessionCollection
- type SessionService100SessionService
- type SimpleStorage100Device
- type SimpleStorage100SimpleStorage
- type SimpleStorageCollectionSimpleStorageCollection
- type Task100Task
- type TaskCollectionTaskCollection
- type TaskService100TaskService
- type TestEvent
- type Thermal100Fan
- type Thermal100Temperature
- type Thermal100Thermal
- type VLanNetworkInterface100VLAN
- type VLanNetworkInterfaceCollectionVLanNetworkInterfaceCollection
- type VirtualMedia100VirtualMedia
- type VirtualMediaCollectionVirtualMediaCollection
Constants ¶
const ( // CIMCBootImageBootImageOsNameCentOS captures enum value "CentOS" CIMCBootImageBootImageOsNameCentOS string = "CentOS" // CIMCBootImageBootImageOsNameCentOSKVM captures enum value "CentOS+KVM" CIMCBootImageBootImageOsNameCentOSKVM string = "CentOS+KVM" // CIMCBootImageBootImageOsNameESXi captures enum value "ESXi" CIMCBootImageBootImageOsNameESXi string = "ESXi" // CIMCBootImageBootImageOsNameRHEL captures enum value "RHEL" CIMCBootImageBootImageOsNameRHEL string = "RHEL" // CIMCBootImageBootImageOsNameRHELKVM captures enum value "RHEL+KVM" CIMCBootImageBootImageOsNameRHELKVM string = "RHEL+KVM" )
const ( // CIMCBootImageBootImageListOsNameCentOS captures enum value "CentOS" CIMCBootImageBootImageListOsNameCentOS string = "CentOS" // CIMCBootImageBootImageListOsNameCentOSKVM captures enum value "CentOS+KVM" CIMCBootImageBootImageListOsNameCentOSKVM string = "CentOS+KVM" // CIMCBootImageBootImageListOsNameESXi captures enum value "ESXi" CIMCBootImageBootImageListOsNameESXi string = "ESXi" // CIMCBootImageBootImageListOsNameRHEL captures enum value "RHEL" CIMCBootImageBootImageListOsNameRHEL string = "RHEL" // CIMCBootImageBootImageListOsNameRHELKVM captures enum value "RHEL+KVM" CIMCBootImageBootImageListOsNameRHELKVM string = "RHEL+KVM" )
const ( // CIMCResetActionResetActionResetTypeOn captures enum value "On" CIMCResetActionResetActionResetTypeOn string = "On" // CIMCResetActionResetActionResetTypeForceOff captures enum value "ForceOff" CIMCResetActionResetActionResetTypeForceOff string = "ForceOff" // CIMCResetActionResetActionResetTypeGracefulShutdown captures enum value "GracefulShutdown" CIMCResetActionResetActionResetTypeGracefulShutdown string = "GracefulShutdown" // CIMCResetActionResetActionResetTypeGracefulRestart captures enum value "GracefulRestart" CIMCResetActionResetActionResetTypeGracefulRestart string = "GracefulRestart" // CIMCResetActionResetActionResetTypeForceRestart captures enum value "ForceRestart" CIMCResetActionResetActionResetTypeForceRestart string = "ForceRestart" // CIMCResetActionResetActionResetTypeNmi captures enum value "Nmi" CIMCResetActionResetActionResetTypeNmi string = "Nmi" // CIMCResetActionResetActionResetTypeForceOn captures enum value "ForceOn" CIMCResetActionResetActionResetTypeForceOn string = "ForceOn" // CIMCResetActionResetActionResetTypePushPowerButton captures enum value "PushPowerButton" CIMCResetActionResetActionResetTypePushPowerButton string = "PushPowerButton" )
const ( // Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeRack captures enum value "Rack" Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeRack string = "Rack" // Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeBlade captures enum value "Blade" Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeBlade string = "Blade" // Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeEnclosure captures enum value "Enclosure" Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeEnclosure string = "Enclosure" // Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeStandAlone captures enum value "StandAlone" Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeStandAlone string = "StandAlone" // Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeRackMount captures enum value "RackMount" Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeRackMount string = "RackMount" // Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeCard captures enum value "Card" Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeCard string = "Card" // Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeCartridge captures enum value "Cartridge" Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeCartridge string = "Cartridge" // Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeRow captures enum value "Row" Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeRow string = "Row" // Chassis100ChassisChassisTypePod captures enum value "Pod" Chassis100ChassisChassisTypePod string = "Pod" // Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeExpansion captures enum value "Expansion" Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeExpansion string = "Expansion" // Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeSidecar captures enum value "Sidecar" Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeSidecar string = "Sidecar" // Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeZone captures enum value "Zone" Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeZone string = "Zone" // Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeSled captures enum value "Sled" Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeSled string = "Sled" // Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeShelf captures enum value "Shelf" Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeShelf string = "Shelf" // Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeDrawer captures enum value "Drawer" Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeDrawer string = "Drawer" // Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeModule captures enum value "Module" Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeModule string = "Module" // Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeComponent captures enum value "Component" Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeComponent string = "Component" // Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeOther captures enum value "Other" Chassis100ChassisChassisTypeOther string = "Other" )
const ( // Chassis100ChassisIndicatorLEDUnknown captures enum value "Unknown" Chassis100ChassisIndicatorLEDUnknown string = "Unknown" // Chassis100ChassisIndicatorLEDLit captures enum value "Lit" Chassis100ChassisIndicatorLEDLit string = "Lit" // Chassis100ChassisIndicatorLEDBlinking captures enum value "Blinking" Chassis100ChassisIndicatorLEDBlinking string = "Blinking" // Chassis100ChassisIndicatorLEDOff captures enum value "Off" Chassis100ChassisIndicatorLEDOff string = "Off" )
const ( // ComputerSystem100BootBootSourceOverrideEnabledDisabled captures enum value "Disabled" ComputerSystem100BootBootSourceOverrideEnabledDisabled string = "Disabled" // ComputerSystem100BootBootSourceOverrideEnabledOnce captures enum value "Once" ComputerSystem100BootBootSourceOverrideEnabledOnce string = "Once" // ComputerSystem100BootBootSourceOverrideEnabledContinuous captures enum value "Continuous" ComputerSystem100BootBootSourceOverrideEnabledContinuous string = "Continuous" )
const ( // ComputerSystem100BootBootSourceOverrideTargetNone captures enum value "None" ComputerSystem100BootBootSourceOverrideTargetNone string = "None" // ComputerSystem100BootBootSourceOverrideTargetPxe captures enum value "Pxe" ComputerSystem100BootBootSourceOverrideTargetPxe string = "Pxe" // ComputerSystem100BootBootSourceOverrideTargetFloppy captures enum value "Floppy" ComputerSystem100BootBootSourceOverrideTargetFloppy string = "Floppy" // ComputerSystem100BootBootSourceOverrideTargetCd captures enum value "Cd" ComputerSystem100BootBootSourceOverrideTargetCd string = "Cd" // ComputerSystem100BootBootSourceOverrideTargetUsb captures enum value "Usb" ComputerSystem100BootBootSourceOverrideTargetUsb string = "Usb" // ComputerSystem100BootBootSourceOverrideTargetHdd captures enum value "Hdd" ComputerSystem100BootBootSourceOverrideTargetHdd string = "Hdd" // ComputerSystem100BootBootSourceOverrideTargetBiosSetup captures enum value "BiosSetup" ComputerSystem100BootBootSourceOverrideTargetBiosSetup string = "BiosSetup" // ComputerSystem100BootBootSourceOverrideTargetUtilities captures enum value "Utilities" ComputerSystem100BootBootSourceOverrideTargetUtilities string = "Utilities" // ComputerSystem100BootBootSourceOverrideTargetDiags captures enum value "Diags" ComputerSystem100BootBootSourceOverrideTargetDiags string = "Diags" // ComputerSystem100BootBootSourceOverrideTargetUefiShell captures enum value "UefiShell" ComputerSystem100BootBootSourceOverrideTargetUefiShell string = "UefiShell" // ComputerSystem100BootBootSourceOverrideTargetUefiTarget captures enum value "UefiTarget" ComputerSystem100BootBootSourceOverrideTargetUefiTarget string = "UefiTarget" )
const ( // ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemIndicatorLEDUnknown captures enum value "Unknown" ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemIndicatorLEDUnknown string = "Unknown" // ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemIndicatorLEDLit captures enum value "Lit" ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemIndicatorLEDLit string = "Lit" // ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemIndicatorLEDBlinking captures enum value "Blinking" ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemIndicatorLEDBlinking string = "Blinking" // ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemIndicatorLEDOff captures enum value "Off" ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemIndicatorLEDOff string = "Off" )
const ( // ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemPowerStateOn captures enum value "On" ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemPowerStateOn string = "On" // ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemPowerStateOff captures enum value "Off" ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemPowerStateOff string = "Off" // ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemPowerStateUnknown captures enum value "Unknown" ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemPowerStateUnknown string = "Unknown" // ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemPowerStateReset captures enum value "Reset" ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemPowerStateReset string = "Reset" )
const ( // ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemSystemTypePhysical captures enum value "Physical" ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemSystemTypePhysical string = "Physical" // ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemSystemTypeVirtual captures enum value "Virtual" ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemSystemTypeVirtual string = "Virtual" // ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemSystemTypeOS captures enum value "OS" ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemSystemTypeOS string = "OS" // ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemSystemTypePhysicallyPartitioned captures enum value "PhysicallyPartitioned" ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemSystemTypePhysicallyPartitioned string = "PhysicallyPartitioned" // ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemSystemTypeVirtuallyPartitioned captures enum value "VirtuallyPartitioned" ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemSystemTypeVirtuallyPartitioned string = "VirtuallyPartitioned" )
const ( // IPAddresses100IPV4AddressAddressOriginStatic captures enum value "Static" IPAddresses100IPV4AddressAddressOriginStatic string = "Static" // IPAddresses100IPV4AddressAddressOriginDHCP captures enum value "DHCP" IPAddresses100IPV4AddressAddressOriginDHCP string = "DHCP" // IPAddresses100IPV4AddressAddressOriginBOOTP captures enum value "BOOTP" IPAddresses100IPV4AddressAddressOriginBOOTP string = "BOOTP" // IPAddresses100IPV4AddressAddressOriginIPV4LinkLocal captures enum value "IPv4LinkLocal" IPAddresses100IPV4AddressAddressOriginIPV4LinkLocal string = "IPv4LinkLocal" )
const ( // IPAddresses100IPV6AddressAddressOriginStatic captures enum value "Static" IPAddresses100IPV6AddressAddressOriginStatic string = "Static" // IPAddresses100IPV6AddressAddressOriginDHCPv6 captures enum value "DHCPv6" IPAddresses100IPV6AddressAddressOriginDHCPv6 string = "DHCPv6" // IPAddresses100IPV6AddressAddressOriginLinkLocal captures enum value "LinkLocal" IPAddresses100IPV6AddressAddressOriginLinkLocal string = "LinkLocal" // IPAddresses100IPV6AddressAddressOriginSLAAC captures enum value "SLAAC" IPAddresses100IPV6AddressAddressOriginSLAAC string = "SLAAC" )
const ( // IPAddresses100IPV6AddressAddressStatePreferred captures enum value "Preferred" IPAddresses100IPV6AddressAddressStatePreferred string = "Preferred" // IPAddresses100IPV6AddressAddressStateDeprecated captures enum value "Deprecated" IPAddresses100IPV6AddressAddressStateDeprecated string = "Deprecated" // IPAddresses100IPV6AddressAddressStateTentative captures enum value "Tentative" IPAddresses100IPV6AddressAddressStateTentative string = "Tentative" // IPAddresses100IPV6AddressAddressStateFailed captures enum value "Failed" IPAddresses100IPV6AddressAddressStateFailed string = "Failed" )
const ( // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeAssert captures enum value "Assert" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeAssert string = "Assert" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeDeassert captures enum value "Deassert" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeDeassert string = "Deassert" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeLowerNonCriticalGoingLow captures enum value "Lower Non-critical - going low" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeLowerNonCriticalGoingLow string = "Lower Non-critical - going low" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeLowerNonCriticalGoingHigh captures enum value "Lower Non-critical - going high" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeLowerNonCriticalGoingHigh string = "Lower Non-critical - going high" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeLowerCriticalGoingLow captures enum value "Lower Critical - going low" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeLowerCriticalGoingLow string = "Lower Critical - going low" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeLowerCriticalGoingHigh captures enum value "Lower Critical - going high" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeLowerCriticalGoingHigh string = "Lower Critical - going high" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeLowerNonRecoverableGoingLow captures enum value "Lower Non-recoverable - going low" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeLowerNonRecoverableGoingLow string = "Lower Non-recoverable - going low" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeLowerNonRecoverableGoingHigh captures enum value "Lower Non-recoverable - going high" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeLowerNonRecoverableGoingHigh string = "Lower Non-recoverable - going high" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeUpperNonCriticalGoingLow captures enum value "Upper Non-critical - going low" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeUpperNonCriticalGoingLow string = "Upper Non-critical - going low" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeUpperNonCriticalGoingHigh captures enum value "Upper Non-critical - going high" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeUpperNonCriticalGoingHigh string = "Upper Non-critical - going high" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeUpperCriticalGoingLow captures enum value "Upper Critical - going low" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeUpperCriticalGoingLow string = "Upper Critical - going low" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeUpperCriticalGoingHigh captures enum value "Upper Critical - going high" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeUpperCriticalGoingHigh string = "Upper Critical - going high" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeUpperNonRecoverableGoingLow captures enum value "Upper Non-recoverable - going low" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeUpperNonRecoverableGoingLow string = "Upper Non-recoverable - going low" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeUpperNonRecoverableGoingHigh captures enum value "Upper Non-recoverable - going high" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeUpperNonRecoverableGoingHigh string = "Upper Non-recoverable - going high" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToIDLE captures enum value "Transition to Idle" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToIDLE string = "Transition to Idle" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToActive captures enum value "Transition to Active" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToActive string = "Transition to Active" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToBusy captures enum value "Transition to Busy" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToBusy string = "Transition to Busy" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeStateDeasserted captures enum value "State Deasserted" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeStateDeasserted string = "State Deasserted" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeStateAsserted captures enum value "State Asserted" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeStateAsserted string = "State Asserted" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodePredictiveFailureDeasserted captures enum value "Predictive Failure deasserted" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodePredictiveFailureDeasserted string = "Predictive Failure deasserted" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodePredictiveFailureAsserted captures enum value "Predictive Failure asserted" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodePredictiveFailureAsserted string = "Predictive Failure asserted" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeLimitNotExceeded captures enum value "Limit Not Exceeded" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeLimitNotExceeded string = "Limit Not Exceeded" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeLimitExceeded captures enum value "Limit Exceeded" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeLimitExceeded string = "Limit Exceeded" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodePerformanceMet captures enum value "Performance Met" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodePerformanceMet string = "Performance Met" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodePerformanceLags captures enum value "Performance Lags" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodePerformanceLags string = "Performance Lags" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToOK captures enum value "Transition to OK" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToOK string = "Transition to OK" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToNonCriticalFromOK captures enum value "Transition to Non-Critical from OK" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToNonCriticalFromOK string = "Transition to Non-Critical from OK" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToCriticalFromLessSevere captures enum value "Transition to Critical from less severe" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToCriticalFromLessSevere string = "Transition to Critical from less severe" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToNonRecoverableFromLessSevere captures enum value "Transition to Non-recoverable from less severe" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToNonRecoverableFromLessSevere string = "Transition to Non-recoverable from less severe" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToNonCriticalFromMoreSevere captures enum value "Transition to Non-Critical from more severe" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToNonCriticalFromMoreSevere string = "Transition to Non-Critical from more severe" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToCriticalFromNonRecoverable captures enum value "Transition to Critical from Non-recoverable" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToCriticalFromNonRecoverable string = "Transition to Critical from Non-recoverable" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToNonRecoverable captures enum value "Transition to Non-recoverable" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToNonRecoverable string = "Transition to Non-recoverable" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeMonitor