lu is a terminal client for Yandex.Dictionary and Yandex.Translate services.
In order to use it please set the LU_YANDEX_DICTIONARY_API_KEY and LU_YANDEX_TRANSLATE_API_KEY environment
variables. The corresponding API keys can be obtained at https://api.yandex.ru
- gets stuff to translate from command line arguments, from files (one lookup per line) or interactively from STDIN
- multiple languages to translate to
- outputs translation to STDOUT, text or html files.
- output can be sorted alphabetically by request strings
- default languages to translate from and to can be specified using environment variables
You can build lu from source using the go get -u github.com/dafanasev/lu
command or download binaries from https://github.com/dafanasev/lu/releases
Application Options:
-f, --from= language to translate from [$LU_DEFAULT_FROM_LANG]
-t, --to= languages to translate to [$LU_DEFAULT_TO_LANGS]
-i, --source= source file name
-o, --output= destination file name
-s, --sort sort alphabetically
-l, --languages show supported languages
-v, --version show version
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
environment variable can be used to specify a list of destination languages, with the colon used as separator, e.g. ru:it:de
$ lu -fen -tde -i in.txt -o out.txt
translates stuff from in.txt from english to german and writes translations to out.txt
$ lu -fen -tru -tit -tde -i in.txt
translates stuff from in.txt from english to russian, italian and german writes translations to STDOUT
$ lu -i in.txt -o out.html
translates stuff from in.txt using default languages specified in the $LU_DEFAULT_FROM_LANG and $LU_DEFAULT_TO_LANGS
environment variables and writes translations to out.html
$ lu -o out.html -s
translates stuff from STDIN and writes translations to STDOUT AND out.html sorted by requests phrases
$ lu
translates stuff from STDIN using default languages and writes translations to STDOUT