This is a translation tool for translating content from input file into target language by using google cloud translate.
Currently support json, yaml, html and plain text formats.
The supported json format is:
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
The supported yaml format is:
key1: value1
key2: value2
Run by docker
- Print usage
docker run --rm dakalab/translate -h
- Get available languages:
docker run --rm -e GCLOUD_API_KEY=your-key dakalab/translate -l
- Translate
docker run --rm -e GCLOUD_API_KEY=your-key dakalab/translate -i "input-file" -o "output-file" -s source-language -t target-language
Below is a simple example which will translate the demo.json into Chinese and output to stdout:
docker run --rm -e GCLOUD_API_KEY=your-key -v $PWD/testfiles/demo.json:/demo.json dakalab/translate -i "/demo.json" -s en -t zh
Example of translating yaml file:
docker run --rm -e GCLOUD_API_KEY=your-key -v $PWD/testfiles/demo.yml:/demo.yml dakalab/translate -i "/demo.yml" -s en -t zh
Example of translating html file:
docker run --rm -e GCLOUD_API_KEY=your-key -v $PWD/testfiles/demo.txt:/demo.html dakalab/translate -i "/demo.html" -s en -t zh
Run by local golang
go get -u github.com/dakalab/translate
- Print usage
translate -h
- Get available languages:
GCLOUD_API_KEY=your-key translate -l
- Translate
GCLOUD_API_KEY=your-key translate -i "input-json-file" -o "output-json-file" -s source-language -t target-language
Below is a simple example which will translate the demo.json into Chinese and output to stdout:
GCLOUD_API_KEY=your-key translate -i "./testfiles/demo.json" -t zh
Example of translating yaml file:
GCLOUD_API_KEY=your-key translate -i "./testfiles/demo.yml" -t zh
Example of translating html file:
GCLOUD_API_KEY=your-key translate -i "./testfiles/demo.html" -t zh
If you do not want to specify google cloud api key everytime, you can export it to your ENV variable.
For Mac / Linux users, you can simply run export GCLOUD_API_KEY=your-key