captures enum value "Monitor" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeMonitor string = "Monitor" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeInformational captures enum value "Informational" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeInformational string = "Informational" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeDeviceRemovedDeviceAbsent captures enum value "Device Removed / Device Absent" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeDeviceRemovedDeviceAbsent string = "Device Removed / Device Absent" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeDeviceInsertedDevicePresent captures enum value "Device Inserted / Device Present" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeDeviceInsertedDevicePresent string = "Device Inserted / Device Present" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeDeviceDisabled captures enum value "Device Disabled" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeDeviceDisabled string = "Device Disabled" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeDeviceEnabled captures enum value "Device Enabled" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeDeviceEnabled string = "Device Enabled" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToRunning captures enum value "Transition to Running" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToRunning string = "Transition to Running" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToInTest captures enum value "Transition to In Test" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToInTest string = "Transition to In Test" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToPowerOff captures enum value "Transition to Power Off" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToPowerOff string = "Transition to Power Off" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToOnLine captures enum value "Transition to On Line" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToOnLine string = "Transition to On Line" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToOffLine captures enum value "Transition to Off Line" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToOffLine string = "Transition to Off Line" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToOffDuty captures enum value "Transition to Off Duty" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToOffDuty string = "Transition to Off Duty" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToDegraded captures enum value "Transition to Degraded" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToDegraded string = "Transition to Degraded" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToPowerSave captures enum value "Transition to Power Save" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeTransitionToPowerSave string = "Transition to Power Save" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeInstallError captures enum value "Install Error" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeInstallError string = "Install Error" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeFullyRedundant captures enum value "Fully Redundant" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeFullyRedundant string = "Fully Redundant" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeRedundancyLost captures enum value "Redundancy Lost" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeRedundancyLost string = "Redundancy Lost" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeRedundancyDegraded captures enum value "Redundancy Degraded" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeRedundancyDegraded string = "Redundancy Degraded" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeNonRedundantSufficientResourcesFromRedundant captures enum value "Non-redundant:Sufficient Resources from Redundant" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeNonRedundantSufficientResourcesFromRedundant string = "Non-redundant:Sufficient Resources from Redundant" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeNonRedundantSufficientResourcesFromInsufficientResources captures enum value "Non-redundant:Sufficient Resources from Insufficient Resources" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeNonRedundantSufficientResourcesFromInsufficientResources string = "Non-redundant:Sufficient Resources from Insufficient Resources" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeNonRedundantInsufficientResources captures enum value "Non-redundant:Insufficient Resources" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeNonRedundantInsufficientResources string = "Non-redundant:Insufficient Resources" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeRedundancyDegradedFromFullyRedundant captures enum value "Redundancy Degraded from Fully Redundant" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeRedundancyDegradedFromFullyRedundant string = "Redundancy Degraded from Fully Redundant" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeRedundancyDegradedFromNonRedundant captures enum value "Redundancy Degraded from Non-redundant" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeRedundancyDegradedFromNonRedundant string = "Redundancy Degraded from Non-redundant" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeD0PowerState captures enum value "D0 Power State" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeD0PowerState string = "D0 Power State" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeD1PowerState captures enum value "D1 Power State" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeD1PowerState string = "D1 Power State" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeD2PowerState captures enum value "D2 Power State" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeD2PowerState string = "D2 Power State" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeD3PowerState captures enum value "D3 Power State" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryCodeD3PowerState string = "D3 Power State" )
const ( // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryTypeEvent captures enum value "Event" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryTypeEvent string = "Event" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryTypeSEL captures enum value "SEL" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryTypeSEL string = "SEL" // LogEntry100LogEntryEntryTypeOem captures enum value "Oem" LogEntry100LogEntryEntryTypeOem string = "Oem" )
const ( // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypePlatformSecurityViolationAttempt captures enum value "Platform Security Violation Attempt" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypePlatformSecurityViolationAttempt string = "Platform Security Violation Attempt" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeTemperature captures enum value "Temperature" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeTemperature string = "Temperature" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeVoltage captures enum value "Voltage" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeVoltage string = "Voltage" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeCurrent captures enum value "Current" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeCurrent string = "Current" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeFan captures enum value "Fan" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeFan string = "Fan" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypePhysicalChassisSecurity captures enum value "Physical Chassis Security" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypePhysicalChassisSecurity string = "Physical Chassis Security" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeProcessor captures enum value "Processor" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeProcessor string = "Processor" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypePowerSupplyConverter captures enum value "Power Supply / Converter" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypePowerSupplyConverter string = "Power Supply / Converter" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypePowerUnit captures enum value "PowerUnit" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypePowerUnit string = "PowerUnit" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeCoolingDevice captures enum value "CoolingDevice" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeCoolingDevice string = "CoolingDevice" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeOtherUnitsBasedSensor captures enum value "Other Units-based Sensor" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeOtherUnitsBasedSensor string = "Other Units-based Sensor" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeMemory captures enum value "Memory" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeMemory string = "Memory" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeDriveSlotBay captures enum value "Drive Slot/Bay" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeDriveSlotBay string = "Drive Slot/Bay" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypePOSTMemoryResize captures enum value "POST Memory Resize" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypePOSTMemoryResize string = "POST Memory Resize" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeSystemFirmwareProgress captures enum value "System Firmware Progress" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeSystemFirmwareProgress string = "System Firmware Progress" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeEventLoggingDisabled captures enum value "Event Logging Disabled" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeEventLoggingDisabled string = "Event Logging Disabled" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeSystemEvent captures enum value "System Event" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeSystemEvent string = "System Event" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeCriticalInterrupt captures enum value "Critical Interrupt" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeCriticalInterrupt string = "Critical Interrupt" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeButtonSwitch captures enum value "Button/Switch" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeButtonSwitch string = "Button/Switch" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeModuleBoard captures enum value "Module/Board" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeModuleBoard string = "Module/Board" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeMicrocontrollerCoprocessor captures enum value "Microcontroller/Coprocessor" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeMicrocontrollerCoprocessor string = "Microcontroller/Coprocessor" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeAddInCard captures enum value "Add-in Card" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeAddInCard string = "Add-in Card" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeChassis captures enum value "Chassis" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeChassis string = "Chassis" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeChipSet captures enum value "ChipSet" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeChipSet string = "ChipSet" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeOtherFRU captures enum value "Other FRU" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeOtherFRU string = "Other FRU" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeCableInterconnect captures enum value "Cable/Interconnect" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeCableInterconnect string = "Cable/Interconnect" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeTerminator captures enum value "Terminator" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeTerminator string = "Terminator" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeSystemBootRestart captures enum value "SystemBoot/Restart" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeSystemBootRestart string = "SystemBoot/Restart" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeBootError captures enum value "Boot Error" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeBootError string = "Boot Error" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeBaseOSBootInstallationStatus captures enum value "BaseOSBoot/InstallationStatus" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeBaseOSBootInstallationStatus string = "BaseOSBoot/InstallationStatus" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeOSStopShutdown captures enum value "OS Stop/Shutdown" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeOSStopShutdown string = "OS Stop/Shutdown" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeSlotConnector captures enum value "Slot/Connector" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeSlotConnector string = "Slot/Connector" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeSystemACPIPowerState captures enum value "System ACPI PowerState" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeSystemACPIPowerState string = "System ACPI PowerState" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeWatchdog captures enum value "Watchdog" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeWatchdog string = "Watchdog" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypePlatformAlert captures enum value "Platform Alert" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypePlatformAlert string = "Platform Alert" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeEntityPresence captures enum value "Entity Presence" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeEntityPresence string = "Entity Presence" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeMonitorASICIC captures enum value "Monitor ASIC/IC" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeMonitorASICIC string = "Monitor ASIC/IC" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeLAN captures enum value "LAN" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeLAN string = "LAN" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeManagementSubsystemHealth captures enum value "Management Subsystem Health" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeManagementSubsystemHealth string = "Management Subsystem Health" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeBattery captures enum value "Battery" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeBattery string = "Battery" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeSessionAudit captures enum value "Session Audit" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeSessionAudit string = "Session Audit" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeVersionChange captures enum value "Version Change" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeVersionChange string = "Version Change" // LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeFRUState captures enum value "FRUState" LogEntry100LogEntrySensorTypeFRUState string = "FRUState" )
const ( // LogEntry100LogEntrySeverityOK captures enum value "OK" LogEntry100LogEntrySeverityOK string = "OK" // LogEntry100LogEntrySeverityWarning captures enum value "Warning" LogEntry100LogEntrySeverityWarning string = "Warning" // LogEntry100LogEntrySeverityCritical captures enum value "Critical" LogEntry100LogEntrySeverityCritical string = "Critical" )
const ( // LogService100LogServiceOverWritePolicyUnknown captures enum value "Unknown" LogService100LogServiceOverWritePolicyUnknown string = "Unknown" // LogService100LogServiceOverWritePolicyWrapsWhenFull captures enum value "WrapsWhenFull" LogService100LogServiceOverWritePolicyWrapsWhenFull string = "WrapsWhenFull" // LogService100LogServiceOverWritePolicyNeverOverWrites captures enum value "NeverOverWrites" LogService100LogServiceOverWritePolicyNeverOverWrites string = "NeverOverWrites" )
const ( // Manager100ManagerManagerTypeManagementController captures enum value "ManagementController" Manager100ManagerManagerTypeManagementController string = "ManagementController" // Manager100ManagerManagerTypeEnclosureManager captures enum value "EnclosureManager" Manager100ManagerManagerTypeEnclosureManager string = "EnclosureManager" // Manager100ManagerManagerTypeBMC captures enum value "BMC" Manager100ManagerManagerTypeBMC string = "BMC" // Manager100ManagerManagerTypeRackManager captures enum value "RackManager" Manager100ManagerManagerTypeRackManager string = "RackManager" // Manager100ManagerManagerTypeAuxiliaryController captures enum value "AuxiliaryController" Manager100ManagerManagerTypeAuxiliaryController string = "AuxiliaryController" )
const ( // ManagerNetworkProtocol100SSDProtocolNotifyIPV6ScopeLink captures enum value "Link" ManagerNetworkProtocol100SSDProtocolNotifyIPV6ScopeLink string = "Link" // ManagerNetworkProtocol100SSDProtocolNotifyIPV6ScopeSite captures enum value "Site" ManagerNetworkProtocol100SSDProtocolNotifyIPV6ScopeSite string = "Site" // ManagerNetworkProtocol100SSDProtocolNotifyIPV6ScopeOrganization captures enum value "Organization" ManagerNetworkProtocol100SSDProtocolNotifyIPV6ScopeOrganization string = "Organization" )
const ( // Power100PowerLimitLimitExceptionNoAction captures enum value "NoAction" Power100PowerLimitLimitExceptionNoAction string = "NoAction" // Power100PowerLimitLimitExceptionHardPowerOff captures enum value "HardPowerOff" Power100PowerLimitLimitExceptionHardPowerOff string = "HardPowerOff" // Power100PowerLimitLimitExceptionLogEventOnly captures enum value "LogEventOnly" Power100PowerLimitLimitExceptionLogEventOnly string = "LogEventOnly" // Power100PowerLimitLimitExceptionOem captures enum value "Oem" Power100PowerLimitLimitExceptionOem string = "Oem" )
const ( // Power100PowerSupplyLineInputVoltageTypeUnknown captures enum value "Unknown" Power100PowerSupplyLineInputVoltageTypeUnknown string = "Unknown" // Power100PowerSupplyLineInputVoltageTypeACLOWLine captures enum value "ACLowLine" Power100PowerSupplyLineInputVoltageTypeACLOWLine string = "ACLowLine" // Power100PowerSupplyLineInputVoltageTypeACMidLine captures enum value "ACMidLine" Power100PowerSupplyLineInputVoltageTypeACMidLine string = "ACMidLine" // Power100PowerSupplyLineInputVoltageTypeACHighLine captures enum value "ACHighLine" Power100PowerSupplyLineInputVoltageTypeACHighLine string = "ACHighLine" // Power100PowerSupplyLineInputVoltageTypeDCNeg48V captures enum value "DCNeg48V" Power100PowerSupplyLineInputVoltageTypeDCNeg48V string = "DCNeg48V" // Power100PowerSupplyLineInputVoltageTypeDC480V captures enum value "DC480V" Power100PowerSupplyLineInputVoltageTypeDC480V string = "DC480V" )
const ( // Power100PowerSupplyPowerSupplyTypeUnknown captures enum value "Unknown" Power100PowerSupplyPowerSupplyTypeUnknown string = "Unknown" // Power100PowerSupplyPowerSupplyTypeAC captures enum value "AC" Power100PowerSupplyPowerSupplyTypeAC string = "AC" // Power100PowerSupplyPowerSupplyTypeDC captures enum value "DC" Power100PowerSupplyPowerSupplyTypeDC string = "DC" )
const ( // Power100VoltagePhysicalContextRoom captures enum value "Room" Power100VoltagePhysicalContextRoom string = "Room" // Power100VoltagePhysicalContextIntake captures enum value "Intake" Power100VoltagePhysicalContextIntake string = "Intake" // Power100VoltagePhysicalContextExhaust captures enum value "Exhaust" Power100VoltagePhysicalContextExhaust string = "Exhaust" // Power100VoltagePhysicalContextFront captures enum value "Front" Power100VoltagePhysicalContextFront string = "Front" // Power100VoltagePhysicalContextBack captures enum value "Back" Power100VoltagePhysicalContextBack string = "Back" // Power100VoltagePhysicalContextUpper captures enum value "Upper" Power100VoltagePhysicalContextUpper string = "Upper" // Power100VoltagePhysicalContextLower captures enum value "Lower" Power100VoltagePhysicalContextLower string = "Lower" // Power100VoltagePhysicalContextCPU captures enum value "CPU" Power100VoltagePhysicalContextCPU string = "CPU" // Power100VoltagePhysicalContextGPU captures enum value "GPU" Power100VoltagePhysicalContextGPU string = "GPU" // Power100VoltagePhysicalContextBackplane captures enum value "Backplane" Power100VoltagePhysicalContextBackplane string = "Backplane" // Power100VoltagePhysicalContextSystemBoard captures enum value "SystemBoard" Power100VoltagePhysicalContextSystemBoard string = "SystemBoard" // Power100VoltagePhysicalContextPowerSupply captures enum value "PowerSupply" Power100VoltagePhysicalContextPowerSupply string = "PowerSupply" // Power100VoltagePhysicalContextVoltageRegulator captures enum value "VoltageRegulator" Power100VoltagePhysicalContextVoltageRegulator string = "VoltageRegulator" // Power100VoltagePhysicalContextStorageDevice captures enum value "StorageDevice" Power100VoltagePhysicalContextStorageDevice string = "StorageDevice" // Power100VoltagePhysicalContextNetworkingDevice captures enum value "NetworkingDevice" Power100VoltagePhysicalContextNetworkingDevice string = "NetworkingDevice" // Power100VoltagePhysicalContextComputeBay captures enum value "ComputeBay" Power100VoltagePhysicalContextComputeBay string = "ComputeBay" // Power100VoltagePhysicalContextStorageBay captures enum value "StorageBay" Power100VoltagePhysicalContextStorageBay string = "StorageBay" // Power100VoltagePhysicalContextNetworkBay captures enum value "NetworkBay" Power100VoltagePhysicalContextNetworkBay string = "NetworkBay" // Power100VoltagePhysicalContextExpansionBay captures enum value "ExpansionBay" Power100VoltagePhysicalContextExpansionBay string = "ExpansionBay" // Power100VoltagePhysicalContextPowerSupplyBay captures enum value "PowerSupplyBay" Power100VoltagePhysicalContextPowerSupplyBay string = "PowerSupplyBay" )
