
Heimdall is inspired by the ZeroTrust idea and also by Promerium and Ory's OAthkeeper. Some experience with both and my inability to update the latter one to include the desired functionality and behavior was Heimdall's born hour.
Heimdall's Promise
Heimdall authenticates and authorizes incoming HTTP requests as well as enriches these with further contextual information and finally transforms resulting subject information into a format, required by the upstream services.
This decision and transformation process can be controlled by each and every upstream service individually via rules, respectively rule sets, which heimdall can load from different sources, like
- the local file system,
- any HTTP endpoint,
- cloud storages, like AWS S3, Google's GC, etc. and
kubernetes resources (a corresponding CRD is shipped with the helm chart)
That way, these rule sets can not only be managed centrally, but be deployed together with each particular upstream service as well without the need to restart or redeploy heimdall. Indeed, these rule sets are optional first class citizens of the upstream service and allow:
- implementation of secure defaults. If no rule matches the incoming request, a default decision and transformation, if configured, is applied. This is the reason for "optional first class citizens" above.
- configuration of as many authentication, authorization, contextualization and unification mechanisms, supported by heimdall, as required for the particular system. So, if your system requires integration with multiple authentication providers, or you want to migrate from one to another - it is just a matter of configuring them in heimdall.
- reuse and combination of these mechanisms in as many rules, as required for the particular system.
- partial reconfiguration of a particular mechanism in a rule if required by the upstream service.
- authentication mechanism fallbacks
- implementation of different decision process schemes by combining e.g. authentication mechanisms with error handlers to drive authentication mechanism specific error handling strategies.
- execution of authorization and contextualization mechanisms in any order; that way, if the information about your subject, available from the authentication system, is not sufficient to make proper authorization decisions, you can let heimdall call other services to retrieve that additional information.
- conditional execution of authorization, contextualization and unification mechanisms is possible, e.g. if depending on the available information about the subject you would like heimdall to either block the request, or let the upstream return different representations of the requested resource.
In sense of a deployment, heimdall is supposed to be used either as
- a Reverse Proxy in front of your upstream service/API or web server that rejects unauthorized requests and forwards authorized ones to your end points, or as
- a Decision Service, which integrates with your Reverse Proxy or API Gateway (Kong, NGNIX, Envoy, Traefik, etc) and then acts as a Policy Decision Point. This is also the preferred mode of operation.
Head over to the documentation for details or if you would like to give it a try.
Beyond the Functionality
Heimdall's main focus points beyond its functionality are:
- Performance - To achieve this, Heimdall makes use of Fiber and does not load or convert data during execution whenever possible. This is also true for reflection use.
- Clear abstractions - To allow extensibility and even replacement components if required, like e.g. of the currently used HTTP engine, and this without any side effects.
- Simplicity - To allow better understanding of code to everybody, who would like to contribute.
Current State
The current implementation is an alpha version. That means it does not solve all the problems heimdall aims to solve. With other words a lot of functionality is missing. In addition, alpha version means, there will be breaking changes. Nevertheless, the code base is stable and pretty good tested. Functionality already supported can be found in Release descriptions. Planned features can be found in the defined Milestones.
If you ...
- ... like the project - please give it a ⭐
- ... miss something, or found a bug, file a ticket. You are also very welcome to contribute 😉
- ... would like to support, reach out to me via Discord
- ... need help, head over to Discord as well