Wedding accepts container image builds mocking the http interface of a docker daemon.
It schedules tasks as jobs to Kubernetes.
Images are build using buildkit.
Images are taged using skopeo.
This enables running Tilt setups in gitlab pipelines without running a docker in docker daemon or exposing a host docker socket.
Building images remotely allows to work from locations with slow internet upstream (home office).
Use case 1
Using docker cli to build and push an image from within gitlab ci, without a running docker daemon.
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://wedding:2375
docker build -t registry/user/image:tag .
Use case 2
Using tilt to set up and test an environment from within gitlab ci, without a running docker daemon.
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://wedding:2375
tilt ci
Use case 3
Using tilt to set up a development environment without running a local docker daemon.
Terminal 1
kubectl port-forward svc/wedding 2375:2375
Terminal 2
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
tilt up