const ( // Processor100ProcessorInstructionSetX86 captures enum value "x86" Processor100ProcessorInstructionSetX86 string = "x86" // Processor100ProcessorInstructionSetX8664 captures enum value "x86-64" Processor100ProcessorInstructionSetX8664 string = "x86-64" // Processor100ProcessorInstructionSetIA64 captures enum value "IA-64" Processor100ProcessorInstructionSetIA64 string = "IA-64" // Processor100ProcessorInstructionSetARMA32 captures enum value "ARM-A32" Processor100ProcessorInstructionSetARMA32 string = "ARM-A32" // Processor100ProcessorInstructionSetARMA64 captures enum value "ARM-A64" Processor100ProcessorInstructionSetARMA64 string = "ARM-A64" // Processor100ProcessorInstructionSetMIPS32 captures enum value "MIPS32" Processor100ProcessorInstructionSetMIPS32 string = "MIPS32" // Processor100ProcessorInstructionSetMIPS64 captures enum value "MIPS64" Processor100ProcessorInstructionSetMIPS64 string = "MIPS64" // Processor100ProcessorInstructionSetOEM captures enum value "OEM" Processor100ProcessorInstructionSetOEM string = "OEM" )
const ( // Processor100ProcessorProcessorArchitectureX86 captures enum value "x86" Processor100ProcessorProcessorArchitectureX86 string = "x86" // Processor100ProcessorProcessorArchitectureIA64 captures enum value "IA-64" Processor100ProcessorProcessorArchitectureIA64 string = "IA-64" // Processor100ProcessorProcessorArchitectureARM captures enum value "ARM" Processor100ProcessorProcessorArchitectureARM string = "ARM" // Processor100ProcessorProcessorArchitectureMIPS captures enum value "MIPS" Processor100ProcessorProcessorArchitectureMIPS string = "MIPS" // Processor100ProcessorProcessorArchitectureOEM captures enum value "OEM" Processor100ProcessorProcessorArchitectureOEM string = "OEM" )
const ( // Processor100ProcessorProcessorTypeCPU captures enum value "CPU" Processor100ProcessorProcessorTypeCPU string = "CPU" // Processor100ProcessorProcessorTypeGPU captures enum value "GPU" Processor100ProcessorProcessorTypeGPU string = "GPU" // Processor100ProcessorProcessorTypeFPGA captures enum value "FPGA" Processor100ProcessorProcessorTypeFPGA string = "FPGA" // Processor100ProcessorProcessorTypeDSP captures enum value "DSP" Processor100ProcessorProcessorTypeDSP string = "DSP" // Processor100ProcessorProcessorTypeAccelerator captures enum value "Accelerator" Processor100ProcessorProcessorTypeAccelerator string = "Accelerator" // Processor100ProcessorProcessorTypeOEM captures enum value "OEM" Processor100ProcessorProcessorTypeOEM string = "OEM" )
const ( // ResourceStatusHealthOK captures enum value "OK" ResourceStatusHealthOK string = "OK" // ResourceStatusHealthWarning captures enum value "Warning" ResourceStatusHealthWarning string = "Warning" // ResourceStatusHealthCritical captures enum value "Critical" ResourceStatusHealthCritical string = "Critical" )
const ( // ResourceStatusHealthRollupOK captures enum value "OK" ResourceStatusHealthRollupOK string = "OK" // ResourceStatusHealthRollupWarning captures enum value "Warning" ResourceStatusHealthRollupWarning string = "Warning" // ResourceStatusHealthRollupCritical captures enum value "Critical" ResourceStatusHealthRollupCritical string = "Critical" )
const ( // ResourceStatusStateEnabled captures enum value "Enabled" ResourceStatusStateEnabled string = "Enabled" // ResourceStatusStateDisabled captures enum value "Disabled" ResourceStatusStateDisabled string = "Disabled" // ResourceStatusStateStandbyOffline captures enum value "StandbyOffline" ResourceStatusStateStandbyOffline string = "StandbyOffline" // ResourceStatusStateStandbySpare captures enum value "StandbySpare" ResourceStatusStateStandbySpare string = "StandbySpare" // ResourceStatusStateInTest captures enum value "InTest" ResourceStatusStateInTest string = "InTest" // ResourceStatusStateStarting captures enum value "Starting" ResourceStatusStateStarting string = "Starting" // ResourceStatusStateAbsent captures enum value "Absent" ResourceStatusStateAbsent string = "Absent" )
const ( // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceBitRateNr1200 captures enum value "1200" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceBitRateNr1200 string = "1200" // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceBitRateNr2400 captures enum value "2400" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceBitRateNr2400 string = "2400" // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceBitRateNr4800 captures enum value "4800" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceBitRateNr4800 string = "4800" // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceBitRateNr9600 captures enum value "9600" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceBitRateNr9600 string = "9600" // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceBitRateNr19200 captures enum value "19200" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceBitRateNr19200 string = "19200" // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceBitRateNr38400 captures enum value "38400" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceBitRateNr38400 string = "38400" // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceBitRateNr57600 captures enum value "57600" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceBitRateNr57600 string = "57600" // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceBitRateNr115200 captures enum value "115200" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceBitRateNr115200 string = "115200" // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceBitRateNr230400 captures enum value "230400" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceBitRateNr230400 string = "230400" )
const ( // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceConnectorTypeRJ45 captures enum value "RJ45" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceConnectorTypeRJ45 string = "RJ45" // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceConnectorTypeRJ11 captures enum value "RJ11" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceConnectorTypeRJ11 string = "RJ11" // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceConnectorTypeDB9Female captures enum value "DB9 Female" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceConnectorTypeDB9Female string = "DB9 Female" // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceConnectorTypeDB9Male captures enum value "DB9 Male" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceConnectorTypeDB9Male string = "DB9 Male" // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceConnectorTypeDB25Female captures enum value "DB25 Female" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceConnectorTypeDB25Female string = "DB25 Female" // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceConnectorTypeDB25Male captures enum value "DB25 Male" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceConnectorTypeDB25Male string = "DB25 Male" // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceConnectorTypeUSB captures enum value "USB" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceConnectorTypeUSB string = "USB" // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceConnectorTypeMUSB captures enum value "mUSB" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceConnectorTypeMUSB string = "mUSB" // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceConnectorTypeUUSB captures enum value "uUSB" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceConnectorTypeUUSB string = "uUSB" )
const ( // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceDataBitsNr5 captures enum value "5" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceDataBitsNr5 string = "5" // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceDataBitsNr6 captures enum value "6" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceDataBitsNr6 string = "6" // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceDataBitsNr7 captures enum value "7" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceDataBitsNr7 string = "7" // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceDataBitsNr8 captures enum value "8" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceDataBitsNr8 string = "8" )
const ( // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceFlowControlNone captures enum value "None" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceFlowControlNone string = "None" // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceFlowControlSoftware captures enum value "Software" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceFlowControlSoftware string = "Software" // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceFlowControlHardware captures enum value "Hardware" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceFlowControlHardware string = "Hardware" )
const ( // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceParityNone captures enum value "None" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceParityNone string = "None" // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceParityEven captures enum value "Even" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceParityEven string = "Even" // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceParityOdd captures enum value "Odd" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceParityOdd string = "Odd" // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceParityMark captures enum value "Mark" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceParityMark string = "Mark" // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceParitySpace captures enum value "Space" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceParitySpace string = "Space" )
const ( // SerialInterface100SerialInterfacePinOutCisco captures enum value "Cisco" SerialInterface100SerialInterfacePinOutCisco string = "Cisco" // SerialInterface100SerialInterfacePinOutCyclades captures enum value "Cyclades" SerialInterface100SerialInterfacePinOutCyclades string = "Cyclades" // SerialInterface100SerialInterfacePinOutDigi captures enum value "Digi" SerialInterface100SerialInterfacePinOutDigi string = "Digi" )
const ( // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceSignalTypeRs232 captures enum value "Rs232" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceSignalTypeRs232 string = "Rs232" // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceSignalTypeRs485 captures enum value "Rs485" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceSignalTypeRs485 string = "Rs485" )
const ( // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceStopBitsNr1 captures enum value "1" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceStopBitsNr1 string = "1" // SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceStopBitsNr2 captures enum value "2" SerialInterface100SerialInterfaceStopBitsNr2 string = "2" )
const ( // Task100TaskTaskStateNew captures enum value "New" Task100TaskTaskStateNew string = "New" // Task100TaskTaskStateStarting captures enum value "Starting" Task100TaskTaskStateStarting string = "Starting" // Task100TaskTaskStateRunning captures enum value "Running" Task100TaskTaskStateRunning string = "Running" // Task100TaskTaskStateSuspended captures enum value "Suspended" Task100TaskTaskStateSuspended string = "Suspended" // Task100TaskTaskStateInterrupted captures enum value "Interrupted" Task100TaskTaskStateInterrupted string = "Interrupted" // Task100TaskTaskStatePending captures enum value "Pending" Task100TaskTaskStatePending string = "Pending" // Task100TaskTaskStateStopping captures enum value "Stopping" Task100TaskTaskStateStopping string = "Stopping" // Task100TaskTaskStateCompleted captures enum value "Completed" Task100TaskTaskStateCompleted string = "Completed" // Task100TaskTaskStateKilled captures enum value "Killed" Task100TaskTaskStateKilled string = "Killed" // Task100TaskTaskStateException captures enum value "Exception" Task100TaskTaskStateException string = "Exception" // Task100TaskTaskStateService captures enum value "Service" Task100TaskTaskStateService string = "Service" )
const ( // Task100TaskTaskStatusOK captures enum value "OK" Task100TaskTaskStatusOK string = "OK" // Task100TaskTaskStatusWarning captures enum value "Warning" Task100TaskTaskStatusWarning string = "Warning" // Task100TaskTaskStatusCritical captures enum value "Critical" Task100TaskTaskStatusCritical string = "Critical" )
const ( // TaskService100TaskServiceCompletedTaskOverWritePolicyManual captures enum value "Manual" TaskService100TaskServiceCompletedTaskOverWritePolicyManual string = "Manual" // TaskService100TaskServiceCompletedTaskOverWritePolicyOldest captures enum value "Oldest" TaskService100TaskServiceCompletedTaskOverWritePolicyOldest string = "Oldest" )
const ( // Thermal100FanPhysicalContextRoom captures enum value "Room" Thermal100FanPhysicalContextRoom string = "Room" // Thermal100FanPhysicalContextIntake captures enum value "Intake" Thermal100FanPhysicalContextIntake string = "Intake" // Thermal100FanPhysicalContextExhaust captures enum value "Exhaust" Thermal100FanPhysicalContextExhaust string = "Exhaust" // Thermal100FanPhysicalContextFront captures enum value "Front" Thermal100FanPhysicalContextFront string = "Front" // Thermal100FanPhysicalContextBack captures enum value "Back" Thermal100FanPhysicalContextBack string = "Back" // Thermal100FanPhysicalContextUpper captures enum value "Upper" Thermal100FanPhysicalContextUpper string = "Upper" // Thermal100FanPhysicalContextLower captures enum value "Lower" Thermal100FanPhysicalContextLower string = "Lower" // Thermal100FanPhysicalContextCPU captures enum value "CPU" Thermal100FanPhysicalContextCPU string = "CPU" // Thermal100FanPhysicalContextGPU captures enum value "GPU" Thermal100FanPhysicalContextGPU string = "GPU" // Thermal100FanPhysicalContextBackplane captures enum value "Backplane" Thermal100FanPhysicalContextBackplane string = "Backplane" // Thermal100FanPhysicalContextSystemBoard captures enum value "SystemBoard" Thermal100FanPhysicalContextSystemBoard string = "SystemBoard" // Thermal100FanPhysicalContextPowerSupply captures enum value "PowerSupply" Thermal100FanPhysicalContextPowerSupply string = "PowerSupply" // Thermal100FanPhysicalContextVoltageRegulator captures enum value "VoltageRegulator" Thermal100FanPhysicalContextVoltageRegulator string = "VoltageRegulator" // Thermal100FanPhysicalContextStorageDevice captures enum value "StorageDevice" Thermal100FanPhysicalContextStorageDevice string = "StorageDevice" // Thermal100FanPhysicalContextNetworkingDevice captures enum value "NetworkingDevice" Thermal100FanPhysicalContextNetworkingDevice string = "NetworkingDevice" // Thermal100FanPhysicalContextComputeBay captures enum value "ComputeBay" Thermal100FanPhysicalContextComputeBay string = "ComputeBay" // Thermal100FanPhysicalContextStorageBay captures enum value "StorageBay" Thermal100FanPhysicalContextStorageBay string = "StorageBay" // Thermal100FanPhysicalContextNetworkBay captures enum value "NetworkBay" Thermal100FanPhysicalContextNetworkBay string = "NetworkBay" // Thermal100FanPhysicalContextExpansionBay captures enum value "ExpansionBay" Thermal100FanPhysicalContextExpansionBay string = "ExpansionBay" // Thermal100FanPhysicalContextPowerSupplyBay captures enum value "PowerSupplyBay" Thermal100FanPhysicalContextPowerSupplyBay string = "PowerSupplyBay" )
const ( // Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextRoom captures enum value "Room" Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextRoom string = "Room" // Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextIntake captures enum value "Intake" Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextIntake string = "Intake" // Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextExhaust captures enum value "Exhaust" Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextExhaust string = "Exhaust" // Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextFront captures enum value "Front" Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextFront string = "Front" // Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextBack captures enum value "Back" Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextBack string = "Back" // Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextUpper captures enum value "Upper" Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextUpper string = "Upper" // Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextLower captures enum value "Lower" Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextLower string = "Lower" // Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextCPU captures enum value "CPU" Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextCPU string = "CPU" // Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextGPU captures enum value "GPU" Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextGPU string = "GPU" // Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextBackplane captures enum value "Backplane" Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextBackplane string = "Backplane" // Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextSystemBoard captures enum value "SystemBoard" Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextSystemBoard string = "SystemBoard" // Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextPowerSupply captures enum value "PowerSupply" Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextPowerSupply string = "PowerSupply" // Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextVoltageRegulator captures enum value "VoltageRegulator" Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextVoltageRegulator string = "VoltageRegulator" // Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextStorageDevice captures enum value "StorageDevice" Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextStorageDevice string = "StorageDevice" // Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextNetworkingDevice captures enum value "NetworkingDevice" Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextNetworkingDevice string = "NetworkingDevice" // Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextComputeBay captures enum value "ComputeBay" Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextComputeBay string = "ComputeBay" // Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextStorageBay captures enum value "StorageBay" Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextStorageBay string = "StorageBay" // Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextNetworkBay captures enum value "NetworkBay" Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextNetworkBay string = "NetworkBay" // Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextExpansionBay captures enum value "ExpansionBay" Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextExpansionBay string = "ExpansionBay" // Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextPowerSupplyBay captures enum value "PowerSupplyBay" Thermal100TemperaturePhysicalContextPowerSupplyBay string = "PowerSupplyBay" )
const ( // VirtualMedia100VirtualMediaConnectedViaNotConnected captures enum value "NotConnected" VirtualMedia100VirtualMediaConnectedViaNotConnected string = "NotConnected" // VirtualMedia100VirtualMediaConnectedViaURI captures enum value "URI" VirtualMedia100VirtualMediaConnectedViaURI string = "URI" // VirtualMedia100VirtualMediaConnectedViaApplet captures enum value "Applet" VirtualMedia100VirtualMediaConnectedViaApplet string = "Applet" // VirtualMedia100VirtualMediaConnectedViaOem captures enum value "Oem" VirtualMedia100VirtualMediaConnectedViaOem string = "Oem" )
