
for demo purposes, we have created a cli daemon using hashicorp's plugin-over-rpc
the system has 3 binaries :
: a single binary that just encrypts data at a given path . it cannot be executed on it's own ,main dare daemon has to be the one that starts it due to using plugin-over-rpc system
: a single binary that just decrypts data at a given path . it cannot be executed on it's own ,main dare daemon has to be the one that starts it due to using plugin-over-rpc system
: main software . it starts a long running daemon. it also exposes a json RPC 2.0 api endpoint
users interact with the api endpoint it exposes. By sending curl request to localhost:8080/rpc
it executes enxryption requests or decryption request; the type of service it executes is based on the json request it recieves.
How it executes request ? lets say it got a request for encryption :
It would start the binary that is encryptor plugin (path to that binary has to be fed
to dare at start , eg bin/encryptor-plugin)
it would establish connection over tcp socket with the binary . at this instance,
dare daemon would act as a client of encryptor plugin which behaves as server.
there is a handshake process based on a shared secret for dare-plugin connection establishment
the plugin would do it's job, i.e open file, encrypt the file and store
it and it would send a reply back to dare daemon with post and pre encryption hashes.
dare daemon would reply to user a json message that is its reply.
request procedure calls
messages are autogenerated with protocol buffer compiler. the same message format is used both
for marshalling/unmarshalling JSON messages and gRPC messages.
the protocol buffer file is located at $PWD/model/model.proto
the following are our messages
message Hash {
string md5 = 1;
string sha256 = 2;
message EncryptRequest {
string source = 1;
string destination = 2;
string key = 3;
message EncryptResponse {
Hash output_hash = 1;
string random_nonce = 2;
string random_key = 3;
message DecryptRequest {
string source = 1;
string destination = 2;
string nonce = 3;
string key = 4;
message DecryptResponse {
Hash output_hash = 1;
in encrypt request
, a source file path (plain text input) , destination path (encrypted ouput)
and an optional 32 byte encryption key is needed. in case encryption key is not provided, the plugin backend
would automatically generate a random key and put it in random_key
field of encrypt response
a random nonce is always generated and included in encrypt response. for validation purposes , encrypted file
md5 hash and sha256 is also inclueded in the response
in decrypt request
, besides a source path (encrypted file input) and destination path (decrypted output),
a nonce and encryption key is required. nonce is autogenerated and should be taken from encrypt response
encryption key is either already known (user-defined) or autogenerated and included in encrypt response
which must be provided
to this request. decrypt response
contains md5 hash and sha256 hash of decrypted file.
daemon <-> plugin
the comminucation between dare daemon and plugin's uses google's protocol buffer
encoding format and gRPC
for connection esteblishment and rpc execution.
the code for encoding/decoding messages and establishing connection between client and server ,
and message exchange is auto generated with protocol buffer compiler(protoc).
to recompile the protocol buffer file, open terminal in $PWD/model
and run the following
make proto
keep in mind that besides main protoc
binary , you would need to install the other dependancies,
which can be installed by running the following int terminal
GO111MODULE=off go get -v github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go
GO111MODULE=off go get -v github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto
GO111MODULE=off go get -v github.com/gogo/protobuf/jsonpb
GO111MODULE=off go get -v github.com/gogo/protobuf/protoc-gen-gogo
GO111MODULE=off go get -v github.com/gogo/protobuf/gogoproto
GO111MODULE=off go get -v github.com/gogo/protobuf/protoc-gen-gofast
GO111MODULE=off go get -v github.com/gogo/protobuf/protoc-gen-gogofast
GO111MODULE=off go get -v github.com/gogo/protobuf/protoc-gen-gogofaster
GO111MODULE=off go get -v github.com/gogo/protobuf/protoc-gen-gogoslick
thanks to using plugin-over-rpc system , anyone can write plugin for
dare daemon in any language and expand it's capabalities; since message
exchange between dare daemon and plugin happens over tcp socket
and decoder and encoder is autogenerated based on language with protoc, which can generate code
for any language.
