basic terminal irc client in go, intended for use with tor.
$ go install github.com/cyberworm-uk/i6r9c/cmd@main
$ ~/go/bin/cmd -h
Usage of /home/cyberworm-uk/go/bin/cmd:
-nick string
IRC nickname to use.
-proxy string
URL schema of proxy, [scheme]://[server]:[port]. (default "socks5://")
-sasl string
SASL cert and key prefix (I.E foo/bar for foo/bar.crt and foo/bar.key)
-server string
URL schema of server, [scheme]://[server]:[port]. irc for non-TLS, ircs for TLS. (default "ircs://irc.oftc.net:6697/")
Verify TLS certificates (I.E. an .onion with TLS but no valid cert.) (default true)
alternatively, as a container
$ podman run --rm -it ghcr.io/cyberworm-uk/i6r9c -h
Usage of /irc:
-nick string
IRC nickname to use.
-proxy string
URL schema of proxy, [scheme]://[server]:[port]. (default "socks5://")
-sasl string
SASL cert and key prefix (I.E foo/bar for foo/bar.crt and foo/bar.key)
-server string
URL schema of server, [scheme]://[server]:[port]. irc for non-TLS, ircs for TLS. (default "ircs://irc.oftc.net:6697/")
Verify TLS certificates (I.E. an .onion with TLS but no valid cert.) (default true)
or built locally
$ podman build -t localhost/i6r9c:latest -f Containerfile
$ podman run -it localhost/i6r9c:latest -h
Usage of /irc:
-nick string
IRC nickname to use.
-proxy string
URL schema of proxy, [scheme]://[server]:[port]. (default "socks5://")
-sasl string
SASL cert and key prefix (I.E foo/bar for foo/bar.crt and foo/bar.key)
-server string
URL schema of server, [scheme]://[server]:[port]. irc for non-TLS, ircs for TLS. (default "ircs://irc.oftc.net:6697/")
Verify TLS certificates (I.E. an .onion with TLS but no valid cert.) (default true)
only the container file is needed for the build, as it will handle fetching the source internally.
can be placed with docker
Usage of the client (see: /help
$ podman run -it --rm ghcr.io/cyberworm-uk/i6r9c:latest
[01:25:48] [kinetic.oftc.net@AUTH] *** Looking up your hostname... []
[01:25:48] [kinetic.oftc.net@AUTH] *** Checking Ident []
[01:25:48] [kinetic.oftc.net@AUTH] *** Couldn't look up your hostname []
[01:25:48] [kinetic.oftc.net@AUTH] *** No Ident response []
[01:25:48] [kinetic.oftc.net@quirky_edison] *** Connected securely via TLSv1.3 TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256-128 []
[01:25:48] [001] [kinetic.oftc.net@quirky_edison] Welcome to the OFTC Internet Relay Chat Network quirky_edison []
[01:25:48] [MODE] [quirky_edison@quirky_edison] +i []
[01:25:48] [kinetic.oftc.net@quirky_edison] Activating Cloak: 8VQAAFOZ0.tor-irc.dnsbl.oftc.net []
> /help
/msg <#channel/recipient> [message]
/join <#channel>
/part <#channel> [reason]
/nick <newnick>
/quit [reason]
> /join #oftc
[01:27:05] [quirky_edison!~quirky_ed@8VQAAFOZ0.tor-irc.dnsbl.oftc.net] has joined [#oftc]
[01:27:05] [332] [kinetic.oftc.net@quirky_edison] https://www.oftc.net | OFTC's public support channel. Our social channel is #moocows | Do NOT paste spam when reporting it | Want a cloak/vhost? See https://www.oftc.net/UserCloaks/ | https://www.oftc.net/Privacy_Policy/ [#oftc]
[01:27:05] [366] [kinetic.oftc.net@quirky_edison] End of /NAMES list. [#oftc]
example usage with sasl certfp, e.g. with OFTC NickServ CertFP
mkdir sasl && cd sasl
openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout certfp.key -x509 -days 3650 -out certfp.crt
cd ..
podman pod create --name torpod
podman run --pod torpod -d --rm ghcr.io/cyberworm-uk/arti:latest
podman run --pod torpod -it --rm -v $(pwd)/sasl:/sasl:ro ghcr.io/cyberworm-uk/i6r9c:latest -nick nick -sasl /sasl/certfp