Terraform script provider
This provider contains a single "script"
resource which delegates the resource cycle completely to your local CRUD
Also please note that this should be used ONLY if there is no official provider for the thing you are trying to provide with this resource (or if it doesn't work very well yet). g
resource "script" "new" {
create = ["pwsh", "${path.root}/create.ps1", "-NoLogo"]
read = ["pwsh", "${path.root}/read.ps1", "##ID##", "-NoLogo"]
update = ["pwsh", "${path.root}/update.ps1", "##ID##", "##RES##"]
delete = ["pwsh", "${path.root}/delete.ps1", "##ID##"]
target_state = ["pwsh", "${path.root}/target-state.ps1", "-NoLogo"]
working_dir = path.root
Except working_dir
, all attributes accept a list of strings
expressing the script that should run, where the first element should be the interpreter
(pwsh, bash, etc.). The code handling these command is the same code that handles the
external data resource.
- target_state: This script provides the target state of the object you want to save in the terraform state. The target state is really just a simple string and it can be anything but I recommend to return a serialized JSON because terraform can detect and show parsed changes of individual properties/values inside the JSON when creating the plan.
- create: Script to run during resource creation
- the script has to write into output a specific JSON structure (see below)
- read: Script to run when obtaining the existing resource
- placeholder
is replaced with the resource id in the script arguments - the script has to write into output a specific JSON structure (see below)
- placeholder
- update: Script to run when the target state differs from the current state
- placeholder
is replaced with the resource id in the script arguments - placeholder
is replaced with the resource string in the script arguments - this script should not write anything to output
- placeholder
- delete: Script to run when the resource should be deleted
- placeholder
is replaced with the resource id in the script arguments - this script should not write anything to output
- placeholder
- working_dir: Working directory of the running script
JSON schema of create & read outputs
"id" : "ID of your resource",
"resource" : "the resource string"
There is no documentation for this package.
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