to learn more about plugin-over-rpc format, it's internals and security model head over and read
go-plugin internals
daemon <-> user
comminucation between dare daemon and user uses simple json encoding and following JSON RPC 2.0
due to using this specification, our api endpoint is significantly simpler, in fact, all rpc calls are send to a single endpoint /rpc
JSON RPC 2.0 has a very specific message format. the following are examples for Encrypt Request and Decrypt Request JSON messages :
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "Service.Encrypt",
"params": {
"source": "/tmp/plain",
"destination": "/tmp/encrypted",
"key": "63b76723eb3f9d4f4862b73ff7e39b93c4de129feb4885f1f3feb74dd456e3a5"
"id": "1"
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "Service.Decrypt",
"params": {
"source": "/tmp/encrypted",
"destination": "/tmp/decrypted",
"nonce": "e12ffdfa6cb6e56238935e32604cfa5538d3ad51a3542daa",
"key": "63b76723eb3f9d4f4862b73ff7e39b93c4de129feb4885f1f3feb74dd456e3a5"
"id": "2"
assuming you have curl
and jq
installed, are using a POSIX
shell , and the api is running at port 8080
you can encode and send messages with the following commands
jq -n \
--arg source "/tmp/plain" \
--arg destination "/tmp/encrypted" \
--arg key "63b76723eb3f9d4f4862b73ff7e39b93c4de129feb4885f1f3feb74dd456e3a5" \
--arg id "1" \
--arg method "Service.Encrypt" \
'{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method":$method,"params":{"source": $source, "destination":$destination,"key":$key},"id": $id}' | curl \
--silent \
--header "Content-type: application/json" \
--data @- \ | jq -r
jq -n \
--arg source "/tmp/encrypted" \
--arg destination "/tmp/decrypted" \
--arg nonce "e12ffdfa6cb6e56238935e32604cfa5538d3ad51a3542daa" \
--arg key "63b76723eb3f9d4f4862b73ff7e39b93c4de129feb4885f1f3feb74dd456e3a5" \
--arg id "2" \
--arg method "Service.Decrypt" \
'{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method":$method,"params":{"source": $source, "destination":$destination, "nonce":$nonce, "key":$key},"id": $id}' | curl \
--silent \
--header "Content-type: application/json" \
--data @- \ | jq -r
to simplify build process, we have prepared a pipeline with gnu make
. the make pipeline is located at
and go targets are under $PWD/build/target/go
. the pipeline is highly customizable so
one can experiment with it. It also can run build in a docker container. build environment configuration is located
under $PWD/build/target/buildenv
- to build for your current os run
make build
. build result binaries would be under $PWD/bin
- to cross-compile for linux current os run
make build-linux
.build result binaries would be under $PWD/bin/linux
- to cross-compile for darwin (mac os) current os run
.build result binaries would be under $PWD/bin/darwin/
- to cross-compile for windows current os run
. build result binaries would be under $PWD/bin/windows
. change the extension to .exe
after build.
this is the main subcommand.It starts data at rest encryption daemon. it is a long running process
that exposes an API endpoint at /rpc
which intercepts user JSON messages,
relays them to encrypt/decrypt plugins.
considering that it is a daemon , it would be best to start it as a background process so that it doesn't block your terminal
use the following command to start the daemon as a background process ,
assuming that you are running a posix
shell and $PWD/server.log
is where you want to store deamon output.
port="8080";output="$PWD/server.log";$PWD/bin/dare daemon --api-addr="$port" > "$output" 2>&1 &
to kill any existing daemon process ,in case there is a runtime error which is mostly due to trying to bind
to a port that a previously daemon is already bound to , run the following
for pid in $(ps | grep "dare" | awk '{print $$1}'); do kill -9 "$pid"; done
to simplify starting the daemon, we have already created a make target in main makefile located at $PWD/Makefile
simply run make run
which would kill any running daemon instances and starts it in background mode.
to change the port it binds to , update PORT
variable at the start of $PWD/Makefile
coming up with 32 byte long hex encoded encryption key string can be tedious. this subcommand helps with
randomly generating a new 32 byte long hex encoded encryption key string.
most often in linux , to generate random files , we use gnu coreutils dd
tool . the following is an example that
generates a 50 MB
file with dd
and stores it at /tmp/plain
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/tmp/plain bs=1048576 count=50
the generated file is a human unreadable blob.
now, one might be using windows in which dd
is not available or wants to generate a human readable blob, then they
can use dare dd
subcommand. it generates a human readable json file, filled with lorem ipsums.
to simplify random file generation, we have setup two make targets in main makefile make linux-dd
and make dd
make linux-dd
generates random blob with gnu coreutils dd
make dd
generates a json file filled with random data using dare dd
to customize behavior , change FILE_SIZE
variables at the start of $PWD/Makefile
keep in mind that the unit of number in FILE_SIZE
is Megabytes.
to fast track and simplify demo process , we have created two make targets make demo-encrypt
and make demo-decrypt
follow the following procedure to build, run , generate random file, encrypt and decrypt it :
build : make build
run daemon : make run
you can see server output by opening server.log . e.g:
tail -f server.log
generate a random file either by running make dd
or make linux-dd
try encrypting file by running make demo-encrypt
based on current makefile variables, it generates a random 50MB
file and encrypts it
open $PWD/Makefile
and update NONCE
and KEY
variables in it with the response you get from daemon
run make demo-decrypt