const ( // EventDestination100EventDestinationProtocolRedfish captures enum value "Redfish" EventDestination100EventDestinationProtocolRedfish string = "Redfish" )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AccountService100AccountService ¶
type AccountService100AccountService struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // The interval of time since the last failed login attempt at which point the lockout threshold counter for the account is reset to zero. Must be less than or equal to AccountLockoutDuration // Minimum: 0 AccountLockoutCounterResetAfter *float64 `json:"AccountLockoutCounterResetAfter,omitempty"` // The time an account is locked after the account lockout threshold is met. Must be >= AccountLockoutResetAfter. If set to 0, no lockout will occur. // Minimum: 0 AccountLockoutDuration *float64 `json:"AccountLockoutDuration,omitempty"` // The number of failed login attempts before a user account is locked for a specified duration. (0=never locked) // Minimum: 0 AccountLockoutThreshold *float64 `json:"AccountLockoutThreshold,omitempty"` // Link to a collection of Manager Accounts // Read Only: true Accounts *ManagerAccountCollectionManagerAccountCollection `json:"Accounts,omitempty"` // This is the number of authorization failures that need to occur before the failure attempt is logged to the manager log. // Minimum: 0 AuthFailureLoggingThreshold *float64 `json:"AuthFailureLoggingThreshold,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Uniquely identifies the resource within the collection of like resources. // Read Only: true ID string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // This is the maximum password length for this service. // Read Only: true // Minimum: 0 MaxPasswordLength float64 `json:"MaxPasswordLength,omitempty"` // This is the minimum password length for this service. // Read Only: true // Minimum: 0 MinPasswordLength float64 `json:"MinPasswordLength,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // Link to a collection of Roles // Read Only: true Roles *RoleCollectionRoleCollection `json:"Roles,omitempty"` // This indicates whether this service is enabled. ServiceEnabled bool `json:"ServiceEnabled,omitempty"` // status Status *ResourceStatus `json:"Status,omitempty"` }
AccountService100AccountService This is the schema definition for the Account Service. It represents the properties for the service itself and has links to the actual list of accounts. swagger:model AccountService.1.0.0_AccountService
type CIMCBootImageBootImage ¶
type CIMCBootImageBootImage struct { // dns servers DNSServers []string `json:"dnsServers"` // domain Domain string `json:"domain,omitempty"` // hostname Hostname string `json:"hostname,omitempty"` // install disk InstallDisk string `json:"installDisk,omitempty"` // network devices NetworkDevices []*CIMCBootImageNetworkDevice `json:"networkDevices"` // os name // Required: true OsName *string `json:"osName"` // repo // Required: true Repo *string `json:"repo"` // root password // Required: true RootPassword *string `json:"rootPassword"` // root Ssh key RootSSHKey string `json:"rootSshKey,omitempty"` // users Users []*CIMCBootImageUsers `json:"users"` // version // Required: true Version *string `json:"version"` }
CIMCBootImageBootImage This is the base type for the boot image installation action. swagger:model CIMC.BootImage_BootImage
type CIMCBootImageBootImageList ¶
type CIMCBootImageBootImageList struct { // os name OsName string `json:"osName,omitempty"` }
CIMCBootImageBootImageList c i m c boot image boot image list swagger:model CIMC.BootImage_BootImageList
type CIMCBootImageNetworkAddress ¶
type CIMCBootImageNetworkAddress struct { // gateway // Required: true Gateway *string `json:"gateway"` // ip addr // Required: true IPAddr *string `json:"ipAddr"` // netmask // Required: true Netmask *string `json:"netmask"` // vlan ids VlanIds []float64 `json:"vlanIds"` }
CIMCBootImageNetworkAddress c i m c boot image network address swagger:model CIMC.BootImage_NetworkAddress
type CIMCBootImageNetworkDevice ¶
type CIMCBootImageNetworkDevice struct { // device // Required: true Device *string `json:"device"` // ipv4 IPV4 *CIMCBootImageNetworkAddress `json:"ipv4,omitempty"` // ipv6 IPV6 *CIMCBootImageNetworkAddress `json:"ipv6,omitempty"` }
CIMCBootImageNetworkDevice c i m c boot image network device swagger:model CIMC.BootImage_NetworkDevice
type CIMCBootImageUsers ¶
type CIMCBootImageUsers struct { // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // password // Required: true Password *string `json:"password"` // ssh key SSHKey string `json:"sshKey,omitempty"` // uid UID float64 `json:"uid,omitempty"` }
CIMCBootImageUsers c i m c boot image users swagger:model CIMC.BootImage_Users
type CIMCResetActionResetAction ¶
type CIMCResetActionResetAction struct { // reset type // Required: true ResetType *string `json:"reset_type"` }
CIMCResetActionResetAction This is the base type for the reset action. swagger:model CIMC.ResetAction_ResetAction
type Chassis100Chassis ¶
type Chassis100Chassis struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // actions Actions *Chassis100ChassisActions `json:"Actions,omitempty"` // The user assigned asset tag for this chassis. AssetTag string `json:"AssetTag,omitempty"` // This property indicates the type of physical form factor of this resource. // Required: true // Read Only: true ChassisType string `json:"ChassisType"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Uniquely identifies the resource within the collection of like resources. // Read Only: true ID string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // The state of the indicator LED, used to identify the chassis. IndicatorLED string `json:"IndicatorLED,omitempty"` // links Links *Chassis100ChassisLinks `json:"Links,omitempty"` // A reference to the logs for this chassis. // Read Only: true LogServices *LogServiceCollectionLogServiceCollection `json:"LogServices,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer of this chassis. // Read Only: true Manufacturer string `json:"Manufacturer,omitempty"` // This is the model number for the chassis. // Read Only: true Model string `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // The part number for this chassis. // Read Only: true PartNumber string `json:"PartNumber,omitempty"` // A reference to the power properties (power supplies, power policies, sensors) for this chassis. // Read Only: true Power *Odata400IDRef `json:"Power,omitempty"` // This is the SKU for this chassis. // Read Only: true SKU string `json:"SKU,omitempty"` // The serial number for this chassis. // Read Only: true SerialNumber string `json:"SerialNumber,omitempty"` // status Status *ResourceStatus `json:"Status,omitempty"` // A reference to the thermal properties (fans, cooling, sensors) for this chassis. // Read Only: true Thermal *Odata400IDRef `json:"Thermal,omitempty"` }
Chassis100Chassis This is the schema definition for the Chassis resource. It represents the properties for physical components for any system. This one object is intended to represent racks, rackmount servers, blades, standalone, modular systems, enclosures, and all other containers. The non-cpu/device centric parts of the schema are all accessed either directly or indirectly through this resource. swagger:model Chassis.1.0.0_Chassis
type Chassis100ChassisActions ¶
type Chassis100ChassisActions struct { // chassis reset NrChassisReset *Chassis100Reset `json:"#Chassis.Reset,omitempty"` // oem Oem interface{} `json:"Oem,omitempty"` }
Chassis100ChassisActions The Actions object contains the available custom actions on this resource. swagger:model Chassis100ChassisActions
type Chassis100ChassisLinks ¶
type Chassis100ChassisLinks struct { // An array of references to the computer systems contained in this chassis. This will only reference ComputerSystems that are directly and wholly contained in this chassis. // Read Only: true ComputerSystems []*Odata400IDRef `json:"ComputerSystems"` // computer systems at odata count // Read Only: true ComputerSystemsAtOdataCount float64 `json:"ComputerSystems@odata.count,omitempty"` ComputerSystemsAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"ComputerSystems@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // A reference to the chassis that this chassis is contained by. // Read Only: true ContainedBy *Odata400IDRef `json:"ContainedBy,omitempty"` // An array of references to any other chassis that this chassis has in it. // Read Only: true Contains []*Odata400IDRef `json:"Contains"` // contains at odata count // Read Only: true ContainsAtOdataCount float64 `json:"Contains@odata.count,omitempty"` ContainsAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"Contains@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // An array of ID[s] of resources that cool this chassis. Normally the ID will be a chassis or a specific set of fans. // Read Only: true CooledBy []*Odata400IDRef `json:"CooledBy"` // cooled by at odata count // Read Only: true CooledByAtOdataCount float64 `json:"CooledBy@odata.count,omitempty"` CooledByAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"CooledBy@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // An array of references to the managers contained in this chassis. // Read Only: true ManagedBy []*Odata400IDRef `json:"ManagedBy"` // managed by at odata count // Read Only: true ManagedByAtOdataCount float64 `json:"ManagedBy@odata.count,omitempty"` ManagedByAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"ManagedBy@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // Oem extension object. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // An array of ID[s] of resources that power this chassis. Normally the ID will be a chassis or a specific set of powerSupplies // Read Only: true PoweredBy []*Odata400IDRef `json:"PoweredBy"` // powered by at odata count // Read Only: true PoweredByAtOdataCount float64 `json:"PoweredBy@odata.count,omitempty"` PoweredByAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"PoweredBy@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` }
Chassis100ChassisLinks The links object contains the links to other resources that are related to this resource. swagger:model Chassis100ChassisLinks
type Chassis100Reset ¶
type Chassis100Reset struct { // Link to invoke action Target strfmt.URI `json:"target,omitempty"` // Friendly action name Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` }
Chassis100Reset chassis 1 0 0 reset swagger:model Chassis.1.0.0_Reset
type ChassisCollectionChassisCollection ¶
type ChassisCollectionChassisCollection struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Contains the members of this collection. // Read Only: true Members []*Odata400IDRef `json:"Members"` // members at odata count // Read Only: true MembersAtOdataCount float64 `json:"Members@odata.count,omitempty"` MembersAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"Members@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` }
ChassisCollectionChassisCollection chassis collection chassis collection swagger:model ChassisCollection_ChassisCollection
type ComputerSystem100Boot ¶
type ComputerSystem100Boot struct { // Describes the state of the Boot Source Override feature BootSourceOverrideEnabled string `json:"BootSourceOverrideEnabled,omitempty"` // The current boot source to be used at next boot instead of the normal boot device, if BootSourceOverrideEnabled is true. BootSourceOverrideTarget string `json:"BootSourceOverrideTarget,omitempty"` // This property is the Uefi Device Path of the device to boot from when BootSourceOverrideSupported is UefiTarget. UefiTargetBootSourceOverride string `json:"UefiTargetBootSourceOverride,omitempty"` }
ComputerSystem100Boot This object contains the boot information for the current resource. swagger:model ComputerSystem.1.0.0_Boot
type ComputerSystem100ComputerSystem ¶
type ComputerSystem100ComputerSystem struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // actions Actions *ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemActions `json:"Actions,omitempty"` // The user definable tag that can be used to track this computer system for inventory or other client purposes AssetTag string `json:"AssetTag,omitempty"` // The version of the system BIOS or primary system firmware. BiosVersion string `json:"BiosVersion,omitempty"` // Information about the boot settings for this system Boot *ComputerSystem100Boot `json:"Boot,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // A reference to the collection of Ethernet interfaces associated with this system // Read Only: true EthernetInterfaces *EthernetInterfaceCollectionEthernetInterfaceCollection `json:"EthernetInterfaces,omitempty"` // The DNS Host Name, without any domain information HostName string `json:"HostName,omitempty"` // Uniquely identifies the resource within the collection of like resources. // Read Only: true ID string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // The state of the indicator LED, used to identify the system IndicatorLED string `json:"IndicatorLED,omitempty"` // links Links *ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemLinks `json:"Links,omitempty"` // A reference to the collection of Log Services associated with this system // Read Only: true LogServices *LogServiceCollectionLogServiceCollection `json:"LogServices,omitempty"` // The manufacturer or OEM of this system. // Read Only: true Manufacturer string `json:"Manufacturer,omitempty"` // This object describes the central memory of the system in general detail. MemorySummary *ComputerSystem100MemorySummary `json:"MemorySummary,omitempty"` // The model number for this system // Read Only: true Model string `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // The part number for this system // Read Only: true PartNumber string `json:"PartNumber,omitempty"` // This is the current power state of the system // Read Only: true PowerState string `json:"PowerState,omitempty"` // This object describes the central processors of the system in general detail. ProcessorSummary *ComputerSystem100ProcessorSummary `json:"ProcessorSummary,omitempty"` // A reference to the collection of Processors associated with this system // Read Only: true Processors *ProcessorCollectionProcessorCollection `json:"Processors,omitempty"` // The manufacturer SKU for this system // Read Only: true SKU string `json:"SKU,omitempty"` // The serial number for this system // Read Only: true SerialNumber string `json:"SerialNumber,omitempty"` // A reference to the collection of storage devices associated with this system // Read Only: true SimpleStorage *SimpleStorageCollectionSimpleStorageCollection `json:"SimpleStorage,omitempty"` // status Status *ResourceStatus `json:"Status,omitempty"` // The type of computer system represented by this resource. // Read Only: true SystemType string `json:"SystemType,omitempty"` // The universal unique identifier (UUID) for this system // Read Only: true // Pattern: ([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}) UUID string `json:"UUID,omitempty"` }
ComputerSystem100ComputerSystem This schema defines a computer system and its respective properties. A computer system represents a machine (physical or virtual) and the local resources such as memory, cpu and other devices that can be accessed from that machine. swagger:model ComputerSystem.1.0.0_ComputerSystem
type ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemActions ¶
type ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemActions struct { // computer system reset NrComputerSystemReset *ComputerSystem100Reset `json:"#ComputerSystem.Reset,omitempty"` // oem Oem interface{} `json:"Oem,omitempty"` }
ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemActions The Actions object contains the available custom actions on this resource. swagger:model ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemActions
type ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemLinks ¶
type ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemLinks struct { // An array of references to the chassis in which this system is contained // Read Only: true Chassis []*Odata400IDRef `json:"Chassis"` // chassis at odata count // Read Only: true ChassisAtOdataCount float64 `json:"Chassis@odata.count,omitempty"` ChassisAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"Chassis@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // An array of ID[s] of resources that cool this computer system. Normally the ID will be a chassis or a specific set of fans. // Read Only: true CooledBy []*Odata400IDRef `json:"CooledBy"` // cooled by at odata count // Read Only: true CooledByAtOdataCount float64 `json:"CooledBy@odata.count,omitempty"` CooledByAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"CooledBy@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // An array of references to the Managers responsible for this system // Read Only: true ManagedBy []*Odata400IDRef `json:"ManagedBy"` // managed by at odata count // Read Only: true ManagedByAtOdataCount float64 `json:"ManagedBy@odata.count,omitempty"` ManagedByAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"ManagedBy@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // Oem extension object. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // An array of ID[s] of resources that power this computer system. Normally the ID will be a chassis or a specific set of powerSupplies // Read Only: true PoweredBy []*Odata400IDRef `json:"PoweredBy"` // powered by at odata count // Read Only: true PoweredByAtOdataCount float64 `json:"PoweredBy@odata.count,omitempty"` PoweredByAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"PoweredBy@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` }
ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemLinks Contains links to other resources that are related to this resource. swagger:model ComputerSystem100ComputerSystemLinks
type ComputerSystem100MemorySummary ¶
type ComputerSystem100MemorySummary struct { // status Status *ResourceStatus `json:"Status,omitempty"` // The total installed, operating system-accessible memory (RAM), measured in GiB. // Read Only: true // Minimum: 0 TotalSystemMemoryGiB float64 `json:"TotalSystemMemoryGiB,omitempty"` }
ComputerSystem100MemorySummary This object describes the memory of the system in general detail. swagger:model ComputerSystem.1.0.0_MemorySummary
type ComputerSystem100ProcessorSummary ¶
type ComputerSystem100ProcessorSummary struct { // The number of processors in the system. // Read Only: true // Minimum: 0 Count float64 `json:"Count,omitempty"` // The processor model for the primary or majority of processors in this system. // Read Only: true Model string `json:"Model,omitempty"` // status Status *ResourceStatus `json:"Status,omitempty"` }
ComputerSystem100ProcessorSummary This object describes the central processors of the system in general detail. swagger:model ComputerSystem.1.0.0_ProcessorSummary
type ComputerSystem100Reset ¶
type ComputerSystem100Reset struct { // Link to invoke action Target strfmt.URI `json:"target,omitempty"` // Friendly action name Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` }
ComputerSystem100Reset computer system 1 0 0 reset swagger:model ComputerSystem.1.0.0_Reset
type ComputerSystemCollectionComputerSystemCollection ¶
type ComputerSystemCollectionComputerSystemCollection struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Contains the members of this collection. // Read Only: true Members []*Odata400IDRef `json:"Members"` // members at odata count // Read Only: true MembersAtOdataCount float64 `json:"Members@odata.count,omitempty"` MembersAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"Members@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` }
ComputerSystemCollectionComputerSystemCollection computer system collection computer system collection swagger:model ComputerSystemCollection_ComputerSystemCollection
type ErrorResponse ¶
type ErrorResponse struct { // message // Required: true Message *string `json:"message"` }
ErrorResponse error response swagger:model ErrorResponse
type EthernetInterface100EthernetInterface ¶
