command module
v0.0.0-...-0bd9bcd Latest Latest

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Published: Jul 6, 2020 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 4 Imported by: 0


Table of contents

Get Started

  • Refer to mock server to integrate CYBAVO AuthSec API.


Register New User

Register a new user.

POST /v1/api/users

Request Format

An example of the request:

Post body
  "name": "JOHN DOE",
  "account": "johndoe",
  "email": "",
  "locale": "en",
  "bound_limit": 1

The request includes the following parameters:

Post body
Field Type Description
name string User name
account string User account (SYSTEM UNIQUE ID)
email string User email (OPTIONAL)
locale string User preference locale (en, zh-TW, zh-CN, ja, ko)
bound_limit int The upper bound of binding deivce. <=0: unlimited

The account field is a system-wise unique ID

Response Format

An example of a successful response:

  "account": "johndoe",
  "email": ""

The response includes the following parameters:

Field Type Description
account string Registered user's account
email string Registered user's email
Possible Errors
HTTP Status Code Error Code Error Message
400 103 Account already exists
Refer to Common Errors
Back to top

Pair Device

Pair device with user.

This API has a callback.

POST /v1/api/devices?account=USER_ACCOUNT

Request Format

An example of the reques:

API with query string

The request includes the following parameters:

Query string
Field Type Description
account string Requester account
Response Format

An example of a successful response:

  "order_id": 10000000001,
  "url": ""

The response includes the following parameters:

Field Type Description
order_id int64 Callback ID. Use this ID to identify specific callback.
url string URL to bind device with user. Convert to QR code then scan with CYBAVO Auth APP.

Only retrieve token value from url then covert to QR code to pair.


An example of a callback:

  "behavior_result": 2,
  "behavior_type": 1,
  "order_id": 10000000001,
  "service_id": 5
Possible Errors
Refer to Common Errors
Back to top

Setup PIN Code

Setup user PIN code.

POST /v1/api/user/pin?account=USER_ACCOUNT

Request Format

An example of the request:

API with query string

The request includes the following parameters:

Query string
Field Type Description
account string Requester account
Response Format

An example of a successful response:

  "order_id": 20000000008

The response includes the following parameters:

Field Type Description
order_id int64 Callback ID. Use this ID to identify specific callback.

An example of a callback:

  "behavior_result": 2,
  "behavior_type": 2,
  "order_id": 20000000008,
  "service_id": 2
Possible Errors
Refer to Common Errors
Back to top

Get Devices

Get user paired devices.

GET /v1/api/devices?account=USER_ACCOUNT

Request Format

An example of the request:

API with query string

The request includes the following parameters:

Query string
Field Type Description
account string Requester account
Response Format

An example of a successful response:

  "devices": [
      "name": "OnePlus A0001",
      "platform": "Android 7.1.2",
      "device_id": "83u7FaTEFxDXadF73vMoGfftqpb2VUkqPEcL9wEoUQYC",
      "service_id": 2,
      "last_active_time": 1574305381,
      "create_time": 1574304819

The response includes the following parameters:

Field Type Description
name string Device name
platform string Device platform
device_id string Device UID
service_id int64 ID of linked service
last_active_time int64 Last device active unix time in UTC
create_time int64 Device creation unix time in UTC
Possible Errors
Refer to Common Errors
Back to top

Unpair Devices

Unpair user's devices.

DELETE /v1/api/devices?account=USER_ACCOUNT

Request Format

An example of the request:

API with query string
Post body
  "devices": ["DBLVRUU9dSHjYFBUNQTJrsxMiJN8iz6iRKdXtVdHQawC"]

The request includes the following parameters:

Query string
Field Type Description
account string Requester account
Post body
Field Type Description
devices array of string ID of devices about to unpairing
Response Format

An example of a successful response:

  "removed_devices": [

The response includes the following parameters:

Field Type Description
removed_devices array of string ID of unpaired devices
Possible Errors
Refer to Common Errors
Back to top

Send Push

Send push notification to devices.

