Documentation ¶
Overview ¶
The gotomd utility provides for the maintenance of github README.MD style pages by permitting go files, go documentation and go test output to be included by reference into the github file directly from the Go code permitting program documentation to be maintained in one place (the Go code.)
It can use a template file (```.*```) or can maintain a ```*.md``` file in place.
Usage of gotomd [-c | -r] [-fvl] [-p perm] [-o outDir] [-U file] [-u uint] path [path...]
The flags are:
-c Reverse operation and remove generated markdown (Cannot be used with the -r option). Files with a .md extension are expected with an file being produced with a leading dot. -f Do not confirm overwrite of destination. -l Display license before program exits. -o string Direct all output to the specified directory. (default ".") -p int Permissions to use when creating new file (can only set RW bits). (default 420) -r Replace the *.MD in place (Cannot be used with the -c flag). -v Provide more information when processing.
Directives are placed into the ```.*``` file (or directly into the ```*.md``` document if the replace in place option is given. These directives are embedded into HTML style comments.
```html <!--- gotomd::ACTION::PARAMETERS --> ```
where ACTION can be one of the following:
- gotomd::doc::./relativeDirectory/goObject
Run the go doc command on the object listed from the directory specified. The PARAMETER is formatted with the relative directory up to the last directory separator before the end of the string and the desired object. A special object package returns the package comments.
- gotomd::dcls::./relativeDirectory/declaredObject ListOfDeclaredGoObjects
Pull out the declaration for the object and include as a single-line regardless of how declared in the go code. The Parameter is a list of go functions, methods and constants (more object coming) to be included in a go code block. No comments are included.
- gotomd::dcln::./relativeDirectory/declaredObject ListOfDeclaredGoObjects
Pull the declaration and include exactly as declared in the go source including leading comments.
- gotomd::dcl::./relativeDirectory/declaredObject ListOfDeclaredGoObjects
Pull the declaration and include exactly as declared in the go source. No Comments are included.
- gotomd::tst::goTest::./relativeDirectory/testName
Run go test with the tests listed (or package) to run all tests and included the output.
- gotomd::file::./relativeDirectory/fName
Include the specified file in a code block.
- gotomd::run::./relativeDirectory [args ...]
Have go run the package (assumes main) in the specified directory passing the arguments as listed.
When expanded in the target file the content will be framed by similar comments prefixed with 'Bgn' and 'End' as:
const sztestBgnPrefix = sztestPrefix + "Bgn::" const sztestEndPrefix = sztestPrefix + "End::"
A header prefixed with ¶
const szAutoPrefix = sztestPrefix + "Auto::"
and a blank line following will be inserted into the output file. If the action is not "replace in place" then an addition **DO NOT MODIFY** warning is included.
Source Files ¶
Directories ¶
Path | Synopsis |
Package example1 exists in order to test various go to git markdown (gToMD) extraction utilities.
Package example1 exists in order to test various go to git markdown (gToMD) extraction utilities. |
Package example2 exists in order to test various go to git markdown (gToMD) extraction utilities.
Package example2 exists in order to test various go to git markdown (gToMD) extraction utilities. |
Provides a simple example to test go run functionality.
Provides a simple example to test go run functionality. |