type EthernetInterface100EthernetInterface struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // This indicates if the speed and duplex are automatically negotiated and configured on this interface. AutoNeg bool `json:"AutoNeg,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // This is the complete, fully qualified domain name obtained by DNS for this interface. FQDN string `json:"FQDN,omitempty"` // This indicates if the interface is in Full Duplex mode or not. FullDuplex bool `json:"FullDuplex,omitempty"` // The DNS Host Name, without any domain information HostName string `json:"HostName,omitempty"` // The IPv4 addresses assigned to this interface // Read Only: true IPV4Addresses []*IPAddresses100IPV4Address `json:"IPv4Addresses"` // An array representing the RFC3484 Address Selection Policy Table. IPV6AddressPolicyTable []*EthernetInterface100IPV6AddressPolicyEntry `json:"IPv6AddressPolicyTable"` // This array of objects enumerates all of the currently assigned IPv6 addresses on this interface. // Read Only: true IPV6Addresses []*IPAddresses100IPV6Address `json:"IPv6Addresses"` // This is the IPv6 default gateway address that is currently in use on this interface. // Read Only: true IPV6DefaultGateway string `json:"IPv6DefaultGateway,omitempty"` // This array of objects represents all of the IPv6 static addresses to be assigned on this interface. // Read Only: true IPV6StaticAddresses []*IPAddresses100IPV6StaticAddress `json:"IPv6StaticAddresses"` // Uniquely identifies the resource within the collection of like resources. // Read Only: true ID string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // This indicates whether this interface is enabled. InterfaceEnabled bool `json:"InterfaceEnabled,omitempty"` // This is the currently configured MAC address of the (logical port) interface. // Pattern: ^([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}[:-]){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})$ MACAddress string `json:"MACAddress,omitempty"` // This is the currently configured Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) in bytes on this interface. MTUSize float64 `json:"MTUSize,omitempty"` // This indicates the maximum number of Static IPv6 addresses that can be configured on this interface. // Read Only: true MaxIPV6StaticAddresses float64 `json:"MaxIPv6StaticAddresses,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This represents DNS name servers that are currently in use on this interface. // Read Only: true NameServers []string `json:"NameServers"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // This is the permanent MAC address assigned to this interface (port) // Read Only: true // Pattern: ^([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}[:-]){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})$ PermanentMACAddress string `json:"PermanentMACAddress,omitempty"` // This is the current speed in Mbps of this interface. SpeedMbps float64 `json:"SpeedMbps,omitempty"` // status Status *ResourceStatus `json:"Status,omitempty"` // The UEFI device path for this interface // Read Only: true UefiDevicePath string `json:"UefiDevicePath,omitempty"` // If this Network Interface supports more than one VLAN, this property will not be present and the client should look for VLANs collection in the link section of this resource. VLAN *VLanNetworkInterface100VLAN `json:"VLAN,omitempty"` // This is a reference to a collection of VLANs and is only used if the interface supports more than one VLANs. // Read Only: true VLANs *VLanNetworkInterfaceCollectionVLanNetworkInterfaceCollection `json:"VLANs,omitempty"` }
EthernetInterface100EthernetInterface This schema defines a simple ethernet NIC resource. swagger:model EthernetInterface.1.0.0_EthernetInterface
type EthernetInterface100IPV6AddressPolicyEntry ¶
type EthernetInterface100IPV6AddressPolicyEntry struct { // The IPv6 Label (as defined in RFC 6724 section 2.1) // Maximum: 100 // Minimum: 0 Label *float64 `json:"Label,omitempty"` // The IPv6 Precedence (as defined in RFC 6724 section 2.1 // Maximum: 100 // Minimum: 1 Precedence float64 `json:"Precedence,omitempty"` // The IPv6 Address Prefix (as defined in RFC 3484 section 2.1) Prefix string `json:"Prefix,omitempty"` }
EthernetInterface100IPV6AddressPolicyEntry ethernet interface 1 0 0 ipv6 address policy entry swagger:model EthernetInterface.1.0.0_IPv6AddressPolicyEntry
type EthernetInterfaceCollectionEthernetInterfaceCollection ¶
type EthernetInterfaceCollectionEthernetInterfaceCollection struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Contains the members of this collection. // Read Only: true Members []*Odata400IDRef `json:"Members"` // members at odata count // Read Only: true MembersAtOdataCount float64 `json:"Members@odata.count,omitempty"` MembersAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"Members@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` }
EthernetInterfaceCollectionEthernetInterfaceCollection ethernet interface collection ethernet interface collection swagger:model EthernetInterfaceCollection_EthernetInterfaceCollection
type EventDestination100EventDestination ¶
type EventDestination100EventDestination struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // A client-supplied string that is stored with the event destination subscription. // Required: true Context *string `json:"Context"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // The URI of the destination Event Service. // Required: true // Read Only: true Destination string `json:"Destination"` // This property shall contain the types of events that shall be sent to the desination. // Required: true // Read Only: true EventTypes []string `json:"EventTypes"` // This is for setting HTTP headers, such as authorization information. This object will be null on a GET. HTTPHeaders []EventDestination100HTTPHeaderProperty `json:"HttpHeaders"` // Uniquely identifies the resource within the collection of like resources. // Read Only: true ID string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // The protocol type of the event connection. // Required: true // Read Only: true Protocol string `json:"Protocol"` }
EventDestination100EventDestination This is the base type for resources and referenceable members. swagger:model EventDestination.1.0.0_EventDestination
type EventDestination100HTTPHeaderProperty ¶
type EventDestination100HTTPHeaderProperty interface{}
EventDestination100HTTPHeaderProperty The value of the HTTP header is the property value. The header name is the property name. swagger:model EventDestination.1.0.0_HttpHeaderProperty
type EventDestinationCollectionEventDestinationCollection ¶
type EventDestinationCollectionEventDestinationCollection struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Contains the members of this collection. // Read Only: true Members []*Odata400IDRef `json:"Members"` // members at odata count // Read Only: true MembersAtOdataCount float64 `json:"Members@odata.count,omitempty"` MembersAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"Members@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` }
EventDestinationCollectionEventDestinationCollection event destination collection event destination collection swagger:model EventDestinationCollection_EventDestinationCollection
type EventService100EventService ¶
type EventService100EventService struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // actions Actions *EventService100EventServiceActions `json:"Actions,omitempty"` // This is the number of attempts an event posting is retried before the subscription is terminated. // Read Only: true DeliveryRetryAttempts float64 `json:"DeliveryRetryAttempts,omitempty"` // This represents the number of seconds between retry attempts for sending any given Event // Read Only: true DeliveryRetryIntervalSeconds float64 `json:"DeliveryRetryIntervalSeconds,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // This is the types of Events that can be subscribed to. // Read Only: true EventTypesForSubscription []string `json:"EventTypesForSubscription"` // Uniquely identifies the resource within the collection of like resources. // Read Only: true ID string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // This indicates whether this service is enabled. ServiceEnabled bool `json:"ServiceEnabled,omitempty"` // status Status *ResourceStatus `json:"Status,omitempty"` // This is a reference to a collection of Event Destination resources. // Read Only: true Subscriptions *EventDestinationCollectionEventDestinationCollection `json:"Subscriptions,omitempty"` }
EventService100EventService This is the schema definition for the Event Service. It represents the properties for the service itself and has links to the actual list of subscriptions. swagger:model EventService.1.0.0_EventService
type EventService100EventServiceActions ¶
type EventService100EventServiceActions struct { // event service submit test event NrEventServiceSubmitTestEvent *EventService100SubmitTestEvent `json:"#EventService.SubmitTestEvent,omitempty"` // oem Oem interface{} `json:"Oem,omitempty"` }
EventService100EventServiceActions The Actions object contains the available custom actions on this resource. swagger:model EventService100EventServiceActions
type EventService100SubmitTestEvent ¶
type EventService100SubmitTestEvent struct { // Link to invoke action Target strfmt.URI `json:"target,omitempty"` // Friendly action name Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` }
EventService100SubmitTestEvent event service 1 0 0 submit test event swagger:model EventService.1.0.0_SubmitTestEvent
type IPAddresses100IPV4Address ¶
type IPAddresses100IPV4Address struct { // This is the IPv4 Address. // Pattern: ^(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$ Address string `json:"Address,omitempty"` // This indicates how the address was determined. // Read Only: true AddressOrigin string `json:"AddressOrigin,omitempty"` // This is the IPv4 gateway for this address. Gateway string `json:"Gateway,omitempty"` // oem Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // This is the IPv4 Subnet mask. // Pattern: ^(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$ SubnetMask string `json:"SubnetMask,omitempty"` }
IPAddresses100IPV4Address IP addresses 1 0 0 ipv4 address swagger:model IPAddresses.1.0.0_IPv4Address
type IPAddresses100IPV6Address ¶
type IPAddresses100IPV6Address struct { // This is the IPv6 Address. Address string `json:"Address,omitempty"` // This indicates how the address was determined. // Read Only: true AddressOrigin string `json:"AddressOrigin,omitempty"` // The current state of this address as defined in RFC 4862. // Read Only: true AddressState string `json:"AddressState,omitempty"` // oem Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // This is the IPv6 Address Prefix Length. // Read Only: true // Maximum: 128 // Minimum: 1 PrefixLength float64 `json:"PrefixLength,omitempty"` }
IPAddresses100IPV6Address IP addresses 1 0 0 ipv6 address swagger:model IPAddresses.1.0.0_IPv6Address
type IPAddresses100IPV6StaticAddress ¶
type IPAddresses100IPV6StaticAddress struct { // A valid IPv6 address. // Required: true Address *string `json:"Address"` // oem Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // The Prefix Length of this IPv6 address. // Required: true // Read Only: true // Maximum: 128 // Minimum: 1 PrefixLength float64 `json:"PrefixLength"` }
IPAddresses100IPV6StaticAddress This object represents a single IPv6 static address to be assigned on a network interface. swagger:model IPAddresses.1.0.0_IPv6StaticAddress
type JSONSchemaFile100JSONSchemaFile ¶
type JSONSchemaFile100JSONSchemaFile struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Uniquely identifies the resource within the collection of like resources. // Read Only: true ID string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // Language codes for the schemas available. // Required: true // Read Only: true Languages []string `json:"Languages"` // Location information for this schema file. // Required: true // Read Only: true Location []*JSONSchemaFile100Location `json:"Location"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // The type name this schema describes. // Required: true // Read Only: true Schema string `json:"Schema"` }
JSONSchemaFile100JSONSchemaFile This is the schema definition for the Schema File locator resource. swagger:model JsonSchemaFile.1.0.0_JsonSchemaFile
type JSONSchemaFile100Location ¶
type JSONSchemaFile100Location struct { // If the schema is hosted on the service in an archive file, this is the name of the file within the archive. // Read Only: true ArchiveFile string `json:"ArchiveFile,omitempty"` // If the schema is hosted on the service in an archive file, this is the link to the archive file. // Read Only: true ArchiveURI string `json:"ArchiveUri,omitempty"` // The language code for the file the schema is in. // Read Only: true Language string `json:"Language,omitempty"` // Link to publicly available (canonical) URI for schema. // Read Only: true PublicationURI string `json:"PublicationUri,omitempty"` // Link to locally available URI for schema. // Read Only: true URI string `json:"Uri,omitempty"` }
JSONSchemaFile100Location Json schema file 1 0 0 location swagger:model JsonSchemaFile.1.0.0_Location
type JSONSchemaFileCollectionJSONSchemaFileCollection ¶
type JSONSchemaFileCollectionJSONSchemaFileCollection struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Contains the members of this collection. // Read Only: true Members []*Odata400IDRef `json:"Members"` // members at odata count // Read Only: true MembersAtOdataCount float64 `json:"Members@odata.count,omitempty"` MembersAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"Members@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` }
JSONSchemaFileCollectionJSONSchemaFileCollection Json schema file collection Json schema file collection swagger:model JsonSchemaFileCollection_JsonSchemaFileCollection
type LogEntry100LogEntry ¶
type LogEntry100LogEntry struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // The time the log entry was created. // Read Only: true Created strfmt.DateTime `json:"Created,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // If the EntryType is SEL, this will have the entry code for the log entry. // Read Only: true EntryCode string `json:"EntryCode,omitempty"` // his is the type of log entry. // Required: true // Read Only: true EntryType string `json:"EntryType"` // Uniquely identifies the resource within the collection of like resources. // Read Only: true ID string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // links Links *LogEntry100LogEntryLinks `json:"Links,omitempty"` // This property decodes from EntryType: If it is Event then it is a message string. Otherwise, it is SEL or Oem specific. In most cases, this will be the actual Log Entry. // Read Only: true Message string `json:"Message,omitempty"` // The values of this property shall be any arguments for the message. // Read Only: true MessageArgs []string `json:"MessageArgs"` // This property decodes from EntryType: If it is Event then it is a message id. Otherwise, it is SEL or Oem specific. This value is only used for registries - for more information, see the specification. // Read Only: true MessageID string `json:"MessageId,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // If the entry type is Oem, this will contain more information about the record format from the Oem. // Read Only: true OemRecordFormat string `json:"OemRecordFormat,omitempty"` // This property decodes from EntryType: If it is SEL, it is the sensor number; if Event then the count of events. Otherwise, it is Oem specific. // Read Only: true SensorNumber float64 `json:"SensorNumber,omitempty"` // If the EntryType is SEL, this will have the sensor type that the log entry pertains to. // Read Only: true SensorType string `json:"SensorType,omitempty"` // This is the severity of the log entry. // Read Only: true Severity string `json:"Severity,omitempty"` }
LogEntry100LogEntry This resource represents the log record format for logs. It is designed to be used for SEL logs from IPMI as well as Event Logs and OEM specific logs. The EntryType field indicates the type of log and there are other properties dependent on it's value. swagger:model LogEntry.1.0.0_LogEntry
type LogEntry100LogEntryLinks ¶
type LogEntry100LogEntryLinks struct { // Oem extension object. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // This is the URI of the resource that caused the log entry // Read Only: true OriginOfCondition *Odata400IDRef `json:"OriginOfCondition,omitempty"` }
LogEntry100LogEntryLinks The links object contains the links to other resources that are related to this resource. swagger:model LogEntry100LogEntryLinks
type LogEntryCollectionLogEntryCollection ¶
type LogEntryCollectionLogEntryCollection struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Contains the members of this collection. // Read Only: true Members []*Odata400IDRef `json:"Members"` // members at odata count // Read Only: true MembersAtOdataCount float64 `json:"Members@odata.count,omitempty"` MembersAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"Members@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` }
LogEntryCollectionLogEntryCollection log entry collection log entry collection swagger:model LogEntryCollection_LogEntryCollection
type LogService100ClearLog ¶
type LogService100ClearLog struct { // Link to invoke action Target strfmt.URI `json:"target,omitempty"` // Friendly action name Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` }
LogService100ClearLog log service 1 0 0 clear log swagger:model LogService.1.0.0_ClearLog
type LogService100LogService ¶
type LogService100LogService struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // actions Actions *LogService100LogServiceActions `json:"Actions,omitempty"` // The current DateTime (with offset) for the log service, used to set or read time. DateTime strfmt.DateTime `json:"DateTime,omitempty"` // The time offset from UTC that the DateTime property is set to in format: +06:00 . // Pattern: ([-+][0-1][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]) DateTimeLocalOffset string `json:"DateTimeLocalOffset,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // References to the log entry collection. // Read Only: true Entries *LogEntryCollectionLogEntryCollection `json:"Entries,omitempty"` // Uniquely identifies the resource within the collection of like resources. // Read Only: true ID string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // The maximum number of log entries this service can have. // Read Only: true // Minimum: 0 MaxNumberOfRecords float64 `json:"MaxNumberOfRecords,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // The overwrite policy for this service that takes place when the log is full. // Read Only: true OverWritePolicy string `json:"OverWritePolicy,omitempty"` // This indicates whether this service is enabled. ServiceEnabled bool `json:"ServiceEnabled,omitempty"` // status Status *ResourceStatus `json:"Status,omitempty"` }
LogService100LogService This resource represents the log service for the resource or service to which it is associated. swagger:model LogService.1.0.0_LogService
type LogService100LogServiceActions ¶
type LogService100LogServiceActions struct { // log service clear log NrLogServiceClearLog *LogService100ClearLog `json:"#LogService.ClearLog,omitempty"` // oem Oem interface{} `json:"Oem,omitempty"` }
LogService100LogServiceActions The Actions object contains the available custom actions on this resource. swagger:model LogService100LogServiceActions
type LogServiceCollectionLogServiceCollection ¶
type LogServiceCollectionLogServiceCollection struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Contains the members of this collection. // Read Only: true Members []*Odata400IDRef `json:"Members"` // members at odata count // Read Only: true MembersAtOdataCount float64 `json:"Members@odata.count,omitempty"` MembersAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"Members@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` }
LogServiceCollectionLogServiceCollection log service collection log service collection swagger:model LogServiceCollection_LogServiceCollection
type Manager100CommandShell ¶
type Manager100CommandShell struct { // This object is used to enumerate the Command Shell connection types allowed by the implementation. // Read Only: true ConnectTypesSupported []string `json:"ConnectTypesSupported"` // Indicates the maximum number of service sessions, regardless of protocol, this manager is able to support. // Read Only: true // Minimum: 0 MaxConcurrentSessions float64 `json:"MaxConcurrentSessions,omitempty"` // Indicates if the service is enabled for this manager. ServiceEnabled bool `json:"ServiceEnabled,omitempty"` }