POST /v1/api/devices/2fa?account=USER_ACCOUNT

Request Format

An example of the request:

API with query string
Post body
  "type": 1,
  "title": "TITLE OF PUSH",
  "body": "BODY OF PUSH",
  "data": {
    "custom_field01": "CUSTOM MSG",
    "custom_field02": "CUSTOM MSG 02"
  "client_ip": "",
  "client_platform": 1

The request includes the following parameters:

Query string
Field Type Description
account string Requester account
Post body
Field Type Description
type int Service event type
title string Title of push notification
body string Body of push notification
data object User defined custom data
client_ip string Requester IP address
client_platform int Refer to Platform
Response Format

An example of a successful response:

  "success_devices": [
  "action": 2,
  "order_id": 10000000027,
  "matched_policy": {
    "policy_id": 0,
    "rule_type": 0

The response includes the following parameters:

Field Type Description
success_devices array of string ID of devices will get push
action int Refer to Action
order_id int64 ID of callback
matched_policy object Matched policy info, refet to Rule Type

An example of a callback:

  "behavior_result": 2,
  "behavior_type": 1,
  "order_id": 10000000027,
  "service_id": 2
Possible Errors
Refer to Common Errors
Back to top

Get Device 2FA

Get user's devices 2FA status.

GET /v1/api/users/2fa?account=USER_ACCOUNT&start_index=FROM&request_number=COUNT

GET /v1/api/users/2fa?account=USER_ACCOUNT&order_id=CALLBACK_ID

Request Format

An example of the request:

API with query string

The request includes the following parameters:

Query string
Field Type Description
account string Requester account
Response Format

An example of a successful response:

  "items": [
      "order_id": 10000000031,
      "type": 272,
      "user_action": 2,
      "state": 1,
      "updated_time": 1574405409,
      "message_type": 1,
      "message_title": "TITLE OF PUSH",
      "message_body": "BODY OF PUSH",
      "device_sent": 1

The response includes the following parameters:

Field Type Description
order_id int64 Callback ID
type int Refer to 2FA Type
user_action int Refer to User Action
state int Refer to 2FA State
updated_time int64 2FA update unix time in UTC
message_title string Title of push notification
message_body string Body of push notification
message_type int64 Service event type
device_sent int Device count that received this push notification
Possible Errors
Refer to Common Errors
Back to top

Cancel Device 2FA

Cancel the 2FA sent via /v1/api/devices/2fa API.

DELETE /v1/api/users/2fa/ORDER_ID?account=USER_ACCOUNT

Request Format

An example of the request:

API with query string

The request includes the following parameters:

Query string
Field Type Description
account string Requester account
Response Format

An example of a successful response:

  "canceled_devices": [

The response includes the following parameters:

Field Type Description
canceled_devices array of string Devices' 2FA has been canceled
Possible Errors
Refer to Common Errors
Back to top

Get User Info

Get user info.

GET /v1/api/users/me?account=USER_ACCOUNT

Request Format

An example of the request:

API with query string

The request includes the following parameters:

Query string
Field Type Description
account string Requester account
Response Format

An example of a successful response:

  "account": "johndoe",
  "user_email": "",
  "service_id": 2,
  "device_count": 1,
  "is_setup_pin": true

The response includes the following parameters:

Field Type Description
account string User account
user_email string User email
service_id int64 Service ID
device_count int Count of paired devices
is_setup_pin boolean PIN is set or not
Possible Errors
Refer to Common Errors
Back to top

Query Callback Status

Query callbacks' status belong to requester's company.

POST /v1/api/order/status

Request Format

An example of the request:

API with query string
Post body
  "order_ids": [

The request includes the following parameters:

Query string
Field Type Description
account string Requester account
Post body
Field Type Description
order_ids array ID of callbacks
Response Format

An example of a successful response:

  "order_status": [
      "is_exist": true,
      "order_id": 10000000006,
      "behavior_type": 1,
      "behavior_result": 0,
      "addon": {}
      "is_exist": true,
      "order_id": 20000000010,
      "behavior_type": 2,
      "behavior_result": 2,
      "addon": {}

The response includes the following parameters:

Field Type Description
is_exist boolean This order_id exists or not
order_id int64 ID of callback
behavior_type int View callback definition
behavior_result int View callback definition
addon object The custom fields of request

Verify User TOTP

Verify user's totp.

