Tools to manage robocar
Display events on live frames.
rc-tool display
Usage of display:
-frame-path string
Directory path where to read jpeg frame to inject in frame topic
-frame-per-second int
Video frame per second of frame to publish (default 25)
-mqtt-broker string
Broker Uri, use MQTT_BROKER env if arg not set (default "tcp://")
-mqtt-client-id string
Mqtt client id, use MQTT_CLIENT_ID env if args not set (default "robocar-tools")
-mqtt-password string
Broker Password, MQTT_PASSWORD env if args not set
-mqtt-qos int
Qos to pusblish message, use MQTT_QOS env if arg not set
Retain mqtt message, if not set, true if MQTT_RETAIN env variable is set
-mqtt-topic-frame string
Mqtt topic that contains frame to display, use MQTT_TOPIC_FRAME if args not set
-mqtt-topic-objects string
Mqtt topic that contains detected objects, use MQTT_TOPIC_OBJECTS if args not set
-mqtt-topic-road string
Mqtt topic that contains road description, use MQTT_TOPIC_ROAD if args not set
-mqtt-username string
Broker Username, use MQTT_USERNAME env if arg not set
Display detected objects
Display detected road
Record event for tensorflow training
rc-tools record
Usage of record:
-mqtt-broker string
Broker Uri, use MQTT_BROKER env if arg not set (default "tcp://")
-mqtt-client-id string
Mqtt client id, use MQTT_CLIENT_ID env if args not set (default "robocar-tools")
-mqtt-password string
Broker Password, MQTT_PASSWORD env if args not set
-mqtt-qos int
Qos to pusblish message, use MQTT_QOS env if arg not set
Retain mqtt message, if not set, true if MQTT_RETAIN env variable is set
-mqtt-topic-records string
Mqtt topic that contains record data for training, use MQTT_TOPIC_RECORDS if args not set
-mqtt-username string
Broker Username, use MQTT_USERNAME env if arg not set
-record-image-path string
Path where to write jpeg files, use RECORD_IMAGE_PATH if args not set
-record-json-path string
Path where to write json files, use RECORD_JSON_PATH if args not set
Debug record:
go run ./cmd/rc-tools display record -mqtt-broker tcp://diabolo.local:1883 -mqtt-username satanas -mqtt-password satanas -mqtt-client-id display-record -mqtt-topic-records car/satanas/part/records