Manager100CommandShell Used for describing services like Serial Console, Command Shell or Graphical Console swagger:model Manager.1.0.0_CommandShell
type Manager100ForceFailover ¶
type Manager100ForceFailover struct { // Link to invoke action Target strfmt.URI `json:"target,omitempty"` // Friendly action name Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` }
Manager100ForceFailover manager 1 0 0 force failover swagger:model Manager.1.0.0_ForceFailover
type Manager100GraphicalConsole ¶
type Manager100GraphicalConsole struct { // This object is used to enumerate the Graphical Console connection types allowed by the implementation. // Read Only: true ConnectTypesSupported []string `json:"ConnectTypesSupported"` // Indicates the maximum number of service sessions, regardless of protocol, this manager is able to support. // Read Only: true // Minimum: 0 MaxConcurrentSessions float64 `json:"MaxConcurrentSessions,omitempty"` // Indicates if the service is enabled for this manager. ServiceEnabled bool `json:"ServiceEnabled,omitempty"` }
Manager100GraphicalConsole Used for describing services like Serial Console, Command Shell or Graphical Console swagger:model Manager.1.0.0_GraphicalConsole
type Manager100Manager ¶
type Manager100Manager struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // actions Actions *Manager100ManagerActions `json:"Actions,omitempty"` // Information about the Command Shell service provided by this manager. CommandShell *Manager100CommandShell `json:"CommandShell,omitempty"` // The current DateTime (with offset) for the manager, used to set or read time. DateTime strfmt.DateTime `json:"DateTime,omitempty"` // The time offset from UTC that the DateTime property is set to in format: +06:00 . // Pattern: ([-+][0-1][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]) DateTimeLocalOffset string `json:"DateTimeLocalOffset,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // This is a reference to a collection of NICs that this manager uses for network communication. It is here that clients will find NIC configuration options and settings. // Read Only: true EthernetInterfaces *EthernetInterfaceCollectionEthernetInterfaceCollection `json:"EthernetInterfaces,omitempty"` // The firmware version of this Manager // Read Only: true FirmwareVersion string `json:"FirmwareVersion,omitempty"` // The value of this property shall contain the information about the Graphical Console (KVM-IP) service of this manager. GraphicalConsole *Manager100GraphicalConsole `json:"GraphicalConsole,omitempty"` // Uniquely identifies the resource within the collection of like resources. // Read Only: true ID string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // links Links *Manager100ManagerLinks `json:"Links,omitempty"` // This is a reference to a collection of Logs used by the manager. // Read Only: true LogServices *LogServiceCollectionLogServiceCollection `json:"LogServices,omitempty"` // This property represents the type of manager that this resource represents. // Read Only: true ManagerType string `json:"ManagerType,omitempty"` // The model information of this Manager as defined by the manufacturer // Read Only: true Model string `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is a reference to the network services and their settings that the manager controls. It is here that clients will find network configuration options as well as network services. // Read Only: true NetworkProtocol *ManagerNetworkProtocol100ManagerNetworkProtocol `json:"NetworkProtocol,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // Redundancy information for the managers of this system // Read Only: true Redundancy []*Odata400IDRef `json:"Redundancy"` // redundancy at odata count // Read Only: true RedundancyAtOdataCount float64 `json:"Redundancy@odata.count,omitempty"` RedundancyAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"Redundancy@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // Information about the Serial Console service provided by this manager. SerialConsole *Manager100SerialConsole `json:"SerialConsole,omitempty"` // This is a reference to a collection of serial interfaces that this manager uses for serial and console communication. It is here that clients will find serial configuration options and settings. // Read Only: true SerialInterfaces *SerialInterfaceCollectionSerialInterfaceCollection `json:"SerialInterfaces,omitempty"` // The UUID of the Redfish Service Entry Point provided by this manager // Read Only: true // Pattern: ([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}) ServiceEntryPointUUID string `json:"ServiceEntryPointUUID,omitempty"` // status Status *ResourceStatus `json:"Status,omitempty"` // The Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) for this Manager // Read Only: true // Pattern: ([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}) UUID string `json:"UUID,omitempty"` // This is a reference to the Virtual Media services for this particular manager. // Read Only: true VirtualMedia *VirtualMediaCollectionVirtualMediaCollection `json:"VirtualMedia,omitempty"` }
Manager100Manager This is the schema definition for a Manager. Examples of managers are BMCs, Enclosure Managers, Management Controllers and other subsystems assigned managability functions. swagger:model Manager.1.0.0_Manager
type Manager100ManagerActions ¶
type Manager100ManagerActions struct { // manager force failover NrManagerForceFailover *Manager100ForceFailover `json:"#Manager.ForceFailover,omitempty"` // manager modify redundancy set NrManagerModifyRedundancySet *Manager100ModifyRedundancySet `json:"#Manager.ModifyRedundancySet,omitempty"` // manager reset NrManagerReset *Manager100Reset `json:"#Manager.Reset,omitempty"` // oem Oem interface{} `json:"Oem,omitempty"` }
Manager100ManagerActions The Actions object contains the available custom actions on this resource. swagger:model Manager100ManagerActions
type Manager100ManagerLinks ¶
type Manager100ManagerLinks struct { // This property is an array of references to the chasis that this manager has control over. // Read Only: true ManagerForChassis []*Odata400IDRef `json:"ManagerForChassis"` // manager for chassis at odata count // Read Only: true ManagerForChassisAtOdataCount float64 `json:"ManagerForChassis@odata.count,omitempty"` ManagerForChassisAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"ManagerForChassis@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // This property is an array of references to the systems that this manager has control over. // Read Only: true ManagerForServers []*Odata400IDRef `json:"ManagerForServers"` // manager for servers at odata count // Read Only: true ManagerForServersAtOdataCount float64 `json:"ManagerForServers@odata.count,omitempty"` ManagerForServersAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"ManagerForServers@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // Oem extension object. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` }
Manager100ManagerLinks This object contains the links to other resources that are related to this resource. swagger:model Manager100ManagerLinks
type Manager100ModifyRedundancySet ¶
type Manager100ModifyRedundancySet struct { // Link to invoke action Target strfmt.URI `json:"target,omitempty"` // Friendly action name Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` }
Manager100ModifyRedundancySet manager 1 0 0 modify redundancy set swagger:model Manager.1.0.0_ModifyRedundancySet
type Manager100Reset ¶
type Manager100Reset struct { // Link to invoke action Target strfmt.URI `json:"target,omitempty"` // Friendly action name Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` }
Manager100Reset manager 1 0 0 reset swagger:model Manager.1.0.0_Reset
type Manager100SerialConsole ¶
type Manager100SerialConsole struct { // This object is used to enumerate the Serial Console connection types allowed by the implementation. // Read Only: true ConnectTypesSupported []string `json:"ConnectTypesSupported"` // Indicates the maximum number of service sessions, regardless of protocol, this manager is able to support. // Read Only: true // Minimum: 0 MaxConcurrentSessions float64 `json:"MaxConcurrentSessions,omitempty"` // Indicates if the service is enabled for this manager. ServiceEnabled bool `json:"ServiceEnabled,omitempty"` }
Manager100SerialConsole Used for describing services like Serial Console, Command Shell or Graphical Console swagger:model Manager.1.0.0_SerialConsole
type ManagerAccount100ManagerAccount ¶
type ManagerAccount100ManagerAccount struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // This property is used by a User Administrator to disable an account w/o having to delet the user information. When set to true, the user can login. When set to false, the account is administratively disabled and the user cannot login. Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // Uniquely identifies the resource within the collection of like resources. // Read Only: true ID string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // links Links *ManagerAccount100ManagerAccountLinks `json:"Links,omitempty"` // This property indicates that the account has been auto-locked by the account service because the lockout threshold has been exceeded. When set to true, the account is locked. A user admin can write the property to false to manually unlock, or the account service will unlock it once the lockout duration period has passed. Locked bool `json:"Locked,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // This property is used with a PATCH or PUT to write the password for the account. This property is null on a GET. Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // This property contains the Role for this account. RoleID string `json:"RoleId,omitempty"` // This property contains the user name for the account. UserName string `json:"UserName,omitempty"` }
ManagerAccount100ManagerAccount This schema defines a user account to be used in conjunction with a manager. This will affect the Redfish service connection if this manager is responsible for the Redfish service. swagger:model ManagerAccount.1.0.0_ManagerAccount
type ManagerAccount100ManagerAccountLinks ¶
type ManagerAccount100ManagerAccountLinks struct { // Oem extension object. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // A reference to the Role object defining Privileges for this account--returned when the resource is read. The ID of the role is the same as property RoleId. // Read Only: true Role *Odata400IDRef `json:"Role,omitempty"` }
ManagerAccount100ManagerAccountLinks The links object contains the links to other resources that are related to this resource. swagger:model ManagerAccount100ManagerAccountLinks
type ManagerAccount100ManagerAccountPost ¶
type ManagerAccount100ManagerAccountPost struct { ManagerAccount100ManagerAccount // This property is used with a PATCH or PUT to write the password for the account. This property is null on a GET. // Required: true Password *string `json:"Password"` // This property contains the Role for this account. // Required: true RoleID *string `json:"RoleId"` // This property contains the user name for the account. // Required: true UserName *string `json:"UserName"` }
ManagerAccount100ManagerAccountPost manager account 1 0 0 manager account post swagger:model
func (ManagerAccount100ManagerAccountPost) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m ManagerAccount100ManagerAccountPost) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*ManagerAccount100ManagerAccountPost) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *ManagerAccount100ManagerAccountPost) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type ManagerAccountCollectionManagerAccountCollection ¶
type ManagerAccountCollectionManagerAccountCollection struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Contains the members of this collection. // Read Only: true Members []*Odata400IDRef `json:"Members"` // members at odata count // Read Only: true MembersAtOdataCount float64 `json:"Members@odata.count,omitempty"` MembersAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"Members@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` }
ManagerAccountCollectionManagerAccountCollection manager account collection manager account collection swagger:model ManagerAccountCollection_ManagerAccountCollection
type ManagerCollectionManagerCollection ¶
type ManagerCollectionManagerCollection struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Contains the members of this collection. // Read Only: true Members []*Odata400IDRef `json:"Members"` // members at odata count // Read Only: true MembersAtOdataCount float64 `json:"Members@odata.count,omitempty"` MembersAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"Members@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` }
ManagerCollectionManagerCollection manager collection manager collection swagger:model ManagerCollection_ManagerCollection
type ManagerNetworkProtocol100ManagerNetworkProtocol ¶
type ManagerNetworkProtocol100ManagerNetworkProtocol struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // This is the fully qualified domain name for the manager obtained by DNS including the host name and top-level domain name. // Read Only: true FQDN string `json:"FQDN,omitempty"` // Settings for this Manager's HTTP protocol support // Read Only: true HTTP *ManagerNetworkProtocol100Protocol `json:"HTTP,omitempty"` // Settings for this Manager's HTTPS protocol support // Read Only: true HTTPS *ManagerNetworkProtocol100Protocol `json:"HTTPS,omitempty"` // The DNS Host Name of this manager, without any domain information // Read Only: true HostName string `json:"HostName,omitempty"` // Settings for this Manager's IPMI-over-LAN protocol support // Read Only: true IPMI *ManagerNetworkProtocol100Protocol `json:"IPMI,omitempty"` // Uniquely identifies the resource within the collection of like resources. // Read Only: true ID string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // Settings for this Manager's KVM-IP protocol support // Read Only: true KVMIP *ManagerNetworkProtocol100Protocol `json:"KVMIP,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // Settings for this Manager's SNMP support // Read Only: true SNMP *ManagerNetworkProtocol100Protocol `json:"SNMP,omitempty"` // Settings for this Manager's SSDP support // Read Only: true SSDP *ManagerNetworkProtocol100SSDProtocol `json:"SSDP,omitempty"` // Settings for this Manager's SSH (Secure Shell) protocol support // Read Only: true SSH *ManagerNetworkProtocol100Protocol `json:"SSH,omitempty"` // status Status *ResourceStatus `json:"Status,omitempty"` // Settings for this Manager's Telnet protocol support // Read Only: true Telnet *ManagerNetworkProtocol100Protocol `json:"Telnet,omitempty"` // Settings for this Manager's Virtual Media support // Read Only: true VirtualMedia *ManagerNetworkProtocol100Protocol `json:"VirtualMedia,omitempty"` }
ManagerNetworkProtocol100ManagerNetworkProtocol This resource is used to obtain or modify the network services managed by a given manager. swagger:model ManagerNetworkProtocol.1.0.0_ManagerNetworkProtocol
type ManagerNetworkProtocol100Protocol ¶
type ManagerNetworkProtocol100Protocol struct { // Indicates the protocol port. // Minimum: 0 Port *float64 `json:"Port,omitempty"` // Indicates if the protocol is enabled or disabled ProtocolEnabled bool `json:"ProtocolEnabled,omitempty"` }
ManagerNetworkProtocol100Protocol manager network protocol 1 0 0 protocol swagger:model ManagerNetworkProtocol.1.0.0_Protocol
type ManagerNetworkProtocol100SSDProtocol ¶
type ManagerNetworkProtocol100SSDProtocol struct { // Indicates the scope for the IPv6 Notify messages for SSDP. NotifyIPV6Scope string `json:"NotifyIPv6Scope,omitempty"` // Indicates how often the Multicast is done from this service for SSDP. // Minimum: 0 NotifyMulticastIntervalSeconds *float64 `json:"NotifyMulticastIntervalSeconds,omitempty"` // Indicates the time to live hop count for SSDPs Notify messages. // Minimum: 1 NotifyTTL float64 `json:"NotifyTTL,omitempty"` // Indicates the protocol port. // Minimum: 0 Port *float64 `json:"Port,omitempty"` // Indicates if the protocol is enabled or disabled ProtocolEnabled bool `json:"ProtocolEnabled,omitempty"` }
ManagerNetworkProtocol100SSDProtocol manager network protocol 1 0 0 s s d protocol swagger:model ManagerNetworkProtocol.1.0.0_SSDProtocol
type Message100Message ¶
type Message100Message struct { // This is the human readable message, if provided. Message string `json:"Message,omitempty"` // This array of message arguments are substituted for the arguments in the message when looked up in the message registry. MessageArgs []string `json:"MessageArgs"` // This is the key for this message which can be used to look up the message in a message registry. MessageID string `json:"MessageId,omitempty"` // Oem extension object. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // This is an array of properties described by the message. RelatedProperties []string `json:"RelatedProperties"` // Used to provide suggestions on how to resolve the situation that caused the error. Resolution string `json:"Resolution,omitempty"` // This is the severity of the errors. Severity string `json:"Severity,omitempty"` }
Message100Message message 1 0 0 message swagger:model Message.1.0.0_Message
type MessageRegistryFile100Location ¶
type MessageRegistryFile100Location struct { // If the schema is hosted on the service in an archive file, this is the name of the file within the archive. // Read Only: true ArchiveFile string `json:"ArchiveFile,omitempty"` // If the schema is hosted on the service in an archive file, this is the link to the archive file. // Read Only: true ArchiveURI string `json:"ArchiveUri,omitempty"` // The language code for the file the schema is in. // Read Only: true Language string `json:"Language,omitempty"` // Link to publicly available (canonical) URI for schema. // Read Only: true PublicationURI string `json:"PublicationUri,omitempty"` // Link to locally available URI for schema. // Read Only: true URI string `json:"Uri,omitempty"` }
MessageRegistryFile100Location message registry file 1 0 0 location swagger:model MessageRegistryFile.1.0.0_Location
type MessageRegistryFile100MessageRegistryFile ¶
type MessageRegistryFile100MessageRegistryFile struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Uniquely identifies the resource within the collection of like resources. // Read Only: true ID string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // Language codes for the schemas available. // Required: true // Read Only: true Languages []string `json:"Languages"` // Location information for this schema file. // Required: true // Read Only: true Location []*MessageRegistryFile100Location `json:"Location"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // The Registry Name, Major and Minor version used in MessageID construction. // Required: true // Read Only: true Registry string `json:"Registry"` }
MessageRegistryFile100MessageRegistryFile This is the schema definition for the Schema File locator resource. swagger:model MessageRegistryFile.1.0.0_MessageRegistryFile
type MessageRegistryFileCollectionMessageRegistryFileCollection ¶
type MessageRegistryFileCollectionMessageRegistryFileCollection struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Contains the members of this collection. // Read Only: true Members []*Odata400IDRef `json:"Members"` // members at odata count // Read Only: true MembersAtOdataCount float64 `json:"Members@odata.count,omitempty"` MembersAtOdataNavigationLink strfmt.URI `json:"Members@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` }
MessageRegistryFileCollectionMessageRegistryFileCollection message registry file collection message registry file collection swagger:model MessageRegistryFileCollection_MessageRegistryFileCollection
type Odata400IDRef ¶
type Odata400IDRef struct { // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` }
Odata400IDRef odata 4 0 0 id ref swagger:model odata.4.0.0_idRef
type Power100Power ¶