GET /v1/api/users/totpverify?account=USER_ACCOUNT&code=TOTP

Request Format

An example of the request:

API with query string

The request includes the following parameters:

Query string
Field Type Description
account string Requester account
code int totp
Response Format

An example of a successful response:

  "result": true

The response includes the following parameters:

Field Type Description
result boolean The result of totp verification

Send Login OTP to Email

Users click the link in email to login

POST /v1/api/users/emailotp?account=USER_ACCOUNT

Request Format

An example of the request:

API with query string
Post body
Field Type Description
mode int verification type. 0: String, 1: Number
length int The length of verification code (Option: default vaule of number mode is 6 and string mode is 32)
duration int Verfiication code will expire after x minute (Option: default vaule is 10 min)
redirect_url string URL in email with verification code and state
state string Defined by Service Provider. Service Provider will create link with a "verification code" and the same "state" parameter you provided. Service provider can verify the same state to make sure that this request sent by it.

The request includes the following parameters:

Query string
Field Type Description
account string Requester account
Response Format

An example of a successful response:

  "action_token": "Ek7b9nXGEYgXpZFjGBprwwzZsL3rNSRFyUUzMYXS5ns2"

* Service Provider should store state, account and actiontoken after receiving actiontoken. When user clicks the login link in email, Service Provider retrieves state and token by URL. Then call Verify Login Email API with account, actiontoken to verify token.

Verify Login Email OTP

Users click the link in email to login, and service provider retrive login token to verify

GET /v1/api/users/emailotp/verify?account=USER_ACCOUNT&actiontoken=ACTION_TOKEN&token=TOKEN

Request Format

An example of the request:

API with query string

The request includes the following parameters:

Query string
Field Type Description
account string Requester account
actiontoken string In resposne of Send Login OTP to Email
token string Token in email
Response Format

An example of a successful response:

    "result": true

Send verification code to user's email

Send verification code and redirect to service provider after user click link in email

POST /v1/api/users/info/email?account=USER_ACCOUNT

Request Format

An example of the request:

API with query string

The request includes the following parameters:

Query string
Field Type Description
account string Requester account
Post body
Field Type Description
mode int verification type. 0: String, 1: Number
length int The length of verification code (Option: default vaule of number mode is 6 and string mode is 32)
duration int Verfiication code will expire after x minute (Option: default vaule is 10 min)
redirect_url string URL in email with verification code and state
state string Defined by Service Provider. Service Provider will create link with a "verification code" and the same "state" parameter you provided. Service provider can verify the same state to make sure that this request sent by it.
Response Format
Field Type Description
action_token string Verify verification code with this action token.

An example of a successful response:

  "action_token": "HnnTG7MQ1hUcrRtTFx9g4bHvogTCr48hMRbUqDxrjR2E"

* Service Provider should store state, account and actiontoken after receiving actiontoken. When user clicks the login link in email, Service Provider retrieves state and verification code by URL. Then call Check Verfiication Code with account, actiontoken to verify verification code.

Check verification code

Check verification code

GET /v1/api/users/info/verify?account=USER_ACCOUNT&actiontoken=ACTION_TOKEN&token=TOKEN

Request Format

An example of the request:

API with query string

The request includes the following parameters:

Query string
Field Type Description
account string Requester account
actiontoken string In resposne of Send Verification Email
token string Verification code
Response Format
Field Type Description
result bool Pass: TRUE, Failed: FALSE

An example of a successful response:

  "result": true

Update User Information

Update user's name, email, locale and phone setting

POST /v1/api/users/edit?account=USER_ACCOUNT

Request Format

An example of the request:

API with query string

The request includes the following parameters:

Query string
Field Type Description
account string Requester account
Post body
Field Type Description
name string User's name
email string User's email
locale string User's locale, such as en, zh-TW, jp, ...
phone string User's phone
  "name": "John",
  "email": "",
  "locale": "en",
  "phone": "+886123456",
Response Format
Field Type Description
result int 1: Success

An example of a successful response:

  "result": 1

Delete User

Delete user's data in AuthSec server to compliance with GDPR

DELETE /v1/api/users/remove?account=USER_ACCOUNT

Request Format

An example of the request:

API with query string

The request includes the following parameters:

Query string
Field Type Description
account string Requester account
Response Format
Field Type Description
result int 1: Success

An example of a successful response:

  "result": 1

Check AuthSec Server status

Check AuthSec Server status

GET /v1/api/healthy

Request Format

An example of the request:

API with query string
Response Format
Field Type Description
result int 1: Ready

An example of a successful response:

  "result": 1

Mock Server

Setup Configuration

Set following configuration in

Require API code and API secret on web admin console


Register mock server URL

Set notification callback URL on web admin console

Mock server callback URL


To ensure that the service provider has processed the notification callback, the CYBAVO AuthSec API server will continue to send notification callbacks to the service provider until a callback confirmation (HTTP/1.1 200 OK) is received.