type Power100Power struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Uniquely identifies the resource within the collection of like resources. // Read Only: true ID string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // This is the definition for power control function (power reading/limiting). // Read Only: true PowerControl []*Power100PowerControl `json:"PowerControl"` // power control at odata count // Read Only: true PowerControlAtOdataCount float64 `json:"PowerControl@odata.count,omitempty"` PowerControlAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"PowerControl@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // Details of the power supplies associated with this system or device // Read Only: true PowerSupplies []*Power100PowerSupply `json:"PowerSupplies"` // power supplies at odata count // Read Only: true PowerSuppliesAtOdataCount float64 `json:"PowerSupplies@odata.count,omitempty"` PowerSuppliesAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"PowerSupplies@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // Redundancy information for the power subsystem of this system or device // Read Only: true Redundancy []*Odata400IDRef `json:"Redundancy"` // redundancy at odata count // Read Only: true RedundancyAtOdataCount float64 `json:"Redundancy@odata.count,omitempty"` RedundancyAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"Redundancy@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // This is the definition for voltage sensors. // Read Only: true Voltages []*Power100Voltage `json:"Voltages"` // voltages at odata count // Read Only: true VoltagesAtOdataCount float64 `json:"Voltages@odata.count,omitempty"` VoltagesAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"Voltages@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` }
Power100Power This is the schema definition for the Power Metrics. It represents the properties for Power Consumption and Power Limiting. swagger:model Power.1.0.0_Power
type Power100PowerControl ¶
type Power100PowerControl struct { // This is the identifier for the member within the collection. MemberID string `json:"MemberId,omitempty"` // Power Control Function name. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // The total amount of power that has been allocated (or budegeted)to chassis resources. // Read Only: true // Minimum: 0 PowerAllocatedWatts float64 `json:"PowerAllocatedWatts,omitempty"` // The amount of power not already budgeted and therefore available for additional allocation. (powerCapacity - powerAllocated). This indicates how much reserve power capacity is left. // Read Only: true // Minimum: 0 PowerAvailableWatts float64 `json:"PowerAvailableWatts,omitempty"` // The total amount of power available to the chassis for allocation. This may the power supply capacity, or power budget assigned to the chassis from an up-stream chassis. // Read Only: true // Minimum: 0 PowerCapacityWatts float64 `json:"PowerCapacityWatts,omitempty"` // The actual power being consumed by the chassis. // Read Only: true // Minimum: 0 PowerConsumedWatts float64 `json:"PowerConsumedWatts,omitempty"` // Power limit status and configuration information for this chassis PowerLimit *Power100PowerLimit `json:"PowerLimit,omitempty"` // Power readings for this chassis. PowerMetrics *Power100PowerMetric `json:"PowerMetrics,omitempty"` // The potential power that the chassis resources are requesting which may be higher than the current level being consumed since requested power includes budget that the chassis resource wants for future use. // Read Only: true // Minimum: 0 PowerRequestedWatts float64 `json:"PowerRequestedWatts,omitempty"` // The ID(s) of the resources associated with this Power Limit RelatedItem []*Odata400IDRef `json:"RelatedItem"` // related item at odata count // Read Only: true RelatedItemAtOdataCount float64 `json:"RelatedItem@odata.count,omitempty"` RelatedItemAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"RelatedItem@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // status Status *ResourceStatus `json:"Status,omitempty"` }
Power100PowerControl This is the base type for addressable members of an array. swagger:model Power.1.0.0_PowerControl
type Power100PowerLimit ¶
type Power100PowerLimit struct { // The time required for the limiting process to reduce power consumption to below the limit. CorrectionInMs float64 `json:"CorrectionInMs,omitempty"` // The action that is taken if the power cannot be maintained below the LimitInWatts. LimitException string `json:"LimitException,omitempty"` // The Power limit in watts. Set to null to disable power capping. // Minimum: 0 LimitInWatts *float64 `json:"LimitInWatts,omitempty"` }
Power100PowerLimit This object contains power limit status and configuration information for the chassis. swagger:model Power.1.0.0_PowerLimit
type Power100PowerMetric ¶
type Power100PowerMetric struct { // The average power level over the measurement window (the last IntervalInMin minutes). // Read Only: true // Minimum: 0 AverageConsumedWatts float64 `json:"AverageConsumedWatts,omitempty"` // The time interval (or window) in which the PowerMetrics are measured over. // Read Only: true // Minimum: 0 IntervalInMin float64 `json:"IntervalInMin,omitempty"` // The highest power consumption level that has occured over the measurement window (the last IntervalInMin minutes). // Read Only: true // Minimum: 0 MaxConsumedWatts float64 `json:"MaxConsumedWatts,omitempty"` // The lowest power consumption level over the measurement window (the last IntervalInMin minutes). // Read Only: true // Minimum: 0 MinConsumedWatts float64 `json:"MinConsumedWatts,omitempty"` }
Power100PowerMetric power 1 0 0 power metric swagger:model Power.1.0.0_PowerMetric
type Power100PowerSupply ¶
type Power100PowerSupply struct { // The firmware version for this Power Supply // Read Only: true FirmwareVersion string `json:"FirmwareVersion,omitempty"` // The average power output of this Power Supply // Read Only: true // Minimum: 0 LastPowerOutputWatts float64 `json:"LastPowerOutputWatts,omitempty"` // The line input voltage at which the Power Supply is operating // Read Only: true LineInputVoltage float64 `json:"LineInputVoltage,omitempty"` // The line voltage type supported as an input to this Power Supply // Read Only: true LineInputVoltageType string `json:"LineInputVoltageType,omitempty"` // This is the identifier for the member within the collection. MemberID string `json:"MemberId,omitempty"` // The model number for this Power Supply // Read Only: true Model string `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The name of the Power Supply // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // The part number for this Power Supply // Read Only: true PartNumber string `json:"PartNumber,omitempty"` // The maximum capacity of this Power Supply // Read Only: true // Minimum: 0 PowerCapacityWatts float64 `json:"PowerCapacityWatts,omitempty"` // The Power Supply type (AC or DC) // Read Only: true PowerSupplyType string `json:"PowerSupplyType,omitempty"` // This structure is used to show redundancy for fans. The Component ids will reference the members of the redundancy groups. // Read Only: true Redundancy []*Odata400IDRef `json:"Redundancy"` // redundancy at odata count // Read Only: true RedundancyAtOdataCount float64 `json:"Redundancy@odata.count,omitempty"` RedundancyAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"Redundancy@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // The ID(s) of the resources associated with this Power Limit RelatedItem []*Odata400IDRef `json:"RelatedItem"` // related item at odata count // Read Only: true RelatedItemAtOdataCount float64 `json:"RelatedItem@odata.count,omitempty"` RelatedItemAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"RelatedItem@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // The serial number for this Power Supply // Read Only: true SerialNumber string `json:"SerialNumber,omitempty"` // The spare part number for this Power Supply // Read Only: true SparePartNumber string `json:"SparePartNumber,omitempty"` // status Status *ResourceStatus `json:"Status,omitempty"` }
Power100PowerSupply Details of a power supplies associated with this system or device swagger:model Power.1.0.0_PowerSupply
type Power100Voltage ¶
type Power100Voltage struct { // Below normal range but not yet fatal. // Read Only: true LowerThresholdCritical float64 `json:"LowerThresholdCritical,omitempty"` // Below normal range and is fatal // Read Only: true LowerThresholdFatal float64 `json:"LowerThresholdFatal,omitempty"` // Below normal range // Read Only: true LowerThresholdNonCritical float64 `json:"LowerThresholdNonCritical,omitempty"` // Maximum value for CurrentReading // Read Only: true MaxReadingRange float64 `json:"MaxReadingRange,omitempty"` // This is the identifier for the member within the collection. MemberID string `json:"MemberId,omitempty"` // Minimum value for CurrentReading // Read Only: true MinReadingRange float64 `json:"MinReadingRange,omitempty"` // Voltage sensor name. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // Describes the area or device to which this voltage measurement applies. // Read Only: true PhysicalContext string `json:"PhysicalContext,omitempty"` // The current value of the voltage sensor. // Read Only: true ReadingVolts float64 `json:"ReadingVolts,omitempty"` // Describes the areas or devices to which this voltage measurement applies. // Read Only: true RelatedItem []*Odata400IDRef `json:"RelatedItem"` // related item at odata count // Read Only: true RelatedItemAtOdataCount float64 `json:"RelatedItem@odata.count,omitempty"` RelatedItemAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"RelatedItem@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // A numerical identifier to represent the voltage sensor // Read Only: true SensorNumber float64 `json:"SensorNumber,omitempty"` // status Status *ResourceStatus `json:"Status,omitempty"` // Above normal range but not yet fatal. // Read Only: true UpperThresholdCritical float64 `json:"UpperThresholdCritical,omitempty"` // Above normal range and is fatal // Read Only: true UpperThresholdFatal float64 `json:"UpperThresholdFatal,omitempty"` // Above normal range // Read Only: true UpperThresholdNonCritical float64 `json:"UpperThresholdNonCritical,omitempty"` }
Power100Voltage This is the base type for addressable members of an array. swagger:model Power.1.0.0_Voltage
type Processor100Processor ¶
type Processor100Processor struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Uniquely identifies the resource within the collection of like resources. // Read Only: true ID string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // The instruction set of the processor // Read Only: true InstructionSet string `json:"InstructionSet,omitempty"` // The processor manufacturer // Read Only: true Manufacturer string `json:"Manufacturer,omitempty"` // The maximum clock speed of the processor // Read Only: true MaxSpeedMHz float64 `json:"MaxSpeedMHz,omitempty"` // The product model number of this device // Read Only: true Model string `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // The architecture of the processor // Read Only: true ProcessorArchitecture string `json:"ProcessorArchitecture,omitempty"` // Identification information for this processor. ProcessorID *Processor100ProcessorID `json:"ProcessorId,omitempty"` // The type of processor // Read Only: true ProcessorType string `json:"ProcessorType,omitempty"` // The socket or location of the processor // Read Only: true Socket string `json:"Socket,omitempty"` // status Status *ResourceStatus `json:"Status,omitempty"` // The total number of cores contained in this processor // Read Only: true TotalCores float64 `json:"TotalCores,omitempty"` // The total number of execution threads supported by this processor // Read Only: true TotalThreads float64 `json:"TotalThreads,omitempty"` }
Processor100Processor This is the schema definition for the Processor resource. It represents the properties of a processor attached to a System. swagger:model Processor.1.0.0_Processor
type Processor100ProcessorID ¶
type Processor100ProcessorID struct { // The effective Family for this processor // Read Only: true EffectiveFamily string `json:"EffectiveFamily,omitempty"` // The effective Model for this processor // Read Only: true EffectiveModel string `json:"EffectiveModel,omitempty"` // The contents of the Identification Registers (CPUID) for this processor // Read Only: true IdentificationRegisters string `json:"IdentificationRegisters,omitempty"` // The Microcode Information for this processor // Read Only: true MicrocodeInfo string `json:"MicrocodeInfo,omitempty"` // The Step value for this processor // Read Only: true Step string `json:"Step,omitempty"` // The Vendor Identification for this processor // Read Only: true VendorID string `json:"VendorId,omitempty"` }
Processor100ProcessorID processor 1 0 0 processor Id swagger:model Processor.1.0.0_ProcessorId
type ProcessorCollectionProcessorCollection ¶
type ProcessorCollectionProcessorCollection struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Contains the members of this collection. // Read Only: true Members []*Odata400IDRef `json:"Members"` // members at odata count // Read Only: true MembersAtOdataCount float64 `json:"Members@odata.count,omitempty"` MembersAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"Members@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` }
ProcessorCollectionProcessorCollection processor collection processor collection swagger:model ProcessorCollection_ProcessorCollection
type ResourceOem ¶
type ResourceOem interface{}
ResourceOem Oem extension object. swagger:model Resource_Oem
type ResourceStatus ¶
type ResourceStatus struct { // This represents the health state of this resource in the absence of its dependent resources. // Read Only: true Health string `json:"Health,omitempty"` // This represents the overall health state from the view of this resource. // Read Only: true HealthRollup string `json:"HealthRollup,omitempty"` // oem Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // This indicates the known state of the resource, such as if it is enabled. // Read Only: true State string `json:"State,omitempty"` }
ResourceStatus resource status swagger:model Resource_Status
type Role100Role ¶
type Role100Role struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // The redfish privileges that this role includes. AssignedPrivileges []string `json:"AssignedPrivileges"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Uniquely identifies the resource within the collection of like resources. // Read Only: true ID string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // This property is used to indicate if the Role is one of the Redfish Predefined Roles vs a Custom role. // Read Only: true IsPredefined *bool `json:"IsPredefined,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // The OEM privileges that this role includes. OemPrivileges []string `json:"OemPrivileges"` }
Role100Role This schema defines a user role to be used in conjunction with a manager account. swagger:model Role.1.0.0_Role
type RoleCollectionRoleCollection ¶
type RoleCollectionRoleCollection struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Contains the members of this collection. // Read Only: true Members []*Odata400IDRef `json:"Members"` // members at odata count // Read Only: true MembersAtOdataCount float64 `json:"Members@odata.count,omitempty"` MembersAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"Members@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` }
RoleCollectionRoleCollection role collection role collection swagger:model RoleCollection_RoleCollection
type SerialInterface100SerialInterface ¶
type SerialInterface100SerialInterface struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // The receive and transmit rate of data flow, typically in bits-per-second (bps), over the serial connection. BitRate string `json:"BitRate,omitempty"` // The type of connector used for this interface. // Read Only: true ConnectorType string `json:"ConnectorType,omitempty"` // The number of data bits that will follow the start bit over the serial connection. DataBits string `json:"DataBits,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // The type of flow control, if any, that will be imposed on the serial connection. FlowControl string `json:"FlowControl,omitempty"` // Uniquely identifies the resource within the collection of like resources. // Read Only: true ID string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // This indicates whether this interface is enabled. InterfaceEnabled bool `json:"InterfaceEnabled,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // The type of parity used by the sender and receiver in order to detect errors over the serial connection. Parity string `json:"Parity,omitempty"` // The physical pin configuration needed for a serial connector. // Read Only: true PinOut string `json:"PinOut,omitempty"` // The type of signal used for the communication connection - RS232 or RS485. // Read Only: true SignalType string `json:"SignalType,omitempty"` // The period of time before the next start bit is transmitted. StopBits string `json:"StopBits,omitempty"` }
SerialInterface100SerialInterface This schema defines an asynchronous serial interface resource. swagger:model SerialInterface.1.0.0_SerialInterface
type SerialInterfaceCollectionSerialInterfaceCollection ¶
type SerialInterfaceCollectionSerialInterfaceCollection struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Contains the members of this collection. // Read Only: true Members []*Odata400IDRef `json:"Members"` // members at odata count // Read Only: true MembersAtOdataCount float64 `json:"Members@odata.count,omitempty"` MembersAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"Members@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` }
SerialInterfaceCollectionSerialInterfaceCollection serial interface collection serial interface collection swagger:model SerialInterfaceCollection_SerialInterfaceCollection
type ServiceRoot100ServiceRoot ¶
type ServiceRoot100ServiceRoot struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // This is a link to the Account Service. // Read Only: true AccountService *Odata400IDRef `json:"AccountService,omitempty"` // This is a link to a collection of Chassis. // Read Only: true Chassis *ChassisCollectionChassisCollection `json:"Chassis,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // This is a link to the EventService. // Read Only: true EventService *Odata400IDRef `json:"EventService,omitempty"` // Uniquely identifies the resource within the collection of like resources. // Read Only: true ID string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // This is a link to a collection of Json-Schema files. // Read Only: true JSONSchemas *JSONSchemaFileCollectionJSONSchemaFileCollection `json:"JsonSchemas,omitempty"` // links // Required: true Links *ServiceRoot100ServiceRootLinks `json:"Links"` // This is a link to a collection of Managers. // Read Only: true Managers *ManagerCollectionManagerCollection `json:"Managers,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // The version of the Redfish service // Read Only: true // Pattern: ^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$ RedfishVersion string `json:"RedfishVersion,omitempty"` // This is a link to a collection of Registries. // Read Only: true Registries *MessageRegistryFileCollectionMessageRegistryFileCollection `json:"Registries,omitempty"` // This is a link to the Sessions Service. // Read Only: true SessionService *Odata400IDRef `json:"SessionService,omitempty"` // This is a link to a collection of Systems. // Read Only: true Systems *ComputerSystemCollectionComputerSystemCollection `json:"Systems,omitempty"` // This is a link to the Task Service. // Read Only: true Tasks *Odata400IDRef `json:"Tasks,omitempty"` // Unique identifier for a service instance. When SSDP is used, this value should be an exact match of the UUID value returned in a 200OK from an SSDP M-SEARCH request during discovery. // Read Only: true // Pattern: ([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}) UUID string `json:"UUID,omitempty"` }
ServiceRoot100ServiceRoot This object represents the root Redfish service. swagger:model ServiceRoot.1.0.0_ServiceRoot
type ServiceRoot100ServiceRootLinks ¶
type ServiceRoot100ServiceRootLinks struct { // Oem extension object. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // Link to a collection of Sessions // Read Only: true Sessions *SessionCollectionSessionCollection `json:"Sessions,omitempty"` }
ServiceRoot100ServiceRootLinks The links object contains the links to other resources that are related to this resource. swagger:model ServiceRoot100ServiceRootLinks
type Session100Session ¶
type Session100Session struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Uniquely identifies the resource within the collection of like resources. // Read Only: true ID string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // This property is used in a POST to specify a password when creating a new session. This property is null on a GET. Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // user name // Read Only: true UserName string `json:"UserName,omitempty"` }
Session100Session This is the base type for resources and referenceable members. swagger:model Session.1.0.0_Session
type SessionCollectionSessionCollection ¶
type SessionCollectionSessionCollection struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Contains the members of this collection. // Read Only: true Members []*Odata400IDRef `json:"Members"` // members at odata count // Read Only: true MembersAtOdataCount float64 `json:"Members@odata.count,omitempty"` MembersAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"Members@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` }
SessionCollectionSessionCollection session collection session collection swagger:model SessionCollection_SessionCollection
type SessionService100SessionService ¶
type SessionService100SessionService struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Uniquely identifies the resource within the collection of like resources. // Read Only: true ID string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // This indicates whether this service is enabled. ServiceEnabled bool `json:"ServiceEnabled,omitempty"` // This is the number of seconds of inactivity that a session may have before the session service closes the session due to inactivity. // Maximum: 86400 // Minimum: 30 SessionTimeout float64 `json:"SessionTimeout,omitempty"` // Link to a collection of Sessions // Read Only: true Sessions *SessionCollectionSessionCollection `json:"Sessions,omitempty"` // status Status *ResourceStatus `json:"Status,omitempty"` }
SessionService100SessionService This is the schema definition for the Session Service. It represents the properties for the service itself and has links to the actual list of sessions. swagger:model SessionService.1.0.0_SessionService
type SimpleStorage100Device ¶
type SimpleStorage100Device struct { // The name of the manufacturer of this device // Read Only: true Manufacturer string `json:"Manufacturer,omitempty"` // The product model number of this device // Read Only: true Model string `json:"Model,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Required: true // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name"` // oem Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // status Status *ResourceStatus `json:"Status,omitempty"` }
SimpleStorage100Device simple storage 1 0 0 device swagger:model SimpleStorage.1.0.0_Device
type SimpleStorage100SimpleStorage ¶
type SimpleStorage100SimpleStorage struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // The storage devices associated with this resource // Read Only: true Devices []*SimpleStorage100Device `json:"Devices"` // Uniquely identifies the resource within the collection of like resources. // Read Only: true ID string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // status Status *ResourceStatus `json:"Status,omitempty"` // The UEFI device path used to access this storage controller. // Read Only: true UefiDevicePath string `json:"UefiDevicePath,omitempty"` }
SimpleStorage100SimpleStorage This is the schema definition for the Simple Storage resource. It represents the properties of a storage controller and its directly-attached devices. swagger:model SimpleStorage.1.0.0_SimpleStorage
type SimpleStorageCollectionSimpleStorageCollection ¶
type SimpleStorageCollectionSimpleStorageCollection struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Contains the members of this collection. // Read Only: true Members []*Odata400IDRef `json:"Members"` // members at odata count // Read Only: true MembersAtOdataCount float64 `json:"Members@odata.count,omitempty"` MembersAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"Members@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` }
SimpleStorageCollectionSimpleStorageCollection simple storage collection simple storage collection swagger:model SimpleStorageCollection_SimpleStorageCollection
type Task100Task ¶
type Task100Task struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // The date-time stamp that the task was last completed. // Read Only: true EndTime strfmt.DateTime `json:"EndTime,omitempty"` // Uniquely identifies the resource within the collection of like resources. // Read Only: true ID string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // This is an array of messages associated with the task. // Read Only: true Messages []*Message100Message `json:"Messages"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // The date-time stamp that the task was last started. // Read Only: true StartTime strfmt.DateTime `json:"StartTime,omitempty"` // The state of the task. // Read Only: true TaskState string `json:"TaskState,omitempty"` // This is the completion status of the task. // Read Only: true TaskStatus string `json:"TaskStatus,omitempty"` }
Task100Task This is the schema definition for a Task resource. swagger:model Task.1.0.0_Task
type TaskCollectionTaskCollection ¶
type TaskCollectionTaskCollection struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Contains the members of this collection. // Read Only: true Members []*Odata400IDRef `json:"Members"` // members at odata count // Read Only: true MembersAtOdataCount float64 `json:"Members@odata.count,omitempty"` MembersAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"Members@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` }
TaskCollectionTaskCollection task collection task collection swagger:model TaskCollection_TaskCollection
type TaskService100TaskService ¶
type TaskService100TaskService struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // Overwrite policy of completed tasks // Read Only: true CompletedTaskOverWritePolicy string `json:"CompletedTaskOverWritePolicy,omitempty"` // The current DateTime (with offset) setting that the task service is using. // Read Only: true DateTime strfmt.DateTime `json:"DateTime,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Uniquely identifies the resource within the collection of like resources. // Read Only: true ID string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // Send an Event upon Task State Change. // Read Only: true LifeCycleEventOnTaskStateChange *bool `json:"LifeCycleEventOnTaskStateChange,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // This indicates whether this service is enabled. ServiceEnabled bool `json:"ServiceEnabled,omitempty"` // status Status *ResourceStatus `json:"Status,omitempty"` // References to the Tasks collection. // Read Only: true Tasks *TaskCollectionTaskCollection `json:"Tasks,omitempty"` }
TaskService100TaskService This is the schema definition for the Task Service. It represents the properties for the service itself and has links to the actual list of tasks. swagger:model TaskService.1.0.0_TaskService
type Thermal100Fan ¶
type Thermal100Fan struct { // Name of the fan // Read Only: true FanName string `json:"FanName,omitempty"` // Below normal range but not yet fatal // Read Only: true LowerThresholdCritical float64 `json:"LowerThresholdCritical,omitempty"` // Below normal range and is fatal // Read Only: true LowerThresholdFatal float64 `json:"LowerThresholdFatal,omitempty"` // Below normal range // Read Only: true LowerThresholdNonCritical float64 `json:"LowerThresholdNonCritical,omitempty"` // Maximum value for ReadingRPM // Read Only: true MaxReadingRange float64 `json:"MaxReadingRange,omitempty"` // This is the identifier for the member within the collection. MemberID string `json:"MemberId,omitempty"` // Minimum value for ReadingRPM // Read Only: true MinReadingRange float64 `json:"MinReadingRange,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // Describes the area or device associated with this fan. // Read Only: true PhysicalContext string `json:"PhysicalContext,omitempty"` // Current fan speed in RPM // Read Only: true ReadingRPM float64 `json:"ReadingRPM,omitempty"` // This structure is used to show redundancy for fans. The Component ids will reference the members of the redundancy groups. // Read Only: true Redundancy []*Odata400IDRef `json:"Redundancy"` // redundancy at odata count // Read Only: true RedundancyAtOdataCount float64 `json:"Redundancy@odata.count,omitempty"` RedundancyAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"Redundancy@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // The ID(s) of the resources serviced with this fan RelatedItem []*Odata400IDRef `json:"RelatedItem"` // related item at odata count // Read Only: true RelatedItemAtOdataCount float64 `json:"RelatedItem@odata.count,omitempty"` RelatedItemAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"RelatedItem@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // status Status *ResourceStatus `json:"Status,omitempty"` // Above normal range but not yet fatal // Read Only: true UpperThresholdCritical float64 `json:"UpperThresholdCritical,omitempty"` // Above normal range and is fatal // Read Only: true UpperThresholdFatal float64 `json:"UpperThresholdFatal,omitempty"` // Above normal range // Read Only: true UpperThresholdNonCritical float64 `json:"UpperThresholdNonCritical,omitempty"` }
Thermal100Fan This is the base type for addressable members of an array. swagger:model Thermal.1.0.0_Fan
type Thermal100Temperature ¶
type Thermal100Temperature struct { // Below normal range but not yet fatal. // Read Only: true LowerThresholdCritical float64 `json:"LowerThresholdCritical,omitempty"` // Below normal range and is fatal // Read Only: true LowerThresholdFatal float64 `json:"LowerThresholdFatal,omitempty"` // Below normal range // Read Only: true LowerThresholdNonCritical float64 `json:"LowerThresholdNonCritical,omitempty"` // Maximum value for ReadingCelsius // Read Only: true MaxReadingRangeTemp float64 `json:"MaxReadingRangeTemp,omitempty"` // This is the identifier for the member within the collection. MemberID string `json:"MemberId,omitempty"` // Minimum value for ReadingCelsius // Read Only: true MinReadingRangeTemp float64 `json:"MinReadingRangeTemp,omitempty"` // Temperature sensor name. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // Describes the area or device to which this temperature measurement applies. // Read Only: true PhysicalContext string `json:"PhysicalContext,omitempty"` // Temperature // Read Only: true ReadingCelsius float64 `json:"ReadingCelsius,omitempty"` // Describes the areas or devices to which this temperature measurement applies. // Read Only: true RelatedItem []*Odata400IDRef `json:"RelatedItem"` // related item at odata count // Read Only: true RelatedItemAtOdataCount float64 `json:"RelatedItem@odata.count,omitempty"` RelatedItemAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"RelatedItem@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // A numerical identifier to represent the temperature sensor // Read Only: true SensorNumber float64 `json:"SensorNumber,omitempty"` // status Status *ResourceStatus `json:"Status,omitempty"` // Above normal range but not yet fatal. // Read Only: true UpperThresholdCritical float64 `json:"UpperThresholdCritical,omitempty"` // Above normal range and is fatal // Read Only: true UpperThresholdFatal float64 `json:"UpperThresholdFatal,omitempty"` // Above normal range // Read Only: true UpperThresholdNonCritical float64 `json:"UpperThresholdNonCritical,omitempty"` }
Thermal100Temperature This is the base type for addressable members of an array. swagger:model Thermal.1.0.0_Temperature
type Thermal100Thermal ¶
type Thermal100Thermal struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // This is the definition for fans. // Read Only: true Fans []*Thermal100Fan `json:"Fans"` // fans at odata count // Read Only: true FansAtOdataCount float64 `json:"Fans@odata.count,omitempty"` FansAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"Fans@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // Uniquely identifies the resource within the collection of like resources. // Read Only: true ID string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // This structure is used to show redundancy for fans. The Component ids will reference the members of the redundancy groups. // Read Only: true Redundancy []*Odata400IDRef `json:"Redundancy"` // redundancy at odata count // Read Only: true RedundancyAtOdataCount float64 `json:"Redundancy@odata.count,omitempty"` RedundancyAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"Redundancy@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // status Status *ResourceStatus `json:"Status,omitempty"` // This is the definition for temperature sensors. // Read Only: true Temperatures []*Thermal100Temperature `json:"Temperatures"` // temperatures at odata count // Read Only: true TemperaturesAtOdataCount float64 `json:"Temperatures@odata.count,omitempty"` TemperaturesAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"Temperatures@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` }
Thermal100Thermal This is the schema definition for the Thermal properties. It represents the properties for Temperature and Cooling. swagger:model Thermal.1.0.0_Thermal
type VLanNetworkInterface100VLAN ¶
type VLanNetworkInterface100VLAN struct { // This indicates if this VLAN is enabled. VLANEnable bool `json:"VLANEnable,omitempty"` // This indicates the VLAN identifier for this VLAN. // Maximum: 4095 // Minimum: 0 VLANID *float64 `json:"VLANId,omitempty"` }
VLanNetworkInterface100VLAN v lan network interface 1 0 0 v l a n swagger:model VLanNetworkInterface.1.0.0_VLAN
type VLanNetworkInterfaceCollectionVLanNetworkInterfaceCollection ¶
type VLanNetworkInterfaceCollectionVLanNetworkInterfaceCollection struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Contains the members of this collection. // Read Only: true Members []*Odata400IDRef `json:"Members"` // members at odata count // Read Only: true MembersAtOdataCount float64 `json:"Members@odata.count,omitempty"` MembersAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"Members@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` }
VLanNetworkInterfaceCollectionVLanNetworkInterfaceCollection v lan network interface collection v lan network interface collection swagger:model VLanNetworkInterfaceCollection_VLanNetworkInterfaceCollection
type VirtualMedia100VirtualMedia ¶
type VirtualMedia100VirtualMedia struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // Current virtual media connection methods // Read Only: true ConnectedVia string `json:"ConnectedVia,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Uniquely identifies the resource within the collection of like resources. // Read Only: true ID string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // A URI providing the location of the selected image // Read Only: true Image string `json:"Image,omitempty"` // The current image name // Read Only: true ImageName string `json:"ImageName,omitempty"` // Indicates if virtual media is inserted in the virtual device. // Read Only: true Inserted *bool `json:"Inserted,omitempty"` // This is the media types supported as virtual media. // Read Only: true MediaTypes []string `json:"MediaTypes"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` // Indicates the media is write protected. // Read Only: true WriteProtected *bool `json:"WriteProtected,omitempty"` }
VirtualMedia100VirtualMedia This is the schema definition for the Virtual Media Service. swagger:model VirtualMedia.1.0.0_VirtualMedia
type VirtualMediaCollectionVirtualMediaCollection ¶
type VirtualMediaCollectionVirtualMediaCollection struct { // at odata context // Read Only: true AtOdataContext strfmt.URI `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"` // at odata id // Read Only: true AtOdataID strfmt.URI `json:",omitempty"` // at odata type // Read Only: true AtOdataType string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"` // Provides a description of this resource and is used for commonality in the schema definitions. // Read Only: true Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Contains the members of this collection. // Read Only: true Members []*Odata400IDRef `json:"Members"` // members at odata count // Read Only: true MembersAtOdataCount float64 `json:"Members@odata.count,omitempty"` MembersAtOdataNavigationLink *Odata400IDRef `json:"Members@odata.navigationLink,omitempty"` // The name of the resource or array element. // Read Only: true Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // This is the manufacturer/provider specific extension moniker used to divide the Oem object into sections. Oem ResourceOem `json:"Oem,omitempty"` }
VirtualMediaCollectionVirtualMediaCollection virtual media collection virtual media collection swagger:model VirtualMediaCollection_VirtualMediaCollection
Source Files
- account_service100_account_service.go
- c_i_m_c_boot_image_boot_image.go
- c_i_m_c_boot_image_boot_image_list.go
- c_i_m_c_boot_image_network_address.go
- c_i_m_c_boot_image_network_device.go
- c_i_m_c_boot_image_users.go
- c_i_m_c_reset_action_reset_action.go
- chassis100_chassis.go
- chassis100_reset.go
- chassis_collection_chassis_collection.go
- computer_system100_boot.go
- computer_system100_computer_system.go
- computer_system100_memory_summary.go
- computer_system100_processor_summary.go
- computer_system100_reset.go
- computer_system_collection_computer_system_collection.go
- error_response.go
- ethernet_interface100_ethernet_interface.go
- ethernet_interface100_ip_v6_address_policy_entry.go
- ethernet_interface_collection_ethernet_interface_collection.go
- event_destination100_event_destination.go
- event_destination100_http_header_property.go
- event_destination_collection_event_destination_collection.go
- event_service100_event_service.go
- event_service100_submit_test_event.go
- ip_addresses100_ip_v4_address.go
- ip_addresses100_ip_v6_address.go
- ip_addresses100_ip_v6_static_address.go
- json_schema_file100_json_schema_file.go
- json_schema_file100_location.go
- json_schema_file_collection_json_schema_file_collection.go
- log_entry100_log_entry.go
- log_entry_collection_log_entry_collection.go
- log_service100_clear_log.go
- log_service100_log_service.go
- log_service_collection_log_service_collection.go
- manager100_command_shell.go
- manager100_force_failover.go
- manager100_graphical_console.go
- manager100_manager.go
- manager100_modify_redundancy_set.go
- manager100_reset.go
- manager100_serial_console.go
- manager_account100_manager_account.go
- manager_account100_manager_account_post.go
- manager_account_collection_manager_account_collection.go
- manager_collection_manager_collection.go
- manager_network_protocol100_manager_network_protocol.go
- manager_network_protocol100_protocol.go
- manager_network_protocol100_s_s_d_protocol.go
- message100_message.go
- message_registry_file100_location.go
- message_registry_file100_message_registry_file.go
- message_registry_file_collection_message_registry_file_collection.go
- odata400_id_ref.go
- power100_power.go
- power100_power_control.go
- power100_power_limit.go
- power100_power_metric.go
- power100_power_supply.go
- power100_voltage.go
- processor100_processor.go
- processor100_processor_id.go
- processor_collection_processor_collection.go
- resource_oem.go
- resource_status.go
- role100_role.go
- role_collection_role_collection.go
- serial_interface100_serial_interface.go
- serial_interface_collection_serial_interface_collection.go
- service_root100_service_root.go
- session100_session.go
- session_collection_session_collection.go
- session_service100_session_service.go
- simple_storage100_device.go
- simple_storage100_simple_storage.go
- simple_storage_collection_simple_storage_collection.go
- task100_task.go
- task_collection_task_collection.go
- task_service100_task_service.go
- test_event.go
- thermal100_fan.go
- thermal100_temperature.go
- thermal100_thermal.go
- v_lan_network_interface100_v_l_a_n.go
- v_lan_network_interface_collection_v_lan_network_interface_collection.go
- virtual_media100_virtual_media.go
- virtual_media_collection_virtual_media_collection.go