How to compile

  • Put sample code to {YOUR_GO_PATH}/src/
  • Execute
    • glide install
    • go build ./mockserver.go
    • ./mockserver

cURL Testing Commands

Register a new user
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"account":"johndoe","name":"JOHN DOE","email":"","locale":"en"}' \

Pair device
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8892/v1/mock/devices?account=johndoe"

Setup PIN code
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8892/v1/mock/users/pin?account=johndoe"

Get devices
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8892/v1/mock/devices?account=johndoe"

Remove devices
curl -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"devices":["DEVICE_ID"]}' \

Send push
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"type":1,"title":"PUSH TITLE","body":"PUSH DESC","data":{"field_1_key":"field_1_value","field_2_key":"field_2_value"},"client_ip":"","client_platform":1}' \

Get device 2FA
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8892/v1/mock/users/2fa?account=johndoe&start_index=FROM&request_number=COUNT"
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8892/v1/mock/users/2fa?account=johndoe&order_id=ORDER_ID"

Cancel device 2FA
curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:8892/v1/mock/users/2fa/ORDER_ID?account=Erline"

Query user info
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8892/v1/mock/users/me?account=johndoe"

Query callback status
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"order_ids":[10000000002,10000000003]}' \

Verify user TOTP
curl http://localhost:8892/v1/mock/users/totpverify?account=johndoe&code=539826

Send Login OTP to Email
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"redirect_url":"http://localhost:8080", "duration":10, "state":"nTG7MQ1hUcrR"}' \

Verify Login OTP
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8892/v1/mock/users/emailotp/verify?account=johndoe&token=ChkReGmPsuh3iMbQUjFGTrCG17WMDzK4FZ6f5na3pMeF&actiontoken=5t8VkLvw94qJtEjH2tiaCmudzW3LzLBpCB355ssdwuqj"

Send verification code to user's email
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"mode":1,"length":32,"otp_type":1,"duration":10,"redirect_url":"http://localhost:8080","state":"nTG7MQ1hUcrR"}' \

Check verification code
curl -X GET -d "http://localhost:8892/v1/mock/users/info/verify?account=johndoe&token=CRXWg64pAGvfm4xdyMi9NAUQefzLuFVkM7oYgt1oixRN&actiontoken=5t8VkLvw94qJtEjH2tiaCmudzW3LzLBpCB355ssdwuqj"

Update user info
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"John","email":"","locale":"en","phone":"+886123456"}' \

Delete user
curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:8892/v1/mock/users/remove?account=johndoe"
Back to top

Server Healthy
curl http://localhost:8892/v1/mock/healthy
Back to top

Other Language Versions

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Callback Definition

Field Type Description
order_id int64 ID of callback
service_id int64 ID of request service
behavior_type int 1 - Pair Device
2 - Setup PIN
9 - Custom Message
behavior_result int 0 - Pending
1 - Rejected
2 - Accepted
3 - Expired
4 - Failed
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Platform Definition

ID Description
1 Android
2 iOS
4 Browser
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Action Definition

ID Description
0 No Action
1 Always Allow
2 Require 2FA
3 Deny Access
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User Action Definition

ID Description
0 Pending
1 Accept
2 Reject
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2FA Type Definition

ID Description
545 Set User PIN
272 Service Accept/Reject Event
769 Service PIN Code Event
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2FA State Definition

ID Description
0 Created
1 Done
2 Passed
3 Canceled
4 Failed
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Rule Type Definition

ID Description
1 Global Rule
2 User Defined Rule
3 Risk Control Rule
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Common Errors

HTTP Status Code Error Code Error Message
400 112 Invalid parameter
400 - JSON unmarshal failure reason
403 - Forbidden
403 703 Operation failed
503 903 KMS out of serivce. Please try again later.
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The Go Gopher

There is no documentation for this package.


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL